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  1. P

    Question Windows 7 20+ minute boot. ntbtlog contents.

    Thanks all, but Samsung magician reports the drive is fine and using the latest firmware. The CMOS battery was replaced 2 years ago, so that's not it either. It's ok., I will just live with it because as I mentioned already, the machine is rarely rebooted.
  2. P

    Question Windows 7 20+ minute boot. ntbtlog contents.

    Everything is backed up. The boot drive is a new Samsung SSD that I cloned the existing 14 year old WD 1TB HD to. This problem was happening long before that change to the SSD though, so it must be something else. It 's a 1TB SSD with over 600GB of free space, so that's also not an issue. As...
  3. P

    Question Windows 7 20+ minute boot. ntbtlog contents.

    So below are some events I copied before and after the computer rebooted. Anything stand out to anyone? Thanks so much! Error 1/4/2024 11:53:55 PM Schannel 36887 None Error 1/4/2024 11:53:55 PM Schannel 36887 None Error 1/4/2024 11:53:35 PM Schannel 36887...
  4. P

    Question Windows 7 20+ minute boot. ntbtlog contents.

    Thank you for the replies all. Yes @mindless1 , you run can msconfig and check off OS Boot information. Optionally you can check off Boot log to create the ntbtlog log file. Unfortunately checking the OS Boot Information option doesn't show anything helpful on the screen. It flashes a few things...
  5. P

    Question Windows 7 20+ minute boot. ntbtlog contents.

    Windows 7 is taking around 20 mins to boot. Turned on logging and filtered only the lines where a device driver isn't loading as that's all that's really in the log other than the successful drivers loading. Searching online, I tried sfc /scannow and if found no issues. I also can CC Cleaner and...
  6. P

    Question Is it possible to tell the age of a hard drive from the command line?

    Thanks for that! I was only aware of Crystal's benchmark tools. Didn't realize they had a disk info tool too. Shows a lot of great info but still no manufacturer's date. I tried HWInfo as well. I work on random computers a lot and getting this info quickly would be useful. I guess I just need to...
  7. P

    Question Is it possible to tell the age of a hard drive from the command line?

    I'd like to know the age of my hard drives without having to open my case and physically look at the labels. I was hoping this could be done from the command line somehow with PowerShell or otherwise. I got some interesting info in PowerShell using the command: Get-PhysicalDisk | select * |...
  8. P

    Solved! Damaged ASUS ROG Swift PG27UQ. Repair or move on?

    Wow, thank you for your brilliant answer! I didn't even think about going this route. I followed a tear down YouTube video that got me inside the monitor as there are no visible screws. The panel model number is M270QAN02.2. is out of stock since it's discontinued, but I found it on...
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    Solved! Damaged ASUS ROG Swift PG27UQ. Repair or move on?

    During my recent move, my ASUS ROG Swift PG27UQ got damaged as shown in the photo included. My heart sank when I first turned it on as this was my fav monitor of all time. :( I was fortunate to have bought it new in early 2020 for $1200 before it grew in popularity and price. A new one now goes...
  10. P

    Question Samsung Magician says 2TB 970 EVO drive is fine, AOMEI Partition Assistant says drive is bad. Which do I believe?

    Thank you for the responses. SeaTools is reporting the drive is fine so I'll stop worrying about it for now. :)
  11. P

    Question Win11 upgrade not working. What am I missing?

    That did the trick, thank you. I was overlooking using Rufus because I had it in my mind Rufus only makes a bootable USB for a clean install and not an in place upgrade. I forgot I can just simply run the setup off the USB stick made by Rufus. I'm getting rusty in my old age. Thanks again! :)
  12. P

    Question Win11 upgrade not working. What am I missing?

    My OS SSD HD crashed, restored a 4 month backup to a new drive. During that lost 4 months I upgraded to Win11 somehow, so now I'm trying once again to upgrade Win10 to Win11 as I did before. I remember using a tool from GitHub, Windows11Upgrade.exe, but it's not working this time. I also tried...
  13. P

    Question Samsung Magician says 2TB 970 EVO drive is fine, AOMEI Partition Assistant says drive is bad. Which do I believe?

    I have a 2TB 970 EVO SSD by Samsung. Samsung Magician says the drive is fine, but AOMEI Partiion Assistant is reporting lots of bad things. I'm putting a screenshot from each of these pieces of software so you can see the difference. Which one do I believe? I'm leaning towards Samsung since they...
  14. P

    Question Will a 4 month old PC backup delete new items in Google Drive, or will Google Drive update the 4 month old Google Drive sync copy on my PC?

    Thanks for the replies. I ended up just playing it safe and uninstalling Google Desktop sync and deleting the entire Google Drive folder. Now I don't have to worry and can just re-sync on the new drive.
  15. P

    Question Will a 4 month old PC backup delete new items in Google Drive, or will Google Drive update the 4 month old Google Drive sync copy on my PC?

    Sorry for the long title. I can't seem to find a clear answer to this question. My OS drive died on me, and on it I had Google Drive for desktop installed that was in constant sync with my Google Drive online. I restored a 4 month old backup to a new drive and have it booted up, but I'm scared...
  16. P

    Question Clipboard sync disabled in RDP sessions on Windows 11

    Using clipboard history with Win+V worked fine in Windows 10 RDP sessions, but on Windows 11 I'm told: "Clipboard sync is not available in a remote session." Is there a registry hack or something of the sort to get around this? I know Win11 has a lot of "security features" like this, but I use...
  17. P

    Question 317 mbps DL vs 1.90 mbps DL on machines side by side - I'm out of ideas

    Thanks for this. Unfortunately my laptop is my work laptop, and my company's policy has connection sharing disabled. Otherwise I would totally be sharing from it. The router is less than 15 ft away, so moving my PC I don't think would help. Furthermore, 3 different wifi adapters made by 3...
  18. P

    Question 317 mbps DL vs 1.90 mbps DL on machines side by side - I'm out of ideas

    I'm struggling to figure out what is causing the wifi speeds on my desktop to be painfully slow (1.90 mbps down) while the laptop sitting 2 feet away connected to the same network is very fast (317 mbps down.) Machine 1 is a Lenovo Thinkpad laptop using the Intel AC 9560 wireless interface...
  19. P

    Deleted the tiny partitions on my HD leaving only the C: partition. Now it won't boot.

    I did a very dumb thing. I noticed my hard drive had a lot of smaller partitions, 4 of them to be exact. One was I think 900 MB which probably contained the factory restore information for my Dell, and the others were very tiny, 3MB in size. I deleted all 4 of these so I would only have a C...
  20. P

    Gtx 680. Are you buying one? Why or why not?

    Oh man I'm #525 in the queue for the 680. My slot hasn't moved in a week. I have a feeling I'm going to be waiting a long time to get mine.
  21. P

    i2700k @ 4.4Ghz - Temps ok?

    This is the kind of info I was looking for. Thanks. This machine's purpose is for writing music, and I believe the throttling was causing spikes in the audio as the CPU would throttle up and down. Since turning all of that off, and hard setting everything in the BIOS, audio is now smooth, and...
  22. P

    i2700k @ 4.4Ghz - Temps ok?

    To overclock, all I changed in the BIOS was the multiplier to 43, and the vcore to 1.36v. I really don't know anything about overclocking to be honest. I was really just looking for a ballpark on what a good temp range is I should be trying to stay within, or not exceed. Is staying the 40s...
  23. P

    i2700k @ 4.4Ghz - Temps ok?

    Been running this way for the past hour, stable so far. Are these temps decent? Anything I should look out for, or be aware of? I'm kind of new to overclocking. Thanks all!
  24. P

    i2700k OC on ASUS P8Z68 - Speeds seem wrong

    So after disabling speedstep, hyher-threading, turbomode, C1E support, C1/C3/C6 states, and setting AI Tweaker to Manual, CPUz now shows as I would expect it to show. It appears now more throttling is going on. CPUz now shows a solid Core Speed, which now reflects my OC to 4.4Ghz. Hopefully...
  25. P

    i2700k OC on ASUS P8Z68 - Speeds seem wrong

    Thanks AMDHunter! I will try that. In the time since I posted this, looking around online, some people advise to disable all the following in the BIOS, as they all relate to either throttling or power saving, both of which I'm not concerned with, because I need full power at all times...
  26. P

    i2700k OC on ASUS P8Z68 - Speeds seem wrong

    Hi all, Just upgraded to a new mobo, and am trying to OC it. I don't have a lot of experience with this stuff. My last mobo, an ASUS P5NE-SLI, had a mode in the BIOS to set to 20% OC, which always worked fine for me. For my new mobo, I was following this guide...
  27. P

    Will a higher wattage PSU take more power while idle?

    I'm not a fan of turning off my PCs and prefer to leave them on 24/7. I had a gaming rig I wasn't using and sold the videocard that required a big PSU. The PSU is a Corsair 850w. The PC is just used now for basic browsing, etc so the PSU is way overkill. Maybe a dumb question, but will this...
  28. P

    2 8800GTs in SLI or a single GTX flavored card?

    This has been very helpful thanks for all the info guys! I think for now I'll just keep my setup since I run all my games at my monitor's max res of 1680x1050 and never really turn on AA much at all.
  29. P

    2 8800GTs in SLI or a single GTX flavored card?

    I've been out of gaming for a quite a while. My gaming PC has just sat there for many months and in that time a lot has changed. My system is running 2 8800GTs in SLI and I got to thinking, should I sell the 2 of them and take that money to get say a GTX 260 or 275, etc? Would one of these...
  30. P

    OCed Q6600 on P6N SLI- intermittant blue screens

    I had the same CPU as you and the same mobo and was getting BSOD. I yanked my 2 sticks of Patriot memory and put in some new memory and the errors went away. Like you my BSODs came when just doing random things like web surfing or whatever. I suspect your ram.
  31. P

    High temps on a E8500

    Those don't seem that bad actually. I just got an E8500 last week and when OC to 3.80Ghz, my temps as stated by CoreTemp immediately after running 3DMark were 77 degrees Celcius. I have the Freezer Pro 7 on the thing using Arctic Silver paste. It idles around 35 Celcius. It was hot that day...
  32. P

    How much performance increase from PCIe 1.0/1 to PCIe 2.0?

    Thanks all for the info. My mobo is the ASUS P5N-E SLI that does 8x/8x so I just keep it for a while. Thanks!
  33. P

    Anyone use the ASUS PSU Calculator?

    Thanks for that link that PSU calculator seems like the best one I've come across. According to it, generic brand PSU I'd need about a 480w and "decent" PSU I'd need around a 430w. I'm currently using a Rosewill 600w PSU but everyone tells me its not enough and that its a garbage crap PSU...
  34. P

    How much performance increase from PCIe 1.0/1 to PCIe 2.0?

    My motherboard only supports PCIe 1.1. I'm running 2 8800GTs in SLI however both cards support PCIe 2.0. So my question is if I bought a new mobo that supports PCIe 2.0 and put these same cards in, how much of a performance increase would I see? Would it be worth buying a new motherboard? As...
  35. P

    Anyone use the ASUS PSU Calculator?

    I'm in the market to buy a new PSU. Since I have an ASUS mobo, the ASUS P5N-E SLI, I was browsing on their website at their CPU compatibility chart and noticed they had a PSU calculator. So according to their calculator, I need a 900w PSU (screenshot below) My specs are: Q6600 B3 2.4Ghz 2...
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    8800GT SLI not performing as I expected. Is it my PSU?

    Damn wow that is a bit depressing. Would an inadequate PSU however manifest itself via dropped frames or sluggish performance or would it not have such visible effects?
  37. P

    8800GT SLI not performing as I expected. Is it my PSU?

    Yes I completely uninstalled the Nvidia drivers, flashed each card seperately with the latest BIOS from eVGA's website, then installed the latest drivers off Nvidia's website. After they were installed and I rebooted, I got an automatic popup in the systray that said this computer is capable of...
  38. P

    8800GT SLI not performing as I expected. Is it my PSU?

    So just last night I got my 2nd eVGA 8800GT 512MB and hooked it up and enabled SLI. After posting in another thread and asking if my PSU was sufficient, I was told that my garbage Rosewill 600w PSU would not cut it. I was stubborn however and just wanted to see what would happen so I put in...
  39. P

    Would 600w PSU be sufficient to power 2x 8800GT in SLI?

    Thanks all I appreciate the help. I realize I just need to buy a new good PSU.
  40. P

    Would 600w PSU be sufficient to power 2x 8800GT in SLI?

    Sorry to revive this old thread but I'm about to buy a 2nd 8800GT to do SLI and wanted to ask. If my PSU listed above is not powerful enough, how will I know? Will the system just shutdown? Can I do any damage by using the underpowered PSU? My idea is to just buy the 2nd 8800GT and hook it...
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