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  1. P

    How much do backlogs reduce sales of new games?

    My opinion on this is it depends on what the game developers are relying on to make the game popular in the first place, because not all strategies are the same. Games that rely on solid gameplay or on grind/reward feedback loops like MMOs tend to be timeless, people were still playing WoW en...
  2. P

    Anyone gaming on a 1070ti at 4k?

    I've read this about Dishonered 2 in a few places, and also that SLI support is sketchy as well. My experience being late to the game, in that I only started playing it a month ago is that I get a rock solid 60fps with all the settings maxed at 4k including TXAA which surprised me quite a lot...
  3. P

    Question I got a question on AnandTech's Review of GeForce GTX 1650, and honestly I am tired of seeing this happen at PC Hardware/Game Review sites

    I find it interesting that several posters here have had visible warnings and post edits from mods for using language that the OP used. To the OP, why assume bias on this before you get an answer from the reviewers? Maybe there's a reason they did what they did which has nothing to do with...
  4. P

    Question Will a GPU speed up youtube/videos?

    JS is very lite, in fact server side javascript is exploding in popularity in part because of this. What you're saying is that some webapps are very heavy handed in their use of JS and yes that's true and yes older CPUs will struggle with that but older CPUs will also struggle with native...
  5. P

    Question Will a GPU speed up youtube/videos?

    Wow really, what's the CPU/RAM? That'd have to be quite old to struggle with basic browser tasks. Could be upgrade time for a new mobo/cpu/ram, you could do a fairly budget build these days which can handle basic desktop stuff for fairly cheap. Modern CPUs with build in graphics don't really...
  6. P

    Recommend me some newer games...please.

    One semi-recent FPS game I've been absolutely loving like crazy is Dishonored 2. Loved the original as well, and this one is a natural evolution which improves on basically everything. For me personally I love them because they're the only games that have managed to reproduce the stealth system...
  7. P

    Anyone gaming on a 1070ti at 4k?

    Mmm not really. It comes down to what games do you play. I ran a single 1080 for ages which is only marginally faster than a 1070Ti and I'd argue that in my steam library of 720 games maybe 3-4 wouldn't run comfortably in 4k. Even games like GTA5 run at a playable 50-60fps average. There are...
  8. P

    Question Will a GPU speed up youtube/videos?

    Video cards can accelerate decoding (video play back) but it depends on encoding type the videos use and if the software playing the video specifically supports hardware accelerated playback. Most software does these days, most of the major browsers and most good video player software. If...
  9. P

    Ripping hair out my head trying to get PCIe graphics cards to run at full x16 speed

    To mirror what has been said here, that real world benchmarks of high end video cards dont show any measurable difference between 8x and 16x PCI-E slots, GPUs just do not transfer that much data across the PCI-E bus, probably the most saturated they ever get is when actually filling vRAM during...
  10. P

    [Videocardz] NVIDIA To Release Something 'SUPER?'

    I do wonder if they're going to take the new 12nm process and produce a classical raster only chip. If you look at the space on the 2080 chips used for Ray tracing it's quite significant so if you dedicated more of those transistors to normal rasterization you'd have one incredibly fast video...
  11. P

    Do I still need a decent graphics card for a VR if I am just using it to watch movies?

    Generally no, but it is application specific. If you wanted to just project the movie onto the screen more or less just a plane in front of you, then you don't need a very good GPU at all. If you want to use a game that renders you in 1st person inside a cinema room with a screen on the wall...
  12. P

    Confirmed: you don't need RTX for raytracing

    Well that's not quite true because only some fraction of the RTX2000 cores are dedicated to RT ops which means they're doing a not insignificant amount more workload with like 1/3rd of the die space. Cards that can do RT ops also need to still have reasonable raster performance at the same time...
  13. P

    Article NVIDIA Asteroids Demo Available Now, Showcases ‘Dramatically Improved’ Performance

    Am I right in saying this is essentially using the RT cores to do visibility checks for culling? That's actually a really smart idea, I guess cores designed for doing vector work of raytracing are probably really fast at doing visibility check calculations it's kinda the same thing, right? This...
  14. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    Yep looks that way, at least in terms of matching products like for like starting at the top end of both product range and working your way down from the top. It's become more complex to compare these cards now, I can't easily do it in my head anymore from a spec point of view really, I dunno if...
  15. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    Tech will start to focus on things like research into new materials and more importantly lowering manufacturing costs, you can get a long way on lowering manufacturing costs because then you can start simply adding more GPUs and start working on rendering that can split the load between many...
  16. P

    Is it possible to make a quantum gpu?

    You could make a quantum GPU for sure, using the same methods used for making quantum CPUs. The real question however, are there any GPU algorithms out there which could benefit from quantum computing and I'd be willing to bet not. Quantum computers are only faster at a very small and niche...
  17. P

    How much breathing room do video cards need?

    It depends on a load of factors, but it's generally not a problem. The coolers on video cards these days are more than capable of cooling them, they typically have a decent thermal headroom and most video cards have variable turbo modes anyway and simply downclock a bit if temps get too bad...
  18. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    Delay over PCIe bus kills ideas like this, sadly. I mean Gabe was using the same criticism about Physx back in the day, on an external accelerator card, which it was originally designed for, before Nvidia bought the technology. If you want the physics to interact with game logic then the game...
  19. P

    How many PCIe lanes do dGPUs actually use, really?

    The demand on PCI lanes comes from the bandwidth the GPU needs to communicate with the CPU/Memory, that's basically proportional to the speed the GPU and fill and uses it's memory, so as video cards get faster they'll have a greater overhead on PCIe although right now it looks like the impact of...
  20. P

    How big is your gaming display?

    Um, no don't think so. That's a 1440p where's mine is 4k. If my memory serves me correctly, BenQ bought up an actual panel manufacturer who had their own proprietary revision of IPS which was faster than any other IPS at the time. And BenQ used that exclusively in their own monitors and didn't...
  21. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    Yeah human response time is interesting what you're saying is right but there's one instance I think it's more complex and that's compounding of reaction time. This is most notable to me with aiming in a FPS game. Have you ever tried aiming with a mouse where vsync is on (with no adaptive...
  22. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    It's not just relative to the input frame, it's absolute. Take my example one step further and make your refresh rate even faster. Let's say you have an old 8ms g2g IPS panel and you try and drive it at 165hz so it's 6ms per refresh, that means the pixels cannot even reach the right colour...
  23. P

    Is 8gb vram enough?

    I'd wager that 8 is enough. Many open world games will simply keep consuming more vRAM until they max out and then they'll engaging in swapping textures, so high vRAM usage is normal. It's also higher for 4k, the larger the screen resolution, the larger the screen buffer and the more memory...
  24. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    You're just foisting your personal choice on others, it's a subjective matter about what you prefer, be that speed/colour/viewing angles, etc. What have I said that's BS? Be specific. My main displays I use are in my sig. I currently own (i've owned way more but most were sold) BenQ 32"...
  25. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    No, it's just obvious when you understand how the technology works. Pixels don't switch instantly they take some time to change from the colour of the previous frame to that of the new one during this period they're displaying inaccurate colours, eventually they reach the intended colour and...
  26. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    I have seen/used and in many cases own these panels. I've used a lot of high end monitors over the last 2 decades and IPS should not be driven at those speeds you ruin the color reproduction which is one of the main reasons to get an IPS in the first place. As I said, there's a reason that IPS...
  27. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    High refresh rates require fast pixel response times, without a sufficiently high enough pixel response your colours just blur into one another. Fast pixel response on the order of providing 120hz+ on monitors means you're limited to TN panels which come with a trade off in terms of colour...
  28. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    The only thing that will drive down price is competition and innovation. People can complain about prices when AMD or some other business offers an alternative that provides the same kind of fidelity and leap in technology for cheaper. AMDs leap to hybrid RTing won't be any cheaper, RT is...
  29. P

    Upgrading my computer

    I concur with the other guys, at 1440p you're going to be mostly GPU limited so the GPU makes sense as the first upgrade. The CPU only really matters if you're trying to push higher frame rates in the 120hz+ range, and you can just about get by on 8Gb of RAM if you close down a lot of memory...
  30. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    I never said they would. Nvidia are offering an entire range of RTX cards across a very wide range of price points...
  31. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    Most of the price increase comes from the change in the marketing where they've essentially bumped each card along, they really should have called the Ti the Titan and the RTX 2080 the Ti and so on, once you account for that the prices are only slightly inflated but not outrageous for the size...
  32. P

    How big is your gaming display?

    I still have my Dell 3007 WFP-HC from like 10 years ago, great panel except not very good pixel response rate. Still looks nice today. I run as my main a BenQ 32" 4k IPS panel now which is 4ms response time which is very fast for a IPS panel, means it's good for video/games or anything in...
  33. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    There's an increasing number of games that wont run smoothly on a 1080Ti at 4k. This generation is no different from any other prior generation, if you have a high demand for GPU horsepower because you run a high resolution on the latest games then you'll need the new high end kit. RT cores and...
  34. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    Well if you're trying to run 4k or you want to then you really need something of this power, and to say that 4k isn't something you can tell the difference with quality wise over smaller resolutions is crazy, because the fidelity is so much higher. A lot of people aren't sensitive to frame rate...
  35. P

    Nvidia ,Rtx2080ti,2080,(2070 review is now live!) information thread. Reviews and prices

    Fundamentally "bad" in this context is a subjective term, largely because what is considered expensive can differ significantly between people of different incomes. A 2080Ti is expensive for most people but it's not expensive to some other people.
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    [Digital Trends] Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti Graphics Cards Are Dying in Alarming Numbers

    They quote "alarming numbers" but then don't quantify precisely how many, so how do we know it's alarming? All hardware has fault tolerances and some failure rate, so we'd need to know what the numbers are and what is common of previous generations before jumping to conclusions about what is and...
  37. P

    Trump finally admits what we all knew..." I’m a nationalist, okay?"

    And it's even worse than that, because the distribution of some traits, like creativity for example, is not at all linear. In fact it follows a Pareto distribution, which is a square root law. The square root of a number of people in a productive domain account for 50% of the output. So in a...
  38. P

    Trump finally admits what we all knew..." I’m a nationalist, okay?"

    It's not zero sum, in fact I'm acknowledging quite the opposite. The resources you can bring to bear to solve problems and ameliorate suffering is not fixed, and it's not just a given. Those resources scale depending on how much you look after your own interests and if you put other people first...
  39. P

    Trump finally admits what we all knew..." I’m a nationalist, okay?"

    That has no relevance to what I'm talking about, I was quite clear with what I wrote. So, I say watch his lectures to educate myself and you say I'm a moron and that's because of what he's written in a book which is unrelated? Do you see the problem with that? If I say I watched his academic...
  40. P

    Trump finally admits what we all knew..." I’m a nationalist, okay?"

    I want to address this first as it's goes to the honesty of the discussion here. I'm not "[veering] off", what I originally talked about was his science you can check the prior posts in the thread to verify this. It was you who brought up the book after that and changed the subject, until then I...
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