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  1. W

    PRESS RELEASE: NVIDIA Unleashes New Detonator ASS Drivers

    Troll Post: A posting or comment designed as to irritate or provoke a reaction. Examples include "AMD is teh sux0rz", "ATI 0wnz nVidiots", and "Christianity is the best religion evAR" If you knew the history of Mega's comments re the nVidia situation you would have comprehended those comments...
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    PRESS RELEASE: NVIDIA Unleashes New Detonator ASS Drivers

    ASS drivers... sounds painful. I should have mentioned the Detonator ASS drivers come with an online coupon for Vaseline ;)
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    PRESS RELEASE: NVIDIA Unleashes New Detonator ASS Drivers

    Nice troll. I give it a 7.5/10. stop posting - M4H WTF are you talking about? You just might consider reading the post above yours.
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    PRESS RELEASE: NVIDIA Unleashes New Detonator ASS Drivers

    I hope there's no hard feelings. Dude, there are NONE at all. I had some fun at nVidia's (deserved, IMHO) expense. Like you said, it's only a video card. I'm just a little touchy about issues - any issues whether they're my business or not - regarding integrity, and this whole brouhaha is...
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    PRESS RELEASE: NVIDIA Unleashes New Detonator ASS Drivers

    why dont the two of you just go get a room... Gee, it looks like drew0 deleted his post and and decided to take the room with Megatomic instead. I'm SO jealous.
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    PRESS RELEASE: NVIDIA Unleashes New Detonator ASS Drivers

    And your sense of humor < measurable Gee, thanks for reminding me why I posted it over at Rage3D - they seem to have a better sense of humor than the nVidiots here and obviously could appreciate it more. Oh yeah, and before you start the "Rage 3D soldier" crap you don't bother to comprehend...
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    PRESS RELEASE: NVIDIA Unleashes New Detonator ASS Drivers

    Details of NVIDIA's Application-Specific Supercharger (ASS) Technology Says it all ;)
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    When will 9500 Pros hit $125ish?

    There is an upside to the 9500 pro phaseout - those 8 pipeline open chips can be used as 9700s on the right PCB, so there may be cheaper 9700s in the future, like the $199 deal from Newegg a week ago. It would make sense - the 9600/9600 Pro could cover the $100-150 range and the 9700 non-pro...
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    Well now ive lost all faith for TRident!

    matrox reef demo has clipping planes insterted in it but since you can't run it on anything else it's not ostensibly a "cheat" Not quite true. If you dig around a bit, you'll find there are ways to run the Reef demo on non-Matrox cards.
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    Nvidia and Futurmark are now blood brothers.

    Since "application specific optimization" can blatently ignore IQ, maybe I should try my homebrew driver optimization that detects the 3DMark03 splash screen and puts up a 640x480 8-bit screen that says "F*** you" for the entire test. Since I can't code worth a crap, 3DMark03 only returns a...
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    Futuremark has released a new patch and...

    Sorry, RobsTV - the analogy is WAY off. Here's the corrected one: Two good students have access to the "special insider" exam review books. One of the students gets pissed because even though he has access to the "special insider" exam review books, he knows he still can't score higher than...
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    nVidia Responds "It was a right-wing conspiracy" + ATI's Response

    In a feeble attempt to get slightly back on topic ... Hasn't anyone noticed that nVidia's response is as close to an admission of guilt as they're probably going to give? Everybody seems to have forgotten nVidia's initial response - this was only a driver bug. Suddenly Futuremark not only...
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    Futuremark confirms NVIDIA "cheating" with latest driver...releases audit report

    I think it's prudent to wait a bit and give them a chance to explain before jumping on them like this Precisely. I waited for their official response and here is the relevant quote: We don't know what they did but it looks like they have intentionally tried to create a scenario that makes our...
  14. W

    Futuremark has released a new patch and...

    do you realize that denial is not just a river in Africa? I don't think they do. It's rather fascinating what knots nVidia fanboys will twist themselves into to avoid the obvious. 1. ATI pays Futuremark $50 thousand a year to "Beta test" 3dmark03. nVidia does not. Now, that means Futuremark...
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    nVidia Responds "It was a right-wing conspiracy" + ATI's Response

    I know - after reading all these FX5900 Ultra reviews, I'm still trying to figure out what's the BFD for $499? The card's not out yet, benchmarks are far from decisive, Doom3's not out yet and ATI's got plenty of time for a driver refresh for Doom3 and the 9x00 cards, and the 5900 is fawned...
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    nVidia Responds "It was a right-wing conspiracy" + ATI's Response

    Here's ATI's official response: "The 1.9% performance gain comes from optimization of the two DX9 shaders (water and sky) in Game Test 4 . We render the scene exactly as intended by Futuremark, in full-precision floating point. Our shaders are mathematically and functionally identical to...
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    nVidia Responds "It was a right-wing conspiracy" + ATI's Response

    From nVnews: NVIDIA has issued a brief response in regards to the alleged cheating that FutureMark claimed took place in certain Detonator FX drivers. It is not known at this time if NVIDIA plans to issue further statements on the matter. "Since NVIDIA is not part in the FutureMark beta...
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    Futuremark has released a new patch and...

    Not that I'm a fan of either ATI or nVidia, but ... Why does any of this surprise you ATI fans? Nvidia back in the fall said they pulled out of 3dMark03 for various reasons. One of them was they didnt use very optimized coding for the shaders It doesn't surprise me at all. When nVidia knew...
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    Futuremark has released a new patch and...

    That Hot Hardware update is interesting, particularly with the 9800 Pro getting a speed increase at 4xAA with the "no current tricks allowed" patch. How do the nVidia fanboys explain that one?
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    Futuremark has released a new patch and...

    I think they've just officially certified themselves nVidia w(H)ores.
  21. W

    EPOX 8RDA3+ appears on on banner ad.

    Ewwww, that's not good Ain't that the truth. I even looked up the specs on the Agere FireWire hoping to confirm it wasn't a PCI controller, but it was. I don't know if that's worse than dumping the MCP-T's 3Com NIC for a Realtek which has throughput up to 35% lower than either of the MCP-T's...
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    EPOX 8RDA3+ appears on on banner ad.

    If it has Firewire, then that should be an indication that it does have the MCP-T, Not quite true. Epox is using an Agere FireWire controller vs a PHY. The last board pic I saw also showed them using a Realtek 81xx LAN controller for the second NIC. It's astounding that they would dump the...
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    Has Anyone Used A MSI 745 Ultra (MSI 6561-010)

    Are you refering to AS3 epoxy No, I used regular AS3 with a drop of SuperGlue on each corner of the northbridge. It's been holding fine for a few months now. It made a difference because the NB heatsink is definitely warmer.
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    Has Anyone Used A MSI 745 Ultra (MSI 6561-010)

    Is there a secret to reaching 190? The only things I did were a Vcore mod so I'm running the CPU at 1.95-1.98v and put AS3 under the northbridge; there's crappy double-sided tape there by default. I'm also running BIOS v1.3. It's not the latest version, but it appears to be much more OC...
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    Has Anyone Used A MSI 745 Ultra (MSI 6561-010)

    Pretty good deal for $30. I'm running an XP 1600+ at 9.5x190MHz on a 745 Ultra with a 256MB stick of Crucial PC2100. BTW I'm running Win98 (First Edition) with no problems at all. Board is rock stable. The only issue I have is that MSI didn't take advantage of the onboard LAN or FireWire...
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    Biostar M7VIG Pro - 6 Channel Audio Question?

    Well, let's put it this way. If EPOX could have saved money by doing it ABITs way, I believe they would have ... Maybe EPOX figures their target market doesn't mind dual use of two jacks, so maybe they saved $2 on the connector and backplate. OTOH maybe ABIT could buy over some minimum, and...
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    Biostar M7VIG Pro - 6 Channel Audio Question?

    Why don't they have extra jacks, so the remapping is unnecessary? Non-standard stuff costs more It doesn't cost that much more at all. Look at the closest example off the top of my head - the Abit NF7 vs the Epox 8RDA (the non MCP-T nForce2 boards). Both boards have similar specs, but Abit...
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    Biostar M7VIG Pro - 6 Channel Audio Question?

    Strange thing is there are no instructions saying what to do Yes, go figure. You'd think that this would be a candidate for a BIOS option - I can't imagine a whole lot of people are constantly at the back of their cases swapping out their microphone and speaker jacks. IMHO the jack sharing...
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    VIA KT400A. *3-31-03 UPDATE*

    the future of chipsets is obvious. It all comes down to efficiency Not if you're an OEM - it comes down to cost. Who do you think still buys all of those TNT2-M64's? That's also why I wouldn't count SiS out yet either. If they can keep pulling off stuff like the 655 (roughly Granite Bay...
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    Biostar M7VIG Pro - 6 Channel Audio Question?

    I don't have an M7VIG Pro, but generally unless there's an additional audio bracket available/included the rear and center/sub outputs get remapped from the Line-in and Mic-in jacks. Switching between 2.1 and 5.1 is usually done through the drivers. I'd install the audio drivers and check the...
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    Epox 8RDA3+/8RGA3+

    Why isn't Epox using the MCP-T? It makes no sense I really couldn't believe it when I saw the pre-production board at t-break. But one of the Epox-Europe sites has the 8RDA3+ specs up and they match what t-break posted. It's totally baffling that they'd dump the MCP-T then re-add a FireWire...
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    Epox 8RDA3+/8RGA3+

    From the initial specs, I'd really wait for the reviews on these before I'd get one. While these boards will probably have the new revision official 200MHz northbridge, IMHO with the exception of the SerialATA these boards are a step backward from the 8RGA+: 1) First, and it's a big one, they...
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    Asrock K7S8X - SiS 746FX based - review on OCW

    That Asrock board continues Asus' trend of making decent SiS/AMD boards and issuing minimally functional BIOSes for them. A7S333 anyone? I'm interested in a 746FX board as well to replace my MSI 745 Ultra that's doing yeoman's duty (9.5x190MHz); if it had one more PCI slot I wouldn't be...
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    Cpu heatsink mounting braket snapped off, is there anyway to keep the heatsink on?

    We are working on a dual PPro machine and when we were clamping down one of the heat sinks on the cpu, the little tabby things broke off. ... Well, I called on one of the heat sinks, and they said no one was avail, so I decided to go with the thermal grease. I'm not sure which heatsink you...
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    Leadtek K7NCR18D PRO (nForce2) review!

    It also says, "6-Channel AC 97 CODEC on board" I still don't understand the implication that a "6-Channel AC 97 CODEC on board" and SoundStorm are mutually exclusive. If you're implementing 6-channel analog audio, what's the difference between using 1 6-channel codec vs 1 4-channel + 1...
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    Leadtek K7NCR18D PRO (nForce2) review!

    FYI, here's another Soundstorm certified board that doesn't require an ACR slot. In fact, this one looks like all the appropriate input/outputs don't even require a backplate.
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    Leadtek K7NCR18D PRO (nForce2) review!

    We're getting into a little bit of semantics and marketing. The APU is the nForce sound that everyone wants. The RealTek is just a means to access it. From the APU Technical Brief (page 2): According to the Technical Brief you're referencing, the APU is not what everyone wants. Read the...
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    Leadtek K7NCR18D PRO (nForce2) review!

    The Epox board doesn't have an ACR slot, so can't possibly have SoundStorm No, it doesn't look like ACR is required for SoundStorm. nVidia's SoundStorm page doesn't even mention the ACR card. SoundStorm is only an enhanced spec meaning the board supports 6-channel analog out plus S/PDIF-out...
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    Hercules Game Theater XP 7.1 Available?

    On paper, the 4630 is more powerful than the 4624. But I don't know if Hercules uses the 4630 to its full potential The curious thing is that in pretty much every review I've seen that has both the Game Theater XP and Fortissimo II, the Fort II benches the same or slightly better than the Game...
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    350 watt p4 ready Raidmax power supply. $11.99 with $4.35 shipping! hot!!

    Does your 12v line start out much higher than 11.5v under a light load, or is it around 11.5 under any load? If it is steady, but low, there are 3 trimmer pots inside the Lite-On which you could tinker with, at some risk of personal injury or death. :-) I'd leave it alone if it all seems to work...
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