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  1. B

    The Athlon 64 3200+ is UNLOCKED... sorta

    The Athlon 64 setup is currently my workstation for research - writing computational codes, etc. So, it only has a Radeon 9200SE - nothing to get excited about. I doubt I'd get any good gaming scores with it... Anandtech and all the other A64 reviews should have these tests covered anyways...
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    The Athlon 64 3200+ is UNLOCKED... sorta

    Okay, I emailed the "Dr. Pro" at Albatron for some further clarification... Here's the first response I got: --- My Question: I noticed the multiplier setting in the BIOS only allows for settings 10 or lower (in the case of the Athlon 64 3200+). Is there a chance of higher multipliers becoming...
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    The Athlon 64 3200+ is UNLOCKED... sorta

    As I mentioned in my first post, it doesn't include the lock... too bad. Maybe a future BIOS update? Or we may just be SOL... I guess no one else is trying an A64 with 3 double-sided DIMMs... I'm still wondering if the limitation is the chipset (most likely), or my memory... hrm. Another...
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    The Athlon 64 3200+ is UNLOCKED... sorta

    >> sig updated <<
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    The Athlon 64 3200+ is UNLOCKED... sorta

    I just picked up my new Athlon 64 setup: Athlon 64 3200+ (socket 754) Albatron K8X800 Pro II (Via K8T800) (Link) The Albatron board is pretty nice - Envy24PT audio onboard, gigabit LAN, Serial ATA/RAID, etc... It also has many options for overclocking in the BIOS. Adjustable voltages (CPU...
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    Heeellllllppp!!**** Promise IDE Raid on K7T Turbo-R

    Try putting your boot drive on the Promise controller, and set the boot option to SCSI (before IDE-x). You will need to set up an array like I mentioned above to boot off of the Promise controller. Also, make sure you loaded the drivers for the Fastrak that came with the motherboard - there was...
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    Heeellllllppp!!**** Promise IDE Raid on K7T Turbo-R

    bluesky: I estimate that my boot time is around 1 min - a little slow (my Gigabyte setup seems to boot up twice as fast), but still bearable. My old A7V had a major delay (over 1 min) when loading the Ultra100 drivers - this was later fixed with new Promise drivers. Maybe the Fastrak is the...
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    Heeellllllppp!!**** Promise IDE Raid on K7T Turbo-R

    jOjO316: Make sure the cables are pushed into the motherboard IDE connectors good - sometimes they stick up a bit on one side... it can be hard to tell when the board is in your case with your drives/cables/etc. Also, if you put CD-ROM drives on the Promise controller you (probably) won't be...
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    Heeellllllppp!!**** Promise IDE Raid on K7T Turbo-R

    I think this is the case, but check the manual to be sure: If you want to just run one drive from the RAID controller, first connect it to the Via controller. Install the drivers for the Promise RAID controller (it should have come on a floppy with the board), and then shut down Windows. Move...
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    MSI K7T Turbo overclockers bios posted

    Does the overclockers BIOS work on the Turbo-R? No problems with the RAID BIOS?
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    Which MOBO would you buy from A7V133, MSI K7T Turbo-R, KT7A Raid, or Iwill KK266?

    I just upgraded from a K7T-Pro2A to a K7T Turbo-R... my Pro2A seemed to have problems with the multiplier - maybe I needed to connect the L7 bridges (this was on my Tbird 850 that I had at 1Gig on my old A7V). When I upgraded to the Turbo-R, I swapped in my Tbird 700 (put the 850 in a different...
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    MSI K7T Turbo overclockers bios posted

    Does anyone know if this will work with the Turbo-R? If you go to the Turbo-R page, and click the BIOS icon, it shows that no BIOSes are available yet - just want to make sure so I don't trash my Promise RAID controller BIOS...
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    MSI K7T Turbo!

    I haven't seen an K7T-Turbo boards out here in Akiba (Akihabara, Tokyo) yet... so I think they are still a ways off. We tend to get stuff here a few weeks before the U.S., so I'd guess close to another month.. I really wanted to pick up a Turbo board (I recently traded in my Rev. 1.01 A7V), but...
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    Gigabyte 7ZM & Multiplier Settings?

    Gigabyte GA-7ZM (the micro-ATX KT133 board) doesn't support multiplier adjustment (I have one in my second machine). If you want to do it, find some info on connecting/cutting the bridges (L2/L3/L4, I think) to get various multipliers - kind of tricky, maybe, if you don't know what the limit of...
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    MSI K7Tpro2A Stable at last! But Still Not Happy...

    Set the memory settings in the BIOS on the K7T-Pro2A to &quot;By SPD&quot; where available (I think the 2nd and 3rd options in the memory settings menu in the BIOS). This enables 4way interleaving and boosts memory scores a bit. Works for me in overclockers beta BIOS and the newest (2.2). Check...
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    Micro ATX Socket A That Will OVERCLOCK?

    I haven't heard of any... and trust me, I looked. For the machine that I built for my dad, I ended up getting a Gigabyte GA7ZM first, but had a weird problem where it wouldn't boot sometimes. Eventually picked up a MSI K7TM (6340) - this was much more stable and worked great (even on a wimpy...
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    strange power on problem... please help

    Update: I picked up a MSI 6340 (K7TM Pro) microATX board and swapped it in for the Gigabyte. The system now works great! No problems, even with the wimpy 145W Delta (non-Athlon rated) PS. I suggest trying a different motherboard if I were you... Now I have to figure out what to do with this...
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    strange power on problem... please help

    I have a similar problem with a Gigabyte GA-7ZM (microATX KT133) board that I just bought... sometimes it powers on fine at the first time I push the power switch. Other times, it won't power on at all - the fans and stuff spin up, but no signal to the monitor and you can tell it's not booting...
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    Which Mobo Should I get? The KT7-RAID or the ASUS A7V?

    Why not get a KT7-Pro2 with a Promise ATA100 card? Probably not much more than the A7V or KT7-RAID, and you can always use the Promise card in your next motherboard...
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    What's the deal with the TBird Core Color?

    I just picked up a week 33 Tbird 850. The core is actually a purplish/pinkish (lower half is purple, it fades to a silver-like near the top)... have no idea why. I picked it over some green-core 800s, hoping that maybe it _might_ be a copper one. Unfortunately, I can only hit 950 stable right...
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    A7V+sound card?=hassle free setup.

    Working fine now with a Yamaha-based (YMF744/754) sound card... Had major problems (freezes, cracking/popping noises) with my old SBLive MP3+ before.
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    Please Tell me your Duron and P3 temps...

    I'm running my Duron 600 at 800MHz @ 1.85V. Perfectly stable at 100% CPU load (Divx'ing DVDs, running my CFD codes for my research, etc.). Temp is a little high (around 55C at full load), but seems fine in both Win98 and Win2K. I'm using an Alpha PAL6035, and I have a 8cm Delta 4000RPM fan...
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    Asus A7V and Windows 2000 system having problems..

    I had major problems with my SBLive MP3+; that's why I'm running a Yamaha-based sound card right now. However, others got them to work okay, so it seems to depend on the specific situation. Do a search in the forums and I think you'll find a few relevant threads...
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    Duron O/Cer's, What ram do u use?

    I ran 2 128MB sticks of generic CAS3 PC133 memory before in my A7V (I think they were &quot;kti&quot; chips...) - ran fine, but only at 3-3-3. I'm currently running 1 256MB stick of semi-generic CAS3 PC133 memory - it has Winbond memory chips, so maybe better than the previous ones. This also...
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    A7V and a dual monitor setup, how to get around irq conflicts?

    No experience with dual-monitor setups personally, but... maybe try changing your GeForce2MX card for one with two VGA connectors? You can use the Twinview function of the MX chip, then.
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    Strange - A7V w/Inwin S500 reinstall of Win 98

    Make sure you're not overclocked when installing Windows - this can sometimes causes crashes and weird behavior... Also try booting off the Win98 CD-ROM - maybe Win98 setup doesn't like your boot floppy?
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    Asus A7V IDE probs with cd-rom

    BIOS 1003 has a known bug where devices on the ATA66 secondary channel are not detected under Win2K. Upgrade to BIOS 1004, or move the drive to the ATA66/primary, or one of the ATA100 channels. Check ASUS's page for the latest BIOS...
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    ASUS A7V or CUSL2?

    AMD is much cheaper (especially if you factor in overclocking); I made the switch because of it. I personally have the A7V, and while I had some problems with it, the board seems to have settled down in the later revisions (from the amount of posts I've seen here). Once I got my system running...
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    Asus A7V & Windows98

    Try reserving IRQs for the SBLive in the A7V BIOS - IRQ 5 for SB Emulation, and then maybe IRQ 9 for the PCI Slot that you have the SBLive installed into. Also try latest NVIDIA Reference drivers (either official 6.31, or leaked 6.34). I think some others had this problem (couldn't wake up from...
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    Duron / GlobalWin FOP38 install query...

    I tried out the FOP38. It works fine, but just make sure that the thermal pad is contacting the _entire_ CPU die surface (the blue thing in the middle). The best, though, is to take the pad off carefully (with a razor and some alcohol or nail-polish remover), and then sand the surface down with...
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    Asus A7V or ABiT KT7?

    I have an A7V, which runs great, but I kinda wish I'd waited for the KT7 - being able to overclock easily within the BIOS is very attractive (versus opening up the case and flipping DIP switches/ changing jumpers). I also had a lot of problems initially with my board (incompatible with my...
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    Has my RAM died on my A7V?

    I think you should really try moving out all non-essential stuff (extra CD drives, hard drives, sound card, network card, etc.), and try reinstalling Windows with only your main hard drive, video card, and CD-ROM. Also set your BIOS to most conservative settings, and make sure your CPU is not...
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    What HSF do you recomend for Duron 600 shooting for 1GH

    I'm running my 600 at 900MHz stable with an Alpha PAL6035 w/4500RPM fan. I tried a FOP38 (6800RPM fan), but as Krish mentioned, it's LOUD! Also, I think I needed to smooth the surface some, as I couldn't run stable at 900MHz anymore with the FOP38. I'm back to using my Alpha for now... FOP38...
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    A7V + 100MB ZIP Weirdness.

    It might help to list the rest of your system specs, and also what kind of Zip drive (ATAPI internal? SCSI external???) that you're using... I once had major problems trying to get my ATAPI Zip working on the same channel as my old HP 8110i CD-RW drive - some weird hardware conflict. Moving...
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    Please help with GF 2 MX and A7V Mobo Problems!

    There are problems with KT133 boards and the 6.xx Detonator 3's up to 6.26 - some sites speculated that the issue was due to the different timings used in the KT133 vs. KX133 chipsets. Detonator3's 6.26 and up seem to be fine (probably why NVIDIA released the official 6.31 so quickly) for KT133...
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    How well does the Alpha PEP66 fit on the A7V?

    I've been using an Alpha PAL6035 with a 4500RPM fan... just recently bought a GlobalWin FOP38 (some reviews had it cooling better than my Alpha); this bad boy has a 6800RPM 6cm fan on it... Needless to say, I hooked it up and it was LOUD! Also, I think I need to sand it down or something, cause...
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    Please help with GF 2 MX and A7V Mobo Problems!

    Setting your AGP Aperature Size to the lowest setting possible should force AGP 1x on your board (I think anything less than 16MB forces 1x). Side-banding is disabled by default, so you shouldn't have to worry about that. Try for more info on GeForce troubleshooting...
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    Getting rid of A7V

    I'm running my Winfast GeForce2 MX stable (right now, anyway) with AGP4x/FastWrites and all options on in BIOS (ver. 1003). I had a lot of problems with random freezes before, and my sound was crackling/popping with my SBLive. I switched to a Yamaha sound card, which seemed to help, but I still...
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    Problem with Win2K and A7V

    kw7, It's F6, not F8, that you need to push during the setup... Installing of the ATA100 controller worked fine for me.
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    UPDATE. Is anyone aware of a conflict between the A7V and GeForce2?

    Check for a bunch of info on GeForce cards... Switch the 2D acceleration one notch down from fastest setting (under Display Properties/Advanced/Troubleshooting, I think). According to GeForce FAQ, this can improve stability and maybe even make your card run faster...
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