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  1. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    The 353 items are purples from the Zul Heroics, then again they might as well be blues as previous Purples were set at 359. Some of the 353 drops are still fairly high up in the BIS rankings. As for Firelands, our group has gotten a purple every other trash run in Firelands and after two...
  2. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Well I logged on from California on the 9th and Iowa on the 10th, two completely different systems the one in CA being my game rig the one in Iowa a laptop. I didn’t have any problem with this at all. I call Haxzors on you my friend. JK JK Still I have not run into this problem
  3. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    The add on I use are fairly basic, Deadly Boss Mods (a MUST for raiding) Recount (DPS meter) and Omen (Threat meter). Healers should use heal bot or something equivalent.
  4. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    I’m not sure how much has changed for Feral Druids as I have always played Balance Druids, but my guess is that you will find it a LOT different. Without the WotLK and CATA you will be limited to the content you had before but as you only got to level 37 there is still a lot for you to do...
  5. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Well I would say that getting to level 10, something that could be done EASLY in 30 to 40 minutes of play, really doesn’t give you the full flavor of WoW. I consider those first 10 levels nothing more than time spent to get familiar with the game controls. You wont get the full flavor of WoW...
  6. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Heh No idea I’ve had characters on several servers but the majority of my time has been spent on Shadowsong. Alliance population is heavy there, but my main and my guild is Alliance so that’s okay. So does every server have a larger than life troll that everyone loves to hate? Shadowsong...
  7. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Maybe, but it did help me increase my crit percentage, mostly at the expense of Mastery and a little Haste. So far I’ve noticed a fair jump in my DPS but what I truly need to do is drop the Beast Master for Marksman, at least for 10 man content. The Rogue and I have always been neck and neck on...
  8. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Yup I understand where you are coming from even if it hasn’t happened to me. I’m part of a very unusual guild in that we all know each other in real life and have been friends in real life for a long time. To find a good guild where you fit in is rare enough, to find one like mine is even rarer...
  9. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Well on the Mr. Robot thing…. When did you use it last? It was supposedly been updated recently. When I ran it for my Hunter it worked well but who knows who well it works on other classes. It was very helpful as I was over hit cap and it helped me juggle all the other stats to bring my hit down...
  10. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    No on the Magmaw question, haven’t seen it. I don’t have the url here but check out the site “Ask Mr Robot WoW” for their gear optimizer. It really helped me make positive adjustments for my gems, enchants and with re forging. Gratz on the drops, and you can say “I got them before the NERF”
  11. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    had to LOL about this I suggested to my Raid Leader that this might be a good “Motivational” tactic for our guild runs. His response was that he was checking on line for tasteful and...
  12. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    WoW is in many ways a victim of it’s own success. The need for additional content to feed the ever ravenous masses of WoW players, and keep subscriptions high, made Blizzard implement compromises and changes to the game system. Look at most Blue responses to questions about the reason for...
  13. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    It’s not a big shock really. They reworked content through level 60 in hopes of enticing old players to level new toons. But the real reward for anyone playing is level 81 and up because few guilds are running BC or LK raid content unless they are board and looking to do some achievements. So...
  14. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    NAH, those wont drop until a day before they release the T12 set I’ve found that some nights on a boss fight nothing goes right. I’m betting you will get him next time. And GL on the drops.
  15. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    On my server, queue times for five man heroics have dropped from the 30 or so minutes to 10 to 15 minutes at worst. So apparently the plan Blizzard put in place to entice more tanks and healers to run PUGs is working…. Or is it? I ran a random five man heroic last night and got Lost City. I’ve...
  16. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    I read the rest of the patch notes (OMG he read them? :D) and sure enough that’s exactly what it’s going to do for hunters. Not a big thing but it will make the pulls less hectic.
  17. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Interesting I will need to see how this pans out for us hunters and see if that means our traps will no longer start the pull. Somehow I doubt that though.
  18. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    LOL Well RatboyX <-------- The hunter Pain lots of pain Actually I enjoyed the fight though I will enjoy it a lot more once we have the mechanics of it down right. To be fair we didn’t get enough attempts on it to really have a good feel for the fight as it was an end of the raid “Lets go...
  19. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    My guild made our first Magmaw attempt last night…. Lots of pain…. Horrible, horrible pain. Other than that and us not getting him down in the limited attempts we did… it was okay
  20. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    That’s an easy question to answer actually. You should roll what you like to play. It’s really a personal choice and I can tell you I would hate to slog through 85 levels using a class I didn’t like playing. Now the question becomes which of the classes to you enjoy playing? In addition to...
  21. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    No HUNTERS? God normally you can’t swing a dead Murloc without hitting a Hunter.
  22. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Well if you cant get the “Bear Run” you could do a “Beer Run” So here is what ya do, assuming you are of the age to drink and you don’t plan to drive. Every time you take out a trash mob pack you take a drink, For every boss you take two drinks, and for the end boss you take three. Now by...
  23. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    There are a lot of buffs hunter pets can bring but some of the best are available only with Exotic pets usable only by Beast masters. Some of the best are: Embrace of the Shale Spider [Exotic Ability] Instant Fills all friendly party and raid members with the Shale Spider's embrace...
  24. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    LoL a “Blue” post I would guess. I never liked the decision to remove the portals. People already had to go to Ogramar and Stormwind to use the new Cata portals so I’m pretty sure most people were going to be setting their home point in one of those two places. So what if a number of...
  25. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Planning a guild run tomorrow night, I don’t like to PUG a five man I haven’t ever run before. I suppose that unless you get in a PUG with people that ran the new five mans on the test realm, it will be fairly new for everyone but I prefer to be a bit more prepared.
  26. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Well Hunters AOE went from a one button channel &#8220;Wheeee watch my Volley kill stuff&#8221; to a more complex priority. While Volley could generate some kicking DPS numbers it really wasn&#8217;t much fun and it was NO challenge that&#8217;s for sure. Now hunters (Beast Master at least)...
  27. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Woot Looking forward to the new five man ZUL runs
  28. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Lol you all just want my Shadow Cow to come to your server so you can get the achievement :P Again the big thing everyone is missing here is that people are talking about a lone Shadow Cow against five or six attackers. We aren&#8217;t making it that easy on them. I will admit I will be the...
  29. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Assuming that Arms warrior gets anywhere near the priest sure.
  30. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    The Guild I belong to is on the Alliance side. On my server that&#8217;s generally a good thing as the Alliance population is much higher than the Horde. I say &#8220;generally a good thing&#8221; because we have found some down side to having an unbalanced faction population. Our guild has...
  31. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    We have a Holy Priest that has been one of our main healers since we started raiding in Burning Crusade. He healed us brilliantly all the way to the Lich King and then Cataclysm hit. Healing with his Holy Priest has gotten so difficult for him he has abandoned Holy/healing for Shadow/ DPS. If...
  32. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Leveling is much faster these days, blizzard has made changes to leveling to entice people to start a new level 1 toon especially with the new gobblin and Worgen races. I would say that 1 to 30 flys by like crazy 30 to 60 is also much faster than it once was. 60 to 70 the old BC content can be...
  33. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    We first started seeing Blizzard make significant use of “Phasing” in WotLK. The Wraith Gate quest series in Dragonblight being one of the most dramatic IMO. They also used it extensively in Icecrown. Phasing changes the game environment based on the actions of the player. I won’t give any...
  34. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    I had a good Heroic PUG last night, and by that I mean it was over quickly. I dropped into a blackrock run that only had the last two bosses left to take down. When I Joined the group the first thing I noticed was that all the other people in the group were from the same guild. I figured the...
  35. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    We use the exact same markings. Had a PUG run in Stone core last night. Two guild members and myself with two random people. The Tank was one of the random people and right from the start we knew he was good. First thing he did was mark the first pull and said Trap is Blue Square and Hex is...
  36. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    It would have been a funnier Typo if you had said a “PMSing Fowl.” Then I would have suspected a Moonkin.
  37. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Nope, that’s not how a DPS talks to a healer not if he wants to stay alive. The proper response to his STFU should have been, “I didn’t know that mages could heal themselves now, but it should be interesting to watch.” Or perhaps even better don’t say anything and let him feel the full pain...
  38. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Talking from the DPS point of view the “Pop everything up front” method is usually a stupid thing to do. I know some people are hoping their cool down will be over for a second pop before the end of a fight so they hit it at the start but I still like to see the tank get established first. Our...
  39. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    If you are the main tank and the Hunter or Rogue isn’t helping you set agro on the initial pull they are not doing their jobs. If you aren’t running with either a Hunter or a Rogue in the group it’s going to be harder to establish immediately. I see a lot of groups that won’t wait a few...
  40. R

    AT World of Warcraft Thread (Cataclysm, Where do you play, General BS and all that)

    Regardless of why he is running M, he&#8217;s doing top notch DPS. I&#8217;ve started to see more diversity in what people are running. The Hunter on my server with the top gear score is running Beast Master, the second is running Marksman. Still the majority of the &#8216;Raiding&#8221; hunters...
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