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  1. D

    Why do British/Europeans hate businessmen/capitalism?

    Indeed, however my case is the perfect example of how perverted capitalism has become. The "workforce" accepts to be even more efficient, to help "their company" and "save their job". We see our results : +32% Benefits and would be happy with that. However seeing the CEO with +18% and hearing...
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    Why do British/Europeans hate businessmen/capitalism?

    A few years ago i was working for ATOS (a french IT company)..... On my last year there in 2011 : Company Gross : +0.8% (compared to 2010) Company Net Benefit : +31.6% (compared to 2010) We had really worse working conditions, increased workload, harsher SLA's due to the hardcore application...
  3. D

    Why do British/Europeans hate businessmen/capitalism?

    You know very well this is false and the market is often bullshit. The "Market" will try to pay the lowest acceptable rate possible, which is not really linked to the value or worth of the individual. The "Market" may be tricked to pay enormous amounts for incompetent people. Here is an example...
  4. D

    Why do British/Europeans hate businessmen/capitalism?

    As i pointed out, the US worship money, and everything is revolves around the idea "more money is always better" is an universal truth. How much is worth the CEO of a company with 2000 people each making 50.000$ ? 1 Million ? 2 Million ? 10 Million ? 100 Million ? I'm not saying he should be...
  5. D

    8 core AMD vs 8 core Intel

    Newegg sells FX8350 for 199$, while i7-4770K costs 330$ All things being equal, if you do encoding or some weird stuff like BF4-64p AMD probably offers better bang per buck. Funny part is if you consider Jhu's link : HT offers +25%...
  6. D

    8 core AMD vs 8 core Intel

    Don't be fooled, all those 8 Core you see are actually 4 Real Cores + 4 Fake Cores :) AMD offers better Performance/$ under a very specific workload : encoding Otherwise Intel is the superior choice (specially if you only use up to 4 cores).
  7. D

    Why do British/Europeans hate businessmen/capitalism?

    Unlike the US which worship the "Self Made Man" & "American Dream" (thus Money) i think europeans are much more jaded/suspicious because after hundreds of years of Monarchy/Dictators they realise that you can't really get "that rich/powerful" without screwing up thousands and thousands of...
  8. D

    MS Outlook with multiple email accounts. Why is it so hard?

    That's kinda horrible, separate accounts for separate contacts/reasons. My biggest complain would be the way Outlook manages multiple accounts when compared to Lotus Notes. Having 5 Tabs for 5 Mailboxes is great. Having a 3 mile long folder list sucks. Yet Lotus doesnt let you transfer email...
  9. D

    nvidia tegra K1

    Intel can already run Android/Windows on the same CPU... Not to mention 95% of Indie Steam games will probably run on Atoms. Capsized, Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, Mark of the Ninja fit the bill. Now touchscreen suck as a controller, yet no one wants a "bluetooth-phone-controller" in his...
  10. D

    The reason Intel is not producing hot chips anymore

    Because outside of the enterprise area (which will keep desktops for servicability and updgradability) there is zero reason to buy a desktop unless you are the 1%. Now i'm not saying the PC is dead, because it's alive and kicking. PCs now come in very thin for factors (tablet) or Media/Game...
  11. D

    The reason Intel is not producing hot chips anymore

    The Desktop as we knew it is dead and buried. In 5 years it will be for the 1% : Anandtech users. The Personal Computer is alive and well, just evolving into a smaller and lighter/smaller form factor... Anyone here remember the IBM AT/XT transportable? Well ot was replaced by the CRT Mac...
  12. D

    Intel labels Ultrabooks a “Failure”

    Don't confuse "vivobook" "zenbook" "random_book" and "UltraBook" (TM) : A 11" or 13" Thin Laptop with good battery life is NOT an "UltraBook" (TM) Here are the latest requirements from Wiki : Processor : Haswell microarchitecture SiP (11.5 or 15 W TDP) Height (maximum) : 23 mm baseline...
  13. D

    Intel labels Ultrabooks a “Failure”

    Ultrabooks should have been designed as the EEE-PC v2 : 500$ good enough in every way, but never great. Instead they went for 1400$+ abominations which were worse than the Air in every single way. Something like this ...
  14. D

    What are the chances of Apple getting in the x86 business?

    Their design teams may be in their infancy, yet they have the best mobile product despite these drawbacks. Sure A7 may not be as fast as a S800 or Little.Big but it's so custom tailored it may be called "perfect" for the job required. As for "Performance/Power Consumption" with their stockpile...
  15. D

    What are the chances of Apple getting in the x86 business?

    So am I ;) and as far as i know there is no Arm able to replace i5. Now ask yourself, Intel was able to scale a modern x86 to 2W. With 100Billion in bank, don't you think that Apple can't scale up A7 ? Of course you can't just join two to make a quad core, overclock and pump 20W to reach...
  16. D

    What are the chances of Apple getting in the x86 business?

    Anand (or Intel) said that a uArch can usually be scaled to a factor of 10 (i'm too lazy to look for the post) So a 2W ARM, could with time be scaled correctly to a 20W ARM.... The performance gain may not be 10x but you get the idea. Now if Apple could design a 20W ARM Chip, performing 8 times...
  17. D

    What are the chances of Apple getting in the x86 business?

    Well if i remember well Anand said (or had intel tell him) than an architecture can scale to a ratio 10. If this is indeed true, with some work Apple could get a 20W A7 thus making the A7 series sufficient for every single portable product. How about Desktops or Workstations with double triple...
  18. D

    AnTuTu and Intel

    Do we have a reliable website with ARM Benches ? I have a Galaxy Tab 7 (the first one) and i'm looking for a 6 to 7" phone/tablet. I've seen a few ones from 200€ (asus fonepad) to 500€ (samsung galaxy mega). I just need something that can play streams at 480p (or more)...
  19. D

    Is Haswell Ready for Tablet Duty? Battery Life of Haswell ULT vs Modern ARM Tablets

    Every time i see a post like this i want to punch someone in the face. We now have a CPU that almost competes with ARM for Video/Browsing in consumption... While having 2 3 4 times more "available power/potential"... And your complain...
  20. D

    PS4 and Xbox One pre-order sales declining

    Indeed but they will still be years behind of a Console or PC. There is just no way around the "more watts = more power" problem. Anyone else notice that the entire article used by the original poster is constructed around a flawed question ? Everyone knows consoles are a mature market in the...
  21. D

    AMD TDP definition

    Not necessarily, imagine a 20W chip at idle with a huge passive heatsink. Now remove the heatsink, the chip will remain at idle, there is zero chance to ever reach that 20W TDP. However it will throttle or even shut down... because there is no heat transfer. If you consider TDP as "maximum...
  22. D

    Haswell-E, 8 cores, DDR4

    My guess is 2011 got "left behind" because there was no pressure from AMD. If Bulldozer had been competitive (better than s1150 as promised) it would be necessary to keep the platform updated. But since there is no need :) Still i don't think 3930K (the main selling point) is to far behind the...
  23. D

    AMD unleashes first ever commercial “5GHz” CPU, the FX-9590

    It's even worse than that, all he uses is two AMD PR Slides to "prove his eight cores". And just insists on lying, which make him look even more stupid, we all know it's not 8 "True Cores" (A core being defined as an totally independent execution unit that can function on its own). Which makes...
  24. D

    AMD unleashes first ever commercial “5GHz” CPU, the FX-9590

    This is joke right ? You CAN NOT be serious posting this. While i agree AMD's "bonus cores" are better than Intel's "bonus cores". Saying 8000 and 9000 have "8 true cores" is just a ignorance, or even worse a blatant lie/manipulation. Assuming the price is right (let's not get into TDP) there...
  25. D

    Give me a reason to go AMD... I WANT TO BELIEVE.

    True, AMD can be very competitive and in several cases better when you factor in Price & Threads. Intel provides "best performance" and "best perf/w" and some times has a luxury tax. I'm almost certain 95% of Computer buyers don't even know what CPU they use. It's only enthusiasts who look at...
  26. D

    AMD's Feldman says ARM processors have some advantages over x86 chips

    I assume that for some calculations time becomes more important than cost ? I mean you can't wait 50 years for that single i7 to finish Climate/Nuke simulations. So while it costs 1000 times more, getting it in 1 year instead of 50 still remains very desirable. Even if the overall project...
  27. D

    First complete review of Haswell i7-4770K

    Well it does have "more threads" (or more specific ressources) and runs at higher speeds. So being faster at certain MT loads is not very relevant, IPC is much lower (Cinebench). My guess is they decided to get the same performance out of a 3+3 (FX6000s) than they had with a X6 but it didn't...
  28. D

    First complete review of Haswell i7-4770K

    They seriously messed up on the first try, but the 8350 is a good CPU. But i mean... they had to have a reason to try and design a brand new core ? I don't see why AMD could not improve K10 for "many cycles", i mean that's what Intel ended up doing with P3/Core2. IDC : The Cinebech 1.02 vs...
  29. D

    How the PlayStation 4 is better than a PC

    Which makes a lot of sense, assuming Carmack was right (i don't see any reason to second guess him) and consoles just "double everything"' due to optimization, you'll get close the spec you posted if you double the PS4. Basically a 500$ console, will perform like a 1000$ PC. It's a fair trade...
  30. D

    The rise and fall of AMD

    Fusion and we'll see the first real use with PS4, A10 using DDR3 is probably a preview to the future.
  31. D

    XBitlabs: Intel Cans Rockwell Processors for Desktops - Spy-Shot From Intel’s Roadmap

    Of course, however i see this the other way around : you can have either but not both. I see Intel offering a i5-3570 (77W) and a 7750 (75W) in a 75W Package. You have an incredibly high ceiling (for CPU or GPU perf) depending on your need (game, flash, photoshop, browsing, productivity...
  32. D

    The rise and fall of AMD

    Intel CPU are faster, pick which ever AMD CPU you want, i'll always find one Intel that's faster. Intel has the Performance & Performance/watt crown, there's no way around it. Every single benchmark out there proves it. The catch is (as i pointed out) PRICE, thus at several price points, AMD...
  33. D

    XBitlabs: Intel Cans Rockwell Processors for Desktops - Spy-Shot From Intel’s Roadmap

    This would actually be quite nice for balanced high end classy laptops (aka Macbook). Not having a GPU could be a bonus (TDP/Chasis Design). I am the only one seeing Intel merging a 25W CPU and a 25W GPU and selling them as a 35W package ? I dont see why GT3 should have a lower CPU perf than...
  34. D

    Digital Foundry: all questioned AAA developers recommend AMD CPU's for gaming PC's

    Are you telling me AMD beats Intel in Perf or Perf/W ? We all know this is untrue. However Intel is a LOT more expensive... You can't put a 350$ i7m in a Sub500$ Console.... AMD never had the best product, it had the ideal product for this cast (once price is factored in). I agree we haven't...
  35. D

    Digital Foundry: all questioned AAA developers recommend AMD CPU's for gaming PC's

    AMD was willing to play ball (price, performance, control loss, unified product) Intel & Nvidia were probably not. It all boils down to this : AMD could/would do it, no one else could/would, so AMD got the deal. As to "all developpers recommended AMD CPU" we all know this is PR Bullshit. There...
  36. D

    AMD back in gear, Centurion FX

    Take a 3770K do the "maximum stable undervolt at stock", run Prime. Take the same 3770K do the "maximum stable overclock", run Prime. A +100W difference (instead of +200W for the FX) between both scenario wouldn't surprise me. The total draw of course, but a ginormous difference in overall...
  37. D

    AMD back in gear, Centurion FX

    Did everyone miss the undervoltage (1.268V, measured) VS 1.560V for stability (measured). +200W is ginormous, but going from a "stable undervolt" to "max stable OC" is a huge gap. I dont doubt your values, but they are visually biased unless someone reads your entire post. You compare your...
  38. D

    PC Sales down 14% in first quarter YoY

    We already have this with thin clients (dumb citrix terminals). Today i have a i3-2100 / 8800GT to play league of legends & do typing/web. My mobile device is a Galaxy Tab (the 1st 7incher that takes a SIM). I have absolutely no doubt that a Galaxy Tab IX with docking station would do the...
  39. D

    Thoughts on James Watson (DNA structure co-discoverer) controversial statements?

    I don't expect them (inherently) to have higher or lower IQ/Intelligence. Saying "Dem' africans are dumb as rocks" doesnt really surprise me.... Living in the world's shit-hole/dump is not what i'd call a "facilitating factor" for "intellectual development". < 10s of thousands of years > will...
  40. D

    Thoughts on James Watson (DNA structure co-discoverer) controversial statements?

    Why shouldn't there be a huge difference in IQ or Intelligence between Africa and Europe/US ? We have food, medicine, healthcare, shelter, educating, government, television, games, stimulation, prenatal control. What chances does the average 7 year old goat-herder, half starving to death while...
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