Search results

  1. D

    Logitech Cordless Desktop iTouch or Pro Cordless $45/$54

    Isn't this the same deal that came up a few months ago? If so, I seem to remember several people getting defective keyboards and/or mice. These are reconditioned units. Anybody buy one of the "regular" packages From Cutpost lately that can comment on what they got? Ryan
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    Planescape: Torment and Thief for 15 bux!

    The Best Buy in Saginaw, MI has a bunch of different games bundled that way. I already had PS:Torment so I looked through their selection and found Thief 2 bundled with Might and Magic VI. The games still had the original BB price stickers on them too, and they also had Thief 2 in the next...
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    E Toys Orders

    My order from 1/12 still says 'Pending" too. As far as the prices go, I put about a dozen items in my cart that I thought about buying if the prices fell a little more. The total at the time was around $230. I just checked this morning and the same items now total $385. Oh well...
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    HOT!! Imation 50pk 12x 80min CDR's for $10 after $5 MIR at BB

    For those interested, I posted the ATIP info in the other thread about this deal.
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    50 pack Imation 12x cdr's $9.99 w/MIR

    I picked up a pack of these last weekend. Here is the ATIP info: Disc Manufacture: CMC Magnetics Corp. Dye: Phthalocyanine (Type 6) Capacity: 702.83MB (79m 59s)
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    48MB of CF memory only $33.49 shipped after rebates!!! Sweet!

    These are back in stock at Computer4SURE so hurry on over before they are all gone again. I picked up a couple of the 48MB cards for my new Nikon Coolpix 950 and they work great. With the included Jumpshot cable the CF card is treated just like a removable disk drive.
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    PHOTOALLEY DEAL Last day use COUPON CODE NOW!linked! + MSN20% + Ebates.(small discussion)on deals!

    Could it be because you typed a ':' followed by an 'O' like this :o Guess that's it. What about inserting a space between them like this : O
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    Taisol Cek733092 = Excellent Performance, Cheap CPU HSF Coolers For Overclocker -Rated up to 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon/Duron. (Nov. 27 UPDATES)

    FINAL UPDATE For those that have emailed me in the last 5 days or so I have been gone on Thanksgiving vacation and I don't take a computer with me on vacation. I have sold all of the last batch I ordered. I have a few people on a waiting list in case any of the promised payments from a couple...
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    PHOTOALLEY DEAL Last day use COUPON CODE NOW!linked! + MSN20% + Ebates.(small discussion)on deals!

    Like you say it really depends on the user, but if you shoot everything in the 1600x1200 fine mode that's only 50-60 pix on the 48mb card. Not very many when you think about it. You can always shoot at a lower resoultion or higher compression, but why spend the $$$ on a high quality camera...
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    Sony MF-515 Speakers for $187. Make that $177. Matching center speaker CN-490 for $55

    I went ahead and did this deal, but I also used the ECS BFL rebate (see other thread) for an extra $10 rebate. Total should be $177.18 after all is said and done. I also used the ECS $10 rebate+$20 coupon+20% off Passport to get the matching CN490 center channel speaker for $54.96...
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    Compaq 19-Inch Presario 1600 x 1200 Monitor, MV920 I got mine for 267 -100MIR at MERCATA w/ passport

    tomcat, I've got an 'extra' Mercata account with the $100 credit still available that I don't see any way that I'm going to use. I've already spent over $1500 in the last few days with this Passport deal and I've got to stop. :) I'll have to look and make sure I feel comfortable that there is...
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    Sony MF-515 Speakers for $187. Make that $177. Matching center speaker CN-490 for $55 has these for $259.95-$30 coupon+$29.22 shipping(gulp)-20% MSN passport=$207 Go through Brand4Less to get back $20.00 of that shipping so total is $187 I have a pair of these and they are pretty good speakers for the price. I have the final order summary page all ready to click...
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    PHOTOALLEY DEAL Last day use COUPON CODE NOW!linked! + MSN20% + Ebates.(small discussion)on deals!

    My 950 from Photoalley actually shipped. Either that or they are UPSing me an empty box about the correct weight. I went through ebates and the banner was at the top of the screen the entire time so I guess I shoud get it.
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    50pack of SILVER! yes SILVER 12x 700mb CDR media for $9.50, go everyone's NEW BURNERS!!~WOOHooo!

    Ok, so are the Computer Geeks CDRs confirmed to be good. I've read all the post (twice), the actual description, and the blurb over at gotapex, but does anyone actual have some of these in their hands that can confirm that they are the good stuff.
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    30% off all merchandise at

    Isn't this place basically Ace Hardware online? There are Ace Hardware links all over the place on the website. Just asking.
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    and you think that $150 for a 19" compaq monitor was good!

    So what's up casiotech? You do really have a thing about Compaq. I just counted and we currently have 6 Compaq monitors in our office. The first one was bought back in 1992ish and we have have zero, zilch, naddy problems with any of them. If you have some facts to back up this crusade you...
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    Velodyne Sub CT-120 $489 at

    I bought a Sony DB930 receiver from them a while back and it was VERY easy to price match. They didn't seem to even check my quote because I fudged it a little and they still matched it. Now don't anyone go trying to tell them you got a quote of $149 for a $1000 receiver because they ain't...
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    PHOTOALLEY DEAL Last day use COUPON CODE NOW!linked! + MSN20% + Ebates.(small discussion)on deals!

    I also received a tracking number for the 950 I ordered from Photoalley. It looks like they really are shipping stuff as long as you received an order confirmation. Also, where did you guys read that ebates couldn't be used on this deal?
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    I have all of Friday's Sale Ads - Here are some of the deals!!

    Any good DVD buys at Best Buy like last year?
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    PHOTOALLEY DEAL Last day use COUPON CODE NOW!linked! + MSN20% + Ebates.(small discussion)on deals!

    ton, I have one of those HP Photosmart scanners that does 2400dpi. That works out to like 7.5 megapixel for a 35mm slide, way higher resolution than you're going to get with any digital camera and it only cost me a few hundred dollars (don't remember price off hand.) Also remember that each...
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    PHOTOALLEY DEAL Last day use COUPON CODE NOW!linked! + MSN20% + Ebates.(small discussion)on deals!

    broadwayblue, I'm really into Canon SLRs but I went with the Nikon 950 for a digital camera, although the Canon S100 is still very tempting. The Nikon offers a few more features that were important to me (3x optical zoom, excellent marco, more manual modes, greater choice of image size), but...
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    $10 off $50 ECS deals, running through holiday season

    I used the form yesterday and received the error. I then sent an email with my purchase deals to the email address you have in the FAQ section. Will that be ok, or should I resubmit the info using the form? Thanks for these rebates too.
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    Found a place selling PS2s for $300

    WOW!! Only $300 and no shipping charges either. I just sent them the $300 via Paypal. I wonder how long it'll take to get my PS2? :)
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    PHOTOALLEY DEAL Last day use COUPON CODE NOW!linked! + MSN20% + Ebates.(small discussion)on deals!

    anandfan, I just checked my order and it list it as 'Scheduled to Ship'. I placed the order yesterday (11/18/2000).
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    PHOTOALLEY DEAL Last day use COUPON CODE NOW!linked! + MSN20% + Ebates.(small discussion)on deals!

    I placed an order for the CoolPix 950 at Photoalley yesterday. I received an email shortly after that confirming my order with both the $100 off and the 20% off. Total was $519.96. I went through ebates too, so should be another 5% off (of what amount I'm not sure.) I'll also have to agree...
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    Compaq 19" monitor is back!!! 11/18/00; 149.95 shipped + speakers

    I think the MV920 and the MV940 are completely different. The specs for the MV920 are much higher than the MV940. (Higher max resolution and higher refresh rate.) I have an MV900 which has the same specs as the MV920 and it's a really nice monitor. Better than anything I saw when I bought it...
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    Hot!! Nikon Coolpix 950 $370 shipped (after rebate and discount)--lowest price ever seen

    I used a different billing and mailing address. I did the same thing: MSN, then ebates, then Photoalley. I used IE5 strait from the WIN98SE CD, no updates. I tried it first with Netscape 6 and it failed, but I was trying to log in to MSN AFTER I did ebates and then Photoalley. Now that I...
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    Hot!! Nikon Coolpix 950 $370 shipped (after rebate and discount)--lowest price ever seen

    Question. I've had no problems going through ebates for both the Compaq MV920 deal and now the Coolpix 950 deal. How do you know for sure everything went ok? The ebates banner was at the top of the page the entire time, is that all that is required?
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    Mercata Compaq 19' monitor MV920 only $150 shipped

    I have the MV900, which I believe had the same CRT tube just different cosmetics. At least the specs are exactly the same as the MV900. I think Compaq just replaced the MV900 with the MV920 last year because they had a lot of problems with MV900's overheating and turning themselves off. I...
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    Compaq 19" monitor is back!!! 11/18/00; 149.95 shipped + speakers

    Cool. It took a little work but I got two of them for $247 each shipped. Maybe less if the ebates rebate comes through. I'm using the older MV900 and it's a great monitor. As far as the $100 rebate, we only purchase Compaq computers at my office and have never had a problem getting the...
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    Aureal Vortex2 SuperQuad : $30.95

    Here is the site I found the information on the Aureal 2048 drivers at: The drivers themselves are still on an Aureal FTP servers, so I don't know how long they will remain there. To get them to work I had to copy the orginal drivers from the CD...
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    Aureal Vortex2 SuperQuad : $30.95

    Considering Creative sued Aureal out of business, I just can't force myself to buy any Creative products. I have had really good luck with my Aureal SQ2500 and the 2048 drivers for WIN 98SE. The EAX support has worked in all the games I've tried so far (Thief, System Shock 2, Baldur's Gate 1...
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    compaq cordless mice for 7.99(by logitech)

    Umm, the receiver is not included.
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    Mercata Compaq 19' monitor MV920 only $150 shipped

    Hmmm.... Might have to pick up a couple of these. I'm using an older MV900 right now and I still think it's the best looking monitor I've seen/used bar NONE. I wonder what's changed between the MV900 and MV920 other than cosmetics? We sure could use a couple of new 19" monitors to...
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    Taisol Cek733092 = Excellent Performance, Cheap CPU HSF Coolers For Overclocker -Rated up to 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon/Duron. (Nov. 27 UPDATES)

    UPDATE Second order came today. Because of the postal holiday on Friday these won't be mailed now until Saturday. I'll send everyone who has paid an email when I mail yours out. I have just over 30 still available, so if you want one let me know via email. I'm starting to get a little busy...
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    Taisol Cek733092 = Excellent Performance, Cheap CPU HSF Coolers For Overclocker -Rated up to 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon/Duron. (Nov. 27 UPDATES)

    Sorry to go MIA on everyone the last few days. I had to go out of town on work and just didn't get a chance to answer everyones emails before I left. The second group of 100 should be here soon (I ordered them last Thursday) and I currently have about 50 available, BUT I have a string of about...
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    Hard drive coolers

    Does anyone have any experience with the Cyber Cool HD-1000 hard drive coolers? Are they fairly quite? Here is a link: HD-1000
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    Taisol Cek733092 = Excellent Performance, Cheap CPU HSF Coolers For Overclocker -Rated up to 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon/Duron. (Nov. 27 UPDATES)

    Thanks guys. I'm glad you are all getting these without any problems. If you want to leave me feedback at HeatWare that would be great. I just recently discovered the place and it looks like a good idea. Probably best to use "DaYooper" as my id. I started out using...
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    Taisol Cek733092 = Excellent Performance, Cheap CPU HSF Coolers For Overclocker -Rated up to 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon/Duron. (Nov. 27 UPDATES)

    Spindler, I haven't received anything yet. I'll let you know as soon as I do though. Ryan PS I hate to post a reply here like this, but I seem to have trouble getting any email messages to you. I'm not sure why.
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    Taisol Cek733092 = Excellent Performance, Cheap CPU HSF Coolers For Overclocker -Rated up to 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon/Duron. (Nov. 27 UPDATES)

    UPDATE I've sent out all HSF's that I have received payment for from the first group buy of 100. I did get half a dozen payments in the mail today and I'll send those people's HSF out tomorrow along with an email including your delivery confirmation number. If you want in on the next group...
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