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  1. T

    GF2MX vs. what??

    << Teasy, I think he was talking to me. >> :), maybe, but considering you said "Ask Teasy, he'll have the answer" (which would kind of give him the impression that I'm "the local Kyro guy around here":)) and he posted after my post I assume he's talking to me:P:), not that I care who he's...
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    GF2MX vs. what??

    << cool thanx >> No Problem. << i guess your the local Kyro guy around here? >> I suppose, though I prefer PowerVR guy:) BTW incase you don't know PowerVR or Imagination Technologies (PowerVR technologies are a part of Imagination technologies) are the people who design the technology...
  3. T

    GF2MX vs. what??

    Yes WinXP support was added three driver releases ago. In the first official Kyro 1 and II WinXP driver it was ok but had a bug that made it slow, but the second release fixed this and AFAIK the second and third release are good stable WinXP drivers. Until now I've decided not to move to XP...
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    GF2MX vs. what??

    Pookguy88, buy neither of those cards. Pick either the Visiontek GTS-V 32mb for $65 or the Apollo Kyro II 64mb for $64. Either of those will stomp all over both the cards you mentioned and there both just as cheap. Personally I'd go for the 64mb Kyro II.
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    Video Upgrade (Kyro II on a Athlon XP system?)

    Yeah Kyro II is the best all round card for price/performance, especially if you don't want to have to overclock to get good performance (which would rule out the GTS-V). The Kyro II is $64 on its got great 3d quality and speed especially with fast CPU's like the one your...
  6. T

    Need Kyro II opinions... please please please!

    At those resolutions you'll notice a huge difference in speed especially if you usually use 32bit. On the other hand if you've been using 16bit on your Ultra then going to Kyro II and using 16bit you'll notice quite a large speed increase and an even bigger image quality increase (Kyro's 16bit...
  7. T

    Which video card should I get? :)

    << i have been thinking of upgrading my video card to a MX400 64Mb w/TV >> What are you going to be paying for that?, it probably isn't your best option right now. << I just bought a G2 GTS-V and will overclock it to GTS2 Pro speed >> Hmm, why do you assume that you'll get Pro speeds...
  8. T

    Experiences with Hercules 3D Prophet 4500

    << I e-mailed nVidia about that, hopefully I can get a response and get some definite information on it. If Anand doesn't beat me to it, that is. >> Hmm the deal might not be as good as it first looked, as far as I can make out its a slower version of the GTS, it has a 175mhz core instead of...
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    Experiences with Hercules 3D Prophet 4500

    << No Ti 200 has good 2D? >> Its not that none of them do but at this stage who knows which versions have good 2d?, its a bit of a lottery until we see more reviews of these boards. << I agree with AMDpowerd, if you're going to spend $150--you might as well spend $175 for the Ti 200. >>...
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    Experiences with Hercules 3D Prophet 4500

    << Pick up a GF3 TI200 >> Since he's not a hardcore gamer and is bargain hunting and needs good 2d IMO it'd be better for him to get something that deffinately has good 2d (allot of the Geforce boards don't) and is very fast in games for a great price (Kyro II 64mb for $66 fits the bill IMO).
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    Experiences with Hercules 3D Prophet 4500

    NedHades, I have the same sort of setup as you, a KT7A (KT133A) with a 1.4ghz Athlon (overclocked to 1523mhz with a 145mhz FSB) 512mb ram and Win98SE. I have a Videologic Vivid!XS Kyro II (same as the Hercules 3d prophet 4500) which isn't overclocked at all. It all works great, runs everything...
  12. T

    Difference between these two cards???

    If you take a look at there are cheaper versions of Kyro II that are just as good as that Hercules 4500 Kyro II. There's a INNO3d Kyro II 64mb and a Apollo Kyro II 64mb on pricewatch for only $66. As nemesismk2 says there's no reason to get a Kyro 1 these days unless you want...
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    Advice: pci nvidia product needed at $100 or less

    << I want something with an nvidia chip. >> Why??, just being an Nvidia card doesn't make it better, there are various Nvidia cards all with various advantages and disadvantages against other board. Would you take a TNT2 against a Radeon for instance just because its a Nvidia TNT2?
  14. T

    Radeon LE availability outside US (in UK specifically)?

    There are usually quite allot of Radeon LE's being sold on ebay. I bought one on ebay from the U.S a while back and got it for £70 inc delivery (I emailed the bloke and told him to send the card marked as cheap or as a gift so I avoided VAT). You might get one from there even cheaper now. But...
  15. T

    can't disable vsync with kyro2...

    No Win2k performance is just as fast as Win98 for Kyro. Have you ticked "disable waiting for verticle sinc" in the OpenGL part of the Kyro II optimisations? or if you have a driver profile for Q3 then tick it there instead.
  16. T

    Real Pricing: The myth vs the Truth

    Yeah Ben has no expenses to cover, after all children are so cheap to bring up these days:) I also paid nothing for my Kyro 1 and II and I have no idea what you people are going on about, you say that you actually pay for graphics boards??, thats crazy talk I tellz ya:)
  17. T

    question about kryo video cards...

    The PCI Kyro 1 is now available in the U.K for £67.61 (which is a full £20 more expensive then the cheapest Herc Kyro 1 AGP, but it has only just been released so once a few stores get it the price should come right down). AFAIK it should be available everywhere else as well after all Herc...
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    << Hmmm thats exacly what i said... >> Err no, I'm saying that there's no reason to mention the fact that its emulated in software as if it wasn't it wouldn't be emulating hardware T&L is would just be performing hardware T&L. The feature emulates hardware T&L therefore its "hardware T&L...
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    Well its hardly going to emulate HW T&L in hardware is it, if it did it wouldn't be emulating HW T&L is would be performance HW T&L:)
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    Dark4ng3l, no'one said its a new feature, Nguyendot was merely asking exactly what the feature does. P.S. you mean hardware T&L emulation;)
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    I'd like to see something similar to geometry assist added to Kyro drivers, might help allot with the lack of HW T&L.
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    AIW Radeon or Kyro II (today)

    Read the latest news on NHL 2002 and Kyro II at PowerVR Revolution, FSUpaintball, I especially want you to read this page:P
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    AIW Radeon or Kyro II (today)

    FSUpaintball, your a total troll man, you know that any problem Kyro II might have with NHL 2002 is nothing to do with HW T&L (if it was then Voodoo, TNT2 ect wouldn't run the game either and that is not the case) yet you insist on spreading this misinfomation. Do your homework on graphics...
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    AIW Radeon or Kyro II (today)

    I suppose it all depends on how much your willing to spend. If you can spend the extra money for the Radeon VIVO SE then do it, it sounds like it'll fit your needs perfectly, but if you know you'll always be cringing thinking "how could I spend all that cash for performance similar to a $90...
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    GeForce2 GTS, KyroII, Radeon DDR Oh My

    << and btw incase anyone is saying why am I going with a 8500 instead of a GF3... >> I don't think you have to explain yourself there, the Radeon 8500 has all the features that Geforce 3 has and more, far faster HW T&L and a higher raw fillrate. IMO its simply the superior card. Obviously...
  26. T

    What are RT-patches / N-Patches?

    N-Patch tesselation is the real name for ATI's truform. What it does basically is create a curved surface by taking a flat triangle curving it and then making it into lots of smaller triangles. So you put one triangle into the GPU and out pops a curved surface made up of lots more triangles...
  27. T

    Which Video Cards are compatable with Win XP

    The Kyro I and II just had official WinXP drivers released a few days ago.
  28. T

    Kyro II vs. Geforce 1 sdr and Matrox G550??

    The Kyro II is about 60%+ faster then the Geforce SDR at high res, 32bit and probably 70-80% faster with FSAA and 32bit. The 2d isn't quite G550 quality (but then what other board is appart from the other Matrox boards) but its very good, better then most Geforce boards and around the same as...
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    KyroII Artifacts and TNT2 support for DirectX8.0

    << I was a little concerned about leftover drivers, but when I took a look at the AnandTech articles, I saw that artifacts occurred in their testing as well (even though they raved about the KyroII). >> That Anand review was when Kyro II was first released and there was a problem in MBTR...
  30. T

    Hercules 3d prophet 4500

    linman, at ECTS PowerVR told me they are working on Linux drivers but they couldn't tell me when they'd be out so if you need linux right now then you'll have to return the board. Mykex, for god sake man stop bitching about driver releases:) You make it sound as if the last updated driver was...
  31. T

    Want a new video card under those conditions

    Kyro II is far faster then the Geforce 2 MX400 and also a allot faster then the Radeon LE. If you tweak the LE (enabled hyper z and manage to overclock it to 180mhz) then it comes closer in performance to the Kyro II but still not as fast as Kyro II. The Radeon and Kyro II have very good 2d...
  32. T

    Prophet 4500 Kyro II vs Creative Labs Geforce 2 32 MB GTS

    With your system the 32mb GTS would be a little faster in most games especially at 16bit and also sometimes at 32bit so get that. If you had a 900mhz CPU I might advise you to get the Kyro II 64mb as it would then probably be faster in most games then that 32mb GTS especially at 32bit. But...
  33. T

    Radeon vs. MX vs. ?

    I saw a Hercules 3D Prophet 4500 64MB Kyro II TV-Out at for $100. $15 more then you want to spend but hey for the large increase in performance that this holds over a Radeon LE and Geforce 2 MX400 its worth it unless you can find a good GTS board with TV-Out for the same price or...
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    when will a new Nvidia card be out

    << I`d go for a decent 64mb Geforce2 pro over the geforce3mx. It`ll be cheaper and be able to use its 4 texture pipelines unlike the geforce3 mx which will only have 2. Just like the geforce1 DDR being alot faster than the geforce2MX the geforce3mx will be slower than a geforce2. I think they...
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    Any Kyro2 users work with 3D apps?

    Nope that doesn't look like a symptom of the more then 256mb ram problem that some people suffer from. Do your games run fine? I don't use progs like 3DS Max so I have no idea what may cause that problem. Take a look at the FAQ at and also post this problem in the forums there...
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    Just install Giants, bump mapping not enabled. - KYRO II

    Don't worry, you have the 1.4 patch so Environmentally Mapped Bump Mapping is enabled (you can see this if you turn landscape bump mapping on and off in game). The feature that isn't enabled thats wrongly called Environmental Bump Mapping is actually Cube Mapping which isn't supported by Kyro II.
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    Which should be the choice - Geforce2MX400 or Geforce256 DDR? Both costing the same!!

    This is OT but I noticed something strange in that review: 3dmark2001 bench No board beating 1750 points in 3dmark2001 at 1024x768x32 with a Pentium III 1ghz. The GTS is getting 1655 points?? Wierd.
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    Which should be the choice - Geforce2MX400 or Geforce256 DDR? Both costing the same!!

    << Which should be the ideal choice between the Geforce2MX400 and the Older Geforce256 DDR on a Duron 900, Asus KT133 M/B 256MB Ram, monitor only 14&quot;. Gaming will be done at 800x600x16 bit resolution. Both cost the same here at $140 each. >> Get the Geforce DDR, then turn up the res and...
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    Hercules Kyro or Geforce DDR 32...which to keep?

    << I was looking for a cheap video card and finally gave up on the auctions and ordered the Hercules Prophet Kyro for $50. Then an auction that was sure I was going to lose closed an I won a new VisionTek Geforce with 32meg of DDR and WinDVD software for $34. >> With the Kyro you get better...
  40. T

    What does it take for Nam ng to be band?

    << A lot of flame fanning going on in that thread, no way can you blame it on a single person. >> Everyone is responsible for there own actions and should be able to keep themselves calm enough as not to start vigerously insulting people. No matter how much &quot;flame fanning&quot; went on...
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