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  1. R

    Complaint against

    I've ordered from them a few times, most recently a Lenovo Vibe X2. Prices are often low compared to the competition but yeah, they have dodgy service when something goes wrong. I think they have been improving but they started from a fathomlessly low base.
  2. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    You may be misreading me because this is kinda preaching to the choir. If you remember, the heavy in-camera JPEG processing is what made me pick the RX100's JPEG's over the A6000's. Also in any thread where compact cameras come up I'm the first person to suggest the RX100; I always struggle to...
  3. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    I think if I compared the A6000's images after processing them with DXO Optics Pro Prime noise reduction they'd have fared a lot better against the RX100 II. RX100 II really processes the hell out of its JPEGs. The A6000 does a fair lot of it too, but the RX100 II just takes it to a ridiculous...
  4. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    OK, tried the lenses at infinite focus and it looks like their fields of view match almost perfectly there. False alarm! This renews my appreciation for the 18-300mm because the results at 300mm are very close in quality so far. I'll only really be sure of that when I take some daylight shots...
  5. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    It was fairly close objects indoors I did the tests on, yes. I hope focus breathing fully explains the phenomenon. I'll have to do a long range test in the weekend when I can test it in daylight. Thanks for the suggestion.
  6. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    I picked up a used 70-300mm f4.5-f5.6 Nikon lens yesterday. Heard good things about how sharp this one is at the long end and wanted to see if it's significantly better than my superzoom. Turns out there was a bit of a shocker lying in wait: the 18-300mm zoom lens probably ISN'T a 300mm lens...
  7. R

    How important is autofocus for you?

    There's a sigma lens with 50-150mm range and f/2.8 aperture (slightly) below $1000 if I'm not mistaken. If I ever decide to spend that kind of money on a lens again, it's on my short list. In fact, there's two: a cheap, light version without OS that is much less sharp and a more expensive...
  8. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    I'm using the OVF. If the ISO setting doesn't affect it it's actually a worse problem because as far as I'm aware it's unfixable. I've tested the autofocus system of the D5300 against my RX100 II and the latter often beats it by a comfortable margin. The difference is very obvious when you...
  9. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    It's pretty obvious just from the feeling of using the two. I was actually a bit too mild on the D5300. The autofocus does mess up a shot every now and then. At night you have to make sure not to shoot in too low ISO or it will sometimes refuse to focus. You can pretty much not reliably use...
  10. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    Dude, you're the only one using the word "necessarily". All I'm implying is that there's a quite a burden of proof on people who would claim all that extra circuitry doesn't make a difference. It's an incontestable fact to start that the autofocus points cover less of the total field of view...
  11. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    It's widely known that the Sony A6000 has an extremely advanced autofocus system for a camera at its price point. It has 179 AF points versus the D5300's 39. Even the D7100 pales in comparison to it with its 51 AF points. The A6000 also uses much more cross-discipline sensors capable of phase...
  12. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    Finally some good news. Now that I've tested the Nikon 18-300mm in daylight and the Sigma 18-35 at night, I'm getting good results across all conditions. I'm really glad I didn't stick with the Tamron 18-200mm on the A6000; there is such a world of difference between that and this Nikon. The...
  13. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    All I want is results that are noticeably better than what a pocket camera with a 1 inch sensor produces. Is it really too much to ask? If I carry around 1KG of extra weight and pay almost $2000 why would I demand anything less? The RX100 II doesn't even have a particularly great lens according...
  14. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length? The graphs on this page (click Graphs to the right of Cameras Compared) tell you the whole story. With Noise reduction turned on, the A6000 gets insanely impressive SNR results. But with it turned off, it underperforms my D5300 slightly. I've...
  15. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    I've got the Nikon D5300 now. The lens I got with it is the lightweight 18-300 f3.5 to f6.3 because it's convenience trumps that of everything else and I think any lens that goes up to 300mm will already be overkill in terms of telephoto detail so I don't need the ideal option. I'll pick up a...
  16. R

    Please recommend best camera for my pc hardware review channel

    First thing that needs to be said: don't ever use a smartphone camera for any work that's remotely serious. Even if you need something in a similar price range you have much better options. As far as I'm aware samsung is not known for making quality cameras outside the smartphone world. Their...
  17. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    Got the swap planned on Thursday. I'm losing 160 euros on the deal, which afaic is a relief. Could have been a lot worse. Current plans for what I'll be getting: - Nikon D5300 (just as good as D7100 sensor wise but comes with swiveling screen, updated processor and a lighter body; don't know...
  18. R

    Please help me select a camera/lens

    The D3xxx line is attractive for its weight as well. Not that much worse than the Nex line and the lenses are in the different league, although also heavier and bigger. And that price tag. Wow. I don't think you can find 24MP APS-C + mirror based view finder in anything cheaper. At one shop...
  19. R

    Another mirrorless / 4/3 thread

    Before you get anything from the Nex line I recommend you look carefully if the lenses you want for it exist at any affordable price point at all. In my personal opinion, absolutely essential lenses are: - superzooms with a focal range from wide angle (+/- 28mm equivalent) to telephoto (+/-...
  20. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    Dxomark also has measurements for the lenses and that's where the difference is massive. The 18-300mm lens gets almost twice the amount of detail at 300mm as the 18-200mm e-mount tamron gets at 200mm. The 30mm lens has f/1.4 aperture and is sharp at that setting. I really don't think I can go...
  21. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    Another update. The 12mm Samyang lens does pretty much as expected. It's good as an ultra wide angle lens but for general low light purposes it's not really that useful. The angle is just too wide make anything at a typical distance look very detailed. It's probably not very sharp at F/2.0 to...
  22. R

    Octacore vs quadcore

    I imagine distributing heat evenly between active and inactive cores would help keep up longer term performance even if the cores aren't ever (or just aren't frequently) used simultaneously. I've used mediatek quad-core and octa-core SoC phones and the difference in performance was quite...
  23. R

    Thoughts on large phone.

    People are always too quick to associate small designs with superior ergonomics. Needing pincers and magnifying glass to operate anything on the screen, that is the real ergonomic nightmare. This is why I think large phones are becoming more of a thing. I think we've collectively settled on...
  24. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    Cool, sounds like a lens I can't go wrong with then. I'll be ordering it later today. By the way, I did a few more "empirical" comparisons of the quality between the RX100 and the A6000 and it looks like my subjective estimates were a bit too harsh on the A6000. The difference may be subtle to...
  25. R

    Nexus 6 no longer a budget phone

    Here in Europe the Nexus 5 isn't priced anywhere near as competitively as in the US, so this is hardly a huge change of trend where our market is concerned. I haven't checked recently but I think I recall the LG G2 was sold at the same price as the Nexus 5 last I saw it a store. And yes: google...
  26. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    Welp, the deadline has passed I haven't returned the cam. I don't know what it is about this thing that messes with my mind but I just can't bring myself to return it. No idea what else I'd spend the money on and I do want a better camera, even if this one's a bit of a disappointment relative to...
  27. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    Small update: Been comparing some more night shots between the RX100 II and the A6000. In all honesty... it doesn't look good. I fail to see much of a consistent advantage in terms of low light performance from the larger sensor at all. Under equivalent conditions the RX100 II will be able to...
  28. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    That's probably what I'll end up doing, but it still makes me feel like I'm not getting the most out of the camera. Ideally I'd want the auto settings to leave ISOs above 6400 alone UNTIL one of those situations pops up where doing anything less leaves hardly anything visible at all. But I guess...
  29. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    My gripe is that it unnecessarily uses 25600 in the first place, not so much that the results then predictably suck. Since this was my first day using the camera I thought I'd let the auto settings do what they want, to see if the camera might know what it's doing. I don't know what it is that...
  30. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    I've got the A6000 with 3 lenses: 16-50mm pancake zoom, 50mm prime portrait f/1.8 and 55-210mm telelens. I have 14 days to decide if I do or don't want to return the whole set. First impressions are pretty mixed. I've done comparison shots between it and the RX100 II and the difference was...
  31. R

    Would you like a supertall phone? Like a 20/9 Ratio? (theory discussion)

    the biggest ergonomic problem with most phones these days, imo, is the difficulty of reaching the top of the screen with your thumb from the position you typically hold it at, or rather where it rests on your fingers. this is solved by making the phone shorter, not taller. a taller phone might...
  32. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    I want a substantial upgrade from my RX100 II... 3/4 doesn't really cut it. APS-C is my minimum. Kit lens of the alpha/nex series is a bit "meh", I fully agree, although I also think there's a tendency to overrate fast/wide aperture lenses; f/1.8 is pretty specialistic when it comes down to it...
  33. R

    Note 4 vs Iphone 6+ Camera Shootout

    The trees look better in the right picture. More contrast, better defined contours. Note 4's pic looks pretty processed to me. IDK what the yellow glow in the right picture is, but I'm guessing it's not supposed to be there.
  34. R

    LG G2 Brightness Won't Go Above 50%

    Interesting to hear, but no. You're the second other person I've found with the problem. I tried quite a few things, between replacing the screen, fastening all the internal connectors and replacing the lower part of the electronics board, but nothing worked. If it's some component that got...
  35. R

    Anyone own/use a Lenovo phone? I've used two Lenovo flagship phones, the K900 and Vibe Z (1). The breakdown: Software: disastrous, atrocious, horrid, I can not stress their incompetence in this area enough. Their old Ideaphone UI was a nightmare, a car crash, a cataclysm, let's just move on...
  36. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    Thanks for that site. I added the RX100 to the widget so I have a familiar reference point and it honestly doesn't look that bad to me. Like I said I'm not looking to carry it in any kind of trouser pockets, just jacket pockets. And even then I might just want to do that only some of the time...
  37. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    $1500 is the upper limit of what I'll look at, mainly with the intent of possibly buying the camera in question later when it's been priced down a bit. The NEX5 series cameras seem to perform poorly on tests like these...
  38. R

    Jacket-pocketable, APS-C, up to 75mm eq. focal length?

    The Sony NEX 5T and NEX 6 with 18-50mm retractable zoom lens seem to offer exactly what I was looking for. I'm quite amazed both by how compact and how cheap these are. The ability to switch in a lens with 200mm telephoto focal length is very nice. Definitely thinking about going for one of...
  39. R

    iPhone6 will kill high end Android phones in the US

    Imagine if the iphone did manage to "kill" the high end android market, as in send the price of flagships down and into the $300 range. Major, major win for the android phone consumer. Who exactly are we trying to scare here?
  40. R

    OK Tablet Experts...

    I've been enjoying my tab S 8.4. I'd say the (graphical) performance complaint is somewhat legit (nowhere near terrible but a notch and a half below perfection); the battery life one not so much. It also comes with pretty extensive homescreen skinning that you've got to get rid of to make it run...
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