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  1. T

    no reboot if left sitting after shutting down

    I'm running an AMD 1GHZ @ 1.2GHz on a Abit KT7 MB. If I tell it to shutdown it does, but if I leave it sit without physically powering it off totally via the power bar it will often not power back on (it sounds like it's coming up, but there's no video post) The only solution is to pwr fully...
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    ATA 100 problem on KT7 - I know it's something stupid but...

    When I first built my KT7 system up with a ata100 45GB IBM drive it was picked up in the bios no problem as ATA100. Unfortunately it died less than 2 months later. I replaced it with a Maxtor ATA100 40GB HD (cause the stupid supplier wouldn't cross ship a new IBM!) The Maxtor wouldn't come up as...
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    General Overheating Questions

    " I am thinking about drilling some holes in the side of the case.........roughly next to the CPU and putting a couple of extraction fans at the top of the case ( a full tower Aopen )" I don't know about the holes in the side, but a blowhole on top sucking the hot air out would...
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    Need advise on air flow direction. Thanks

    Well, your thoughts are right in line with 'normal' cooling layouts. Heat rises so the exhaust fan is usually best higher up. A lower front case fan as intake will suck cooler air in from the floor area. Last weekend I modded the front intake by greatly enlarging the hole in the metal part of...
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    How do you secure a PCI card that doesnt quite fit?

    I'm guessing from the your other reply that it isn't going down into the slot far enough to make good contact. If that's the case, on occaision I've had to totally straighten the back metal plate of the card and then re-bend it a bit farther up. Usually right where the 'U' shaped cut is for the...
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    How do you secure a PCI card that doesnt quite fit?

    Which way doesn't it fit? Won't it go down far enough or is it a R/L problem or what? Let me know and I'll see what kind of cobble it will take to fit it!
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    Apushardware/Icrontic hacked

    AdamK47 - 3DS - Thanks! Actually the chipset is Rage 128, I think the card was what they called an Expert2000 or something. It was a leftover from my old PII system. Just over the weekend I tried a Cougar video card (running the nvidia tnt2 64 chipset - while it was faster it didn't seem to like...
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    Apushardware / Icrontic Hacked

    For anyone else who also frequents ApusHardware, as you likely know it's been changed to However, it's been down all day. Presently on, you'll get the message "sorry, has been HACKED... big time. we are working to restore it. please be patient, it may...
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    Apushardware/Icrontic Hacked

    For anyone else who also frequents ApusHardware, as you likely know it's been changed to However, it's been down all day. Presently on, you'll get the message "sorry, has been HACKED... big time. we are working to restore it. please be patient, it may...
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    Apushardware/Icrontic hacked

    For anyone else who also frequents ApusHardware, as you likely know it's been changed to However, it's been down all day. Presently on, you'll get the message "sorry, has been HACKED... big time. we are working to restore it. please be patient, it may...
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    How in the world do you cut through an Inwin Q500 case???

    I've got the s500 and put a hole in the top of it. I just drilled a large enough hole to get the nose of the tin-snips in and went to town. It wasn't easy cutting, but it only took about 5 minutes. Mounted the fan inside with a nice plastic fan guard/filter ($5 Can from my local electronics...
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    How to make a duct to draw outside air for a HSF?

    Johncar: I was quite interested in your reply - I've been considering doing just that. So far I've got quite good results with my bottom fan sucking in, a spare 80mm cabletied to the power supply so it hangs about 1 1/2" infront of the CPU fan and a blowhole in the top with an 80mm blowing...
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    Finding a good T-Bird heatsink in Canada

    I gave up looking for the Taisol here in Canada - ordered it from They had one of the best prices I could find and their shipping was quite reasonable. I think I got the CGK742 for $21 US plus $9.00 US shipping.
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    Question?-Please Read

    If you want to cheat it, just power your CPU fan with the standard 4 pin power connector and hook up whatever 3 wire fan you want to the CPU header - just attach it somewhere else where it can do a little bit of good while it keeps the sensors happy!
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    Donut Magnet : proper use/installation?

    I've never seen a magnet used for that, what you're likely looking at is a ferrite ring (looks exactly like a magnet!) To check just take some sort of metal (screwdriver or something) and see if it is attracted to it. By looping the leads through a ferrite ring, it will reduce interference...
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    Tbird temp question. Mike ? Anyone ?

    Mikewarrior: << Your temps are on a different mb. YOu cannot compare your temps with an a7v user since your thermistor is in a completely different spot, and >> Sorry...didn't realize there was that much difference between the sensors on MB's! :-()
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    Tbird temp question. Mike ? Anyone ?

    Ok, that didn't take too long...check out the recordings here (doesn't seem to work with Netscape, but it's ok in Explorer Fan noise recordings
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    Tbird temp question. Mike ? Anyone ?

    << BTW how do you find the noise level on your Taisol fan ? Have you compared it to any others ? >> Well, compared to what I've heard about the Fop's it's quite quiet. I believe they rate it at about 34DBA @21cfm, but it seems a lot quieter. The one I put on it was a Lenline (just from a...
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    Tbird temp question. Mike ? Anyone ?

    They sound a bit high to me, especially if you're not overclocking. Now by high I don't mean dangerous, but I'm running a 1G at 1.2 and my idle (after much playing with fans!) is about 36deg C with load under 45.
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    Where to put in/out fans?

    << Which direction should each fan blow to create the best airflow? >> Well, the starting point is that heat rises. That should place the lower front fan sucking cool floor level air into the case and the back top fan blowing it out. That should create a reasonable air flow across the board...
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    ahhhh!! what the h3ll is the *quietiest* freaking 52x52x15 or 50x50x10 fan out there for a cpu??

    Well, to be honest I can't be bothered looking it up (don't take it personally, I've just got too much sh1t to do, but here's a link to a site that's got more info on fans, cfm &amp; dba in one spot than I've seen before! Gizzo's Fan Page
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    What's a better and quieter fan than mine Intel Fan for TB Socket A?

    Well, to really answer the question we'd need to know what you've got for a heatsink/fan right now. I see you mention an Intel fan, but to the best of my knowledge Intel didn't make fans so it's likely the stock HSF that came with the chip. I've got a Taisol CGK742 that's working just fine (I've...
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    I don't know what heatsink to buy.

    I've got the taisol CGK742 (the forged one) and find it to be a great heatsink. I've seen quite a few posts from people who have busted off one of the tabs on the socket from mounting/unmounting HSF's - the taisol latches to all 3 tabs on both sides of the socket. It's a little harder to put on...
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    how to fit 80mm fan on taisol 742??

    I put an 80 inplace of the original 60 and built a shroud to do it. You can see the pic at: Shroud Picture Note: the image isn't the greatest (and it's big too!). The dotted lines are folds, it's a direct scan of the pattern I worked from. I made it from sheet metal (there's a fold at one end...
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    Abit kt7-raid fan on chipset is making weird noises.

    Ya, I've got the KT7 non-raid (just under 2 weeks old) and the fan started sounding like a gravel truck for the first few minutes. Other than the connector that goes to the mother board, the fan is pretty much a standard 486 CPU cooling fan - you can get them at almost any computer type store...
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    Taisol and MSI Pro 2A: Pic's tell all!

    I've got the Taisol CGK742 on a KT7 - if anyone's looking for a template to make an adapter to take a 80mm fan and connect it to the 80x60mm heatsink let me know and I'll email you a scan of the template. I did it in sheet metal and it works quite well.
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    Ack! Broke something, please help!

    Well, the only (sortof) bright idea I can give you is to switch to a Taisol CGK742 heatsink. The retaining clip on it uses all 3 teeth on both sides of the socket. If one's missing you've still got 2 to grab with. I'm running one on my system and find it does a great job and quiet too!
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    BP6 - Capacitors exploded, burned the circuits board! - See Pictures

    RE: 220 v setting. Actually setting the power supply to 220 V would cause less voltage to go to the system. If the switch is at 220, it will cause the power supply to want to reduce the input voltage by 2 to get the same output voltage. The system would most likely not even boot, and the fans...
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    Taisol CGK742092 Heatsink Review!!!!

    RE: Taisol review Excellent job - one quick check. I've got the same heatsink on my KT7 and looking at it I wonder if you didn't mean .5 _CM_ space between the heatsink and the caps - .5mm is the diameter or a mechanical pencil lead. Your pictures seem to confirm that it is about .5cm as well.
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    Taisol CGK742092 Heatsink Review!!!!

    I've got a Taisol 742 and love it - I just pulled it off this morning and installed the adapter shroud I'd made up. Now I've got a 37cfm 80mm fan blowing down onto the chip (while I had it off I lapped the bottom of the HSF as well) It's pulled a good 4-5 deg C off the temps.
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    Am I on the right track or headed for a crash?

    Thanks Fardringle.. >What BIOS version are you using? Looks like UL - the boards only a few days old so I expected a fairly current Bios. > However, I would be pretty concerned about that 1.92v core, since AMD says that the MAXIMUM for a Thunderbird/Athlon is 1.8v I wondered on that one, but...
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    I need a new fan for my CPU, where can I get some good fans?

    > Nutcase99 Not far as I the time things got converted to Canadian $ it worked out to about $40.00 (original cost $US was 20 (cost+shipping) - not too bad for a quality HSF. I know what you mean about UPS - they're brokerage charges suck, but this time it seemed to come through...
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    Am I on the right track or headed for a crash?

    Hope those of you who've been here for a long time aren't sick of us who haven't asking these questions but... A few days ago I installed my KT7 w/cpu and have it running quite fine - after beating down a few driver glitches left over from my Intel PII/350 board. Firstly, here's what I've...
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    I need a new fan for my CPU, where can I get some good fans?

    I got my Taisol through - the order went fine, the product made it to me in about a week (great considering I'm in Canada and it had to do the customs thing!) At the time they were one of the few that had the Taisol and it was only $20US. They've got a fair range of...
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    Low Noise - High Output 60mm Fan?

    Not really, the best page I've ever found for fan comparisons is: This guy has put a LOT of work into the page and you can click on the headings to sort by whatever you want (cfm, db, etc)
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    VPN on Win98 - can't get connection

    Itisi... >Windows 98 Does have a VPN server program. Great - could you tell me what it is and where on the CD I could find it? I've been over that darn install CD and can't find anything recognisable as a server. Limitations or now, at least it should work to setup and test with before we lay...
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    VPN on Win98 - can't get connection

    I'm trying to connect 2 Win98 machines with VPN &amp; not having any luck. I've got a VPN adapter set up on both machines. When I try a connection, it says 'connection refused' by the host. The password I'm using is good 'cause it's the one I use to login with on the server. I've done it with NT...
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    HSF Question.

    Can't say for sure what you'd be better with but here's my 2c worth... I'm very soon to be upgrading to the Athalon 900 on a KT7 and am down to 2 hsf's - the Alpha Pal 6035 or the Taisol 742 forged. Both of them have great specs and seem to be quite well respected in all the reviews I've read...
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    Taisol 74092 on Abit KT7 - anyone has one?

    I've seem a lot of good things on the Taisol heatsink &amp; am looking at putting one on an ABitKT7 with a Athalon 900 CPU. The reviews caution that it's a fairly large base and may not fit all boards. Anyone got one on a KT7? If so how do you like it? If I go that way I'm looking at modding an...
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    Help with overclocking AMD/ABIT - be gentle I'm new!

    A lot of you likely figure this is a stupid question but hey if I don't ask I won't find out. I'm looking at dumping my Intell PII350 and upgrading. Right now I'm looking at an Abit KT7 w/ AMD900 Socket A. I know how to unlock the processor if need be, but are there any of the other bridges...
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