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  1. D

    Laptop Harddrive Speeds

    Definitely worth the faster drive. Seagate (and probably others now) do a line with 8MB cache, and Hitachi now have 7200rpm 2.5in drives you might want to take a look at; the latter probably use more power but that may be OK in a desktop replacement. (A new 5400rpm will draw less power than an...
  2. D

    Contemplating my new XPC computer specs **PLEASE COMMENT**

    Doing a lot of graphics work doesn't mean you need such a monster video card, all those gigatexels/sec are only really useful for gaming with textures, so back it off to something which doesn't have (or need!) a huge heatsink or a fan. Also, the 3200+ probably (almost certainly) will draw too...
  3. D

    Any AT'ers with the XP 1700+/1800+ T-Bred B's yet?

    Guys, if you want to stress-test your systems, I'd recommend CPUburn * Use BURNK7 to see your Athlon's CPU temp go 7C higher than SETI or Prime95. (Sadly he's not done a customised P4 version.) Use BURNMMX to stress your Northbridge, most particularly the memory controller, and RAM. Once you've...
  4. D

    * * * Alpha PAL simple mod * * *

    Was fiddling with my set-up this weekend. I've a Thunderbird 1333, Alpha PAL8045, Enermax 365xx. Previously I only had one fan, a Papst 8412NGL, the silent 19CFM fan, blowing on the HS, and the system ran warm (38C system, 60-63C CPU, under SETI@home). I turned the fan round, and the CPU dropped...
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    Need info on upgrading an older Athlon CPU

    XP will run fine on that if you've enough memory; it's usable, as a pure desktop setup (no IIS or anything) on a K6-II 450MHz or even a P-II 266 as long as you've more than 256Mb memory, so a 650MHz Athlon will be great. The thing is - you can get a modern mobo for £50, 256Mb DDR memory for £20...
  6. D

    Why Overclock, why not just build it to that speed?

    They (Intel/AMD) don't hold back, they just mark down their CPUs; if the market wants 1 3GHz CPU, 2 2.8GHz, 3 2.6GHz and 4000 2.4GHz and they've 1000 that pass the 3GHz test, 2000 that pass 2.8GHz test and the rest past 2.6GHz then they'll ship 1 marked as 3GHz, 2 2.8GHz, 3 2.6GHz and 4000...
  7. D

    Why Overclock, why not just build it to that speed?

    Right, people here o'c but can't complain if they can't o'c much, any other (corp or private) customers don't o'c but would complain - rightly - if their systems didn't work 100%... so Intel/AMD feed the 99.9% of their market! :D
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    Overclocking beyond air?

    53C/60C is normal with little or no case cooling, and is perfectly acceptable since even with under-read errors it's way below the tolerance. If you want to o'c, cool your case a lot; if you want your PC to stay quietish (i.e. not like Concorde taking off) don't and stay at stock speed/temp.
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    What is the weakest link in overclocking?

    Most often it's the luser trying to overclock, like THUGSROOK said; after that it's cooling, then PSU, probably.
  10. D

    nm im moving this is COOLING FORUM

    No this is the CPU/PROCESSORS AND OVERCLOCKING forum, if you just moved in, what's your point or question?
  11. D

    P4 o'cs to 3GHz... duh!

    Maybe I'm just a miserable old git, but... can we have a FAQ here? Doesn't matter what P4 you buy, with stock, air or otherwise sane cooling right now you'll get nearly 3GHz in most cases; T'bred 2700+, Palomino 2400+, OK this FAQ would change every month or so, but apart from the...
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    >>> P4 2.0A C1 <<<

    Well duh... what a surprise, you can get a P4 to just under 3GHz with decent mobo/chipset/memory. Shouldn't this be a FAQ?
  13. D

    PII-300 vs. K2-500 how much difference

    The K6 series only sucked on floating-point stuff - that's why a P-II 400 whips a K6-2 550 by half a day on SETI. Otherwise, they're not much different; for normal use I'd expect a K6-2 500 to be slightly faster than a P-II 300. The K6-III, K6-2+ and K6-III+ all have L2 cache on-die that the...
  14. D

    why won't my K7N2 let me oc the memory?

    Why did you get PC2100 when PC2700 is only about 2c more?
  15. D

    AMD XP2800+

    Yeah but anyone who wants a 2800+ right now presumably cares about a few percent...?
  16. D

    MS-6712 MSI board processor issues

    Find the link or option for changing from 100MHz FSB to 133MHz FSB. The 2100+ expects 133MHz FSB and uses a 13x multiplier, but on a 100MHz FSB it'd run at 1300MHz, about the core speed of a 1500+ (actually that's 1333MHz). Some BIOSes work out the processor description from the core speed...
  17. D

    Are there any Nforce2 micro-ATX motherboards out yet?

    We haven't needed 6 PCI slots ever, except for the very few who stack their systems out with really smart stuff. Right now I've my modem, network, sound and SCSI cards in and there's still 2 free; with a more integrated mobo I certainly wouldn't need this many. That's leaving AGP aside. Given...
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    RAID 0-ing two 80gb WD 8mb SE's... what size stripe?

    Given the drives' own large cache I'd say no less than 128K, probably 256K, as a starter; if you're doing video at high res or high frame rates then larger may be better, but to be honest it makes very little difference when the OS is cacheing multi-MB; sadly you can't dictate what the write...
  19. D

    Has my 60GXP finally bit the dust?

    Well IBM are big and worldwide, you're extremely unlikely to get another broken drive second time round - though having said that, if it's 1/x you get a duff one 1st time, if you do get a duff one then it's 1/x you get a duff one 2nd time. OK the likelihood of two duff drives is 1/x^2 but still...
  20. D

    What upgrade would give me the most boost until I do a complete overhaul this summer?

    Going DDR would be good but you would need to spend more $$$. You should get quite a big jump out of just putting an XP2100+ or XP2200+ on, if you can get one fairly cheap, and make sure you put the latest BIOS on first so there's some chance of it being recognised. I wouldn't go any faster than...
  21. D

    Looking for Input before I build my new box

    Go for the SB51G, the newer revision of the Shuttle thing, it has the USB 2 and Firewire, and some digital audio options. And you can buy it now. The Dual CPU in One thing is Hyper-Threading, and is only available on P-4s of 3.06GHz and up. Read Anandtech's review on it.
  22. D

    1700+ XP Palomino or Tbred.. How much cooling does it need?

    Re Q1 - nearly, yes; the typical thermal power of a Thunderbird 1333 would give you a Palomino 1900+, Thoroughbred-A 2200+ or Thoroughbred-B 2400+. Even the coolest of those you might be able to buy today would be the Thoroughbred-A 1700+ which runs 50W compared to the 68W for the others I...
  23. D

    High FSB = possible damage to other parts of computer?

    The only things I ever heard of getting upset with a high FSB are the graphics card and the hard drive. The graphics card seems obvious, they tend to run fast & hot anyway (like your CPU but you're doing some serious cooling on it). I don't really know why hard drives complain; maybe the...
  24. D

    Where to buy K6-III in UK?

    The subject line says it all... like another member here I've an old system, it's got a K6-2 400MHz on it and I thought if I could pick up a K6-III (with L2 cache on it unlike the K6-2) it'd be a good upgrade, especially for the $20 or so it ought to cost...
  25. D

    HyperThreading => even hotter? 3.06GHz+HT => 96W

    We don't have 3GHz P4's in the UK yet... or at least not many, I can't find one! Whatever size the core is, the HSF has to shift an awful lot of heat. Still, glad to hear Intel have improved their stock HSF.
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    HyperThreading => even hotter? 3.06GHz+HT => 96W

    zeph - no they wouldn't do that; they'd improve single-thread performance before improving dual-thread performance. My question remains, given Intel's previous "typical" thermal power was way below any notional maximum thermal power, and HT would make more use of such execution units as there...
  27. D

    Which FCPGA Celeron is best bet for overclock?

    If you can still find them at all, most of the late-fabbed 667-733 would be OK on a 100MHz FSB, though may need slight overvoltage. I haven't seen one for ages, though I dare say they're still about.
  28. D

    What do burn marks on a proc. look like?

    Yes, I'd go for smelling it too. You see, the blue smoke they stuff into these things really stinks, so as soon as the chip is damaged, when the blue smoke comes out, the smell hangs around. And you'll never manage to get the blue smoke back in, not even taping over with duct tape, so you may...
  29. D

    HyperThreading => even hotter? 3.06GHz+HT => 96W

    Actually I don't have a P4 at all, my fastest PC is a T'bird 1333 - which is enough for now! I was just wondering what the techies thought, and if anyone who's got one can tell how much hotter they get.
  30. D

    good voltage for 1.4 thunderbird?

    Jeez, 145 to 160 is a huge jump! You can't go from 1522MHz to 1680MHz in one go and expect it to work! Not on a Thunderbird, anyway, very few of them would hit much more than 1600MHz. Right, your default voltage should be 1.75V not 1.725V. Push your FSB as far as you can at stock voltage - I...
  31. D

    HyperThreading => even hotter? 3.06GHz+HT => 96W

    Just been re-reading this old article about CPU power consumption. It says the AMD chips produce more heat per MHz because of their higher IPC. This makes me wonder, if HyperThreading makes more efficient use of the P4 core, presumably that means it'll make them hotter too? Interestingly in the...
  32. D

    Hard drives: 7200 vs 5400 much of a difference?

    Somebody did a practical survey of an office full of heavy users a couple of years ago, noticed a 15% improvement in the people's productivity only because of the 7200rpm vs 5400rpm. I couldn't quite believe it'd make that much difference, but yes, your PC will be noticeably much faster booting...
  33. D

    It's time to build a new system - What do you think of my choices?

    Yeah I'd agree not to bother with the PC3200 memory, as shown by Anandtech several times DDR400 really isn't necessary because it doesn't give much speed-up. Even DDR333 is barely any faster than DDR266 on an Athlon system, unless you're buying a 2600+ or 2800+ with the 333MHz FSB. Trade the...
  34. D

    pentium 166 w/o fan?

    Oh darn your wee HSF is glued on. So, no, keep the fan on, if you take it off it'll probably fry. Would you be asking if you could take the fan off your Athlon system heatsink? Bear in mind that even P166 was a leader once...
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    pentium 166 w/o fan?

    Well, I wouldn't bet on it without a fan; OK compared to today's HSFs what you got on a Pentium was weedy, but then a classic P166 would only produce about 13W. "Only". I went and said it. That's still quite a lot of heat and if you only have a small heatsink, it'll still roast quick enough. Say...
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    Good micro-atx board for Intel 2.4B

    Try the MSI MS-6526G. A firm I work for bought some of these recently, seems good to me. Right, don't go for the MS-6526GL, that only has 400MHz FSB support (that's why don't get anything 845GL based), but you probably *do* want the MS-6526G-L (yes, it's different) which has the LAN option.
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    I have XP1700+ Should I upgrade?

    Anyway, a 1600+ OC'd to the speed of a 2200+ will run pretty much exactly the same temperature as a real 2200+. Oh and there's really not that much of a real-life difference between a 1700+ and a 2100+, probably only about 10%. Try the OC again and see if you really care.
  38. D

    What temp do you have your CPU running at?

    I let my system run hot and quiet. I've a K7S5A with a Athlon T-bird 1333, quite a hot chip (hotter than yours at about 70W at full load compared with 62W for your Palomino 1600+; see Anandtech's info on power dissipation). I use an Enermax Whisper PSU with adjustable fan speed, the external fan...
  39. D

    Tired of my computer, shall I burn it??

    Duh, I must be missing a trick here. Your ClawHammer (out yet?) on NVidia CinForce (out yet?) with 400MHz DDR-II (out yet?) is too slow. Well I guess it would be, no mobo, no RAM, no CPU = no speed. PS. Maybe you need faster hard drives, them 160GB drives spin damn slow.
  40. D

    ECS K7S5A overclocking question

    2 problems with the OC BIOS I got: (1) it doesn't list all the speeds CPUFSB does; (2) I was stupid enough to set it too fast and it took two or three goes with the Reset CMOS jumper before the system booted again. Get CPUFSB or CPUCooL - the latter automatically drops the CPU speed and/or...
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