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    NVIDIA Volta Rumor Thread

    Why is the core clock so low after a node shrink?
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    These analyses overlook the 800 lb gorilla in the room: AMD WAS ALMOST BANKRUPT AND HAD NO ACCESS TO CAPITAL WHILE VEGA WAS BEING DEVELOPED. Also, as raja mentioned at a recent financial analyst day, vega was developed in an environment in which nobody thought gpu was the place amd to be...
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    1080 msrp is actually 500 USD now. There was a price cut of 100 USD on 1080 around 1080 ti launch and 30 USD on 1070. Difficult to find at that price, but that's what it is.
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    Economic sense? according to strictly a financial statement analysis amd hasn't made economic sense for a decade. Do you understand why nVidia is up 500%? Have sales gone up 500%? Or profits? No, it's because wall street has gone from believing dgpu was a declining industry to one that has...
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    Stop. Look at nVidia's share price and put yourself in Lisa's shoes. 1) eventually being a profitable player in gpu has enormous potential upside to my share price 2) ergo AMD has to maintain market share in gpu. 3) we built vega when nVidia's share price was in the gutter and everyone...
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    Cost of each vega unit = (sunk cost / n) + cost to manufacture each unit Where n is number of units sold. The sunk costs on vega are r&d, marketing, etc and probably amount to 300-500mm USD. Pascal by comparison cost "billions" enough to "go to mars" (jhh hyperbole). Point being that amd -...
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    The more interesting entrant is the 56 compute unit part. It should have over 90% the actual performance of the 64 unit part. If they sell it at 299 it's really a bargain.
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    Pretty sure it was 1440p.... Could be wrong though The results are below 980ti
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    ... The good news is amd will have to price it cheap given they have a tiny time window in which to sell before it becomes totally obsolete by volta. The better news is the cut die vega 56 has 87.5% of the compute of the full die. Better than 1070 performance at 300 USD or less is my guess.
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    Stages of grief going through this thread... As for the denial, higher r&d spend doesn't translate into a better product, it translates into amd having an actual product at nodes that are extraordinarily expensive to develop products for. 14nm chips cost manyfold more to develop than 28nm...
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    AMD Vega (FE and RX) Benchmarks [Updated Aug 10 - RX Vega 64 Unboxing]

    I'm pretty sure rx vega will present an excellent value proposition given how small of a window amd has before volta shows up and they have a lot of development costs to recoup. They have to move product over the next 6-12 months. The consumer wins here. The loser is amd's financials.
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    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    Whycry has more sensible benchmarks than wccf, which are pretty nonsensical. Looks to be 1080 stock+(5-15%) with little oc headroom. Basically vega is gp104 since the 1080 has some oc headroom. They'll have to push the pricing button to move product since volta is coming soon. If you think...
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    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    One thing I've noticed is often on enthusiast forums people forget the biggest cost in projects like this is the sunk cost on the people that engineered / marketed / wrote software for the architecture. The actual cost of manufacturing the card isn't so high that they "aren't able" to sell the...
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    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    If you're right on your prognosis of performance, and I think you are, I think you're going to be surprised at the price: Vega is likely to be a 500 USD (maybe 450) proposition despite the hbm for the full die. It's likely a gp 104 competitor and will be priced accordingly.
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    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    Your calculation is highly theoretical and undeniably carries some water, but you yourself solved the quandary: Scaling is highly imperfect. In the graph above just glance at the relative performance of the 1080 vs the 1070. 1080 is 8.9 tflops vs 6.5 for the 1070 or a 37% difference. In tpu's...
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    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    How are we in disagreement? Let's say the top binned part of vega will rest above gp104 and below gp 102, which grants vega some ipc improvement over fiji. When you consider the entire product lineup, with cut dies, that means it's a gp 104 competitor, not a 102 competitor. If you're going to...
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    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    Nitpicking aside, the big picture from these data is vega seems to be a power hungry gp104 competitor that's costing amd a bundle to manufacture given their decision to go with hbm. I'm sure some select benchmarks will put the rx vega ahead of the gtx 1080, but the burden of proof that it's a...
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    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    From the pcworld video. Pause at 15:05 Vega FE benchmarks - Catia-04: 137.68 Creo-01: 88.55 Sw-03: 112.13 Forget quadro p6000 (gp102) Here are equivalent 8.9...
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    Vega/Navi Rumors (Updated)

    13tflops vega 10 with 512 GBps memory bandwidth vs 11.3 tflops / 484GBps on 1080ti... 5.8 tflop rx 480 / 256GBps is generally slower / comparable to 3.8 tflop / 192GBps gtx 1060 Unlikely vega 10 beats gp102 unless there's some architectural miracle. Should beat 9 tflop / 320-352GBps gp104...
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    Official AMD Polaris Review Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470, and RX 460

    If this chart is right, then the reason it's performing badly in the steam vr test is due to inconsistent fps. Remember min fps is important in the steam vr test, and vr in general is about keeping fps above 90. Perhaps something that could be fixed in drivers? If they do fix it, I will...
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    Official AMD Polaris Review Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470, and RX 460

    The gigabyte 2x windforce 1070 is 399 at newegg. I bought one when the were in stock yesterday. Sold out in minutes. Unfortunately had to pay taxes and 5 USD shipping. Would have rather bought from b and h who has a 410 USD msi 1070, but it has a blower cooler but no taxes and free shipping...
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    Official AMD Polaris Review Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470, and RX 460

    After seeing the RX 480 results, I very unhappily pulled the trigger on a $400 GTX 1070. I absolutely hate getting ripped off, but I need the GPU for VR, and when using the GTX 970, I concluded it was not really sufficient. That said, if I didn't need the product for VR, I would've had my eye...
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th That's the one I'm looking at. Maybe it's a unique scenario and won't be the case in general.
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    Let's not try to pussyfoot around what that witcher result is - the card is unfortunately throttling at 1266 @ 82c and that explains why overclocking on the reference is bad. Have both companies seriously left the 300 USD price point without a good product? Everyone and their mother has...
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    A Third of Valve is Now Working on VR and the Next Generation of Headsets

    Please share what games you like best and would recommend others to purchase. No need for lengthy analysis just a worth purchasing or not. Which golf game? Would you recommend buying it? I was pretty unhappy with my audio shield and gallery purchase so I'm going to be more careful buying...
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    A Third of Valve is Now Working on VR and the Next Generation of Headsets

    Sorry, you're right- I wasn't specific. I really just meant personal computing, but I think the broader point is that vr / ar in general should eventually take a lot of share as an i/o device vs m/k + monitor, or even mobile device.
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    A Third of Valve is Now Working on VR and the Next Generation of Headsets

    It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. Right now it seems like just an Oculus vs Vive thing, but I think as more and more steam vr hardware shows up (eg osvr) it's really going to turn into an Oculus vs everyone else thing, and Oculus didn't have a sufficiently strong launch...
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    Gauging the possibility that none of the leaked benchmarks have an appropriate driver, and that AMD would only release it to reviewers on a particular date, and then to the public at large on the 29th. Seems unlikely though if they're including the driver on a CD that's already in all of the boxes.
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    Question for owners of 3-series AMD cards - does AMD include a driver CD in the box or do they tell you to get the most recent drivers online?
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    [Guru3d] Radeon RX 470 Benchmarks,8.html The 1080 actually draws 182w under load. That's not max tdp, that's actual number under load. The rx480 has amax tdp of 150 watts. They're not the same thing. We don't know exactly how much power it draws under...
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    You can but the experience is inferior to a monitor because 2160x1200 is still too low res for something that's RIGHT up against your face. Screen real estate is .... How do you even answer that...It's VR it's everywhere around you. The only limiting factor is resolution. VR being used for...
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    Haha, I'm definitely buying next gen vr also! I bought and returned a gtx 970 when my vive arrived and now I'm waiting for rx480 to launch. The first day I didn't play VR I genuinely went through physical withdrawal. Life in the matrix is way more fast paced, interesting, and colorful! When...
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    A Third of Valve is Now Working on VR and the Next Generation of Headsets

    VR as a technology has been a gimmick in the past because real VR which *requires* a high resolution screen being rendered at a high framerate in real time wasn't possible. Now we've hit that threshold. We're in the first generation of headset ergonomics, and it's only going to get better...
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    This is just wrong. I bought a vive and since rekindled my interest in gpu as a consequence of my interest in vr. VR was the must buy for me. I want the cheapest gpu providing me with the VR room scale experience that I can buy because I honestly think the incremental difference between...
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    ...or the simpler answer that 470 stock clock is set lower and should have headroom We still don't know how many cu 470 is, but if it's 32 vs 36, then it becomes an attractive alternative in my opinion. If it's 28 vs 36, then it's a no go.
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    I think now that the wccf benchmarks have been debunked, and it looks like rx470 isn't way slower than rx480, it seems like the real question becomes (at least for me) why not buy two rx470's, overclock them to rx480'ish stock, and have a 300 USD solution with gtx1080ish perf (say up to 10%...
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    What clocks is your card running?
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    AMD Polaris Thread: Radeon RX 480, RX 470 & RX 460 launching June 29th

    Absolutely - the exact relationship between power consumption and voltage / frequency IS P_dynamic = c * V^2 * f What is more complicated is the relationship between f and V (when V is limiting f), but regardless of whose numbers you take, Power scales *at least* as f^2 (abwx numbers), maybe...
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    A Third of Valve is Now Working on VR and the Next Generation of Headsets

    Definitely not. You really have to try it to understand why that won't work. You are actually standing in the virtual environment physically dodging bullets / arrows/ whatever. You might be shooting at one enemy with a gun in one hand and looking in the direction you're shooting so to aim...
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    A Third of Valve is Now Working on VR and the Next Generation of Headsets

    I played the gallery - thought $30 for 2h gameplay was a ripoff, but made me excited for what the technology is going to be able to do... heard vanishing realms was a similar ripoff... SPT I love, chair in a room I haven't tried yet. Would you recommend I buy it? If I'm not mistaken, in the...
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