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  1. R

    Cheapest Vid Car to Support 1600x1200 Native?

    Basically just need windows to work at this resolution. I'll hold off on 3-D gaming until I update the entire rig in November. The card I have in there now is a TNT2 32MB. If this will work with a 20in LCD then awesome, but for some reason I would be suprised if it did. Thanks.
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    Cheapest Vid Car to Support 1600x1200 Native?

    All video cards can support all resultions? My TNT2 card can support a Dell 20" or 24" lcd? I thought there was some minimum horsepower in terms of refresh rate and resolution supported...
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    Cheapest Vid Car to Support 1600x1200 Native?

    I'm looking for the cheapest AGP video card that can support a 20" LCD. Any advice? What about the cheapest AGP card to support 24" widescreen? I have an older AMD system that is bad need of upgrade, but I am waiting it out until the Duo 2's are available to do a to system rebuild...
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    Sandisk 256M compact flash card for ~$68 AR&CP @ amazon

    For those of you looking for the coupon, I think you can go to and you buy a $75 GC at Amazon and get a $10 Super Certificate free... which you can then redeem for an Amazon one... add them together and purchase the CF card.
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    Asus V8420 Deluxe Review

    I hope the U.S. prices aren't as high as those in the UK... that price translates to about $288 US!! Might as well get an eVGA or MSI 4400 card for ~$200-210. Just as fast and a lot cheaper. It would have to be about $190-$200 to be interesting and even then only mildly...
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    ASUS v8420 DELUXE. Where to by??????

    AnAndAustin: are you sure there are any 4200 cards that use 3.6ns TSOP RAM? I honestly don't think there are any. I remember early on seeing some that were listed as such on Newegg, but all were thought to be typos, even the Gainward SE and the Visontek, both good (~550-600Mhz) overclockers, use...
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    ASUS v8420 DELUXE. Where to by??????

    Bump. I want one too... 3.3ns BGA memory... HardOCP got theirs to 310/640!! Tasty stuff... too bad they don't have one with those specs but without the extra crap like 3D glasses... still if under $200... this is a great card!
  8. R

    Well here comes the R300 yawn!!!!!

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by: bluemax 2.5x faster = 250%. Being a math whiz, I'm sure you knew that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually no, 2.5x faster does not equal...
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    R300 & RV250 up at Anandtech!!!

    Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by: Insane3D I believe early 2003.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually, I believe Ananad said he expected it in November of 2002...
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    Well here comes the R300 yawn!!!!!

    Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by: bluemax #2) While only about equal to a TI4600 in cost, it outperforms it by 50% in several cases. AA by...
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    Aopen Aeolus GF4 Ti 4200: 128MB DVI/VIVO = $166 shipped + tax

    Haven't had a chance to pick one of these up yet... anyone else who managed to do so have an overclocking report for us? Is it as good as I've read about over on Sharkey (300-310/580-600) or not quite?
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    Will ATI's R300 really put everything on Anand's GPU shootout using UT2003 to shame? I mean what if it doesn't?

    Amusing thread.... my favorite part: antondorokhin Hmmm... reading Andand's article on UT3: "However, we'd caution anyone looking to upgrade in the coming months; ATI's R300 is on the horizon and, from what we're hearing, will be a formidable opponent to the GeForce4 Ti 4600." Yup sounds...
  13. R

    *WARM* Visiontek Geforce4 Ti 4200 for $160 +$10 GC?

    If you go to they have the .pdf of the rebate form and it says it's through 6/30. Just print that one out, buy the card at BestBuy on Sunday and your good to go. $150 for a GF4 128 is pretty darn good, but w/o the VIVO and considering the wait for the rebate check, not quite so hot.
  14. R

    Aopen Aeolus GF4 Ti 4200: 128MB DVI/VIVO = $166 shipped + tax

    Best price so far for a 128MB 4200 w/ all the goodies (VIVO, DVI, etc.) Looks like it comes with a pretty decent set of utilities and like the Gainward Golden Sample it comes clocked at 250/500 right out of the box. I also seem to recall reading somewhere that they hit about a 310/590 overclock...
  15. R

    Which ti 4200 128mb to buy?

    Akira, any OC reports yet? Also, for those interested (like me) Newegg just added the Leadtek 128MB 4200 card (w/ VIVO) to their site, @ 206 shipped that's a little steeper price than I'd like. That being said, early reports indicate these overclock really well... BTW, anyone with the Gainward...
  16. R

    Which ti 4200 128mb to buy?

    I just noticed Newegg now lists another flavor of the Gainward 4200 128MB card, this one still has all the overclocking features of the original Golden Sample, but lacks a DVI output and TV-in (i.e. just has CRT and TV-out). Should be available in a couple of days for $185 shipped, so you...
  17. R

    Which ti 4200 128mb to buy?

    Akira, how about overclocking? The Visionteks and Gainwards seem to make it to 300/550 or so... does this come close? Better? BTW I saw a post over on a Firingsquad board from a guy with a Leadtek card that hit 320/650... not bad for a ~ $160 card, just wish it had 128MB of RAM...
  18. R

    Which ti 4200 128mb to buy?

    FWIW has a review up today of the Visiontek 128 MB card... overclocked to 310/550! For <$170 at with coupons and $20 rebate it's tempting. Definitly interested in hearing what Akira13 has to say about the Chaintech card as I think I've narrowed it down to these two...
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    WARM: Chaintech GF4 4200 GT21 SE (w/ VIVO) - $189 shipped ($177 w/o VIVO)

    Newegg now has another alternative in the VIVO/4200 space in the Chaintech GT21 Special Edition. Looks like it comes with a few games and a DVI->VGA adapter. Also notice the "disco" gold heatsink on both the chip and RAM... wonder how this thing overclocks? Anyone have a Chaintech card...
  20. R

    Visiontek TI4200 AGP4X/2X 128MB for 168A/R!!discovercard owner only!!

    This card doesn't have VIVO, correct? Only TV-out? And how is Visiontek with their rebates? Are we talking eons or a realistic 6 weeks? I mean, if you have to wait a month or two for your $20, maybe that eVGA deal (with VIVO) is better... decisions, decisions...
  21. R

    WARM: Visiontek GeForce 4 Ti 4600 - $286.97 shipped @

    The $10 of 75 I saw is good until 6/15. And as for waiting... well, I have a TNT2 32MB card right now (yes I know that's freakin' old), I think I've waited long enough. Besides, I'm really waiting for the spring refresh of the NV30 or the nextgen of the NVIDIA chip in the fall of 2003. Will...
  22. R

    Visiontek TI4200 AGP4X/2X 128MB for 168A/R!!discovercard owner only!!

    Is VIVO really that important? If so, the 4200 eVGA card at Newegg has VIVO and is only $189 w/ free shipping. If you live in California and don't want to pay tax, there are a couple of other places on that sell it for the same price.
  23. R

    WARM: Visiontek GeForce 4 Ti 4600 - $286.97 shipped @

    Yeah, it is a pretty nice deal. Even so, I still haven't jumped on it yet b/c I'm just not sure I can bring myself to pay more than $200 for a video card... so tempting though. Now if only someone could just find a rebate or something to sweeten the deal...
  24. R

    WARM: Visiontek GeForce 4 Ti 4600 - $286.97 shipped @

    Here's the link: VisionTek GeForce4 Ti 4600 Item qualifies for free "Saver Shipping," just need to find the $10 off $75 coupon on the various deal sites. Best price on pricewatch was $330 + shipping.
  25. R

    Question re: VIVO... do I really need this?

    So if I happen to have an older 8mm camera that I want to capture video from it would be worth it. If not, I might as well save the $20. I'd really like to build a Home Theater PC in the near future, but it sounds like I'd probably want a different video capture card for this anyway. Any other...
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    Question re: VIVO... do I really need this?

    I posted this is the Video forum as well, but since this one seems to be looked at more often, I thought I'd pose the question here as well... Trying to decide which GeForce4 Ti 4200 card to get and am curious as to what I could use the VIVO functionality of some cards for. I am definitely...
  27. R

    Question re: VIVO... do I really need this?

    Trying to decide which GeForce4 Ti 4200 card to get and am curious as to what I could use the VIVO functionality of some cards for. I am definitely going to get a 128MB version of the card, all of these seem to have TV-out, so no decision to be made so far... but video IN is only offered on a...
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    eVGA GeForce4 Ti 4200 (128MB w/ VIVO) - $191.95 (+ tax in CA) shipped

    Thanks for the tip on the Korean card... I'll definitely check that out. Also, it will be interesting to see how Newegg prices the MSI card, their 128 megger looks like it will be priced pretty low as well.
  29. R

    eVGA GeForce4 Ti 4200 (128MB w/ VIVO) - $191.95 (+ tax in CA) shipped

    Actually, Bozo, the other post (The Collective's) was the repost. Check the dates when the threads were created. This one was created on the 29th; the other one was started on the 30th. At any rate, I still think $190+ is too much to pay for this card. I'm betting these drop to around $175-180...
  30. R

    HOT! Evga Geforce4 Ti4200 128MB Retail VIVO $185

    repost, here's yesterday's thread w/ another place to buy this card: eVGA GeForce4 Ti 4200 (128MB w/ VIVO) - $191.95 (+ tax in CA) shipped still those who do buy this, please post OC results, bundle info, etc. thanks.
  31. R

    eVGA GeForce4 Ti 4200 (128MB w/ VIVO) - $191.95 (+ tax in CA) shipped

    This card is now in stock at Newegg for $185 + $6.95 shipping and tax (in CA). Anyone have this card yet? Interested in OC results, bundle, etc. UPDATE: From the eVGA site "The e-GeForce4 Ti 4200 will ship with the Video In/Video Out (VIVO) editing software, installation...
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    MSI GeForce 4 4200 128MB - $179, 64MB - $159 + shipping

    P.S. I wouldn't advise ordering from this place online... the page that asks for your credit card number is not secure. Sketch.
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    MSI GeForce 4 4200 128MB - $179, 64MB - $159 + shipping

    Looks like this place is the first to offer the MSI 4200 card. Lower prices than the Gainwards, but note that their 128MB version uses the 4ns RAM. Shipping looks like it runs about $7-11. Not so sure about the vendor though... hopefully Newegg will have these soon as well. Too fast with the...
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    First geForce4 Ti 4200 on Pricewatch

    Visontek's Xtasy GeForce4 TI 4200 128MB card... $185. Couldn't find the item to pre-order or anything like that, but it's a start. Assuming the same price discount between MSRP and reatail for the 64MB version... that one should be about $165. Not bad... now let me order! XTASYTI4200GF4128MR...
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    Blazing deals at Fry's<Dont know about outpost thoug>

    OPINION: Which is the better deal.... ECS K7S5A/XP1700+ combo for $159 or EPOX/XP1800+ combo for $199. I bought the former last week, but was curious to know whether people think it's worth the extra $40 for the EPOX board and extra Hz. In either case I have to buy and new PS and both CPUs are...
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    WARM@ BA Frys: ECS K7S5A w/ (OEM) Athlon XP 1700+ for $159

    Got in on the ECS/1Gig Duron for $89 last week, but I'm tempted to upgrade while I can still return it... $70 more for an extra 500Mhz and L2 cache... hmmmmm, very tempting.
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    40GB Maxtor UDMA-133 7200 RPM $89 at Fry just announced that it had purchased If you go to it will take you to the Amazon website electronics section.
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    OC Fry's 19" $149 * 800MHz + MB $99 * Floppy $10 * more crap

    NoCal AZ11/Duron 800 (retail) is $109. They also have a nice 1.2 (266) Athlon (retail)/KK266 combo for $229 -- that's about $30 less than the epox/1.13 combo they had just 2 or 3 weeks ago.
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    ASEV 21" .25mm FLAT monitor $429-$40MIR=$389+shipping

    This is not a DiamondtronNF model. I found the part number on the ASEV website. Here's the link (it's at the bottom of the page, in the Pro Plus Series group): AT398HA Still not a bad price for a flat square 21&quot;er, although the refresh rate at max resolution (1600x1200 @ 75Hz) seems a...
  40. R

    Monitors: Flat Screen vs Standard CRT?

    Thanks for all of your input. BTW I did &quot;get off my butt&quot; and look at both models, before I cam to this board in fact. I wanted opinions of people who have looked at these things for more than 5 minutes in a store, thank you. I decided to give the KDS 19&quot; a whirl. I can always...
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