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  1. D

    Help With New Card For Aging Machine

    This card (a Radeon 7000 with both S-Video and composite TV outs) should do the trick, and would allow you to output to a TV if you add DVD viewing capabilities to the computer.
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    Who's going to produce the first dual-cored CPU?

    I know, that's why I was surprised when I got the message from the person I know. I figured the first dual core desktop from Intel would be a Desktop Dothan, but if Intel wants to be first at something then maybe a dual cored prescott it the quickest way to go.
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    Who's going to produce the first dual-cored CPU?

    While I don't know who will produce the first dual-cored processor, I've been told Intel's code name for the dual cored Prescott is "Smithfield" or "SMF" for short (anyone else with an Intel connection, feel free to start digging). Considering the current Prescott's heat and wattage problems...
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    9800p showing up as "Radeon 9800" in device manager

    You didn't list the correct bios part number (not enough digits). Check the bios part number (Display Properties> Advanced> Options> Details) and enter the bios part number (minus the dashes) into the search application on this page.
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    Best Intel Board for 533 processor

    I've been impressed by my Asus P4P800. Currently the best P4 boards seem to be Abit and Asus' Springdale and Canterwood boards. For Abit that's the IS7 series and IC7 series, and for Asus that's the P4P800 series and the P4C800 series.
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    good vid card for around 50?

    I'm Canadian so I'm not familiar with Best Buy, but today I read a post in another forum saying that at Best Buy on "Black Friday", the first day of Christmas shopping, Best Buy will be selling the 128mb Radeon 9600 (non-Pro) for $70. But aside from that, a 128mb Radeon 9100 would probably be...
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    DVI out on 9500pro does nothing. PLZ assist..

    You have to enable the second monitor. After installing the second monitor, go to the Advanced Display Properties> Displays section and you'll see the secondary monitor section with a red button in the top left corner - click on the button to enable it.
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    5200 vs. 5200 Pro?

    What's a nice little card I have? I currently use a Radeon 9500 Pro.
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    5200 vs. 5200 Pro?

    Qblunt, The RAMDAC has nothing to do with a card's clock speed. RAMDAC stands for "Random Access Memory Digital To Analog Converter"; it's how the graphics card "talks" to the monitor to get it to display an image. LeadTek's website doesn't mention clock speeds, but it does mention that the...
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    video card for $150 to $200???? help please...

    If he'd rather spend $150 than $200, then the Ti4200 is a very good option. If he's willing to spend up to $200, then the Radeon 9500 Pro would be the best card. It's kind of difficult to make one suggestion, because I wouldn't fault him if he chose either card - the Radeon 9500 Pro is faster...
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    5200 vs. 5200 Pro?

    AunixM3, I was illustrating absurdity by being absurd. Your argument is that the 5200 has more value than the 5200 Ultra because the 5200 starts at $88 ($100 for the 128mb version) and because it can be overclocked. Newsflash - the 5200 Ultra can be overclocked too, and it's starting at...
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    5200 vs. 5200 Pro?

    My mistake; it's the 5600 ultra which is clocked at 350/350 while the 5200 Ultra is at 325/325 - I was erring on the side of nVidia's advantage. As for your comment about overclocking, all I can do is shake my head. You don't like the fact that a reviewer couldn't get a good stable memory...
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    5200 vs. 5200 Pro?

    Read the link I supplied in my first post to this thread. It includes overclocked results of the 5200 (they got it stable to 315/205, or a 65mhz core increase and 5 mhz memory increase). Including the overclocked results: 3DMark2001SE, 1024x768: 5200 (250/200 clock): 7945 marks 5200 (O/C to...
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    5200 vs. 5200 Pro?

    Hahaha? How about you first know what you're talking about, and then post. The 5200 and 5200 Ultra are two completely different cards. While nVidia may like you to get confused about the price and performance of each card, the 5200 Ultra is in the Radeon 9500/9600 price range, not the 9000...
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    5200 vs. 5200 Pro?

    Digit-Life just published a review of the 5800 ultra and bare bones 5200 (clocked to 250/200). The article can be found here. The 5200 was generally between the Radeon 9000 and Radeon 9000 Pro performance-wise. 3DMark2001SE, 1024x768: 5200 (250/200 clock): 7945 marks 9000 (250/200 clock)...
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    GeForce FX 5200 not a good option?

    What's your proof to back up your claim that they didn't have a reporter at the OEM gathering? Last time I checked, you're innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.
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    GeForce FX 5200 not a good option?

    No, I think that a reporter representing the Gamers Depot and a reporter representing The Inquirer were both at the same place (most likely some sort of gathering set up by "a leading OEM") and allowed use of the same equipment for a small amount of time to do benchmarks. The set of benchmark...
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    Please suggest vid card for quality video out

    Something like an All-in-Wonder Radeon 7500 (here's a link with pictures) should be perfect. It comes with a TV tuner and the Remote Wonder (ATi's radio frequency remote control), and the Radeon 7500 core should be fine for older games. If you just needed a TV out, then you can get...
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    FX vs 9800

    In the April 2003 issue of MaximumPC, they did a "Head 2 Head" showdown between the GFFX 5800 Ultra and Radeon 9800 Pro. The Radeon won 19 of 27 benches, was given a 9 out of 10 rating (the GFFX 5800 Ultra got 7 of 10) and in the individual categories the 9800 Pro beat the GFFX in "Benchmark...
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    GeForce FX 5200 not a good option?

    You can dismiss The Inquirer all you want, but when two different websites get similar results it tends to drastically increase the merit of the results.
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    GeForce FX 5200 not a good option?

    The performance advantage of the mobile Radeon 9200 over the moblie FX 5200 has been reported in The Inquirer as well (this article), including nearly identical 3DMark01, 3DMark03, and UT2003 Asbestos results.
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    ATi news: 24month product cycles, 256MB DDR-2 (1.4GHz?) 9800's, R400 info (Q1 2004 release?)

    ATi keeps going because over the last eight years this has been their adjusted net income (in usd): 2002: $49.7 million 2001: $16.3 million loss 2000: $64.6 million 1999: $159.3 million 1998: $107.3 million 1997: $30.4 million 1996: $17.4 million 1995: $10.1 million And as for the article...
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    Did I make a mistake? (AGP speed question)

    AGPx8 is currently marketing hype. A graphics card such as the Radeon 9700Pro or GeForceFX 5800 Ultra is 98 to 100% as fast at AGPx4 as it is at AGPx8. Also, all current AGPx8 cards are backwards-compatible to AGPx4.
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    ATI 9500 PRO vs Saphire 9700 PRO

    The Sapphiretech Radeon 9700 is clocked at 275/270; the Sapphiretech Radeon 9700 Pro is clocked at 325/310 just like the other Radeon 9700 Pros. The difference between the Radeon 9700 (non-Pro) and Radeon 9500 Pro is that the 9500 Pro has a 128-bit memory interface, while the 9700 has a 256-bit...
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    Thank God Almighty!!!The ORIGINAL nVidia BRAND NEW 43.45DETs are here!!!

    While I don't really want to get into an argument with regards to floating point precision and whether FP16 is "cheating", a large GIF image comparing the Radeon 9700 Pro and GeForceFX 5800 Ultra can be found here. I think it's pretty evident that the images are quite different. If nVidia...
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    Problem with anti-aliasing, in Splinter Cell

    It's a known issue with the game, so you'll have to wait for a patch.
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    Best Monitor for $270?

    A while ago I bought a Samsung SyncMaster 955DF and I like it very much. I think AnandTech did a review on it a while back, so you could check the archives for it.
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    ATI and HDTV ?

    This page and this page have information about ATi's HDTV Component Video Adapter. It appears that ATi has two; a black version for use with the 8500 series, and a purple version for use with the 9500/9700 series and the AIW Radeon 8500s. Edit: Here's a page on how to use the connectors...
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    9500 pro 6853 3Dmarks, GF3 6930????

    You shouldn't expect those scores from a default setup - you should probably expect around 9500 to 10500 marks though. First, you may want to try to re-install the motherboard drivers (I believe that board uses an SiS chipset, so would be the place to go). Also, make sure you...
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    need a video card for $160

    I'd be the first one to say "Get a Radeon 9500 Pro" if you could actually get one for $160, but you can't, so the best card in that price range is the 128mb GeForce4 Ti4200.
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    Best PCI video card?

    Currently it's the 64mb Radeon 9000 PCI, but if and when VisionTek releases their 128mb Radeon 9100 PCI, it will become the fastest PCI card available.
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    Help me decide please: Radeon 9500 Pro VS Radeon 9500 Modded to 9700

    If you want to spend $350 on a "guaranteed" 9500 to 9700 mod, then why don't you just buy a 9700 for around $370? ATIC computers in Vancouver sells the SapphireTech 9700 for $365oem, $375 retail, and in Ontario Canada Computers is also selling the SappireTech Radeon 9700 for $365. As for...
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    i need help with videocards

    The Ti4800 doesn't compare to the Radeon 9700 Pro (the 9700 Pro is much faster and is a Dx9 card, instead of the Ti4800's Dx8.1 capabilities), but it's debateable which is the best card on the market right now. Some say it's the Radeon 9700 Pro because of its FSAA performance and actual...
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    9500 Pro and Dual Monitor questions.

    Go to Display Properties> Settings, and you'll have two monitors showing. Click on the monitor image that corresponds to your CRT monitor (If you're not sure which is your CRT, click the "Identify" button and a big number 1 or 2 will appear on your monitors. After clicking on the monitor, then...
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    Newbie video question, I guess: R8500 vs. Gf4 TI4200?

    If they're the same price, then I'd say the Ti4200 is the better deal. The only advantage the Radeon 8500 has over the Ti4200 is PS 1.4, but in most general gaming instances the Ti4200 will be faster.
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    What's the least expensive video card with DVI?

    The Radeon 7000 and 7500 also come in dual head versions, one of which being a DVI interface. Not all 7000 and 7500s are dual headed though. If you mean only a DVI interface, then I think there's a Ti4200 with dual DVIs; to my knowledge there are no ATi cards with two DVI connections.
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    Can anyone honestly recommend a Visiontek Xtasy 9500 Pro?

    Is this some sort of slight against me? I'm not sure where I've previously misled anyone - I write through personal observation and experience. I'm too old to be a fanboy to any company, and to be perfectly honest I don't particularily care whether or not anyone follows my advice. I'm just...
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    Can anyone honestly recommend a Visiontek Xtasy 9500 Pro?

    I bought a "Built By ATi" Radeon 9500 Pro, but that's because I've had a few Built By ATi cards and their customer service has been great for me. Any Radeon 9500 Pro should be a good card - I don't think that any of the 3rd party Radeon 9500 Pros deviate from the reference ATi PCB. Add the...
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    Can anyone honestly recommend a Visiontek Xtasy 9500 Pro?

    A previous poster to this forum said that his VisionTek Radeon 9500 Pro came with 3ns memory (instead of the 3.3 or 3.6ns memory of most other Radeon 9500 Pros), but it was clock-locked at 275/270 just like all the other Radeon 9500 Pros. Theoretically, with a BIOS flash it would be one demon...
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    9500 Pro or ti4600?

    I should check to see if the Radeon 9500 Pro has improved performance-wise since the Cat 2.4s were released. I've got a few benches (though isn't there a "new" benchmarking version of the UT2003 demo?), the Cat 2.4s and the Cat 3.2s, so maybe I'll do that over the weekend. I'm sure there must...
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