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  1. S

    "Max support" DVD-Writer + Quiet DVD-ROM?

    Greets all. I've been browsing through the archives in this part (and will continue to do so), but don't seem to have (yet) quite found "the drive(s) for me". What is it I'm after? Drive 1 - the DVD/CD-Writer: - Support as many different CD/DVD-formats as possible. - Noise is mostly...
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    Any high-efficiency PSUs?

    Any idea how I can find one of these Noisetaker 475's in the UK / Europe? I'm searching my legs off ... can't find the critter. :(
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    *QUIET* Case / PSU / Fans - suggestions?

    Another addendum: Am contemplating to get one of these: They look like a good method for controlling the volume. Has anyone used these? What's the good/bad news? Are there any particular 92 mm / 120 mm fans that this baby works on...
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    *QUIET* Case / PSU / Fans - suggestions?

    I seem to remember reading ... ... that all Panaflo 120 mm fans are 38 mm thick, not 25. That'd be a problem, as I think the case can only take 25 mm thick fans. (Same as Antec, incidentally). So ... what to do? (he asketh innocently) :D.
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    *QUIET* Case / PSU / Fans - suggestions?

    Links are provided for reading convenience of others :). I try to name reasons for each decision, Case: After much ho and fro, I've finally decided to go with the AcoustiCase C6607 which can be found here: Ultimately, the decision...
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    *QUIET* Case / PSU / Fans - suggestions?

    FOR AMUSEMENT ONLY Just stumbled across THIS as a silent chassis. Talk about silent, sure, but at WHAT PRICE... <The US mirror doesn't show a price yet, but this is quite painful I'd dare claim :)>
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    *QUIET* Case / PSU / Fans - suggestions?

    Thanks for the first feedback. The PSU, I've come to realize, is going to be "one of those things", so I'll assume that I'll toss it / give it to a friend who's running LAN's or so. So I've come to realize that I'll not get around "double"-shopping here most likely - ah well. No pain ... :)...
  8. S

    *QUIET* Case / PSU / Fans - suggestions?

    Hello all. (Sheesh - been a while since I've been here... :D). I'm asking around, as I've been searching around the net for a few hours now, and would much rather just get your experience in, as I seem to be having problems finding what I want. Let's start with where I'm heading: "Got": MB...
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    [Poll] Opteron / Hammer => "Too much to cover for it to work?"

    Yeah ... the way things are going at the moment, Hammer will be competetin with Prestonia (which will have More L2 cache, faster FSB, code optimisations and new u-code instructions AFAIK), rather than "just" Northwood with HT in it. It's a hard call to make. If they DO have product issues...
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    [Poll] Opteron / Hammer => "Too much to cover for it to work?"

    Urm - minor correction to my post above. What I meant to say is that my CONCERN is that Hammer (again) won't be able to compete with P4 in the "long" run, as P4's clockspeed will just go up & up (not seen signs yet of it stopping). My suspicion is merely that Hammer's performance won't be able...
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    [Poll] Opteron / Hammer => "Too much to cover for it to work?"

    My 2p on the latter, if I may... What zephyrprime was referring to was not that P4 has a 12-stage pipe (it's got a 20-stage pipe, that's true) - it's hammer that has a 12-stage pipe. Now, while a shorter pipe does allow for technically more IPC (hence, MHz for MHz Athlon is usually better off...
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    [Poll] Opteron / Hammer => "Too much to cover for it to work?"

    One thing I actually remembered that will be also interesting, in some ways, is how AMD will "live" (I'm sure they'll cope) without Intel's compilers. At the moment, even AMD's benchmarks use Intel's optimized compilers (methinks Intel isn't allowed to put "anti"-AMD stuff into their compilers...
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    [Poll] Opteron / Hammer => "Too much to cover for it to work?"

    Let's deal with Nehalem, once that's a bit closer at the door. At the moment, Prescott is doing quite nicely - and that has not got 64-bit extensions of any kind that I am aware of (Where'd you heard one, SiGm0 - any sites per chance? :)). Nehalem is a different tin of fish in various ways. 1...
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    [Poll] Opteron / Hammer => "Too much to cover for it to work?"

    Well - actually, it won't. Otellini said at times now, that Intel will not be doing a 32-bit/64-bit hybrid, as far as I know. Please update me, if I've missed some confirmation by Intel. I've not been informed one way or another that Intel *DO* want to do it, and I'd be quite concerned if such a...
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    3GHz Pentium 4 due November 14th

    I remember something about 1H '03 somewhere ... ... also, I am certain that Intel will accelerate things, if/when AMD actually manage to get Hammer out in Volume. So I'd be confident that my windmill will last me for another 6 odd months. Gives time enough to save up, eh? :).
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    [Poll] Opteron / Hammer => "Too much to cover for it to work?"

    With the "advent of Hammer" (Well - ETA of ca. 4-6 months before any real product can be actually gotten ahold of), I was wondering what other people would think of my opinions on Hammer. Hence - this post & thread :). My general point of view is a little concerned one, as I generally dislike...
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    3GHz Pentium 4 due November 14th

    Hyper threading for free (methinks) :). Always nice :). I will wait for Prescott tho. 667 MHz FSB, 1 MB cache and what other things that have not leaked yet seem to make the additional wait worth it I think :). - Shathal.
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    Hole On P4 Chip

    The hole is normal ... as far as I remember, it has something to do with releasing some gasses that are better not inhaled by humans, so there. Something like that anyway. Either way, it's normal & supposed to be like that. Don't worry - not a case of a rogue trader drilling at your CPU :D. -...
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    will i loose my raid array if...

    USUALLY RAID-volume information is stored on the HD's, not the RAID-controller (due to historic reasons, it's better this way too). So, your new board should detect the volume & be able to read it, if it's compatible to the RAID-format of your current RAID-controller. So - as such, it "ought"...
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    stupid newb question on AMD

    It'd be nice if at the very least they'd have some consistency in it ... *grmbl*. I dislike PR-ratings. I disliked them when they came-round first time, and I had hoped that AMD/Cyrix had learnt their lesson. Well - Cyrix may not be much for PR-ratings at the moment, but AMD is, and I don't...
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    Price no object PC upgrade

    A small note on DDR-400 => Stay away from it. I've only had bad experiences with it, unstable systems all-round. I might revist it once JEDEC certifies it, but until then I've definately burnt my fingers as it were with it. Other than that => P4 2.8 GHz, Radeon 9700 ... *slurp*. Nice system...
  22. S

    (poll) Who makes the most reliable hard drives

    Doubt you'll see many IBM entries - what since their debacles with the 75GXP failures and 120GXP 8 hrs/day useage allowance they've pretty much gotten quite bad blows to their previous image of being very good/reliable... - Shathal. (2 IBM HD failures in 1 month - pots of joy ...)
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    1bm 120gb: data error-cyclic redundacy check

    Clicking is never good. And IBM have had a big smudge on their reputation ever since the 75GXP series (2 of my drives failed in the space of 1 month), hence I am not getting IBM drives again. Well - from where I stand, it looks like you'll have another RMA ahead of you. When you talk to the...
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    what is minimum upgrade from Pentium III needed to gain vast improvement in performance

    In addition / recap of the question's that have been asked, here's some more: 1: What you got (has been asked) at the moment? 2: How much cash you got to spend exactly? 3: What do you want to do with it (gaming / use it for the XP fishtank-screensaver, etc.)? 4: How much "noticable" increase...
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    "cpu voltage out of range" p4b533

    Well - yeah. It would. That's why you're supposed to have decent PSU's with a decent 12V rail :). You mean you were surprised? Cheap components only get you so far :). - Shathal.
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    Can't format HDD

    Just wipe the whole drive out. I tend to find that IBM's "ZAP" utility works quite nicely - wipes out MBR/FAT and you stick around with a clean HD. As far as experience goes, it does work on non-IBM HD's too. Haven't got a Seagate to check it though. You can download the ZAP-utility HERE :D...
  27. S

    how hot is hot for a p4?

    Cooler is better. 45 degrees is a comfortable mark - I'd aim for hitting that. As long as idle and (preferrably) max load is below 50 or (at most) 55, nothing to worry about in my oppinion. I'd rather stay as far away from even 60 degrees as possible. My 2 pence. - Shathal.
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    What mobo drivers should i install with a bit BD7?

    i845 (non-G, non-E) *are* included in Win XP natively, so you don't need to worry. If you've got i845G or i845E, then you do need the chipset drivers. I would personally also recommend using IAA (Intel Application Accelerator) which you can find HERE as Intel's storage driver is better than...
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    Questions about P4 laptops...

    Wingz - Do NOT get a Desktop-CPU in a Laptop. VERY bad idea. Following reasons (to keep things reasonably short): 1: They're not designed to be very sparse on power-consumption - at least a P4M will last you a while with battery, whereas a P4P won't. Hence you can expect your battery to be of...
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    15,000 rpm cheetah noisy

    Same sort of comment as if saying that servers are more noisy than desktops. "Duh - course they are" comes to mind. 15k RPM == a lot of revs == a lot of noise. You can get reasonably quiet 7200 rpm IDE drives, but 15K SCSI - no way. I've yet to hear a quiet 10K drive, not to say 15K. Course -...
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    VisionTek dead....

    First ELSA, now Visiontek. Geez ... not good news at all that ... :(. They shall be missed. - Shathal.
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    I did it!! I went back to the dark side!!!

    Heh, it's just a processor, fella. No need to search for light or dark alignments because of it. If it works for you, then that's cool. And besides, we all "know" that true evil or goodness is not determined by hardware, but by the OS running it :D. - Shathal.
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    Man walked up to Clawhammer, benchmarked it. Here's the result!!

    Well - there's a bit of a difference with Pentium. And yes, I was around when the whole "My 486/100 beats your P-60 / P-75..."-thing went round. The difference then was Intel was pushing things - as they are doing with Itanium. AMD just does NOT have the same muscle (read: funds/influence) that...
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    Man walked up to Clawhammer, benchmarked it. Here's the result!!

    dexv: Oh yeah, I agree fully towards there being a tendancy to moving to 64-bit. Eventually, I am assuming that we'll have Itaniums (whicher ever generation) in our desktops, instead of 32-bit CPU's. I am making the point that 64-bitness is a complete waste of time to even be considered on...
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    RAID 0 Array on twin 80GB WD Special Ed. 8Meg Cache Drives

    Several things: 1: Stripesize Doesn't really matter. 64K is a good average, and I'd stick to the default. Unless you've got a www-server or so, you'd hardly need a Stripe-size of 4K or thereabouts. Stripesize isn't really anymore a "big deal" as it used to be. Just stick with the defaults...
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    Man walked up to Clawhammer, benchmarked it. Here's the result!!

    Right - let's go through this, shall I? Hammer was designed for 64bit softwares and some~ 32bit softwares Nope - not true. Hammer is a 32-bit CPU with 64-bit extensions slapped on top. From what I've seen on it (which are things you're not going to find on the inq or so), this is quite...
  37. S

    Is there such a thing as a Commadore 64 emulator?

    My mother gave mine away many many years ago, back when I got my first 386 SX 33 (which is still around and functional :D). Part of me still hasn't forgiven her for that :). Ah yes ... the memories of the C64 ... what a toy :).
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    Man walked up to Clawhammer, benchmarked it. Here's the result!!

    Errr - no. Having a Memory Controller on-die is supposed to get you (round about) 5-10% better performance. Not because you need to access the Cache of the CPU less (complete nonsense) - but rather because it's all on-die and the speed-benefits that come from that. You will still have to access...
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    Man walked up to Clawhammer, benchmarked it. Here's the result!!

    The thing that "worries" me for AMD is that those are still the 800 MHz samples - I'd assume the same ones as seen on Comdex. I'd have thought they'd have faster ones by now. After all, if they do intend to hit 2 GHz, they should be around at least 1.5 GHz or so now, right? Curious whether...
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    So much AMD love?

    Re: On stability ... ... just like to point out that "stability" is very much a think to be taken with care. <This is assuming the system is not OC'ed and CPU gets cooled enough.> If a system dies - what's the cause? Is it OS-based (bad GFX-drivers that are at the kernel layer in MS OS's...
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