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  1. S

    Will the Athlon XP's work in dually mode.

    Yep, this was pulled from Hard|OCP << Just got word from Randall Siggers that they have outfitted their AMD Dually board from Tyan with two new AthlonXP 1800+ CPUs and all is working just fine. Take it for what it is worth. I know Randall is a man of his word >> Second post in the Nov. 1...
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    Advice on O/Cing a PIII 600Mhz

    slowly increase the FSB... pretty simple.. when the machine stops working, or freezes when you stress it try upping the Vcore .1v and so on... becarefull with the voltage tho, only go .2v up or so... Get good cooling, it'll help you achieve higher scores.. Craig
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    Anyone look at system rigs stats lately?

    Ok, I wasn't gonna continue it, but since I got two responses why not? Eh? It was a Question if that was his Inferance, the punctuation is there... My point still stands, why would you throw out BX boards because people don't wanna get rid of'em? and at the same time you agree that it is faster...
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    ASUS P2B can't recognize 133MHz SDRAM

    Hmmm I'm doing fine with my P2b.. and so are the other 5 or so I've set up with now more than 265MB of ram... Basically all the above suggestions are good ones... Lemme get the situation clear tho... You are trying to run a P2b with a 64MB and a newer 128Mb stick of Kingston RAM right?!? if so...
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    Anyone look at system rigs stats lately?

    << the number of celeron systems that have been overclocked to like 366@500 type of thing still lives and alot ppl aren't trying to let go of the BX chipset. Therefore these ppl should be banished from the stats VIA is pretty much owning it up now, reguardless of the southbridge fisaco. >>...
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    Just got my 512MB of Crucial memory in, got a question and a startling observation!

    << My bad about the DIMMs...I've just always assumed that they had to be together, although I do know that you have start in the first DIMM slot, right? >> Nope, Sorry, you go that wrong as well... Infact some Mobo's actually do better with the Slot labeled Slot3 or 4 even, this became...
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    G400MAX or G450?

    I'd say go with the MAX, the only advantage the G450 has over the G400Max is a Higher RAMDAC for the 2nd Head... Everything else is the same, except of course for it's Crippled Memory Bus which in turn limits 3D acceleration greatly... But it's not meant for that either... If you plan on...
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    What's the oldest component in your high-tech system?

    Jamarno wrote : Stringy, if that's a genuine Ensoniq Audio PCI card and not just anything with a 1370 or 1371 chip, hang on to it because its analog sound quality its distortion, noise, and frequency response are unusually good, better than any SB Live. Yes it is a true blue Original Ensoniq...
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    Major problem needs to be resolved! HELP!

    subman I agree, I've seen this behavior as well, though, usually the &quot;full load&quot; temp is the same as the temp found in the bios screen, so it is still a concern and efforts should be made to lower such an extreme temp reading... this is assuming that the probe reading is somewhat...
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    Will Napigator still work after Napster is shut down

    Just to add, there are more Server Groups with &quot;Napster&quot;-like services other than OpenNAP... OpenNAP is the best, and like it's name suggests, it's OPEN... They'll have fun trying to shutdown that pipeline... it's akin to trying to stop Warez.. they've been trying that for over a...
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    Major problem needs to be resolved! HELP!

    Ouch!, that sucks... Anyways, you have the options you mentioned... I did see a &quot;Lug&quot; repair kit floating around the net, prolly a link from Hard|OCP... RMA'ing the board is going to be Difficult, it may happen but this kinda thing falls under User Error or User Abuse to tell you the...
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    What's the oldest component in your high-tech system?

    Oldest hmmmmm prolly my Ensoniq AudioPCI been there for years, had it when P200MMx's were new, like what '93-'94?? Closely followed by my Nanao 17&quot; monitor, gorgeous, best $500 I spent... well, spent back then... Craig
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    What's the highest FSB people are running their Radeon's at??

    ATi's are notoriously bad FSB overclockers... I haven't seen too many handle high FSB speeds... Even the older Rage128 core didn't do well, 133FSB was achievable if you were lucky... by the 2 people who have radeons that responded, I think AGP bus speeds of 100Mhz would be out of the...
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    What kind of video capture is best for netmeeting?

    Okies.. I've used just about every VideoConferencing App. out there and they all pretty much stink for &quot;quality&quot;... ICU2 has Excellent video but lacks the finish of a MS-NM... NM can be a pain to work with too... it just doesn't like some systems... but anyways I digress.. You need...
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    Recommend a portable digital music player

    Well there are 2 with large storage that I know of... this one is the best I've seen, mainly because you can remove and replace the HDD with ANY 2.5&quot; laptop HDD, which is nice for a portable, after all HDD DO break, and you know they will continue to get bigger.. there is also the Creative...
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    ROCK STABLE! 1800mhz (15x120x1.750v.) P4's aint so bad!!!!!

    Dulantic << The point is I can toss in a 1.2Ghz Palomino when it comes out, and then 3 months later if I feel like it upgrade to a DDR 133FSB M-Board.... Socket A will be around for a while, the P4 socket wont. >> Well the key word is WHEN... And you don't know what the Palomino will really...
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    ROCK STABLE! 1800mhz (15x120x1.750v.) P4's aint so bad!!!!!

    Eug << Good luck to you too. 41 MHz is just far too high if your data is at all important to you. I've seen too many drives fail at high PCI speeds, including a recent Maxtor I bought which died at only 38+ MHz. >> well you said it right there, Maxtor, Not a very good drive IMO... Try this...
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    ROCK STABLE! 1800mhz (15x120x1.750v.) P4's aint so bad!!!!!

    Yes, that is quite a powerhouse system fkloster... Congrates on the O/C and the new toy ;) As for the PCI bus being Dangerously O/C'ed?? nah... I've run 41Mhz for over 2yrs and the components are still funtioning normal... And as far as the Athlon is concerned... I've seen a 1.4Ghz Athlon...
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    Overclocking question?

    Awwww Comon *nudge* *nudge* Crank that Bus speed up... you know you wanna see how much it'll do.... you should be able to get 124Mhz... Hell shoot for the even 133FSB... get all you componients but your CPU thinking they aren't O/C'ed... well except your memory, but Infineon Ram should do...
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    How to block kids from going adult sites??? using software

    << tried it already, they deleate like everything, no regedit, you cant even get into half teh control panels (i hate that they run at 800x600 espically in classes when im using photoshop, and i cant change anything) and they use a program called pcradist taht checks the image on the server and...
  21. S

    Any P3 motherboards available that autoset/lock the PCI at default speed (33Mhz)?

    ahhh 41Mhz PCI bus isn't all that bad.. ;) But if you were going to O/C from the beginning, why'd ya get the 133FSB CPU?? seems alittle strange to me... what's the highest you can do?? without complaints from your hardware?? 160? or is it 166?? 996Mhz at 166FSB isn't all that bad... and if you...
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    How to block kids from going adult sites??? using software

    The best kind of Protection is of course Constant monitoring... But... 2nd best would be for one of those styles of Filtering which only allows Approved sites to go through and not just block unapproved sites... This is because there are Tons of new adult sites poping up everyday... Truely...
  23. S

    What's going on w/ your swapfile do you know?

    Yes, Windows is making the swapfile for a &quot;just in case&quot;... But I wouldn't set it to 10Mb all the same... 256Mb should be ok, but keep an eye on it, and make sure if you have a &quot;page fault&quot; error to raise the swap as this is a common cause... I usually let windows resize...
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    IBM GXP Owners, in here! I demand a recount!

    Intel 700e@980 - BX 20Gb Intel BX Had it for about 4 or so months.. Even runs with the PCI bus at 44Mhz NP C600 on a i815 15Gb Intel running in Cousins machine for 6 months
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    Cable Modem ... uncapping 512Kb limit?

    Nullity << If I remember correctly, aren't the cable systems in Cananda supposed to be way better than the US cable systems? In other words, Canadians get great speeds no matter where they are. I can't exactly remember if this is true or if its the opposite (US systems are better than...
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    Cable Modem ... uncapping 512Kb limit?

    I forget how to un-cap'em otherwise I'd help ya out AMDEmAll, been awhile since I needed that kinda info... for all else that are even thinking of &quot;there's gotta be a way&quot; here is a very nicely written article which thuroughly explains why you can't ;o) Craig
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    Cable Modem ... uncapping 512Kb limit?

    LOL... Now the modem users come in crying and weeping... I pay DOUBLE what you &quot;bandwidth challenged&quot; Dailups pay, I damn right deserve all the speed I paid for.... I've had my cable modem long enough to watch my service go down the Sh1tter as more people got on the bandwidth...
  28. S

    Cable Modem ... uncapping 512Kb limit?

    Nullity, Yes those Old LanCity &quot;modems&quot; can be uncapped... They aren't actually Modems, but Bridges and that is why you can upcap them... You'll be asked to upgrade soon... It'll be manditory when they switch to the newer protocal which the LanCity modems aren't capable of running...
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    WARNING! ASUS Mainboards degraded

    This is Pathetic... Ok, now speaking about revisions... I know alot about the P2b revision history.. the First revision was the 1.02, which was reviewed and got rave reviews from all including Anand upon its release... then came the 1.04(or 3) no noticable changes... then 1.10 came about... Big...
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    Comments about the MICROSTAR 815E PRO SOCKET 370

    << Tomshardware? That site still exists?? >> yes it does.. and if you read it critically he has _some_ decent articles... though you have to beware of the loaded ones... I've been reading his page from way back, around the time of his &quot;O/C'ing Database&quot; and before Dear old Anand...
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    Comments about the MICROSTAR 815E PRO SOCKET 370

    Good board... But there are 2 things keeping me from using as a base for PC's I put together... One is that Tombo over at Tom's Hardware found that this board didn't really like ALL the Memory modules he threw at it... this is not good if a Friend or Customer upgrades or asks for an upgrade and...
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    I GIVE UP.....forget all these stupid case fans.

    Damn $50 on Fans alone?? Jez, I went Water cooling route, much Quieter, Much more efficient than all those damn Fans, it can be used later on when I update my CPU, and best of all, it keeps my Idle Temps AT Ambient temp... Full Load temps at the moment go up to Case Temps, which even with the...
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    best cooling fan (quiet)

    Panflow L's are really nice and VERY quiet... CaseETC has them Here Update these Panflow L models DO push Less air than their normal Counterparts, but just mount a Larger Fan on the HS with a Fan Shoud or Fan Adapter as seen on [H]ard|OCP and other sites... Craig
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    USB devices and CPU utilization...

    Hmmm that's strange, cuz my Age old Intel WebCam USB doesn't take hardly any measurable CPU time... atleast not that I can see in System Monitor under &quot;Kernel Usage&quot;... and you'd think that Vid Capture and what not would take a pretty good hit to the CPU... I wish it were, then I...
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    To Cas2 or to Cas3??

    Well I'd get the CAS2 stuffs... but that's me... there are many places to get RAM from, and alot of High Quality RAM can be found for Reasonable prices... And as miniMunch mentioned I wouldn't rule out getting 2 128Mb sticks as long as they are good sticks and you have to room... and since you...
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    Upgraded memory from 128 to 384 on W98 system. Now it locks up often: what could the problem be?

    << The old memory brand, huh? I don't know what it was, just that it's 128mb pc-133 that I purchased from WestTech, and it had NEC memory chips. I'll go ahead and do what you said Stringy, and test only the 256mb stick. But, I still want that 128mb chip in there eventually, so is my only option...
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    Upgraded memory from 128 to 384 on W98 system. Now it locks up often: what could the problem be?

    to isolate the problems you'll need to install just the 256Mb DIMM and make sure it functions properly first... Then, as Noriaki mentioned, what is your Old Memory?? is it Generic PC100?? This could possibly cause a problem because as you add more DIMMs into the System the (clean) signal...
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    Motherboard question

    Which Celeron a 600?? 700?? which?? anyways, I think the general conclusion is a i815 chipset based MoBo... Either the Asus CULS2 or MSI MS-6337, the Asus has no onboard sound the MSI does, both are Very fast and at the top of the food chain... I've also used the Aopen AX3SPRO and found the...
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    Man, I don't think I'm [H]ard anymore! :-(

    I wanted cool and Quiet as well... but, decided on Watercooling rig... Very quiet... and very cool... Running 980Mhz at the moment... Prolly can do 150FSB for 1050Mhz but I'd have to goto CAS3, which I doubt would help me... not to mention I'd have to downgrade to AGP1x... Craig
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