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  1. W

    Upgrading form A7V266-E to A7N8X it is possible??

    Thanks for the reply, but for whatt I have seen, a single and big modern disk looks faster than my 2 oldtimer, even in RAID 0, hehehe. I have 2 IBM Desktars 15Gb ATA100 each, mounting a 30Gb RAID 0 unit, and I thinking on LEAVE it behing and go to a single and somehow big Hard disk, lets say 40...
  2. W

    Is this possible...????

    I'll sugest you plug the 120Gb on the normal IDE controller of your maindboard, and let the HighPoint for RAID, but if your mainboard chipset is not ATA133, then, don't know.
  3. W

    Is my mobo a bottleneck?

    Since your machinne is up and working, I'll sugest waiting for an nforce2 drop in price, the memory is allready cheap, one the mainboards cost over $90, you can sell yours and buy one. Diference is speed?, it depens, but you can spect a 20 or 25% increase without changing the hard disk form a...
  4. W

    Upgrading form A7V266-E to A7N8X it is possible??

    Hi, I have an A7V266-E with a SB Live Platinium, CL Anihilator II (GForce 2 GTS 32Mb DDR) and 512mb PC2100 from unknown maker. I'd like to change to an A7N8X, question are: 1) Will the old gfroce 2 work? 2) Will my old PC2100 Memory works? Also, I had two IBM Desktars ATA100 7200Rpm on RAID 0...
  5. W

    A7N8X Bios Update: Use AWDFLASH or Asus Update utility

    I've Use it on an A7V266-E, and it works fine, but the first time nothings happens, the process was completed, and the program reported success, but the old BIOS remains intact, uppon a seccond run, it works, but I recomend the DOS procedure, with a UPS of course!. Its quite dificult to run this...
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    A7V motherboard question

    Hmm, yea, perhaps you can make 110FBS with good memories, I think mine did, the better choice is to sell it, buy a more modern one.
  7. W

    Smallest motherboard for amd?

    ASUS A7N266 , microATX versions 1003 or 1005 (with LAN), very small, very fast, no chipset cooler (but needs a case cooler if you gonna go with an Athlon XP). I've paid U$s 83 for the 1003 and U$s86 for the 1005, but anywere in the world but here (Argentina) you can get better prices!.
  8. W

    A7N266-VM AA motherboard continuous alarm beeping

    Try a diferent power supply, ensure that the CPU FAN is properly connected and that it reports more than 2000Rpm, also, ensure that the CPU is properly seated in the socket A, and that no pin is bended. If none of those things works, I'm afraid you gonna have to return the mobo.
  9. W

    which board?: asus a7n266-vm or biostar m7vig pro?

    I like to add, that the 1003 were ensabled with a ATX case, no problem is doing so, and it have 3 5.25 bays.-
  10. W

    which board?: asus a7n266-vm or biostar m7vig pro?

    I do recomend the A7N266, but PCB 1003 or 1005, both apairs to use the Nforce digital integrated sound, and they are both MicroATX size, the 1005 includes on board LAN, but is identical to the 1003. I pull togheter the 1005 with a DURON 950, and came out with Win2k, very stable. One thing that...
  11. W

    A7V266 overclocking settings

    My 1600+ must be locked, it dind't let me raise the multiplier on my A7V266-E (Raid version), just raise the bus, see whatt's happens, I just give a taste, with a 137Mhz bus. I'm using the jumperfree settings.
  12. W

    Good deal? Gforce 4mx 420 64Mb DDR vs. GForce 2 GTS 32Mb DDR?

    Thanks guys, you were a real help.
  13. W

    Good deal? Gforce 4mx 420 64Mb DDR vs. GForce 2 GTS 32Mb DDR?

    My friend offers me this deal: He's Gforce 4 mx 420 64Mb DDR/ tv out in exchange for my Gforce 2 GTS 32Mb DDR (plus some money, lets say $30) , it is a good deal? He's video card is generic (Pine brand) mine is a Creative Anihilator II. Did the 4mx is faster than my 2 GTS?, did it outperform...
  14. W

    Money no object... Which motherboard?

    If you are used to the ASUS brand, and you have money to expend, I'll recomend that you stick to ASUS. You can have a little more speed on some Epox models, but they can't compare in terms of testing procedures. Epox has problems with cool starts, non top quality memory sticks, power problems...
  15. W

    Asus A7V133/Raid mobo (Updated with pictures!)

    Also, check the RAID/ATA jumper configuration, because its wrong in the printed manual. JP13 = 1-2 JP14 = 2-3 That's RAID Alejandro
  16. W

    EPOX or ECS?

    Epox ---> good quality, bad mobo testings ECS ---> all bad choose an Abit, or sell your soul to devil and buy an ASUS.
  17. W

    does the epox 8kha+ have incompatibility issues with the new Geforce 4 cards

    Ha!, I have an old Athlon A750 with a Epox 7KXA slot A mainboard (first Athlon mobo from Epox). I wanted to change the 4Mb AGP card for a 3Dfx Voovoo 3 3000 TV and found that two capacitors that are placed touching the APG port connector prevents the insertion of the video card, the metal...
  18. W

    About ASUS A7V kt133 again :-)

    No man, you can't push the KT133 over the 110Mhz barrier, perhaps you can reach 115Mhz at most. In my personal experience the problem is the PCI bus beign pushed as well as the processor bus, and that's the main issue. You'll find than the machinne works fine at 110Mhz in Windows but fails in...
  19. W

    KT133a vs KT266a at Gaming HIGHER resolutions

    I change my A7V133 (KT133a) for a A7V266-E and experience quite a boost in CounterStrike at 1280*900 (max. supporting res.). Even my 1.2tbird was at 1333Mhz in the A7V133 and its now at 1266Mhz in the A7V266-E. both machinnes were using 512Mb and gForce 2 GTS 32Mb DRR (Anihilator II) same RAID 0...
  20. W

    Asus A7V266E not PnP compatible w/ WinXP??

    The mobo works great, seems make it for Win XP, just make sure you have at least the first BIOS upgrade (1004b). Also, its in AMD recomended list. My only problem is the 80secs. it took for boot XP from the RAID. When a HD is present in the VIA controller, the RAID boots in 20 secs!. So a keep a...
  21. W

    Via KT333 boards

    The BIOSTAR one is first one, its allready shipping and should be cheap, take a look in their site. I have installed 2 BIOSTAR, and despite a neddfull BIOS update to stabilize 3D mode, their work very nice, so much that I brougth one for my spare machinne!.
  22. W

    mobo poll: which one motherboard company do you hate with a passion?

    My vote goes to ECS and PC CHIPS. I was ask to set up two ECS, one with SIS chipsets (all integrated) and one with VIAs. None worked ever, they were extremely cheap, that's for sure. The driver CD was in chinnese and work commanding Win98SE windows to setup drivers, but couldn't comand it well...
  23. W

    What is newest and/or most stable 4in1 drivers right now?

    Don't forget the Update Button man, download everything!
  24. W


    There seems to be some probs. with the 1006, some people set that temperature readings are even higher
  25. W

    Need Help, Asus A7A266 Mobo Rev 1.03

    Yea, probably a low quality DDR, either you change the memory for quality one, or change BIOS memory settings to be less agresive. I fix the Infinite Loop in this mobo that way, I have 2 unbranded 256Mb DDR PC2100.
  26. W

    Motherboard BIOS Error w/XP Pro Boot Disks (A7V266E) - Need Help

    Your systems seems very unstable at the memories, try to set all memory configurations in minimun performance. Try to include in your Win98SE boot disk the program HIMEM.SYS and set the config.sys acordingly, it will make a far better memory check than the mobo's POST.
  27. W

    Who is Faster A7m266 "1 AthlonXP 1700+" or A7n266"1 AthlonXP 1700+" ?

    The nForce is faster than the AMD 760, so go nForce, also, try to save with an Abit or Iwill, you perhaps loose some never use functions, like the ASUS Ipanel or the automatic reset of procesor settings due to wrong OC (otherwise, you'll have to user the jumper to clear the CMOS), but you'll...
  28. W

    ASUS A7V266-E with RAID, 80 sec. to boot WinXP!

    Guess what?, I finally have a problem with this board, see if anybody can helpme or have the same problem. I have and old RAID setup form my prior PC133 board (A7V133), its my only hard drive (its seen as one drive). The problem is that it takes 80 sec. to boot from the detection of the RAID...
  29. W

    ASUS/ABIT/SOYO what gives you good service?

    Modern Epox seems to work very nice, they are cheap, and even if they burn in a year or two, you probably can buy almost 2 for the price of an ASUS. I have bad experiences with Epox old boards (7KXA,8KTA,MVP4) but even those problems had a solution, exept perhaps the cracking sound with 3DFx...
  30. W

    Need low cost motherboard with video that supports ultra cheap CPU

    I put two BIOSTAR M7VKL or S, don't remember the last letter, but its not the "B" (I have one of those, but don't include video). Its very cheap and very stable also, only problem is inserting the RAM PC133, a lot of force its needed, in the last one I put the memories before put the mobo in the...
  31. W

    Non-updated bios on ASUS A7V266 with Athlon xp, will it damage my system?

    Not likely, the only issue would be Vcore setting. If you left the mobo in JumperFree mode, it should work, but perhaps it detects a t-bird, run the bus as 200Mhz.
  32. W

    Good motherboard?

    Perhaps you can buy a new KT333 mobo, the first from BIOSTAR looks very inexpensive, there's a Gigabyte too (7VRXP) with USB 2.0 and all.
  33. W

    Raid with 2 5400rpm or non- raid with one 7200rpm?

    I'm sure that the 100gb 7200Rpm is faster. The RAID would give you a 35% speed increase over one 10gb normal Desktar drive. This 35% is not enought to reach the modern 7200Rmp disk. Not in your dreams!.
  34. W

    Is it possible to disable Promise controller on A7V133?

    I made a clean change for the A7V133 to the A7V266-E, just unplug my RAID disk and pluged in the 266-E, heheheh, since I had a WinXP Pro OEM, it didn't have the activation thing, and the mobos use the same drivers, its the same Promise chip actually, that's whats makes this board unpopular. Just...
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    Asus A7V266-E (KT266A) mobo question???

    It has 2 ports as normal, with primary and secondary IDE each, plus the 2 ports from the Promise ATA 100 controller. You can use the Promise ports for conecting 4 more drives (in ATA 100 mode) or you can use it for RAID 0, normally up to 3 disk in RAID, but best performance is obtained with 2...
  36. W

    Looking for best/most stable MOBO...please help!

    Yep, Epox has missed the bullet with older mobos like the Slot A 7KXA, and the first socket A 8KTA, but in general the problems can be fixed, one way or another, and they've learned a lot from that time, I'm sure the new Epoxs ones are very good mobos, so my advice is to buy one, also, they...
  37. W

    Is it possible to disable Promise controller on A7V133?

    You can disable completely the Promise chip, but won't have the functionality of the chip; extra 4 ports with ATA 100 or RAID 0. To disable go to BIOS and in one of the last options (don't remember exactly) perhaps in the BOOT menu, set to "disable" the "Load onboard ATA BIOS", then you would...
  38. W

    My Results on Abit KR7A-133Raid Board (sandra)

    Yes, FAT32 is faster, but the RAID should compensate. Weird. Actual Data: Sandra 2001se v 2002.1.8.59 File System Benchmark: 23523 Test File size: 511Mb Buffered Read 45MB/s Sequential Read 36MB/s Random Read 5MB/s Buffered Write 31MB/s Sequential Write: 27 Mb/s Random Write 8MB/s Average...
  39. W

    Can onboard sound limit overclocking?

    I don't think it limits your overclock, but you can have problems with the sound. In my BIOSTAR M7VKB for example when I raice the bus speed the sound freezes the machinne while playing, and ICQ keyboard typing sound produce huge delays betewn the pressin of the key and the apearance of the...
  40. W

    Asus A7v266-E restart problem

    You don't post enougth info. Are you using jumperfree mode?, please post the settings on every dip switch that apears on the mobo's manual for setting the processor and memory, also your equipment list. Check temp below 60C.
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