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  1. S

    Someone "PLEASE" help me with RAID "0" setup..

    I think I have it setup correctly; however..... I am new to this so I am not sure if I have it setup in order to get the most benefit and performance from it. I have 2 120gig Maxtor SATA drivers on an Abit IS-7. I did a cleane install of XP and used the F6 method to install drivers. I set...
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    Where is a good RAID "setup" or "how to" guide??

    Can someone point me to a good guide or How to on setting up a RAID 0 configuration. I am using an Abit IS-7 mobo and 2 Maxtor 120 SATA drives Thanks
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    Where is a god RAID:How To, or Setup guide??

    Can someone point me to a good guide or How to on setting up a RAID 0 configuration. I am using an Abit IS-7 mobo and 2 Maxtor 120 SATA drives Thanks
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    Someone please direct me to a good "RAID" setup guide for noobs..

    I am looking for a guide that will walk me through a RAID 0 setup step by step. I have a DFI Lanparty Pro875 and want to use the RAID with my 2 WDJB800 drives, however, I have no clue how to do it. Any good links?
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    How can I be protected from "Viruses" and still have a "FAST" gaming rig?

    I usually set up my comp so that it loads NOTHING at start and turn off services that take up resources so that my comp runs fast and gets the best performance in games. However, with all the new viruses I want to be protected but not at the expense of slowdowns in gaming. What is the best...
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    Help!! My USB 2.0 Disappeared...???

    Thanks for the offer but I actually found the usb 2.0 driver on the VIA website and now its working fine. Thats really wierd that it would just disappear though.
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    Help!! My USB 2.0 Disappeared...???

    OK, I am running WinXP on an MSI KT3 Ultra and have always had USB 2.0. However, I reformatted the other day and noticed that USB 2.0 wasn't working. I went to Windows update where the "Microsoft Usb Driver Version 5.1.2600.0" driver usually comes up for me to download. However, when I go now...
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    How can trying to use "Headphones" be such a pain in the A**??

    USB headset??? Wow, thies sounds promising... You mean I can buy a headset, plug it into ANY usb port and listen to the sounds without having to unplug my speakers?? Tell me its true!
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    How can trying to use "Headphones" be such a pain in the A**??

    Thanks for the reply. I gues thats what I will have to do. It amazes me that I have to go ths route after paying over $200 for my sound system on my computer. Thanks again :)
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    How can trying to use "Headphones" be such a pain in the A**??

    I know this sounds stupid but I can't figure out how to use my headphones. I use to have Monsoon speakers and an older SB Live card and the monsoon speakers had a headphones connector on the "volume" control. When I plugged the headphones in they overrode the speakers and sound ONLY came out of...
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    How do I use "Headphones" with SB Audigy and Creative 5.1 Speakers??

    I know this sounds stupid but I can't figure out how to use my headphones. I use to have Monsoon speakers and an older SB Live card and the monsoon speakers had a headphones connector on the "volume" control. When I plugged the headphones in they overrode the speakers and sound ONLY came out of...
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    MY God!...Is there a simple way to reinstall DIRECT X 8.1 for WIN XP???

    OK, I'll let it go now because I see that you not only read what you WANT to read, you also mis-quote and leave out the parts that you want when you are quoting someone. Thats the good thing about forums, people can go back up and see that you left out parts that you wanted to in order to make...
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    MY God!...Is there a simple way to reinstall DIRECT X 8.1 for WIN XP???

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL, the "Original post by DarkFudge2000 started out, (and I quote) Dude, does that sound like someone in the "Workforce" who was asking for advice about corporate uptime?? You wanna know the reasaon why I have made such a big deal out of this whole thing? Well, I am going to tell...
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    MY God!...Is there a simple way to reinstall DIRECT X 8.1 for WIN XP???

    Dude, Seems I am not the only one that thinks you are a moron. You have been rated 58 times and your rating is an impressive 2.4. Maybe a little attitiude adhustment is in order. I realize you probably don't care about your rating; however, it is comforting for me to know that others here...
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    MY God!...Is there a simple way to reinstall DIRECT X 8.1 for WIN XP???

    Dear Dude, #1. I haven't ever and won't ever do crack...That is an immature thing to say on your part. #2. It doesn't "COST" anything to reformat so I don't know why you say people can't afford it. #3. I also have MANY important files, programs, data, etc on my harddrive which is why I do the...
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    MY God!...Is there a simple way to reinstall DIRECT X 8.1 for WIN XP???

    OK, I hear there is a program called "Detonator Destroyer" that gets rid of all the driver stuff. Do a search I am sure you will find it. Another option would be to just re-install windows without actually reformatting. That would at least give you a fresh registry. BTW, if you are using WInXP...
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    A few questions about GeForce Tweak Utility....Anyone using this?

    I have been playing with this thing for a few days now and it has really helped me tweak my settings, I like it. However, I have a few questions about it that I could not find the answers to in the FAQ or Help files. 1. Does it "Overide" any settings I make using the normal "Advanced Settings"...
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    A few questions about GeForce Tweak Utility....Anyone using this?

    I have been playing with this thing for a few days now and it has really helped me tweak my settings, I like it. However, I have a few questions about it that I could not find the answers to in the FAQ or Help files. 1. Does it "Overide" any settings I make using the normal "Advanced Settings"...
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    MY God!...Is there a simple way to reinstall DIRECT X 8.1 for WIN XP???

    Darkfudge it sounds to me after reading ALL of your posts about the problems you are having, the best thing for you to do is "REFORMAT." Its not a big deal man. I do it once a month, sometimes more. Its the only way to really know you are starting fresh.
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    Why is my GF4 ti4200 "Slower" than my Radeon 8500?

    I like to try new things and my Radeon was still within the 30 days for return so after reading about how great the GF4 ti4200 was I decided to give it a try. I change hardware about once a month just to see what I like best.
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    Why is my GF4 ti4200 "Slower" than my Radeon 8500?

    Again, thanks so much for your informative post. I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I have a question about your last post.."The quote above." What is QxAA? I see 2x and 4x in my settings. Where do I find QxAA? And...if I use QxAA, after I find it...What Ansio setting should I use?
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    Why is my GF4 ti4200 "Slower" than my Radeon 8500?

    Thanks for all of the great replies. BTW, my GF4 is the "64" meg version and it is the PNY. I got this one due to the reviews about the 64 being faster than the 128. I didn't think about the fact that some of these games would like more RAM. Doh! AnAndAustin, do you suggest I use the Detonator...
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    Why is my GF4 ti4200 "Slower" than my Radeon 8500?

    Well, not really slower. I got 1000 mor 3D marks in 3DMark2001se with the GF4; however, in my games the ti4200 is "Choppy" where the Radeon wasnt. I am using the "Exact" same system with the ti4200 that I used with the Radeon but it is so choppy. I reformatted before installing the GF4 so I know...
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    kt333 mobo poll

    I tested out the Epox 8KHA+ and the Epox 8K3A+ and both worked great. Stability was fine. However, the 8KHA+ failed on me after about 45 days and I RMA'd it which took 2 months to get back. When I got it back, it wasn't fixed. I finally talked Frys Electronics into giving me a refund due to the...
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    kt333 mobo poll

    I tested all of those boards "Except" the Abit and Asus, and the MSI board came out on top in every test. Now to mention it comes with everything but a toilet. The Epox is good but let me tell you their Tech Support isn't all that great. I finally put the MSI in my own system and it is flawless...
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    MSI KT3 Ultra kicks Gigabyte GA-7VRXP's a**

    Yes, it WOULD be inconclusive if I had stated that this was a test of "ALL" KT333 mobos, but I didn't. All I said was that I had tested the KT3 Ultra, Gigabyte, Soyo, and Epox. I was only comparing the 4. As for my tests, YES, I did use the latest bios and everything was the same all around on...
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    MSI KT3 Ultra kicks Gigabyte GA-7VRXP's a**

    I have spent the past few days testing a few KT333 mobos, amounf then the Gigabyte GA-7VRXP, MSI KT3 Ultra, Epox 8K3A+, and Soyo Dragon Ultra. MY test revealed that the MSI is the fastest most stable and compatible board. I used all of the same "Stuff" on each board, (i.e. CPU, Sound card...
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    WHich drivers to install after fresh install of WinXP? Need direction:)

    I would like to know what is the best direction to follow after a fresh install of WInXP. Should I install the latest 4 in 1 from VIA? Should I only install part of them? What about Direct X 8.1? Or should I stick with the DX8 that comes with XP? I'm looking for best performance/Stability and...
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    SOF II, G4 ti4200, and Bad Performance...Help anyone??

    I recently switched over to the ti4200 from a Radeon 8500 and begin playing SOFII. With the Radeon and my system the game ran and looked great. I pulled out the Radeon, put the ti4200 in, Reformatted my harddrive to start fresh and then attempted to play SOFII again. I was surprised how choppy...
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    G4 ti4200, SOFII and bad performance...Help anyone?

    I recently switched over to the ti4200 from a Radeon 8500 and begin playing SOFII. With the Radeon and my system the game ran and looked great. I pulled out the Radeon, put the ti4200 in, Reformatted my harddrive to start fresh and then attempted to play SOFII again. I was surprised how choppy...
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    How can the TYPE of Mobo effect CPU Temps?? Why are KT333 mobos temps so HIGH?

    Ya, its pretty sad that the people getting paid to give advice by a company that large would give false info. Mike, Just out of curiousity, what HS/Fan are you using on your CPU and what kinda temps do you get?
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    How can the TYPE of Mobo effect CPU Temps?? Why are KT333 mobos temps so HIGH?

    Buzz, Thanks again for the input! Sorry for dragging it out like I did but it's in my personality to milk things to death. Anyway, I agree with all you said and although I am not satisfied with the higher temps, I guess I will just accept it and hope that AMD improves on things in the past...
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    How can the TYPE of Mobo effect CPU Temps?? Why are KT333 mobos temps so HIGH?

    Hmmm, even more to think about now. I will, however, emphisize that in all my tests, EVERYTHING was the same except the mobo. I used the same case, fans, cpu, video, sound, nic, bios settings, same desk in the same room, etc. etc.. The only thing different was the mobo. And, with the exception...
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    How can the TYPE of Mobo effect CPU Temps?? Why are KT333 mobos temps so HIGH?

    Wow, great replies guys, thanks. What you both said makes perfoect since and I understand what your saying. Higher performance must equal higher temps. I'm just wondering why the HS/Fan that actually CAME with the CPU in the retail package was so insufficient. (or not, it was cooling @ 60c.) The...
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    Best AMD Board ?

    You might want to take a look at This Here. I have tried the Epox, Gigabyte, MSI, and Soyo. The Gigabyte and MSI were awesome. The Epox and Soyo were OK but nothing to write home about. Its a toss up between the Gigabyte and MSI, however, the Gigabyte does come with a ethernet card intergraded...
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    How can the TYPE of Mobo effect CPU Temps?? Why are KT333 mobos temps so HIGH?

    OK, I have tested 4 different mobos in the past week. They are as follows, MSI KT3 Ultra, Soyo Dragon Lite, Gigabyte 7VRXP, and Epox, 8K3A+. I am using ALL of the same components, (CPU, HS/Fan, Memory, OS, etc.) on all to test speed and stability. The thing that has puzzled me is this: On the...
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    VERY slow Frame Rates in SOF 2, is this normal?

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. YES, I am sure all the ATI drivers are gone b/c I reformmated after installing the GF4. I always do a clean install of windows when I change hardware. Anyway, I played around with alot of stuff and it seems that the cause of the low FPS was the SOUND. When I...
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    VERY slow Frame Rates in SOF 2 with GF4, is this normal?

    I use "Fraps". Its a program that will display framerates in ANY game. You can get it Here
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    VERY slow Frame Rates in SOF 2 with GF4, is this normal?

    Yes, I actually reformatted and did a fresh install of Win XP, installed DirectX 8.1 then the 29.42 drivers. LIke I said, the game seemed to run fine on my Radeon, but with the GF4 its really slow. Am I doing something wrong or is this an incompatibility thing with the GF4? I mean, the GF4...
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