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  1. D

    Torn! Upgrade vid card now? Or wait for Radeon 7K and upgrade cpu/mobo?

    Funny. I had the exact same setup-- e8400, 4870, 4gb. I thought it over for a few weeks in early October and then said "F it" and grabbed an i2500k, 8gb, and 2x 6950s (and made the move to SSD). Part of the reason was because BF3 was coming out. Skyrim, Batman, MW3, and others too. And...
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    Gaming terms that sound like sex...

    "dominating"-- female voice in UT 2k4 then again, *anything* that the female voice would say in UT 2k4. Is it wrong that I got wood when she would day "ludicrous kill"?
  3. D

    [Tom's] BF 3: 30+ Graphics Cards, Benchmarked

    I'm surprised with the Crossfire problems that they had during the testing. I'm running 2x 6950s and have had no issues at all. Then again, I'm not constantly changing video settings and so forth like they do. Just loaded it up, set all to Ultra, yelled ooh-rah and started spitting lead.
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    ASRock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3 - Who has it?

    I don't think those of us who are happy with this ASRock board are just "lucky". It seems MANY have had no problems at all. In fact, from your post above, you say it's all running well until you overclock to 4.4ghz. I don't thinkyour board is bugged (except maybe the mouse-BIOS issue which I...
  5. D

    6950 CF OC or Flash?

    This ^. I have CF 6950s myself and can't imagine needing more speed at the moment (res is 1080p). BF3 and DX:HR run very fast all on Ultra/Max. Maybe a few other upcoming games will stress them more and give me a reason to overclock, but as for now, both are at stock. Temps are great and...
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    ASRock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3 - Who has it?

    I just put mine together this weekend with an i2500k. Set the multiplier to 44 and the Vcore to fixed 1.35v and thats really it. Running great so far. I'm sure I could push more and run Prime all day while tweaking, but I'm happy with this.
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    6990 vs CF 6950

    I chose 2x 6950 as well (though I didn't have the option of 6990 like you). I chose it because I have used SLI way back in the day and would like to try out CF, plus, I run 5 machines at the house, and the 2 6950s could easily be an upgrade for 2 of those rigs in the future when I upgrade.
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    Help with video card choice for new system

    There really hasn't been too many games that I have played where Physx has made a difference. I'm sure more will come in the future. 3D isn't a feature I'm all that interested in at this point. I think I'm leaning toward Crossfire 6950 2GB. There are some good rebates out this month that...
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    Help with video card choice for new system

    I'm building a new system in the next 2 weeks and I do not upgrade often (current system is a C2D with a 4870, which is 3 years old). New system specs will be i2500k and z68 (with both CF and SLI support... haven't played with either since SLI 6800gt back in the day). I play at 1080p and...
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    Trying to get L4D running on *old* machine

    Yeah, latest directx and latest nV drivers too. I'm assuming it's something related to the FX card, so I'm gonna try a 9800pro. Worst case is it still doesn't work and I'm out $30 for a 9800pro that I can now use for backup for 2 other cards.
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    Trying to get L4D running on *old* machine

    I found a 9800pro on FS/FT for cheap. I'd rather trade with ppl on AT than go ebay. I'll try it out and see how it handles L4D. I have no idea how much the 5900ultra would go for on ebay, but I think I'll keep it instead. It's nice to have an AGP card as a spare in case the 6600gt or 9800pro...
  12. D

    Trying to get L4D running on *old* machine

    Understood. However, the 6600gt will not work as it only fits in a 1.5v AGP slot. I have one in another machine and tried to fit it in this one a while back. So, I need a 3.3v AGP card (or one that does both... i.e. 2 notches in the AGP interface). I just want to ensure that it's a DX9...
  13. D

    Trying to get L4D running on *old* machine

    Naw, that doesn't work either. And I don't think its a DX9 problem, since the card at least supports DX9 (albeit, poorly). It's gotta be something else. I mean, would I be able to slap a 9600XT or 9800XT in there and have it work? I can find one on ebay for cheap. But something tells me...
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    Trying to get L4D running on *old* machine

    Ah, gotcha. Makes sense. I remember it playing HL2 back in the day, and, while performance wasn't great, it did play fine. It's one of the kid's computers, which usually runs Littlest Pet Shop and other kiddie games most of the time. But, sometimes, my oldest has some of his friends over and...
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    Trying to get L4D running on *old* machine

    I'm trying to get a LAN going here with a few older computers. I was pleasantly surprised when (contrary to Valve's system requirements) the game works great on a AXP 1700+ (@2.2ghz) with a 6600gt. So that gave me some hope that it would work on my 1.4ghz Tualatin with a 5900ultra. But, no...
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    What are some good RPGs(Not MMO) for the PC?

    +1 One of the best games I've played in recent memory. I personally could do without the whole "lost memory and need to find out who I am" story, but the rest of the plot is quite interesting. The world really continues around you. There is no good/evil alignment. You are Geralt. All you...
  17. D

    Need some help with buying a Wii

    Thanks for all the advice! I'm purchasing that bundle at Amazon now. I'll likely wait on the games a little while though as I don't see those running short on stock. Dang, I never realized just how expensive this console could get... $300 for the Wii, 2nd controller, and nunchuk. $130 for...
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    Need some help with buying a Wii

    My son wants a Wii badly after playing one at a friend's house. He played Rock Band and Super Smash Bros. and liked them a lot. Problem is, I know nothing about the Wii. What should I buy, how many controllers, whats the nunchuck, etc? He beat Rock Band, so I can't imagine buying that...
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    New GTX260 vs 4870 1GB

    Physx, DX10.1... bah. nV-- give me a shorter card that competes with the 4870 and I will consider it. As of right now, I'm stuck with choosing the 4870 because I really don't feel like buying a new case or modding this one. Not that a 4870 is something bad to be "stuck" with... now if I could...
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    HD 4870 insane stuttering

    I think there's a way to monitor vram usage INSIDE Oblivion, if I recall correctly. Bring up the console and type in TDT. Then, I think it's the page up or page down key that cycles through some different sets of info and one of them is realtime VRAM usage.
  21. D

    Civilization 4 for $15 -- is the AI any good?

    Not sure what reviews you're reading (Civ4 is very highly rated and has won several game of the year awards), but Civ has evolved a great deal over the various versions. And, while a new Madden comes out every year, we've only got Civ1-4 in 17 years (granted, with a few small expansions here...
  22. D

    BFG wants to send me a card - inferior to mine

    oh man, thanks for this. made my night. got tears in my eyes. :D
  23. D

    Civilization 4 for $15 -- is the AI any good?

    I'm a big Civ4 fan... been a fan of the series since Civ1. The problem I have with the AI is the constant contact from them and the penalties you receive for not complying with their demands/requests. For example, several civs will be at war with one other civ. On any given turn, I can count...
  24. D

    Possible video card going bad

    This is on my dad's machine. I had him take a prt scrn of it and send it to me. Text He doesn't play games or anything, but notices this kind of artifacting on desktop use. I'm not there and cannot help diagnose. Has anyone seen anything like this? He's using a 6800gt with the latest...
  25. D

    Is the 512MB 4870 insufficient for 19x12 ?

    That's true, munky. I'd often play at 16x12 on my old 22" CRT and not feel a strong need to add AA if it slowed the performance down too much. But now that I'm on a 32" at 1920x1080, the pixel pitch is large enough to warrant AA or it does in fact get distracting... I tend to play slower...
  26. D

    1GB 4870 in stock! Probably not for very long.

    I agree about the price. Way too high. Not worth it. However, some of us wanting more memory cannot simply go with the 260/280 or 4870x2 because of space and/or psu restraints. My only really viable options are a 4850, 4870, or 4870 1gb. All of the equivalent nV offers are too long to fit...
  27. D

    The next NVIDIA's high end, GT212

    I disagree that it is the new games that are the ones with poor scaling. You're assuming that the first time nV's or ATI's driver team sees a game is when it hits retail. *Most* of the time, the drivers are ready prior to release of the game. We've seen this time and time again over the...
  28. D

    GTX 260 SLI vs 4870x2

    Here are a few reviews that put the 4870x2 up against the 260gtx SLI (among others) at your given resolution: link1 link2 link3 They look very similar across many games (Crysis being an exception). Looks like with current rebate deals out there, you could get the SLI cheaper than the...
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    The next NVIDIA's high end, GT212

    I figured you had evidence at-hand. It was said very matter-of-factly. Well, I have a pretty good memory and don't recall any instances outside of FSX where the 4870x2 was matched by the single 4870. (Aside from silly examples like 1024x768 resolutions with 0xAA.) And, while I do often use...
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    The next NVIDIA's high end, GT212

    I'd like to see examples of this. I sifted through plenty of reviews at launch and remember seeing Flight Sim X and Supreme Commander showing very little scaling. But other than that, performance was stellar across a great multitude of titles. As for the "insane power consumption"... it's...
  31. D

    Whats the slowest computer you've still got in everyday use?

    1.4ghz Tualatin celery with a 5900ultra and 512mb ram. It's on 24x7 and used every single day as a kid's machine. It plays WoW, Runescape, Warcraft3, Oblivion, and a bunch of little kid games like Dora, Clifford, and a bunch of web games on Nickjr. Now it is 4th in line of 4 rigs (soon to be...
  32. D

    Anyone else think it's pointless to upgrade now?

    It all comes down to the job at hand. I still have 3 cards some ppl would call antiques then-- x1950pro, 6600gt (agp), and a 5900ultra. All in 3 kids' machines who don't play at more than 1024x768. Each one was an old hand-me-down of sorts. And, as long as those cards continue to do what the...
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    Wow! Didn't know CoH was multi-CPU optimized so well?!

    So, it appears there are various reviews all over the place that one could point to in order to support their position. While I can see valid evidence for both points of view presented here**, I've come to my own conclusion that I won't feel a bit bad at all for grabbing a 4870 and matching it...
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    What PC game(s) did you grow up on?

    :thumbsup: Me too. Everything. I'm still waiting on an awesome throw-back to Police Quest. The way I see it, it's an open world where you just play a cop. Have a city the size similar to that of GTA games. Prologue would be Police Academy days where you would learn the mechanics of the...
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    Wow! Didn't know CoH was multi-CPU optimized so well?!

    They list that the GPU is a 4870. It's right there on the third page.
  36. D

    Wow! Didn't know CoH was multi-CPU optimized so well?!

    Very good article. 2 things I'd love to see-- add some other cards too, such as the 4870 and 4850... and test more games. But, overall, a big :thumbsup from me for showing such a variety of CPUs, all clocked at various speeds.
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    Quick question for cisco folk

    Can the PVDM2-48 processor module be added to an existing 2811 I have sitting here or is it something that needed to be configured in the original spec and cannot be added?
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    CPU Bottlenecking at Digit-Life, yes we need faster CPUs as much as we need faster GPUs

    I've posted on my thoughts on cpu bottlenecking vs cpu limitations, etc before. My opinions change as new data is available and I greatly agree with apoppin that both sides make good points. Where I think the problem with this discussion lies is when we focus on generalizations. Chizow is...
  39. D

    GT200b to launch at Nvision 08 (Aug 25-27)

    Please define what you mean by "often". Because in the reviews I see, which actually show a 4870 vs 4870CF (and also show MIN fps... there aren't too many that do), one would be hard-pressed to call what you describe as "often". Let's look here first. They test Bioshock, COD4, UT3, and...
  40. D

    hd4800's AND AA??!!

    I agree. These are my subjective definitions (as prefaced with IMO when I posted it). However, do you agree that the terms "bottleneck" and "limit" have inherent differences? With bottlenecking implying a a much *stronger* limitation? This is the underlying argument for me separating the two...
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