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  1. J

    Static noise in captured video using AIW 7500??

    Yes, i put in a my old sb live value pci... and it is capturing correctly (no static) for VCD and SVCD modes (higher than 320 x 240)... so sounds like the on board sound card is the cause... any fix to this?? I want to try routing the audio using SPDIF... anyone try this?? Thanks,
  2. J

    Static noise in captured video using AIW 7500??

    Does anyone here use ATI AIW 7500 for video capturing? I have the newest drivers for everything as of july10th... running WinXP Pro, P4-2.4Ghz, P4S533, onboard c-media audio, ATI AIW 7500 capturing video from s-video input and internal audio connectors (tried external as well)... The...
  3. J


    How many wires do you guys think it will need? How many wires in a strand did you guy used?
  4. J


    Guys... for the wire mod... what kind of wire did you guys use? and where can i get it? And sounds like you guys simply drop the wire into the cpu socket on the mobo? Is that right?
  5. J


    Guys... i'm getting a mobo warning with vcore over 1.7v... is this the limitation on the mobo+cpu that requires the wire mod??
  6. J


    hmm.. the wire mod??.. I think my p4s533 already support voltage setting of 1.8+... so i wont need the wire mod right??.. Just wondering. Isn't setting voltage this high dangerous?? What is the default voltage setting for highest Ghz available Intel chip right now?? (2.53Ghz??)
  7. J

    Any ATI Radeon 7500 All in Wonder OEM owner here?

    Called them... and started another RMA... Hopefully they will give me the correct card this time.
  8. J

    Any ATI Radeon 7500 All in Wonder OEM owner here?

    I just bought one from From the photo on their site, photo link It shows that it comes with a small fan on the chip. However, the one I received only has a heatsink???? Can anyone verify that I got the correct card?
  9. J

    Thermaltake's 80mm fan, 46cfm@27dB??! What you guys think about this fan? 46cfm for 27dB... that's way better than most 30dB fans out there... Is that an error on thermaltake website??
  10. J


    << << Yup.. my p4s533 board is running 150fsb, 4:5, 2-3-3-6-auto with all default voltage on >> JTKGY Pretty good experience with that board? Just plug it all in and it works:) None of that " I plugged all three power connectors and a car battery into my motherboard because I thought it...
  11. J


    Whats the difference between a 533 p4 and a overclocked 133fsb 400 p4???
  12. J


    << HighTechRedneck heres my quick history for you..... P4 1.6A on a P4S333 went 2320mhz/145fsb. that very same chip on a P4B266-C is running 2736mhz/171fsb right now as i type this. it was 100% purely the P4S333's fault - im using all the same hardware. i have heard of a few P4S533s running...
  13. J


    Subscribe to thread.. :)
  14. J


    << no way your temps are 35-40C at 2.8GHZ impossible >> Mine runs 30-32 idle.. at 2.5Ghz and default voltage (from 1.6A Northwood using Intel retail Heatsink)... after 15mins of full load it will jump to 38c Temp reading comes from Asus PC Probe 2.16.04 (I think) He's got a better heatsink...
  15. J

    Getting 1.6A over 2.4Ghz??

    I think I dont need the wire trick right? My p4s533 will let me set vcore above (or up to) 1.80... Or am I missing something.
  16. J


    Thugsrook, What's your voltage reading from asus probe at idel and during load?? I'm interested particularly the vcore and the 12v... (Asus probe 2.16.02+?? anyways, the newest one from de site) Mine is really strange... (Other post...
  17. J

    Getting 1.6A over 2.4Ghz??

    I give up... I tried 1.675 and 1.65 and from FSB of 160 to 155 to 153... it doesn't run prime95 for more than 10mins... (Though I boot into WinXP just fine...and can run Sandra) All these time memory is set to 1:1 which is well below what it can do... Temp never got above 42 before it dies. ...
  18. J

    Getting 1.6A over 2.4Ghz??

    What is "rail" voltage?? The 12volt? Sorry.. these are my specs.. 1.6A 512 NW, Asus P4S533 (1006), Corsair XMS PC2700 512 MB Idle: ======== ~11.9v ~1.52v (cpu, already over 1.5??) memory set a default 2.5v with jumper Load: ======= ~11.7-8v ~1.48-1.50v
  19. J

    Getting 1.6A over 2.4Ghz??

    What does it take to run 1.6A over 2.4Ghz... I mean, reliabily over 2.4Ghz... Mine runs 6 hours of prime95 on 150fsb and 4:5 memory setting on default voltage without problems... But as soon as I set fsb higher than 150... prime95 will not last over 5 mins (even if I set the memory down to...
  20. J

    Wanted: Exact settings for P41.6A, EP-4BDA2+, Samsung PC2700 333Mhz

    This is what I am running.. 150fsb, 4:5, default vcore & memory voltage, 2:3:3:6:auto... 6 hours on Prime95 1.6A NW, P4S533, Arctic Silver 3 on retail Heatsink Corsair XMS PC2700
  21. J


    << Running P4 1.6A @ 2.4 = 150 FSB Memory 512MB Mushkin Hi Perf CAS 2-2-2-5 Asus P4B266-C Vcore @ 1.675v >> Superman CK, What host:memory ratio are you running? Currently, my system is stable (5+ hours on prime95) on 150fsb, 4:5, Corsair xms pc2700 512 CAS 2-3-3-6 all default voltage and...
  22. J

    My initial OC results with P4S533, 1.6A NW and Corsair XMS 2700

    Ok.. tried pretty much everything... no luck.. These are the things I tried.. Putting on 80pins IDE cable to chain Lite-On the NEC Zip. 80pins with NEC Zip on master (of 2nd) and Lite-On slave. 80pins with just NEC Zip on master. Changing the jumpers on NEC to switch it between floppy or ATAPI...
  23. J

    My initial OC results with P4S533, 1.6A NW and Corsair XMS 2700

    << JTKGY dont use "auto" for the drives - tell the bios what your HD, CDROMs, and zip disk are. if that dont work, use an 80 pin cable on the secondary IDE. Prime95 will prolly require more voltage for vcore and mem. Prime95 is not very fun - why not start with something lighter? like a game :)...
  24. J

    My initial OC results with P4S533, 1.6A NW and Corsair XMS 2700

    << dude tell me , did you just plug the cpu and video and it started with default settings? tell me cuz i cant post on mine. i think i gotta a bad CPU. >> a little more info? i'm running... the devices i mentioned above... i can run default vcore voltage at 150fsb and 4:5/spd/2.5v memory...
  25. J

    My initial OC results with P4S533, 1.6A NW and Corsair XMS 2700

    Oh ya, forgot to mention. P4S533 came with one 80pin IDE and 40pin IDE cable... This is my setup... Primary master (80pin): Maxtor 80G 740DX(?) 7200rpm Primary slave: None 2nd master (40pin): Lite-On DVD 16x 2nd slave (40pin): NEC Zip 100 atapi I tried putting the Zip on the primary...
  26. J

    My initial OC results with P4S533, 1.6A NW and Corsair XMS 2700

    Just got the board yesterday... For those that have seen my ealier posts (Thugsrook?)... this is my 3rd mobo.. and I have to say that I am an absolute Asus fan now. It is way more stable than the other two I got (Gigabyte 845D, Soyo Sis 645DX)!! I could boot into windows fine with 157fsb with...
  27. J

    Asus P4S533 question...

    I've heard that it provides PCI/AGP clock locking? Is that true... ? (or is this already available on P4S333?)
  28. J

    8IRXP Owners Rejoice! A reboot fix is HERE!!!

    It's funny that when I called Gigabyte's tech support here before I return the motherboard.. they claimed that they do not guarantee what happens when I overclock... and they claimed that the bios lock up is due to incorrect setting on my behalf.. Well, eat this...
  29. J

    Help, can't stablize my oc 1.6a nw+ ga-i8rxp + corsair xms pc2700

    I was hoping to run fsb of 145-150 and memory clock of around 360-370 since many reported to run XMS at 400DDR w/o problems (though with SPD timing). Running XMS at 300mhz (i know it will run that w/o problems) seems like a waste to me... I would of get much cheaper ram to do that, dont u...
  30. J


    I had mine running with 155fsb for 6 hours on prime95 before crashing... (845D on Gigabyte) but with 2.0 host:memory (memory at 310 only)... BUT my cpu temp were at 55c!!!??? How you run it at such low temp??? I used retail oe heatsink & fan.... I've just finish cleaning the cpu and...
  31. J


    << JTKGY dont get yourself all crazy over this... 333DDR Cas2/2/2/6 (manually set) is just about as fast as 400DDR Cas2.5/4/4/7. (in gaming benchmarks) sandra is about the only test that says otherwise. dont worry about 400DDR (or any DDR) until its Cas2/2/2 stuff. same old story.... i use...
  32. J


    THUGSROOK, Ya.... Thanks for the update... I haven't try running 2.5/4/4/7/2 yet.. my timing is "always" more aggressive than that... I will change mine to that tonight and try again... Looking at my Soyo settings... alot of them I do not know what they do... System Performance...
  33. J


    Hmm... for those that claimed able to overclock at certain speed.. What did you guys run to make sure that it runs stably? I use memtest-86 and prime95... at 400ddr memtest-86 would just die with tons of errors... even though I have the Corsair XMS PC2700 512 and 1.6A NW... I am running Soyo...
  34. J


    THUGSROOK, Thanks for the quick reply... My soyo doesn't read the SPD spec or it does but not showing to me... I will set it to Auto... and try again... I will also bump the voltage to 2.9... (It's at 2.8 now) I know my cpu could run reliably at 154fsb (1.6A NW)... it ran Prim95 for 6 hours...
  35. J


    Thugsrook, Do you mind posting what memory settings you are using? Please post the timing, voltage... I can't get mine to run reliably at even 376ddr with conservative memory timing. I have the same Corsair XMS PC2700 512MB. I went out and get a Soyo Sis645 board and ditch the Gigabyte...
  36. J

    Where to find 4:5 (host:memory) ratio mother boards?

    << run with the memory at "by SPD" and dont tweak it. set all that memory stuff to auto. is there turbo settings etc? set them all to norm or auto or whatever. run memtest86 for at least 1 hour to concider it stable. if it doesnt pass, its the mem or board. the corsair XMS pc2700 is kickass...
  37. J

    Where to find 4:5 (host:memory) ratio mother boards?

    I did... CPU vcore = 1.60 (though it seems to run fine anything below also) DIMM core = +0.3 or 2.8v?? I didn't touch the AGP core voltage, it craps out everything I touch that. Memory timing is set at 2/2/2/5/15.4 usec I think it's the memory.. ran memtest-86 with 145fsb (2.66, 386mhz) and got...
  38. J

    Help, can't stablize my oc 1.6a nw+ ga-i8rxp + corsair xms pc2700

    Just ran some tests with memtest86... Currently running 144fsb, 2.66 memory:host, 383mhz ddr... Test passed (all tests once) for 372mhz (140fsb)... but failed for 385mhz (145fsb)... I'm wondering if it will pass for 380 (still testing) I'm very disappointed with Corsair... (I got the XMS...
  39. J

    Where to find 4:5 (host:memory) ratio mother boards?

    << i think only the SiS645 motherboards have a 4:5 ratio. the 4:5 ratio is basically for 133fsb/166mem/333ddr speeds. >> Thugsrook, Thanks for the quick reply. I have a separate question hope that you dont mind... In case of oc failures, what signs do you look for to determine the...
  40. J

    Where to find 4:5 (host:memory) ratio mother boards?

    Where did you guys get mother boards with such ratio setting?? The gigabyte motherboard I got didn't support such setting, it only has 2.66 or (3:4).... From my other post: =================== I can't get it to stablize somehow... I could run the fsb at 145 which means memory clock of 385mhz...
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