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  1. K

    Is NOLF2 worth buying?

    Oh no. You're not tricking ME into replying again with that lame attempt to...GRRRRRRRRRR...:|
  2. K

    Is NOLF2 worth buying?

    Micro missles, ASSs, Cate...I"M TRYING TO WORK HERE DAMMIT! :o:disgust::|:D:|:Q
  3. K

    Is NOLF2 worth buying?

    Okay apoppin, I'll still forgive and admire you even though you cheated by upgrading to an 815 chipset ;). Just no more talk about Cate's mini missle. Uh, that didn't come out right...:o
  4. K

    Is NOLF2 worth buying?

    JB, the AI definitely seems to put a serious hurt on the CPU. The Trailer Park level ran smooth despite being a fairly big outdoor level, lots of objects, 4 or 5 Ninjas jumping around at any given moment. The difference seemed to be that level had very few interactive objects (no desks to...
  5. K

    Is NOLF2 worth buying?

    apoppin, are you still running that BX6r2? That is one sweet board. It was down right painful to put mine out to pasture after 3 years and going from a Celeron 400@500 to a Celeron2 533@897 to a P!!!700@933. It almost felt like I should take it behind the barn and shoot it rather than leave it...
  6. K

    Is NOLF2 worth buying?

    Yes JB. That's where my rig started chugging. I think there's just too much AI going on (all those respawning guards need to constantly check if you're visible, noisy, etc.), putting a hit on the CPU? That area also just has a lot of textures if you think about all the junk in the rooms. After I...
  7. K

    Is NOLF2 worth buying?

    First, greetings to JB and apoppin. Yes, I still lurk around here now and then. Second, I've only played through Siberia, but so far NOLF2 is better than NOLF1, in my opinion... BUT - If you haven't played NOLF1, or many shooters in general, I'd recommend playing NOLF1 first for the following...
  8. K

    Dell Inspiron 8100 + Mobility Radeon 7500 - Got One, Benchmarked It.

    Apex: Thanks for getting the pun Apex :). I guess our handles kind of make us relatives ;)... Nice site too. I'm looking to do a lot of tweaking (and gaming) this weekend so I'll report any significant results, as I hope others will too. Apoppin: The one reason you may want to consider...
  9. K

    Dell Inspiron 8100 + Mobility Radeon 7500 - Got One, Benchmarked It.

    I'll try all the tweaks suggested when I get home. Many thanks for the tips. Yeah I guess +400 3D Marks may not be insignigicant (it is only a 7% improvement though). I was looking for something more along the lines of my GF2 64MB's 7309 score since the Mobility Radeon 7500 was equal or better...
  10. K

    Dell Inspiron 8100 + Mobility Radeon 7500 - Got One, Benchmarked It.

    Nice review Apex. I'd agree with all the observations, particularly regarding the fragility of the case and the bulk. I'm having a very hard time getting used to the UXGA screen/ATi 7500 combo though. - I find it too bright for 2D and too dark for most 3D. - It never gets truly "black". - The...
  11. K

    Dell Inspiron 8100 + Mobility Radeon 7500 - Got One, Benchmarked It.

    Yep. I spent my lunch scanning the Dell Forum and it appears that I8100 users are in good shape, but I8000 users are not, and I4100 users may not be either. They're already up to A08 BIOS revisions for the I8100, but only A03 for the I4100. Then again, I don't think the I4100 supported the GFTG...
  12. K

    Dell Inspiron 8100 + Mobility Radeon 7500 - Got One, Benchmarked It.

    There's this thing called the Q3A Demo you can DL for free if you really wanted to test, Soccerman...;)
  13. K

    Game recommendation?

    Shudder, you have excellent taste :). For those who don't know, Thief, Thief 2, System Shock, and System Shock 2 (with Irrational Games) were all developed by the late Looking Glass studios. Looking Glass was one of those developers who went to great lengths to do everything right, and above...
  14. K

    Dell Inspiron 8100 + Mobility Radeon 7500 - Got One, Benchmarked It.

    Good news Dug. Any word if the Radeon 7500 will work in the Inspiron 4100? I'd gladly trade 1" of screen for the smaller size.
  15. K

    Game recommendation?

    I'd start cheap, but I'm notoriously cheap and never pay more than $19.99 for a game unless I REALLY want it, then I'll go to $29.99 :). Almost every game I listed except H-L, NOLF and maybe SoF is in the bargain bin. System Shock 2 is now a "classic" for about $10 at EB World. I see Deus Ex at...
  16. K

    Dell Inspiron 8100 + Mobility Radeon 7500 - Got One, Benchmarked It.

    Punisher007: Oops :o. Yeah the OS would be good to know: WinXP. Hulk: You can only get the Radeon 7500 with the Inspiron 8100 and you MUST get it with the 15" UXGA screen, otherwise it doesn't appear as an option. The lower res Q3A images looked good. 800x600 probably looked best as it...
  17. K

    Dell Inspiron 8100 + Mobility Radeon 7500 - Got One, Benchmarked It.

    Thanks O.F. and John. I'll check my results tomorrow with speed step off. Is that sarcasm or self pity I detect Madcowz :)?
  18. K

    Game recommendation?

    My favorite First Person games of all time (in order of preference by type): Shooters: Half-Life No One Lives Forever Undying Kingpin Soldier of Fortune Shooter-RPG Hybrids: System Shock 2 Thief 2 Thief Deus Ex (Thief/Thief 2 aren't really RPGs, and they certainly aren't shooters, but they...
  19. K

    Dell Inspiron 8100 + Mobility Radeon 7500 - Got One, Benchmarked It.

    I know some of you folks have ordered this beast, and some are just wondering what the Mobility Radeon 7500 can do. So here's my experience so far: The Machine Specs.: Dell Inspiron 8100 Intel Pentium III 1.0GHz-M 15" UXGA TFT 256MB RAM 30GB hd UDMA 5 (sorry, not sure of brand & speed) 8X...
  20. K

    Want to buy Dell Inspiron 8100 tonight - But reviews are mostly negative! What do you think?

    I've been waiting for the Radeon 7500 to come out and to get 1 GHz for under $1,800. So... I just ordered a similar system. Too many discounts ("free" upgrades) today to pass up. Free shipping. There's also $75 worth of coupons to be found as well (PM me if you want to know where, but try the...
  21. K

    "How Chips are Made", "How Microprocessors Work", and more!

    Maybe OT, but sounds like the Schroedinger's Cat paradigm of Quantum Mechanics; the "You can't know what state something is in until you observe it" principle. Coincidence, or is this in fact a QM issue due to the scale of the transistors rather than a circuit logic issue (or something...
  22. K

    k6-2+ prices ?

    P100. Ouch.
  23. K

    My first OCed PC - Advice, please!(700@933)

    Looks fine to me assuming the CUSL2 takes care of the AGP setting (66) along with the PCI (which is set correctly at 33, from what I can tell). I assume if your vidcard isn't freaking out your AGP is okay. As others said, relax about the voltage. People run 1.8-1.85V commonly with P!!!s, some...
  24. K

    k6-2+ prices ?

    Greg: One other thing is to use a utility like WCPUID, if you're haven't already, to check what the real speed of the CPU is. As you may know, sometimes the BIOS reports incorrectly. It may be possible that the multiplier could be too high even if the BIOS reports the speed as...
  25. K

    Just finished Blue Shift

    Rankor: That's an interesting idea for H-L. Try Aliens vs. Predator for a taste of what that might be like, if you haven't already. The only problem with the H-L aliens is that they only have 1 or 2 modes of attack (1 or 2 melee and maybe a ranged attack), so that could get kind of boring...
  26. K

    k6-2+ prices ?

    Greg: You're sure it's the latest BIOS? Remember you can't run them at more than 2.0-2.1V MAX, so that may also be a problem. Even 2.2V is too much. If it's being overvolted it could easily overheat and give you errors. The fact that the K6-2 works and the K6-2+ doesn't makes me think it may be...
  27. K

    Does WHERE you place your PCI cards matter?

    Busmastering PCI slots can also be a pain. Things like IDE/SCSI controllers sometimes don't work correctly unles they are in a busmaster PCI slot. This is usually only a problem with older mobos and OSes (Win 98 and earlier). Usually the one or two slots furthest from the AGP slot are busmasters.
  28. K

    Zuni: Really Simple way to Improve Forum

    I've been around for 2 years and I didn't know we had a FAQ. Honest :o.
  29. K

    Abit Bx6 2.0 CPU Upgrade Options?

    Why not get an 800 instead of the 866? If you're not going to OC, then you'll be dead-on spec. You can probably OC the 800 to 897 (8x112) without any AGP/PCI issues. Generally you want to stick to the 100 FSB P!!!s if you're attempting an overclock or if your system is not PC133 compliant. Some...
  30. K

    Abit Bx6 2.0 CPU Upgrade Options?

    Tasslex: Again, the 133MHz FSB PROCS will work (at spec). The SYSTEM will work only if your vidcard and RAM can handle that speed. The BX6r2 has a 1/4 setting for the PCI, so that isn't a problem. BUT it only offers 2/3 AGP (like all BX mobos) and that puts your AGP at 89MHz. Most GF2 level...
  31. K

    Abit Bx6 2.0 CPU Upgrade Options?

    I own a BX6r2. I ran a C533A at 825 (103x8 @ 1.6v) and 897 (112x8 @ 1.85v). I now run a P!!!700 at 933 (133x7 @ 1.75v). You should be able to run any 66/100MHz C2 or 100/133MHz P!!!, provided your AGP card and RAM can handle it, and OC further as your components allow. Flash to latest BIOS (I...
  32. K

    Could I overclock this....?

    If the board supports 2.0V or 2.1V ( I can't tell from the documentation, but it looks like 2.2V may be the lowest) you MAY be able to run a K6-2+, which will OC (and perform) much better than the regular K6-2s. If you run one at 2.2V it may fry. They're unlocked and seem to hit 600MHz pretty...
  33. K

    k6-2+ prices ?

    I got a K6-2+ 450 from Tiger for $34.50 about a month ago to upgrade a P200/ASUS SP97-V system that a friend got for free. They're not multiplier locked from everything I've read, so it really doesn't matter what speed you buy. I've seen K6-2+ OCs up to 600MHz with conventional cooling. The one...
  34. K

    Which video card is better?

    Worry about what HW you'll need to play Doom 3 when it comes out. If it's on anyone other than an id employee's hard drive in 12 months I'll eat my Nailgun :D. id is definitely a "when it's done" company. Buy a card to run games now. If you're looking to buy a card to run games a...
  35. K

    Is Max Payne DirectX 7 or 8? Trying to estimate if a Radeon would be powerful for it.

    e-phex called it. If you can run 3DMark 2000/2001 at decent framerates then you'll run Max Payne fine (same engine). Try the Matrix-esque demo in 3DMark 2001 for a taste of what Max will be like. Runs fine on my rig (P700@933/256MB SDRAM/GF2 64MB).Looks like your rig will be more than fine.
  36. K

    Kingpin Life of Crime

    The violence is certainly no worse than Soldier of Fortune, and can be toned down if you don't like it. The same with the language, which loses its shock value after about 1 level anyway. I agree with Don Vito about the textures. For a Q2 engine game you're not going to find much better. The...
  37. K

    Kingpin Life of Crime

    Definitely a good buy for $20. Ran like crap when it came out because of the slower systems of the day, but runs fine on a 500MHz/GF level rig. Kind of short but has some really nice weapons, an unusual Half-Life-esque NPC buddy system, great voice acting, and some of the best and prettiest...
  38. K

    Poll: Favorite/Most Efficient Weapon in Unreal Tournament

    Flak Cannon. But Redeemer is MOST efficient if 1.) You can get the damn thing. 2.) The server allows it to spawn. 3.) Can pull off a more than 4 to 1 Kamikaze in a tight space :Q.
  39. K

    need advice on ABIT BX6 rev2 OCing

    I have a BX6r2 and my old TNT2 Ultra didn't like anything over about 75MHz. I used to run a C400 @ 500 and had to set the AGP to 2/3, so I was actually underclocking the AGP bus. My GF2 runs fine at 88 AGP. Most post-TNT2/V3 cards seem tolerant of higher AGP speeds. Having said that, I was...
  40. K

    need help buying a video card.

    The V3 2000 will probably do 166, 183 max without adding a fan. No driver support, no 32 bit color, 16 MB SDR, mediocre OpenGL performance...I'd say spend the cash for a new card.
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