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  1. W

    Asus CMR modem - which motherboards ??

    I have mistakenly bought an Asus CMR modem (thinking it was CNR) for my CUSL2 and of course it doesn`t fit!. does anyone know which motherboards supports this device so I stand a chance of selling it and getting the right thing..... I`d never heard of CMR before, it looks like a Mirror image...
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    TUSL2-C + Windows Me=Memory problems, Freemem required

    Agreed! . I`d upgrade to an NT based OS like 2K or XP ASAP with a meaty tualatin based system as they handle memory and , well, everything else - far better.. IMO 98 is for sub-500Mhz / Sub 256Mb systems as iit`s getting long in the tooth and M.E is for people you don`t like.. ;)
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    Figuring Out AGP Card for older MoBo

    All I can say and go by is my fileserver board which is a Shuttle HOT661P, a first generation BX (not coppermine capable, ATA33 etc) and it has AGP2X and works fine with a GeForce-2 GTS or a GF2 MX400, I haven`t tried anything better as it was my main machine and when I upgraded to the Athlon...
  4. W

    Will prices on P3s ever come down?

    I think that things are only going to get worse pricewise :( - as the socket-370 CPUs are discontinued, the faster ones will become more and more valuable especially the Coppermine ones which run on the largest number of motherboards, even now, a Celeron Cu 1.0 is more expensive in the UK than a...
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    Is this ancient CPU worth anything???

    As a complete P200 machine with a 1Gb HDD and 32Mb RAM is virtually worthless thesedays, I doubt that a P75-a-like bare CPU is going to fetch much!.. I have an original IBM PC somewhere with the 64Kb motherboard (earliest one upgraded from 16K !! ) and the tape interface where most of the...
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    Now THIS is a first: motherboard with vacuum-tube sound circuitry!

    I have nothing whatsoever against Tube amps.. it`s putting them after a garbage audio system to try and con users into thinking they`re getting top notch sound that`s the irritation.. Try a pair of expensive Valve monoblocks on the end of a £50 Ghetto blaster as see if they make the thing...
  7. W

    Best reasonably priced motherboard?

    The SiS 745 based MSI 745 Plus Turbo or whatever it`s called seems to be the best (semi) Budget Athlon board out there, it`s like an ECS K7S6A with far more to offer..
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    ASUS TUSL2-C and Windows 98 problem

    I Agree with Oldfart - do exactly the same, but in my case by the time a machine is running a Tualatin ( or even a fast Coppermine like my 566@850 on a CUSL2), Win98 goes out of the - Ahem - Window I really like the original 98 but The rule of thumb I go by is that if it`s 500Mhz or faster...
  9. W

    How hot is too hot? (1.0A Celeron)

    My brothers 1.2@1400 runs at 36 degC at full load with a GlobalWin FOP32-2 (4500RPM fan) Athon cooler which costs about £8 far more efficient than the Stock unit - for the record, I`m using the 1200`s now redundant stock cooler on my 566@850, it`s no great shakes, that`s going to get the...
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    Asus CUSL2 Beta Bios ???

    Thanks Andy & Mastertech .. I`ll flash it up then :) .. The TUSL2 apparently gained Voltage control in a Beta release ! .. Ah well at least they`re still developing BIOSes for these boards, shame that they don`t give out information as to what they fix..
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    Thanks BlackHawk and Oldfart.. It`s back to the old chestnut of "Would you use a Beta BIOS" - I asked this in another forum wondering if there were any improvements with 1012 on the CUSL2 - it would seem that there were for the TU version.. Did they fix the AGP problem oldfart mentioned in any...
  12. W

    Now THIS is a first: motherboard with vacuum-tube sound circuitry!

    THAT is totally rediculous! -- You`d think that they`d start fitting top notch studio standard 24bit 96Khz Audio chips first like those used by Midiman, Event and Digidesign! .. a lot cheaper and more efficient than a VALVE pre-amp tacked onto the end of a crap AC97 codec and it would sound a...
  13. W

    1.3 Celeron - Anyone OC it yet? Also, what's the diff - CeleronA vs. Coppermine P3

    """[ Asus CUSL2-C BP Celeron 1.1A @ 1.5GHz """ Sounds like you`ve been having fun wire-wrapping and ZIF Socket hacking there ;) .. The 1.0 or 1.1 will be the route I`ll take for my CUSL2 should the heavily OC`d Cu566 croak :) ...
  14. W

    Asus CUSL2 Beta Bios ???

    Thanks folks - As for problems, Nope, i don`t have any but BIOSes mature and get optimized particularily in the RAM dep`t and we all want some of that don`t we ;-) .. And Hey, you never know but they might have even tweaked the onboard video to be as dizzyingly fast as a PCI Banshee !!! - I`d...
  15. W

    Asus CUSL2 Beta Bios ???

    The current BIOS for this board is 1009 but there is a Beta version 1012 available, does anyone know what this fixes / Adds ? as there isn`t any info on the site :( .. Also have Award got a function for re-flashing a BIOS thesedays if things go wrong like AMI does with the AMIBOOT.ROM trick...
  16. W

    Tusl2-c has no vcore adjustment in bios?

    The TUSL2 is notorious for not having the CUSL2`s Voltage control - that`s why when we built my brother`s machine we cheaped out and got a VIA 694T based Jetway 694TAS, there was no point in paying the extra as the Jetway does 66-166 Mhz FSB in 1Mhz increments and we got the RAM to run async @...
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    Does PC133 run at PC100

    As Peter says ----- the only thing you`ll have to watch out for is CHIP DENSITY - a lot of the new 256Mb DIMMS (irrespective of speed) are SINGLE SIDED - IE have a higher chip density and a lot of older boards don`t like this, my server`s BX board for a start sees them as 128s , a lot of ZX...
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    I`d agree with the TUSL2 - I have the Pre-tualatin CUSL2 which has to be the ultimate Intel based OC board for coppermines and Ive yet to see a board with more USB ports (7) - BUT from what I remember they removed the Voltage control from the TUSL2 version :( .. If you want 1Mhz FSB...
  19. W

    How bad is it to run PCI at 37.5 and 41.6mhz???

    I have only seen the Vcore mods for tualatins and those to fit them on a Slotket or Asus CUSL2.. I looked hard to find it when my only option was a cheap VIA Jetway with no Voltage adjustment :( For the record I have the 1.7V SL4PC 566 running stable at 850 @ 1.8V on the CUSL2 using a Celeron...
  20. W

    1.3 Celeron - Anyone OC it yet? Also, what's the diff - CeleronA vs. Coppermine P3

    The Celeron Tu 1200 clocks easily @ 1400 at stock voltage and still runs ultra cool, I fitted a Globalwin FOP32 (a cheap but light and efficient Athlon cooler after bending the clip to reduce the force) to my brothers and it`s fine.. I DID get him the Retail version as there was no price...
  21. W

    Best Cel 466 Overclock board and Cooling

    I hate to say it, but I woudn`t throw 100 bucks at a 466 Celeron, the same money would probably get you a Duron 1000 + a decent cheap board like an ECS K7S5a (which takes PC133 RAM as well as DDR and is a good upgrade path as it takes ALL the XPs too) + a competent HS/F and the performance...
  22. W

    How bad is it to run PCI at 37.5 and 41.6mhz???

    I ran a 566 Celeron @ 83Mhz (705) and it all went sweet, some cards / drives can handle it, others can`t - 4Gb Fuji HDD, TEAC 532 CDROM, PCI Banshee with a big HS/Fan on, Realtek 8139B LAN (NOT the A model, it falls over) all took it in their stride.. The board (a Soltek ZX AT board) ended...
  23. W

    i815 512Mb Limitation ??

    Thanks - I Picked up a 2nd hand CUSL2 for OCing a 1.7V 566 Celly to 850 (Great clocking board from what I remember and I wanted to fill it with single sided 256s :) err, not in this case
  24. W

    POLL: Who makes your Favorite Chipset?

    Intel 850 for P4 SiS 735/745 for Athlon/Duron BX for Slot-1 / Socket 370 (my fave Chipset of all time) though been moving over to Tualatin 815s with newer stuff TX for socket-7 (but liked the HX too) I generally HATE VIA, but have had success with the 694T Tualatin chipset - the one where the...
  25. W

    i815 512Mb Limitation ??

    I haven`t built an original (read non-tualatin) 815 based machine for a while and certianly not one with more than 512Mb RAM but am about to piece one together using an Asus CUSL2 , I just wondered it they really ARE limited to 512Mb RAM, has anyone tried 768 (3x256) ?? .. Thanks
  26. W

    Case neatness contest?

    Before the AX-7 went on - all IDE / Floppy cables and even a CPU shock horror!!! - not bad considering the stupid placing of the IDE cables Here`s mine :)))
  27. W

    In search of peace & quiet....'serenity now'......

    There are PLENTY of quiet 60mm fans! - the problem is that they don`t throw much air out, 4000 / 4500RPM is the bare minumum to cool a modern Athlon system even with a copper heatsink so you`re talking whine city that`s why I bought an AX-7 - runs at even cooler temps with a 3000RPM 80mm on...
  28. W

    Does anyone have the InWin V500?

    Is this the same as the A500? .. if so what it is is one of the best built cases on the planet with a slide out tray and rolled edges and is made of of heavy grade steel. It was designed in the Klamath days with a PSU with fully vented underneath so that heat from the vertically mounted Slot-1...
  29. W

    Alternate uses for your Delta fan?

    80MM Deltas are great for cooling the Bosch-750W motors in your Robotwars or Battlebots Robot - the 60MM variants keep the speed controllers nice`n`cool - who cares about NOISE in those things .. Deltas also would make good rotary weapon motors for sub-featherweight Robots if they weren`t...
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    PAL8045 compatibility, ECS K7S5A

    When I was checking out the three top Heasinks, I asked about compatibility and was informed that the 8045 WOULD fit the 5A -- I went for the Thermalright AX-7 in the end, you don`t have to take the board out (it mounts solidly on all three socket lugs) and definately fits the 5A easily without...
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    Info on a AX7

    I run a YS-Tech 3000RPM (About £5 UK) one on mine (42CFM) on an 1800+ @1580Mhz and it`s just fine, nice`n`quiet though a Panaflo of similar spec would be even better .. This coupled with a good exhaust fan (Thermaltake in this case though a panaflo would benefit here too) and a couple of slow...
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    Best heatsink for SiS 735 chipset?

    I don`t get probs at 138/138 with the stock heatsink either and the chipset IS cool compared to a VIA - BUT the main reason why no heat whatsoever can be felt is that any produced is not getting TO the heatsink, remember folks, a warm heatsink is a GOOD thing, it means the thermal interface is...
  33. W

    Best heatsink for SiS 735 chipset?

    Most people seem to find that removing the original and resticking it down with AS thermal Epoxy is often enough (the Frag tape they used is useless) and if not, put a 486 fan on it, this helps also with the warranty as they won`t take it back if the HS has been replaced with a third party one...
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    Help quieting down the system..

    The key to a quieter system is efficient cooling as you get to use larger slower fans to keep it at the same temps.. the ideal arrangement Iv`e discovered is to have an over-powerful PSU with a temp controlled fan in, one or two slowish intake fans and a good 3000RPM 40ish CFM (Panaflo?) or two...
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    Anyone have experience with POWERLEAP?

    From what I can gather, the powerleap adapter costs more to the UK than a perfectly servicable Tualatin motherboard (which is £50) and the advantage of buying the motherboard is that you get 4 USB ports, superb OC functions, ATA100 and a load of other modern amenaties as well as a guarantee that...
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    Looking for a Socket-A HSF recommendation

    If you decide to buy a new heatsink, have a look at previous threads, there are quite a few in depth ones here regarding HS/Fan recommendations, if you`re on a tight budget, the Volcano7+ is about the best bang for buck, a bit more for the Thermalright AX-7 and Alpha PAL8045 and a lot more for a...
  37. W

    Looking for an Aluminum case.....

    """3 windows? I'd like to smack the person who started this PC window craze"" LOL - it gets worse, not only are there cold-cathode lighting kits but there are now fans available with LEDs on the fins to create a 3-circle effect when spinning .. All this reminds me of tacky car customizing in...
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    80mm Panaflo fan not doing ANYTHING!

    It sound to me like they are connected to the 5V line (the RED wire in a standard 4-pin Hard disk PSU plug), if they are barely turning at all.. Make sure that the powerlead is connected to the Yellow 12V one Other than that, I have an AddA which was supposedly rated similar (came as standard...
  39. W

    What makes the AX-7 works o well?

    OK, sodcha0s and georgeszi, maybe I did TOO much research in to heatsinks and less into thermal conductivity - I stand corrected the funny thing is though that these three sinks are the tops fan for fan and the one which I would have thought would have blown them all away (sorry bad pun) and...
  40. W

    What makes the AX-7 works o well?

    Copper transfers heat well and Ally dissipates it better than copper, an ideal marriage if the two are connected well and better than a sink made solely of either material, Thermalright and Swiftech are masters of this
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