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  1. A

    Some multi-boot help, please.

    I ended up simply letting heron do it's thing with grub. In theory, as long as I install it last, grub should detect the Vista and XP loaders and take care of the bootloading. If for some reason my mbrs etc. mess up, ah well - i guess i'll have to deal with that if it ever happens. Thanks
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    Some multi-boot help, please.

    Whenever I installed linux in the past, my syetem would automatically boot to linux after that. Heron's bootloader complains that my Vista bootloader file is 'corrupt' which is not so. This is why I'd like to use a 3rd party program. Lots of hassles otherwise, not to mention that something...
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    Some multi-boot help, please.

    Hey all. Beforehand let me say that I googled this, went to abits' forums and read what I could and nothing has worked, so here I am. Hopefully I'll explain myself well enough. Basically I'm going to be 'refreshing' my system in a few days. I have Vista Home but am getting Ultimate (from...
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    Abit ip35 pro showing different temperatures

    Hey there, The bios is the issue. V16 of the IP35 Pro bios reads 15 or more degrees higher than the cpu actually reads. Because of this, various protections in your bios will either cause your OS to freeze or reboot/shutdown your PC. I haven't decided if I want to go back to v14 yet, I'm...
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    What are the LATEST Nvidia drivers that run fine with Nforce3?

    I recently found out that 6.39 drivers work on Nforce3 boards even though they've been announced by Nvidia for use with Nforce4 boards. Can anyone out there with an Nforce3 board let me know what's the highest Nforce driver set they've been able to run successfully? I'm running 6.37 with...
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    I need advice....upgrade solutions

    I only play Neverwinter Nights/Dungeon Siege/Starlancer/Freelancer type stuff. If my 9000 Pro is handling them with ease, I'm sure the 9600 will. I'm not going for a gaming monster. Just something to last me comfortably for a year and a 1/2 or so; that is reliable/stable and fast enough to...
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    I need advice....upgrade solutions

    I wanted to go ahead and do a minor upgrade - I wanted to go from a KT333 to an Nforce2 Ultra400, I'd get the Asus XXXXXX-E Deluxe board, a gig of DDR400 ram (2x512 sticks cheap cheap cuz' I don't plan to OC) and probably spring for a 3000XP processor. This would run me about 300 to my...
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    Martha Stewart's trial-> Broke the law to save $51,000?

    Why does everyone hate Martha so? It's like Oprah...she has her die hard fans, and then her HATERS. Anyhow - my real question is ..... could someone explain this stock business to me? A 'Stock brokerage for Dummies' or something? Never been interested in the science or politics of finance...
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    wife just had an affair

    Personally, I'm proud of you TK. Counselling is a great first step. Lots of people would have taken the easy way out. And as much as it hurts....the pain will go away, especially if it's meant to be. It'll never be completely gone, it'll always be a touchy, bad memory, but it won't hurt so much...
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    Changing Motherboard - temporarily

    Thanks alot guys. The process was a success. About the worst that happened was I forgot to uninstall my Omega ATI drivers...and I'd have blue screens - luckily they weren't instantaneous or affecting safe mode booting, so I simply uninstalled them there. I switched out to another MSI board...
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    Changing Motherboard - temporarily

    Found out my board has issues so I'm gonna have it repaired under the limited warranty. I can't do without my XP machine for 1 or 2 weeks. I'm going to get a loaner board in the meantime...and use it with my current setup So basically I'm going to yank my board and stick in another board, and...
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    wife just had an affair

    I agree with KarenMarie.... The content in this thread has degenerated from giving constructive, or albeit destructive advice to TK to attacking each other's personal lives and personal stories. I want to know if he's doing alright myself...he hasn't posted in a while. I really hope he and...
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    The XP Issues have begun....

    Curses! I have been cursed! Nothing I do allows me any escape from my pesky windows xp problems. I swear I have no kind of virus lab or software crack workshop here... WHY does this happen?!! LOL I'm just gonna have to format and reinstall fellaz. After doing the network SP1a install, I...
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    How the *bleep* do I set up XP on a USB 2.0 cased hard drive?

    Cquinn..... *sigh* I love you. If ur a girl KISS KISS LICK and all that... If ur a dude, what the hell...KISS KISS LICK and all that...AND A Beer! BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAAA!!!!! *SOLVED* I'd like to Thank You ALL for your contributions. You guys should be on virtualdr.
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    How the *bleep* do I set up XP on a USB 2.0 cased hard drive?

    Thats what burns me the most! I don't at all understand if setup can detect it as a fixed disk, why it won't go ahead and install. As I said.....setup runs from the CD as normal and the drive is right there under the list of drives I can install to. I can format it from there or go ahead and...
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    The XP Issues have begun....

    No I didn't. Didn't want to mess with reapplying patches, but if I have to, I guess I will. Exactly how do I reapply sp1? What's SFC? And chkdsk? Doesn't than run by itself when errors are detected? Since I'm running in NTFS? OK - I'll try this stuff and see.
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    The XP Issues have begun....

    Tried memtest and that windiag prog. Ram tests fine on multiple passes. Here is my 'crashlist' - at these crashes, my taskbar and not. area icons will go away and come back in a second or 2, half or more more of the not. icons will be gone, but still ofcourse be running in the background. Hope...
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    wife just had an affair

    And you know what - I completely agree with your what-if analysis, I said in my original post that this is all based on character, and that she really could be a bad person. But come on, IF she is not lying, 8 years is a LONG time to cheat, and be reasonable - I'm pretty sure many, many, many...
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    How the *bleep* do I set up XP on a USB 2.0 cased hard drive?

    "Windows setup gets a list of drives from the bios that it see's as being a "fixed disk" for you to choose from during setup. Anything the bios sees as not being a "fixed disk" it doesn't give to the setup program as an option." As my post says - setup was easily able to format the drive and...
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    Weird Neighbor and Weird Things They are Doing! - Updated See First Post

    This is the funniest off topic post I've seen in a while. It would be REALLY funny if someone saw you bring 10 bags of fertilizer or something home where you have no plants and called the cops on you, wouldn't it? (When you got them for an uncle who's a farmer, 40 miles away, because the only...
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    wife just had an affair

    "First bolded part: You ask "why wouldn't she just leave unless she really does love me right?". Obviously if you're supporting her with money, a place to stay, and let her fvck around with men when she wants then you're right, she would have no reason to leave. Hell, that would be paradise for...
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    The XP Issues have begun....

    Ahh, I see what you mean. I never have random restarts. Just crashes and the memory errors. I tried moving my ram around to no real avail. File corruption you say? Hmm. There's nothing I can run to see if the files are ok? I can run a burn in, but what will it determine for sure - nothing...
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    How the *bleep* do I set up XP on a USB 2.0 cased hard drive?

    To answer a few of you in one go - I did consider dual booting, as well as hidden partitions but as I mentioned before - I 100 percent hate partitioning my drives, also by no means do I find it necessary (as in, wanting XP won't make be do it, and under no other circumstances would I want to...
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    Atheism is the most irrational and illogical religion on the planet (fark)

    Wow. Many of you seem to be so sure of what you believe. That's a good thing I guess. I for one have a relaxed belief system. I believe in A Creator - be it A God, The God Almighty (as refered to in Christianity), or some other deity out there. I believe something, or someone created us or...
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    wife just had an affair

    I'm a bit unorthodox on these kind of subjects - I have my reasons, but I won't mention them here..... As far as I see it, let me shed some light on certain things: The human condition is not static - and by that I mean simply that no 2 people are the same, and you can't judge any 2 people...
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    How the *bleep* do I set up XP on a USB 2.0 cased hard drive?

    Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The funny thing is that once the hard drive has the O/S loaded, it seems to work fine. It boots fine into Windows once it's already been installed. Problem is, I have no way to install it from the laptop...
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    The XP Issues have begun....

    SMART status on my drives are fine. For precaution, I did run a couple utils on all my drives. All reports hard drive health at 100. I have a maxtor 80 gig 2mb, 7200 RPM (System) @ NTFS and also a 120 gig 7200 8mb 7200 RPM (Emergency Ghost/Backup/Files). Also have a bunch of small ones, but I...
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    Infected with a trojan but virus software doesn't pick it up

    Norton AV 2003 and 2004 are on for like 20 bucks, even less. I'd SERIOUSLY suggest you get your hands on a copy..... Your problem sounds very familiar, but it was another filename. Don't remember the details, I DO remember that it was a name VERY CLOSE to system...
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    Switching platforms... AMD --> Intel... reinstall, or "repair install" WinXP?

    I'd really rather not answer this, but the info I got was to delete the MUP.SYS or something, not sure if it's sys or vxd or dll, I don't remember. Can someone confirm or deny this? I'd like to know myself. But in any case, I did not try it because I needed to get stuff from my XP, then when I...
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    The XP Issues have begun....

    I'm not sure if this happens to any of you, but after about 6 months to a year of having XP, it starts acting up. Now, I know this is partly due to installations, etc. etc. but ack, it's getting really annoying now. I installed my XP last January and right on target it's starting to act up. My...
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    How the *bleep* do I set up XP on a USB 2.0 cased hard drive?

    Situation: I specifically purchased a hard drive enclosure (IO Magic/plastic 3.5") and a 120 gig drive for my laptop. Why? Because even 120 dollars (remember when they were 260 dollars a few months ago?) is ridiculous for a 60 gigabyte laptop drive (I don't care how small and technologically...
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    More Quiet & Better Cooling (air, not water or ice plz)

    Thanks for that constructive reply... To let you know I simply required an answer, not insight - the goal was to get answers about 'CURRENT' solutions to air and hard disk cooling; I read the forum up to where I saw fit and nothing answered. For future readers, if you have an answer to my...
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    More Quiet & Better Cooling (air, not water or ice plz)

    Whats the most quiet, coolest, cooling solution for CPU's not including water or ice? :) I have that CPU Fan with the Heatpipes (I can't remember the name) and it sounds like a hurricane's going on in my case. It's so loud that it puts me to sleep at night (no need for that fan noise that...
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    CDRW Annoyance - Lite ON 40x12x48

    Hi....Thanks for your info. Ok well at the time my burner was flashed to the latest firmware....also, it was'nt something that happened all the time. It was very unpredictable. The thing is, the burner would still read at up to 48x (As tested with DriveSpeed? CD Speed - whatever that testing...
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    CDRW Annoyance - Lite ON 40x12x48

    I have a small issue...using Nero's detects my lite on as a 12x reader at MAX. There are times it detects it at 48, but detects it at 12....whats up with that? I've tried it with: Blank and Full Media as well as with DMA on and off.... The cdrom seems to run as normal...
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    SmartPower gone Dumb...

    The Fan to the Fan Connector. I know the fan sensor works (on the board itself) because I've tested other fans on it.... I know the fan sensor works (from the fan) because I've tried it on other fan connectors (the one for the case fan) and it detected the fan speed in the Bios. But...
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    SmartPower gone Dumb...

    Some Help Please?
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    SmartPower gone Dumb...

    I purchased an Antec 300w ATX 12v 'SmartPower' Power Supply. My MSI KT3 Ultra2-R board has a slot for the PS to be plugged in and claims to monitor all fan speeds and such but the PSU is not being monitored. I'm aware that some software will get an error when fans go below 2000rpm - but in this...
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    3dfx Voodoo5 5500 & OpenGL

    I just got Jedi Knight 2, but I can't play it. I have XP Home and a Voodoo5 5500 65 Meg AGP Card. The drivers I use are the ones supplied by Microsoft because these drivers work with ALL games direct3d.... OpenGL games are another thing....Only came up on Jedi Knight so far that refuses to...
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    I've been 'winjected'

    Heya. Well I'm on a DSL and receive updates to my Norton programs as soon as they are released. I also have scheduled scans for daily and weekly use. I consider myself very safe when it comes to stuff that's already known by norton... It's the unknown stuff I would have problems with...
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