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  1. J

    Overclocking a 1.2 Celeron (L2 256kb) with Intel D815EEA2?

    I don't think it's possible, without extensive electronic hacks to the Mobo and modifications to the BIOS. But there are two issues here - one is just to get the chip to work on that mobo with respect to the voltage - this may be a bit simpler if anyone knows how to - I don't know if the normal...
  2. J

    P3 800/133 and BX chipset?

    I have a BX board (ga-bx2000) that will only run at FSB=120MHz. This is probably your worst case, then your CPU will run only at 722MHz. For a BX board like this you really need a chip with FSB=100. Maybe your board is better than this - Good luck!
  3. J

    what's the fastest Celeron for a 810e mobo? edit ans: 1.1ghz fc-pga

    if you are adventurous you should be able to put a Tualatin chip in it and go up to 1.4GHz, and maybe overclock it too. I put a Tualatin Celeron 1.1A in my 815 motherboard (CUSL2) and am running that at 1.46GHz stable. But you have to isolate some pins and bridge a few others with thin wire...
  4. J

    Difference between P4B533 and P4B533-V?

    Sorry, here it is: P4B533-VT
  5. J

    Difference between P4B533 and P4B533-V?

    I have the P4B533-V. You can't use the integrated graphic controller because the performance is too poor and it slows down your memory access because the graphics card shares the system memory. There have been a lot of problems with this board with respect to memory overclocking. If you want...
  6. J

    3:4 ratio over 133 FSB is available on P4B533-V

    Hobbit, congratulations, that's excellent. You are very lucky with respect to your CPU and memory. Are you using air-cooling?
  7. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    Latest: With BIOS 1004.014 the P4B533-V will do 3:4 memory ratio. This makes the board much more attractive. I still have difficulty running memory at CL2, but I don't know whether this is a P4B533-V problem (others have also reported it) or whether it is just my Corsair XMS3000C2 stick. But...
  8. J

    3/4 mem dividers on p4b533-V above 132fsb

    Yes, I have tested it (Beta Bios 1004.014), it works and is stable (prime95 and Sandra burn-in simultaneously for 8 hours). My 1.8A on the P4B533-V is now running at FSB=143 (2.57GHz, 1.65v, 55 C under load, standard cooling) with the memory at 3:4 (190MHz, 2.65v, 2.5-3-3-6, Turbo). CL2 still...
  9. J

    3/4 mem dividers on p4b533-V above 132fsb

    I'm holding thumbs!! Will test shortly.
  10. J

    p4 mobo needs : AGP/PCI lock, stable pc2700 166mhz bus +

    I had problems with an 8IEXP, so wouldn't recommend. I now have a Asus PbB533-V which is OK, but none of the 845G boards can run memory fast at CL2. You have been warned! Best buy is a P4B533 or P4B533-E.
  11. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    martn10, If you don't need the features on the E you don't have to use them - they can be disabled. So it all depends on your requirements, and, of course, on the price. The main enhancements on the E is the Firewire and RAID. Some boards have Audio and LAN too. After my experience I would...
  12. J

    845G Chipset Memory Problem???

    Must say, I am quickly running out of theories here. Every time that there seems to be a way of identifying the cause of the problem then someone pops up to shoot it down. Odeen, you are running the memory at 166MHz CL2. But what is your FSB frequency? Are you running a "B" chip at...
  13. J

    845G Chipset Memory Problem???

    Interesting, that seems to point back at the Corsair memory as being the problem! There is no way that I can achieve that at FSB=140 at 4:5 (memory at 175MHz) with my 512Mb Corsair XMS 3000C2. Or even at 165MHz memory speed! Unfortunately my 1.8a doesn't like going over FSB=140. Which I can...
  14. J

    845G Chipset Memory Problem???

    Many users of the P4B533-V motherboard, including myself, have had problems with this motherboard running memory at high speeds (+160MHz) at CL2. Many of the problems have been with Corsair XMS, but this has also happened with other brands. With this motherboard you have to run memory at...
  15. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    Hi martn10, I checked up on the supplier that you mentioned, and they do have Corsair on the price list. At much the same price that I paid with the shipping and customs, but it certainly would have been easier to return to them. And maybe I can pick up some Corsair PC150 CL2 for my old CUSL2...
  16. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    Hi martn10. the problem is not really that I can't return it, it's the logistic and costs involved. There is no local distributor for Corsair that I'm aware of, I ordered from the US. The freight to get it here was USD25 (DHL quoted USD100), and I had to pay USD50 in local duties. Now to...
  17. J

    Help Me Pick A P4 1.8A MotherBoard! URGENT!

    The Asus P4B533 (not E (raid), V (graphics) or VM) is a good basic board, and is a good overclocker. But probably more expensive than some of the other alternatives.
  18. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    Why don't you try to get your computer stable without Windows, ie using memtest86 or other to just boot into floppy and test memory (also at 220MHz until you are sure that it is stable. At least you then know that your hardware is more or less OK. Then try Windows - if you can't get that...
  19. J

    WHICH ONE??? --- Asus P4B533-E (845e board) OR Asus P4B533-V (845g board)

    I have got the V now and am generally happy but still have some concerns (at least it is a lot better than my previous 8IEXP). I am running my 1.8A at FSB=140MHz, 4:5 memory ratio, ie memory at 175MHz. But I have 512Mb XMS300C2 v1.1 and it will only run reliably at 2.5-3-3-6 and this stinks...
  20. J

    3:4 memory divider on asus p4b533-V after 132FSB?

    Bump! No-one worked this out yet???
  21. J

    Couple of questions regarding p4 mbs

    1) It will make a big difference, and yes it will be much faster than RDRAM 1066. 2) The performance seems to be pretty much the same, just more overclockable (sometimes!). The exception may be the SIS648 which some reports suggest could be faster. my .02's worth.
  22. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    Hi martn10, just an update. I have had memory errors and have had to change my memory settings to 2.5-3-3-6. It is now stable, but I am not really happy with that, as cheap PC2700 should have given me that performance. May have wasted extra USD100 on memory! Unfortunately, I don't live in...
  23. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    I'm back. It looks as if my fears were unfounded. I am running stable at FSB=140 (1.8A) @ 2.52GHz, memory (512Mb XMS 3000C2 v1.1) at 4:5 (ie 175MHz), settings 2-3-3-6. CPU Voltage 1.60, Memory Voltage 2.65. Standard cooling. P4B533-V. Haven't had time to upgrade BIOS, am using version 2...
  24. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    martn10, I have received my P4B533-V (with LAN & Audio), and will be leaving for home soon to test this. Looks fine, except that it was pre-opened and the S/PDIF board is missing. Not too worried about that, will make sure that I get a replacement S/PDIF, just hope that it's not a poor...
  25. J

    WHICH ONE??? --- Asus P4B533-E (845e board) OR Asus P4B533-V (845g board)

    BigBoy, my heart says I should take the V because it is newer and has the (unofficial) 167.5MHz DDR support. But in view of all the problems my common sense tells me that the E is safer, as many users have done high memory o/c on this without any problems. The E also supports 3:4 memory ratio...
  26. J

    WHICH ONE??? --- Asus P4B533-E (845e board) OR Asus P4B533-V (845g board)

    Beefcake, after all your concerns it seems that you came off all right. Congratulations. I seem to be taking on your previous nervous role. But my 512Mb XMS3000C2 is a bit older than your memory. And some of the other guys having problems are making me nervous. My supplier has been messing...
  27. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    Strafe, I am getting a P4B533-V tomorrow, and have the same memory as you. But no way am I going to be happy with what you are getting. Maybe I should just cancel before I take delivery. But then if you look at Beefcake's results, just after yours, that seems to be fine. I would be happy...
  28. J

    WHICH ONE??? --- Asus P4B533-E (845e board) OR Asus P4B533-V (845g board)

    Detoyminador, you make me worry. I agree that you should not have any problems with your specs. Except if you have a bad 2.26B, which is unlikely. How have you set your PCI/AGP bus? - could the problem be there? Maybe you could up your CPU vcore a little (to 1.6v?). Maybe a little extra...
  29. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    martn10, am going to pick up the P4B533-V in an hour or two. Will test it this evening with the Corsair XMS3000C2 (512Mb) and will let you know what transpires. I know that guys with the P4B533-E take it up to 200MHz, but I haven't seen definitive statements on this for the P4B533-V. Of...
  30. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    It also depends on how much you want to spend. But as a minimum, get decent PC2700 DDR memory. This runs at 166.5 MHz. If you use a FSB = 133, and a memory ratio of 4:5, then you run PC2700 memory at specification. This is probably the minimum that any enthusiast will want to do. Of course...
  31. J

    WHICH ONE??? --- Asus P4B533-E (845e board) OR Asus P4B533-V (845g board)

    BigBoy, don't get the 8IEXP, it has problems with memory O/C. I am getting a P4B533-V today, am nervous because there have been negative reports about this board as well. But no -E's in stock and I don't want to wait. Will post my conclusions as soon as possible.
  32. J

    memory for P4B533-V

    There seems to be some uncertainty as to whether the P4B533-V can do meaningful memory overclocks. Many people have been having difficulties. Until this is resolved you may be safer buying a P4B533-E, which seems to easily do 200MHz DDR O/C. In this case, of course, you buy the best memory...
  33. J

    Are There Memory O/C Problems with the 845G Chipset???

    Thanks Mike. Your experience seems to blow the theory that it's a general 845G problem. And raises the question again whether certain motherboards are up to it or not. I must say, everything I have seen points to Abit as the way to go for decent overclocking. But not everybody wants to go...
  34. J

    Are There Memory O/C Problems with the 845G Chipset???

    Various memory O/C issues have been raised with certain motherboards, eg P4B533-V, in many threads, but these are too dispersed to get decent commentary on them. What appears to be certain, is that some good 845E boards (Asus P4B533, P4B533-E, Abit, Epox, etc) can do memory overclocks to...
  35. J

    Does the P4B533-V have problems with Corsair XMS Ram or not!?!?

    Update on my last post: If you do a search on 8IEXP under Motherboards on AnandTech, you will get a number of threads where guys have been having memory O/C problems on this motherboard. Also, look at What worries me is...
  36. J

    Does the P4B533-V have problems with Corsair XMS Ram or not!?!?

    No problem, they do exist. Will just have to go back to search for them. But don't get me wrong, it is a fine motherboard (the 8IEXP) as long as you don't want to overclock the memory. Overclocking the CPU worked well as long as you used a 1:1 memory ratio and kept your memory speed at 140MHz...
  37. J

    Does the P4B533-V have problems with Corsair XMS Ram or not!?!?

    Wouldn't say that - show me the post. There have been a lot of posts by people raising the question, but not a single one that I have seen of anyone that has actually experienced the problem. Until I see that I will remain doubtfull. And just one still doesn't prove much - especially if they...
  38. J

    Does the P4B533-V have problems with Corsair XMS Ram or not!?!?

    You can have problems with two sticks with any memory. This doesn't prove anything. I haven't seen a single confirmed case of problems with Corsair XMS and the P4B533-V.
  39. J

    Does the P4B533-V have problems with Corsair XMS Ram or not!?!?

    jtzou Your computer can do better than that. I am assuming that you have a 1.6A or 1.8A, you don't say. Try FSB=133 at 4:5 memory ratio. That runs your memory at 333, which it should handle easily (that is your spec). Your CPU should be fine at 133 with standard cooling (ensure that your...
  40. J

    WHICH ONE??? --- Asus P4B533-E (845e board) OR Asus P4B533-V (845g board)

    This rumour has surfaced a few times, but always speculative and has never been confirmed by anyone. It may just be an incorrect supposition by someone that is now going around in circles. Anyone have hard evidence that Corsair XMS is a problem with P4B533-E or V?
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