1 = 0.99... (RossGr)

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Diamond Member
Jan 11, 2000
Originally posted by: DrPizza
For the love of God...
.999 repeating *IS* a rational number...

a rational number means: "can be written as a ratio"
a repeating decimal is a rational number.

Are some of you arguing that .333repeating does not equal 1/3 ?!?

.999... is a repeating decimal. ALL repeating decimals are rational numbers.

If your intuition tells you that .999 repeating doesn't = 1, well, your intuition is wrong. Get over it.

And, for the next person who posts that .999... <> 1 for the reason of "IMO" or "IMHO," I hope you get struck by lightening.

I wish I could say this for the final time... .999 repeating EQUALS EXACTLY 1.
RossGr (and others who know what they're talking about) are correct.
For those of you without the math background, that would be like me arguing with someone fluent in Japanese about the definition of some word in Japanese. Only an idiot continues to argue that he's right when countless people have shown valid proof that he's wrong. Some of you are as bad as those people who still believe the earth is flat and moon landings are a big conspiracy.

/end rant

I hope that felt as good to write as it did to read! []


May 27, 2002
If we agree this far...
9 * E( .1 ^ N) [from 1 to N] {N > 0} + (.1^N) = 1
And Quote
Sorry no point for stating the obvious. That is pretty much the definition of .999... that I have been pushing. It is a simply fact that every postion of a real number is finitly indexable
We do.

This is where you go wrong, it is not necessary to prove .1^N = 0, all I need to do is show that the relationship holds for all N.

If you do not prove this point then your set of rational numbers does not obey the identity law of addition "That being that zero is the only value which may be added to a term and still equal the same value." (This law must apply to all rational set addition: it must physically be there...if the property does not hold, then your rational number set is invalid)

Secondly...as for your long division with a cheat.
Since the set of rational numbers has a true 1 to 1 mapping. (IE. any rational number operation performed on any chosen pair of rational numbers in the entire set of rational numbers, must have exactly 1 unique solution in the set of rational numbers.
Since 1/1 is already defined as 1, by the law of multiplicative identity, you cannot map it to .999999999... without destroying the 1 to 1 mapping, which once again voids your set of rational numbers.



Diamond Member
Jan 11, 2000
Originally posted by: sao123
If we agree this far...
9 * E( .1 ^ N) [from 1 to N] {N > 0} + (.1^N) = 1
And Quote
Sorry no point for stating the obvious. That is pretty much the definition of .999... that I have been pushing. It is a simply fact that every postion of a real number is finitly indexable
We do.

This is where you go wrong, it is not necessary to prove .1^N = 0, all I need to do is show that the relationship holds for all N.

If you do not prove this point then your set of rational numbers does not obey the identity law of addition "That being that zero is the only value which may be added to a term and still equal the same value." (This law must apply to all rational set addition: it must physically be there...if the property does not hold, then your rational number set is invalid)

Are you sure? prove it!
Why does it not obey the law of addion please demonstrate. Since 1 and .999... occupy the same location on the real line they are equal.
Secondly...as for your long division with a cheat.
Since the set of rational numbers has a true 1 to 1 mapping. (IE. any rational number operation performed on any chosen pair of rational numbers in the entire set of rational numbers, must have exactly 1 unique solution in the set of rational numbers.
Since 1/1 is already defined as 1, by the law of multiplicative identity, you cannot map it to .999999999... without destroying the 1 to 1 mapping, which once again voids your set of rational numbers.

again you are wrong, since when is only one representation of a number allowed. This simply incorrect.



May 26, 2000
(IE. any rational number operation performed on any chosen pair of rational numbers in the entire set of rational numbers, must have exactly 1 unique solution in the set of rational numbers.

Without comment on the general truth or otherwise of that statement I can tell you for certain that it does not apply to an infinite series. In fact an infinite series of rationals need not even be itself rational. Take (1 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/6 +1/24 + 1/5! + ... = e) for example.

Anyway, the thing is that we're not doing "one" operation on a "chosen pair" of rationals. A repeating decimal like 0.999.... (or any other) is implicitly an infinite series.

Now for the people who want to insist that 0.999.... differs from 1 by the number 0.000.......1 then there is only thing to say. There is no such number as 0.000.....1, that notation is never used because it is superfluous - any such number (that is, an infinite number of zero's followed by some nonzeros) is more compactly represented as zero, which is what it is.
[EDIT] I just noticed that RossGR already expained this in a previous post


Golden Member
May 1, 2003
uart: You're right about the e thing.

but, the point is that if 0.99... + 0.00...1 = 1, then 0.99... = 1. So yes, it's a stupid notation, but it wasn't our idea.

Edit: hmm, but the sum of an infinite rational geometric series is rational. This can be trivially seen from the formula for the result.


May 27, 2002
Anyway, the thing is that we're not doing "one" operation on a "chosen pair" of rationals. A repeating decimal like 0.999.... (or any other) is implicitly an infinite series.

Here is the one operation on the chosen pair...
By definition of a rational number X, X = n/m where n & m are integers, m != 0. If you cannot define .999999.... as the division of two integers, it is not a rational number.

Now for the people who want to insist that 0.999.... differs from 1 by the number 0.000.......1 then there is only thing to say. There is no such number as 0.000.....1, that notation is never used because it is superfluous - any such number (that is, an infinite number of zero's followed by some nonzeros) is more compactly represented as zero, which is what it is.

Correct, but numbers do exist in the form such that as N->oo they become indeterminant.
9 * E( .1 ^ N) [from 1 to N] {N > 0} && (.1^N)
You can prove that the limit exists...in the form of...
Limit N->oo [9 * E( .1 ^ N) [from 1 to N] {N > 0} + (.1^N) ] = 1
Limit N->oo [9 * E( .1 ^ N) [from 1 to N] {N > 0} ] + Limit N->oo [ (.1^N) ] = Limit N->oo [1]
1 + 0 = 0
But just because the limit exists at a set value, does not mean that value actually exists in truth.
the value is already described as indeterminant which means undefined or nonexistant.



Diamond Member
Jan 11, 2000

You have been shown how 1/1 is equivelent to .999.... You objection was shown to be invalid, so there is a rational representation of .999.... please move on, 1 is the rational representation of .999... they have been proven equivelent. The division cheat is unnecessary because even in your diffintion the process of long division is not mentioned, only that rational numbers are definied as the product of 2 integers 1=1/1=.999...

Please provide some valid objection to this or drop it.

Some form of proof is necessary, not just a statement of your beliefs.

Correct, but numbers do exist in the form such that as N->oo they become indeterminant.
Prove this statement.

Proof please.

To the best of my knowledge there is no such thing as an indeterminate number.



May 27, 2002
How have you never heard of indeterminate numbers???

All indeterminate numbers take on 1 of 7 forms... all numbers of these forms are indeterminate...
1) oo / oo
2) 0 / 0
3) 0 * oo
4) oo - oo
5) 1 ^ oo
6) 0 ^ 0
7) oo ^ 0
indeterminant numbers have no set definition, they could = 0 ,1 , 2, 5, 10,000, oo, -oo

take the most simplest example....#2.
0 / 0... = 0 or 1?
Rule 1 -> N/N for any N, = 1
Rule 2 -> 0/N for any N, = 0
0 * N = 0 for all N.
N = 0/0 for all the same N. Therefore 0/0 can equal any number N.
0 = N for all possible N???

Example B...Rule 4... what is oo - oo?
1 + (infinity - infinity) = 1 + 0 = 1, but
(1 + infinity) - infinity = infinity - infinity = 0.
0 = 1???

Example C...Rule 6... what is 0 ^ 0?
Rule 1... 0 * 0 * 0 * 0...... = 0
Rule 2... N ^ 0 (for all N) = 1.
0 = 1???

Now. Using the original equation again...

9 * E( .1 ^ N) [from 1 to N] {N > 0} + (.1^N) = 1

.99999999.... repeating forever is the case N = oo (countable infinity)
I can then rewrite the equation to be...

9 * E(.01^N) * E(1^N) + (.01^N) * (1^N) = 1
And in the case that N = oo, both terms contain 1 ^ oo (See rule 5), an indeterminate number that can take on any value...
Both terms contain an indeterminate number. Rule: Adding or Multiplying an indeterminate number with a determinate number is still indeterminate.
Therefore the most general equation is adding 2 indeterminate numbers.
The sum of 2 indeterminant numbers must also be indeterminant. IE it will never always equal a determinant number (1).
Therefore... .9999999.... = 1 some of the time, but not all of the time.

As i dont fully understand the proof for rule 5 yet, i will quote post as I read it anyways for your benefit.

Proof of rule 5:

Proof 1:
The idea is that you can make this equal different values by
approaching 1^infinity in different ways. First, we know that 1 to any
finite power is 1. But on the other hand, we know that any number
other than one, raised to an infinite power, would be infinite if the
base is greater than 1, and zero if the base were less than 1. It may
seem natural to you to define

1^infinity = lim[x->infinity] 1^x

which would be 1, since 1^x is always 1; but in order to have a solid
definition, it turns out that we have to allow both numbers to vary,
and define it as

1^infinity = lim[x->1, y->infinity] x^y

But this is defined only if we get the same limiting value regardless
of how we approach 1 and infinity. If we hold x constant at 1, we get
1 as before; but if we hold y constant at infinity (which isn't really
legal, but it gives us a good extreme case to picture), while x
approaches 1 from above or from below, we get infinity or zero. If we
let x and y simultaneously vary, we can get any answer we like,
depending on which moves faster toward its destination.
Therefore It could equal any value whatsoever.

Proof 2:
if you have "1^infinity" what you really have is some kind of limit:
the base isn't really 1, but is getting closer and closer to 1 perhaps
while the exponent is getting bigger and bigger, like maybe (x+1)^(1/x)
as x->0+.

The question is, which is happening faster, the base getting close to
1 or the exponent getting big? To find out, let's call:

L = lim x->0 of (x+1)^(1/x)


ln L = lim x->0 of (1/x) ln (x+1) = lim x->0 of ln(x+1) / x

So what's that? As x->0 it's of 0/0 form, so take the derivative of the
top and bottom. Then we get lim x->0 of 1/(x+1) / 1, which = 1.
So ln L = 1, and L = e. Cool!

Is it really true? Try plugging in a big value of x. Or recognize this
limit as a variation of the definition of e. Either way, it's true. The
limit is of the 1^infinity form, but in this case it's e, not 1. Try
repeating the work with (2/x) in the exponent, or with (1/x^2), or with
1/(sqrt(x)), and see how that changes the answer.

That's why we call it indeterminate - all those different versions of
the limit approach 1^infinity, but the final answer could be any
number, such as 1, or infinity, or undefined.



Diamond Member
Jan 11, 2000
Originally posted by: sao123
How have you never heard of indeterminate numbers???

All indeterminate numbers take on 1 of 7 forms... all numbers of these forms are indeterminate...
1) oo / oo
2) 0 / 0
3) 0 * oo
4) oo - oo
5) 1 ^ oo
6) 0 ^ 0
7) oo ^ 0
indeterminant numbers have no set definition, they could = 0 ,1 , 2, 5, 10,000, oo, -oo
Some of these are indeed indeterminate FORMS, they are not numbers. So they do not have a defined position on the number line and are not represented by a geometric series. Since this it not our case it does not apply and is an interesting fact but meaningless in this case. I think you added #5 to the list for your own convinence, It is not indetriminat. 1^inifity =1 because the lim of 1^n as n tends to infinity is 1.
take the most simplest example....#2.
0 / 0... = 0 or 1?
Rule 1 -> N/N for any N, = 1
Rule 2 -> 0/N for any N, = 0
0 * N = 0 for all N.
N = 0/0 for all the same N. Therefore 0/0 can equal any number N.
0 = N for all possible N???

Example B...Rule 4... what is oo - oo?
1 + (infinity - infinity) = 1 + 0 = 1, but
(1 + infinity) - infinity = infinity - infinity = 0.
0 = 1???

Example C...Rule 6... what is 0 ^ 0?
Rule 1... 0 * 0 * 0 * 0...... = 0
Rule 2... N ^ 0 (for all N) = 1.
0 = 1???

Now. Using the original equation again...

9 * E( .1 ^ N) [from 1 to N] {N > 0} + (.1^N) = 1
Your notation sux, I think I know what you are saying.
.99999999.... repeating forever is the case N = oo (countable infinity)
I can then rewrite the equation to be...

9 * (10^N) * E(1^N) + (10^N) * (1^N) = 1
here you lose me intirely, I have no clue what this means or where you got it. Therefore am unable to say if it is right or wrong. I suspect that you are badly mishandling the terms of the sum. All that follows is suspect.
And in the case that N = oo, both terms contain 1 ^ oo (See rule 5), an indeterminate number that can take on any value...
Both terms contain an indeterminate number. Rule: Adding or Multiplying an indeterminate number with a determinate number is still indeterminate.
Therefore the most general equation is adding 2 indeterminate numbers.
The sum of 2 indeterminant numbers must also be indeterminant. IE it will never always equal a determinant number (1).
Therefore... .9999999.... = 1 some of the time, but not all of the time.

but 1^infinity is not indeterminate, and anyway your initial statement is incorrect so all of above is a waste of electrons.

As i dont fully understand the proof for rule 5 yet, i will quote post as I read it anyways for your benefit.

Proof of rule 5:

Proof 1:
The idea is that you can make this equal different values by
approaching 1^infinity in different ways. First, we know that 1 to any
finite power is 1. But on the other hand, we know that any number
other than one, raised to an infinite power, would be infinite if the
base is greater than 1, and zero if the base were less than 1. It may
seem natural to you to define

1^infinity = lim[x->infinity] 1^x
Pure speculation and wishfull thinking on your part. This is pure garbage.
which would be 1, since 1^x is always 1; but in order to have a solid
definition, it turns out that we have to allow both numbers to vary,
and define it as

1^infinity = lim[x->1, y->infinity] x^y

But this is defined only if we get the same limiting value regardless
of how we approach 1 and infinity. If we hold x constant at 1, we get
1 as before; but if we hold y constant at infinity (which isn't really
legal, but it gives us a good extreme case to picture), while x
approaches 1 from above or from below, we get infinity or zero. If we
let x and y simultaneously vary, we can get any answer we like,
depending on which moves faster toward its destination.
Therefore It could equal any value whatsoever.

Proof 2:
if you have "1^infinity" what you really have is some kind of limit:
the base isn't really 1, but is getting closer and closer to 1 perhaps
while the exponent is getting bigger and bigger, like maybe (x+1)^(1/x)
as x->0+.

pure nonsence the base is 1.
The question is, which is happening faster, the base getting close to
1 or the exponent getting big? To find out, let's call:

L = lim x->0 of (x+1)^(1/x)


ln L = lim x->0 of (1/x) ln (x+1) = lim x->0 of ln(x+1) / x

So what's that? As x->0 it's of 0/0 form, so take the derivative of the
top and bottom. Then we get lim x->0 of 1/(x+1) / 1, which = 1.
So ln L = 1, and L = e. Cool!
Your methods are very bad!
Is it really true? Try plugging in a big value of x. Or recognize this
limit as a variation of the definition of e. Either way, it's true. The
limit is of the 1^infinity form, but in this case it's e, not 1. Try
repeating the work with (2/x) in the exponent, or with (1/x^2), or with
1/(sqrt(x)), and see how that changes the answer.

That's why we call it indeterminate - all those different versions of
the limit approach 1^infinity, but the final answer could be any
number, such as 1, or infinity, or undefined. You need to do more work
to determine the answer, so 1^infinity by itself is not determined yet.
In other words, 1 is just one of the answers of 1^infinity.

There is not a single valid point in this entire post.

Edit: I stand corrected 1^infinity is indeterminate.

Now you just have to show me where YOUR expression that contains it came from.


Diamond Member
Jan 11, 2000
9 * (10^N) * E(1^N) + (10^N) * (1^N) = 1

I have been trying to interpret this expression to figure out what you are trying to say.

I may have it.

I am going to assume that your E is the Sigma for summnation. Are you attempting to factor out a .1^n ?

If so sorry that does not work.

Consider this

2+4+8+16 = 2^1 + 2^2 + 2^3 +2^4

Can you factor 2^3 out of this expression? Is that what you are doing? If so it is not correct. All that can be factored out is a 2.

In our case that would mean you could factor out a .1 not .1^n if you could factor out a .1^n you would have a 1 left not a 1^n.

You need to review some basic algebra.


May 26, 2000
Originally posted by: RossGr

Your notation sux.
I'll second that. I'm glad you took the time to try to figure out what the hell SAO was trying to say because I sure didn't have the patience to do so.

Originally posted by: ZeroNine8

It seems like what was proven is that the limit of 0.999... = 1 as the number of repeated digits goes to infinity. I have no problem believing that 1 is the limit of the convergent series 0.999..., however just because it is the limit does not mean it is equal. Because infinity isn't a number, merely a concept, you can't claim that 0.999... with infinite digits actually equals 1, only that it approaches it as the limit with more and more 9's.

In plenty of cases, the limit of a convergent series is never actually reached by that series.

?In plenty of cases? maybe, but certainly not in this case. The only time that a convergent series does not attain it's limit point is where the limit point is not included in the space (or set) under consideration. In this case the space is said to be "incomplete". The space of real numbers is complete, it contains all of it's limit points so your objection is not justified.

Furthermore, when you say, "It seems like what was proven is that the limit of 0.999... = 1 as the number of repeated digits goes to infinity", I would ask : What other possible meaning could a repeated decimal have other than the limit as the number of digits goes to infinity. That's what a repeating decimal is.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: RossGr
9 * (10^N) * E(1^N) + (10^N) * (1^N) = 1

I have been trying to interpret this expression to figure out what you are trying to say.

I may have it.

I am going to assume that your E is the Sigma for summnation. Are you attempting to factor out a .1^n ?

If so sorry that does not work.

Consider this

2+4+8+16 = 2^1 + 2^2 + 2^3 +2^4

Can you factor 2^3 out of this expression? Is that what you are doing? If so it is not correct. All that can be factored out is a 2.

In our case that would mean you could factor out a .1 not .1^n if you could factor out a .1^n you would have a 1 left not a 1^n.

You need to review some basic algebra.

2 + 4 + 8 + 16

Actually, *I* can factor out 2^3 from that expression...
2^3 (2^-2 + 2^-1 + 2^0 + 2^1) = 8 (1/4 + 1/2 + 1 + 2)
Students hate when I factor things like 2x - 5 = 2(x - 2.5) (occurs in problems like synthetic division)


Golden Member
May 1, 2003
.999... = .9 + .09 + .009 + ...
.999... = 9 * 10^-1 + 9 * 10^-2 + 9 * 10^ -3 + ...
.999... = 9 * 10^1 + 10^-1 * (9 * 10^-1 + 9 * 10^-2 + 9 * 10^ -3 + ...)
.999... = 9 * 10^1 + 10^-1 * .999...
.999... - 10^-1 * .999... = 9 * 10^1
(1 - 10^-1) * .999... = 9 * 10^1
.999... = (9 * 10^1) / (1 - 10^-1)
.999... = .9 / .9 = 1

I think that's what that strange expression was trying to say, and where it leads.


Diamond Member
Jan 11, 2000
Dr. Pizza,

Somewhat later after posting that, I had a Homer moment....Doh...

You are absolutly correct.



May 27, 2002
I myself am checking into the validity of the equation.
I do believe i made an algebraic error, however, the principle still applies.

.1^N can be factored into 2 terms, one of which can be 1^N.


Golden Member
May 1, 2003
Any number of factors of 1 can be factored out of any number or algebraic form. However, you are incorrectly assming that an infinite number of factors of 1 will produce infinity. That would contradict the definition of a multiplicative identity. Please work in the same number system as we do, or define the system you are using.


May 26, 2000
Originally posted by: sao123
I myself am checking into the validity of the equation.
I do believe i made an algebraic error, however, the principle still applies.

.1^N can be factored into 2 terms, one of which can be 1^N.

Look sao, you can easily factor something that has a valid limit into the quotient of two terms, both of which diverge. That proves nothing.

Take 0.3^N for example. Clearly its limit as N->Inf is zero, yet you can easily factor it into 3^N / 10^N, where both the numerator and denominator diverge as N->Inf.

Trust me on this, the failure of both 3^N and 10^N to attain finite limits does NOT prevent (3/10)^N from attaining one.

Many expressions that have individual sub-expressions that diverge still have a well defined limit overall. Here's a few examples of some limits,

Lim x->Inf : x sin(1/x) = 1

Lim x->Inf : x (1-cos(1/x)) = 0

Lim x->Inf : (1+a/x)^x = e^a

I assure you that the above are perfectly valid.



Golden Member
May 1, 2003
uart: in fact, all that you showed is what the indeterminate forms that sao listed actually mean.

O(n) analysis is how you determine whether the limit actually diverges or not. If there is exponentiation involved, take the log and apply the analysis on that. Once you get to a form limiting to infinity/infinity.

If the numerator is bigger-O(n) than the denominator, the limit diverges. If the denominator is bigger-O(n), the limit converges to 0.

If they are both the same O(n), the limit converges to a nonzero number, whose value is the ratio between the leading coefficients of the Taylor expansions of the numerator and denominator. I hope I have that last one right. I have some misgivings about whether the ratio of coeffs is actually the limit of the expression.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: uart
Originally posted by: nrg99
what about 1=0?

Sorry, the closest I can get to that is 0^0 = 1. Is that whacky enough for you?

0^0 is undefined. Simple explanation: x^12 divided by x^9 = x^3.... subtract the coefficients. x^12 divided by x^12 = x^ (12-12) = x^0 = 1. However, if x=0, then the initial fraction involves dividing by 0. Thus, 0^12 divided by 0^12 does NOT equal 1. It is division by 0 which is undefined. The entire rule for "x^0 = 1" includes "x != 0"

0^0 as a limit is indeterminate (and depending on what the limit is of, 1 is a possible answer).


Senior member
Apr 20, 2003
OK can we kill this once and for all.

lets define the difference bettween 0.9999.. and 1 as Q and let Q=1*10^-N where N tends to infinity (no one can argue that that isnt the case)

As N tends to infinity Q tends towards 0. so if we do a limiting process on this function where N tends to infinity Q inexorably tends to 0. Therefore the difference is 0. therefore they are 1 and the same.

sao your list if undefined numbers is bunk as most of the numbers you put in there to start of with are undefinded. And to make maters worse 5 and 7 are actually defined.


Senior member
May 13, 2003
My parents (1 with a masters in math and one with an associates in math) and my math professor (phd) are all saying that .3... and .6... are just approximations for 1/3 and 2/3, respectively.


Diamond Member
Jan 11, 2000
lets define the difference bettween 0.9999.. and 1 as Q and let Q=1*10^-N where N tends to infinity (no one can argue that that isnt the case)

You would be surprised at how many people will argue.
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