1 in 5 undergrads support violence to stop speech they don't like.

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Sep 5, 2000
Here is a curve ball dummy, we agree that the Right is more violent. I know this because of the data. Saying the Right is more violent does not conflict with what I have said. Problem is you are simply too dumb to realize it.

The Left is becoming more like the Right. There is a growing desire to want to use fascist tactics to push anyone that disagrees. Its ruined the political Right in this country, and its going to ruin the Left. What is worse is the Left wont be there to stop fascism because both sides will be fascist. The only different if that were to happen is what they advocate for.

Wanting to murder your opposite for ideas and not actions is literally fascism. You are just too stupid to realize it.

Nobody on the left is murdering nazis you twit. Thats the point that flys over your head over and over again.


Oct 18, 2013
Nobody on the left is murdering nazis you twit. Thats the point that flys over your head over and over again.

And recently nobody on the left was assaulting people for their beliefs and using fascism. How quickly things have changed eh. But hey, fascism done by the Left to "stop" fascism is not fascism.


Sep 5, 2000
And recently nobody on the left was assaulting people for their beliefs and using fascism. How quickly things have changed eh. But hey, fascism done by the Left to "stop" fascism is not fascism.

Oh thats cute. The left is using fascism now? Lets look at what fascism is before we move forward:

Definition of fascism
1often capitalized :a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2:a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
  • early instances of army fascism and brutality
  • —J. W. Aldridge


Kinda like calling racists racist is racist right?

you suck.


Oct 18, 2013
Oh thats cute. The left is using fascism now? Lets look at what fascism is before we move forward:

Definition of fascism
1often capitalized :a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2:a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
  • early instances of army fascism and brutality
  • —J. W. Aldridge


Kinda like calling racists racist is racist right?

you suck.

Jesus dummy, its in the definition you posted. Forcible suppression of opposition. That is by definition fascism. That is not defending yourself, that is using force to stop people from saying things. Your dumb ass just owned yourself. Congrats dummy.

*edit, I made the important part bold so even you can find it.
Reactions: jayzds


Sep 5, 2000
Jesus dummy, its in the definition you posted. Forcible suppression of opposition. That is by definition fascism. That is not defending yourself, that is using force to stop people from saying things. Your dumb ass just owned yourself. Congrats dummy.

*edit, I made the important part bold so even you can find it.

forcible suppression of opposition IS NOT the definition of fascism but a part of it. You cant selectively quote bits of a sentence to make a new sentence - you stupid dumbfuck.

So now suppressing a movement that seeks to "exalt nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" is Fascism?



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Are you arguing in order to save us from future nazis we must act like nazis today?

hah! we are nazis for accepting the truth of nazis, and preventing them from assembling! remind me where I suggested that we send them off to gas chambers, first.

but whatever you do, your constant attempt to defend the indefensible goes laughably noticed.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
So you honestly believe punching would have stopped WWII?

those Nazis? probably not. But then, when they were small and obnoxious, probably so. who knows? Maybe they should have been rounded up, executed, and forgotten about. News was slow then.

Today's Nazis? tend to be yet another version of the typical conservative snowflakes. punch them, take away their Ho-hos, possible equally effective at encouraging them to retreat into their basements and 4Chan.


Apr 8, 2013

Republicans and Democrats alike.

51% of the surveyed students also think it's acceptable to shout out a speaker so as to prevent an audience from hearing the speech.

44% think that hate speech isn't protected by the first amendment.

This is very troubling.

I agree that the results are troubling. The violence question aside, which seems to be about equal among dems and reps, the other question about whether hate speech is protected speech suggests that we are not properly educating our youth about the scope of the First Amendment. I think the misunderstanding has to do with the fact that we criminalize "hate crimes." Based on comments I've repeatedly seen online, many people seem to think that "hate crime" statutes criminalize hate speech - which is untrue. They actually criminalize violence which is motivated by racial bias. So based on this misunderstanding, they then just assume that hate speech isn't protected.

As to the question of violence, I posit that is a direct function of the rise of political extremism on both sides of the spectrum.
Reactions: Atreus21


Sep 5, 2000
@realibrad Hitlers first speech was in front of 200 people. If you dont think a punch would of stopped that then I dont know what to tell you. You dont know anything about history and you have a stupid position on nazis.


Apr 8, 2013
So if you poll people and they say to murder all people of group x, its just young college kids being young and dumb.

Possibly. Look at the real world results. At most, college students from time to time engage in some low level violence at rallies and protests, and not many of them at that. Yet most of the actual politically motivated murder and terrorism comes from either radical Muslims or right wing extremists, practically none of whom are college students. This does tend to suggest that these young people are kicking around bad ideas which they will likely never put into practice.

I don't find this survey to be totally unconcerning. It's concerning. I do, however, think the notion that thinking among college students is still at an unevolved state to have some merit. College students are at a crossroads of discovering the world they live in. In that stage, they play around with all kinds of ideas, many of them radical. It doesn't mean they act on them, and it doesn't mean they even maintain those opinions as they age.
Last edited:


Oct 18, 2013
forcible suppression of opposition IS NOT the definition of fascism but a part of it. You cant selectively quote bits of a sentence to make a new sentence - you stupid dumbfuck.

So now suppressing a movement that seeks to "exalt nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" is Fascism?

Oh, so unless you do all of the things its not fascism. So Trump is not a fascist because he is not promoting the state over the individual. He has also not promoted an autocratic government.

So I suppose all fascist movements meat every aspect of that definition.


Oct 18, 2013
@realibrad Hitlers first speech was in front of 200 people. If you dont think a punch would of stopped that then I dont know what to tell you. You dont know anything about history and you have a stupid position on nazis.

No, I don't think a punch would have stopped Hitler. Only a damn fool would think so.


Oct 18, 2013
those Nazis? probably not. But then, when they were small and obnoxious, probably so. who knows? Maybe they should have been rounded up, executed, and forgotten about. News was slow then.

Today's Nazis? tend to be yet another version of the typical conservative snowflakes. punch them, take away their Ho-hos, possible equally effective at encouraging them to retreat into their basements and 4Chan.

So I suppose we should do away with Liberalism as it had its go, but it just cant stop racism.


Oct 18, 2013
Possibly. Look at the real world results. At most, college students from time to time engage in some low level violence at rallies and protests, and not many of them at that. Yet most of the actual politically motivated murder and terrorism comes from either radical Muslims or right wing extremists, practically none of whom are college students. This does tend to suggest that these young people are kicking around bad ideas which they will likely never put into practice.

I don't find this survey to be totally unconcerning. It's concerning. I do, however, think the notion that thinking among college students is still at an unevolved state to have some merit. College students play around with all kinds of ideas, many of them radical. It doesn't mean they act on them, and it doesn't mean they even maintain those opinions as they age. It might be useful to expand the survey to other age groups and compare.

All I have ever said was that its concerning. That is why I said this.

Um, hippies are nonviolent. Can you really consider people who are willing to use violence to stop those from saying things they don't like hippies? I don't know of anyone on the Right that claims these people are hippies. And, for the left to be willing to use fascist tactics to stop speech they don't like, then yeah, I think we should all be worried. Who is going to stop the crazy on the right when the left is copying fascists?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
So I suppose we should do away with Liberalism as it had its go, but it just cant stop racism.

I think where we are mis-communicating is the righties in this thread see me talking about nazis--actual, proud, flag-carrying nazis--and think I am referring to all of the alt-right sociopaths, the milos yabadoubaulouses, the OrroROroroROos and TajMajals, the pizzagaters, Ann Coulters and what not.

I am not. I am talking about Nazis, specifically.

As for the other simple-minded idiots, I absolutely find it troubling that universities like UC Berkeley are inviting, then dis-inviting these speakers, allowing their appearances to be shouted down. That naive, inexperienced students believe that shouting away discomfort will make the world a safe space. If anything, they should realize that conservatives have been trying to shout away uncomfortable facts for decades, centuries even (evolution, climate change, individual right to one's body, the preposterous lunacy of supply side economics er, I mean theft of the middle class), and the world has continued to prove again and again that their discomforts are rejected by reality.

I find all of that troubling. I believe the average idiot should have their day, and allow the weight of public rejection on their idiocy to be brought down upon them, as the 1st amendment wholly allows...but they must first have their moment, obviously.

But I am not talking about them.

I am talking about goosestepping, tiki-torch wielding, polo shirt-wearing American Nazis. Butterballs that wouldn't know a recessive gene despite the evidence of such throughout 70% of their familial tree.

For Nazis, there is no quarter. None. They are, by their very existence, the "fire in a theater" that is expressly not permitted by the first amendment. They are the proud enacters, supporters, and willing re-enacters of genocide. Fuck them, and fuck them to hell. No true American would ever support them. This is not free speech, despite how much you or anyone so desperately wants to be on the uncomfortable side of these Nazis. I think it is hard for you guys, because you have come around to accepting that they are a fundamental part of your base, and that dark corner of your own unrestrained social and political thoughts, and you want to come to terms with it. But you can't. They are the monsters under your bed, in your closets, and they are keeping you up at night. You can't just count them away and cry free speech.


Mar 13, 2006
the majority of students appear to prefer an environment in which their institution is expected to create an environment that shelters them from offensive views. The exceptions are among Republicans and Independents

Democrat snowflakes.

Snarf Snarf

Senior member
Feb 19, 2015
Question for you guys, how many of you have actually had a run in with a group of Neo Nazi's in your life? The guy in the OP is obviously a single little bitch of a man who went out for no other reason than to draw attention to his cause, and he's getting it. What he said to whoever finally clocked him is unknown to everyone here apparently, so we don't have full context of the incident to judge whether he got what was coming or not. That being said I want to share a story from my teen years that I will never forget to this day about what Neo Nazi's are really about.

Back in '06 after high school a group of friends and myself decided to start a small business and run a concert venue that catered more to the under exposed genres of music. We had a lot of what you would call for a lack of better words, gutter punk and hardcore bands play most of the time. For those of you unaware, the punk rock and hardcore communities have a very tumultuous history with skinheads, white supremacists and neo nazis. Because the music has an intrinsic anger to it, hate groups really grab onto this stuff and start to use it as propaganda to recruit more young angry members. Now this is the important bit here, the business was ran by myself (Hispanic), 2 other Hispanic friends, and an African American.

In the summer of '06 we put together a little mini festival of sorts from Thursday to Saturday featuring a lot of politically charged punk and hardcore bands. Due to the type of message they send about unity and inclusion they often get a lot of trouble at their shows in the south, so they brought their own security to work the doors. At the time, unknown to us, a Neo Nazi group had seen our fliers for the event with things like "UNITY FOR ALL" and messages of brotherhood written on them, and decided to host their own event at the bar next door to the venue (this later was revealed to us by detectives who had been tracking their movement as an organization) They sent over a member of their group to try to get admission to the show, he was covered in swastikas and white hate symbols, he even had a German SS tattoo on his neck. The door guy refused entry to the guy, told them that they had no desire to allow a Nazi skinhead into the venue. He threw a shit fit and requested to speak to the management about being denied entry, so we obliged him, trying to be mature business owners despite all of us only being 18-20. My friend's Lorenzo (hispanic) and Sylvester (African American) went out to talk to him, when they came out and he saw they were both POC his response was "Now I understand, this is a place for n****and s**** I know how to solve this" and walked away. Kind of taken back by the whole ordeal they didn't really think too much about it, he was a skinhead afterall, that reaction was mostly expected so on the show went.

That went down around 6:30 PM or so, a couple of hours later we had an equipment failure and I had to run across town to grab some new cables and a mixer board for the second stage. In the 45 minutes that I was gone the little Nazi f*cker went and got the rest of the crew that was at the bar next door, about 25 of them in total, armed with lead pipes and heavy chains. They definitely didn't stop by to say hi, they stormed the door man and beat him within inches of his life. After getting inside the venue they proceeded to beat the ever living shit out of every person in their path until one of the bands managed to get the back garage doors we used for equipment loading open and get as many people out as possible. The people stuck on the other side of the venue didn't fare so well, but no one got it worst than my two friends, who this gang of c*nts decided to make a prime example of. They both took multiple blows to the head from lead pipes while the Nazi's took turns taking free shots as they lay on the floor helpless. After they were done taking turns beating on my friends, they hung up a Nazi flag and spray painted "You will not replace us" across the stage. That slogan sounds awfully familiar doesn't it?

On this day 43 people were injured, 11 were hospitalized. The doorman and my two friends had to be taken to the ICU, and one of them was there for 2 weeks before being declared stable. I learned on this day what these people really are, and it's a lesson I will gladly share with everyone that wants to listen. They have only one intention, and that intention is to use violence to further their agenda of preserving their perceived genetic superiority over minorities. There is only one way in which their agenda is possible, that is through the use of violence. There is no such thing as a peaceful Nazi, just because this one happened to be alone and a pussy doesn't change that fact. If you get enough of them together they do things like this, or what they did in Charlottesville. They don't wear chains and walk around with riot gear and assault rifles for fashion statements, they are ready to use them, that's the only message you send when you show up armed.

I'm a huge advocate of free speech, I prefer reeducation over suppression always, but there is a line I draw on Nazi's. The message they send is inherently violent, and free speech stops being covered when it incites violence. The only reason they aren't more active is because they feel safer in large numbers, if their movement is allowed to grow there will be violence.


Sep 5, 2000
Oh, so unless you do all of the things its not fascism. So Trump is not a fascist because he is not promoting the state over the individual. He has also not promoted an autocratic government.

So I suppose all fascist movements meat every aspect of that definition.

wtf does trump have to do with this thread? You are waffling now.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Question for you guys, how many of you have actually had a run in with a group of Neo Nazi's in your life? The guy in the OP is obviously a single little bitch of a man who went out for no other reason than to draw attention to his cause, and he's getting it. What he said to whoever finally clocked him is unknown to everyone here apparently, so we don't have full context of the incident to judge whether he got what was coming or not. That being said I want to share a story from my teen years that I will never forget to this day about what Neo Nazi's are really about.

Back in '06 after high school a group of friends and myself decided to start a small business and run a concert venue that catered more to the under exposed genres of music. We had a lot of what you would call for a lack of better words, gutter punk and hardcore bands play most of the time. For those of you unaware, the punk rock and hardcore communities have a very tumultuous history with skinheads, white supremacists and neo nazis. Because the music has an intrinsic anger to it, hate groups really grab onto this stuff and start to use it as propaganda to recruit more young angry members. Now this is the important bit here, the business was ran by myself (Hispanic), 2 other Hispanic friends, and an African American.

In the summer of '06 we put together a little mini festival of sorts from Thursday to Saturday featuring a lot of politically charged punk and hardcore bands. Due to the type of message they send about unity and inclusion they often get a lot of trouble at their shows in the south, so they brought their own security to work the doors. At the time, unknown to us, a Neo Nazi group had seen our fliers for the event with things like "UNITY FOR ALL" and messages of brotherhood written on them, and decided to host their own event at the bar next door to the venue (this later was revealed to us by detectives who had been tracking their movement as an organization) They sent over a member of their group to try to get admission to the show, he was covered in swastikas and white hate symbols, he even had a German SS tattoo on his neck. The door guy refused entry to the guy, told them that they had no desire to allow a Nazi skinhead into the venue. He threw a shit fit and requested to speak to the management about being denied entry, so we obliged him, trying to be mature business owners despite all of us only being 18-20. My friend's Lorenzo (hispanic) and Sylvester (African American) went out to talk to him, when they came out and he saw they were both POC his response was "Now I understand, this is a place for n****and s**** I know how to solve this" and walked away. Kind of taken back by the whole ordeal they didn't really think too much about it, he was a skinhead afterall, that reaction was mostly expected so on the show went.

That went down around 6:30 PM or so, a couple of hours later we had an equipment failure and I had to run across town to grab some new cables and a mixer board for the second stage. In the 45 minutes that I was gone the little Nazi f*cker went and got the rest of the crew that was at the bar next door, about 25 of them in total, armed with lead pipes and heavy chains. They definitely didn't stop by to say hi, they stormed the door man and beat him within inches of his life. After getting inside the venue they proceeded to beat the ever living shit out of every person in their path until one of the bands managed to get the back garage doors we used for equipment loading open and get as many people out as possible. The people stuck on the other side of the venue didn't fare so well, but no one got it worst than my two friends, who this gang of c*nts decided to make a prime example of. They both took multiple blows to the head from lead pipes while the Nazi's took turns taking free shots as they lay on the floor helpless. After they were done taking turns beating on my friends, they hung up a Nazi flag and spray painted "You will not replace us" across the stage. That slogan sounds awfully familiar doesn't it?

On this day 43 people were injured, 11 were hospitalized. The doorman and my two friends had to be taken to the ICU, and one of them was there for 2 weeks before being declared stable. I learned on this day what these people really are, and it's a lesson I will gladly share with everyone that wants to listen. They have only one intention, and that intention is to use violence to further their agenda of preserving their perceived genetic superiority over minorities. There is only one way in which their agenda is possible, that is through the use of violence. There is no such thing as a peaceful Nazi, just because this one happened to be alone and a pussy doesn't change that fact. If you get enough of them together they do things like this, or what they did in Charlottesville. They don't wear chains and walk around with riot gear and assault rifles for fashion statements, they are ready to use them, that's the only message you send when you show up armed.

I'm a huge advocate of free speech, I prefer reeducation over suppression always, but there is a line I draw on Nazi's. The message they send is inherently violent, and free speech stops being covered when it incites violence. The only reason they aren't more active is because they feel safer in large numbers, if their movement is allowed to grow there will be violence.

Dude, that was Nazi free speech, though. Just ask Atreus, Realibrad, and that Gen dude. They totally know everything about Nazis and their peaceable assembly.


Sep 5, 2000
No, I don't think a punch would have stopped Hitler. Only a damn fool would think so.

Oh really? So if the nazi party was stopped before it would be been able to grow germany still would of done all those things with hitler at the helm? Please expand on this theory.


Feb 6, 2002
That is story to be told. People who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
The question is too broad. If you had a someone constantly shouting obscenities, racial slurs, or similar into a person's face, then yes, I'd say that violence would be justified to stop that speech. Do I think it should be legal to use violence to counter those expressing ideas contrary to a person's own opinions or values? Absolutely not. I think hate speech directed towards a group needs to be protected under the first amendment. On the other hand, I think hate speech directed towards an individual is more ambiguous because at some level you begin to infringe on that individuals rights.
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