100,000 miles for AT

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Nov 9, 2000
4 days until my 50 mile race and I tweak my IT band doing a chumpy 5 miler on a treadmill. wtf? I'm R.I.C.E. and taking ibuprofin, hope it's enough.

Dec 26, 2007
4 days until my 50 mile race and I tweak my IT band doing a chumpy 5 miler on a treadmill. wtf? I'm R.I.C.E. and taking ibuprofin, hope it's enough.

If you have a foam roller that works wonders. In addition do some stretches for the IT band (google searches will show them). Take advil since it's inflamation. If you have questions, send me a PM and I'll help how I can. I just got over my IT band issue about a month ago (now I'm on to shin splints argh).

Well, shin splints now are causing issues and the next thing I need to work on. Added 6 miles since last post (didn't do a long run over the weekend due to shins grr).



Nov 9, 2000
33 miles today at the Finger Lakes Fifties. My son and I wound up dropping from 50m to 50k (with bonus miles) and didn't do all that well at that, but we did finish together for the first time. So that was awesome.

Here's my mini report, more to follow:

1. Left IT band flareup at 6 miles. Ran through that, felt better by the end of the first loop. Mud was not bad!

2. It got HOT by 11am, that heat just sucked the life out of us.

3. Right IT band and right groin flared up at about mile 24. Incorporated some walking.

4. Felt blistering on the balls of both feet by mile 28. It now hurts to walk more than it does to jog, but it hurts the IT band more to jog. Damn.

5. Finished with a nice run through the finish line, 8:43:xx. My son is now an ultra runner.

6. Hydration and electrolytes were good. I was starving at the finish, normally I'm quesy. Another win for me.

7. Had a great time meeting some people that post over at RWOL forums. Very cool.

Sorry for the crappy outline, more will follow as I collect my thoughts.



Nov 28, 2001
40 since I last posted. The new job means I'm now too tired some days to do my exercise. The other reason I'm tired is probably that I'm getting 6 hours of sleep a night and taking some sleep aids to get to sleep.


Nov 9, 2000
On July 3rd, my son Adam and I made our first attempt at running a 50 mile trail ultramarathon. Our race of choice? The Finger Lakes Fifties. It’s run on the trails and dirt roads of the Finger Lakes National Forest in Hector, NY. The trails there are beautiful, though they are rocky, rooty, and deceptively difficult.

We signed up for the race way back in March of this year, and trained for it the best that our health and schedules would allow. Both of us would face training related injuries in this time. Adam and severe shin splints and perhaps a stress fracture in his left shin. I would suffer with groin issues for most of spring with some IT band problems popping in the 2 weeks leading up the race. Nevertheless, we both were excited for the “big dance” and had confidence in our abilities and desire to do the entire thing.

The night before the race we met up with a RWOL forumite named Jeff, his nickname is trailrunnerjeff. We ate dinner at the Market Street Brewing Co. in the Gaffer District of Corning, NY and chatted the entire time. And thanks Jeff - if you hadn’t gotten my head out of my ass I would have showed up late to the race. After dinner we hooked up with my wife’s parents and grandparents to watch the fireworks in Watkins Glen, NY. This is Indy Car weekend and the town is abuzz with race fever – hence the fireworks. Neato.

The morning arrives and we get up, do our things, and get to the forest. We are not there early and had to park nearly half a mile away. Ugh, this would be ugly later. Check-in and packet pickup was a smooth affair. Just after checking in we ran into Ian Golden, the race director of the Virgil Crest 100 and ironman triathlete. He’s a cool guy and one of the experts on the Medved Endurance Project panel. I guess he was at the race to support his buddy Ed Eddington who happens to be his cohort in the VC100. Shortly after this we ran into Shelley, another RWOL forumite and her husband Jim. She’s the RD for Mind The Ducks 12 Hour. We got some last minute pep talking and then it was time to line up for the start of the race and to get last minute instructions.

And then the cowbells!! The race started off with a longish run down a dirt Forest Service service road. Perhaps 2 miles? Finally we get onto the trails and everything feels great. We are running our own pace, the air is cool, and the legs feel fine. Fine until about 6 miles in when the lady in front of us takes a major header. We stop to see if she’s ok and/or needs some help – she is ok and gets right back up on her own and takes off. When we attempt to get going again, my left IT band makes itself known. ARGH!!! All week it had felt fine. I was stretching it out. I was soaking it in the hot tub and icing it at home. I decide that it’s not going to stop me from going on, pop two 200mg ibuprofens, and stretch my legs out a bit. I discover that as long as I’m moving everything is almost ok, so I do just that – keep moving. Aid station stops are painful, but you’ve got to hydrate and eat right?

We managed to keep up a decent pace with a few stops to stretch out the IT band and finished the first loop in about 3:52, our dreams of making the cutoff undiminished at this point in time. At the start/stop area I considered changing shoes and socks but decided to keep going with what I had on at the time. Maybe this was the wrong way to go, but so be it. And now we’re on to our second loop. We pick up the pace a bit so we can put a cushion on our cutoff deadline. By now the temperature is rising quickly and as we run past ponds and through pastures the heat hits us, it’s like running into a curtain. And out in the sun the horseflies and deerflies start to attack us. Somewhere around mile 22 or 23 I realized something, my left IT band feels fine! Woohoo, things were starting to come together. The miles “fly” by and we really enjoy the trails until close to mile 28 when I was shocked to feel my right IT band and groin flare up.

Now I’m limping so badly that my feet start to hurt. I must have changed my stride so radically that I started to get blisters on the bottom of my feet. I’ve NEVER had that happen before and I got pissed off. I think getting pissed off is what kept me from dropping out. We jogged when we could and walked when we had to. My son’s shin splints were acting up so he was mad and limping also. What a pair. We get to the 32 mile point and decide that we’re not going to look like chumps at the finish so we bust out into the fastest run we could muster while keeping good form and then there was the finish. Adam and I crossed the line together for the first time ever in 8:43:xx. We missed the cutoff for starting the third loop by 43 minutes so this was the end of our day.

It wasn’t a complete loss. My son was unable to complete his first attempt at a 50k trail race back in Nov. of 2009 so this was his redemption. And like I said before, this was the first time we’ve ever crossed the line together. For me as a father this was great, something we will both remember. And then it was time to check the carnage. Wow, the blisters on my feet are the size of half dollars. There are lots of little ones on my toes. Unexpectedly, there were no black nails. I kicked lots of roots and rocks and was sure I’d damaged at least a few nails. Nay, not this race. And it felt oh so good to put on fresh socks and a clean shirt.

Not too long after we sit down to eat we see Jeff again! We share how our days went, ate some food, and said goodbye. It was time limp off to the car (remember that ½ mile hike?) and head home for a shower. On the drive home we discuss our day and come to the conclusion that we should focus on shorter trail races during summer and the ultras in the spring and fall. We also decide that we definitely want to challenge another 50 miler soon. Canandaigua Lake 50 here we come!


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
Dang Jeff, I said it before and I will say it again, despite not making it the full 50 miles, that is still an enormous accomplishment and the both of you should be proud! There's only so much you can control, and it sounded like you were both in good shape. Unfortunately, injuries have a nasty habit of popping up when they cause the most harm. Good job on sticking it out and still completing the 50K! Congrats to Adam on his first ultra! Definitely take it easy for a while and don't push yourselves too hard in the next few weeks. You deserve a rest!!

As for me, I have logged 69 miles since I last checked in. I went camping up in Vermont last week and actually ended up taking two days off as I got sick and was not feeling very energetic at all. Still ended the week with 50 miles which isn't quite as bad as I was expecting, but I missed my long run and one of my two workouts. Did 14 miles yesterday in the 85-degree heat and actually ended up getting sick with just over a mile to go. Turns out 2 hours is not enough time to wait after eating two cheeseburgers... Live and learn, right?



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000

GJ on the race, Jeff! Blisters suck, I got some so bad last year from running that they bled, the first time I've seen subcutaneous blood.


Nov 9, 2000
Thanks guys.

I saw your FB post about losing your cheeseburgers Scorch, I had no idea you were sick though. You are a tough SOB to run while sick, that's all I'm sayin'....

My blisters didn't bleed Skoorb, but they were massive and there was enough pus in the one on my left foot the next morning to saturate a paper towel. Not quite as bad as the blister in Run Fatboy Run but bad enough. haha


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
I'm not really that tough, Mega. I only have a cold, and I only got sick because I ate cheeseburgers before I ran for nearly two hours in the 85 degree heat. I don't handle heat well at all; if its over 75 I feel like death, and while those cheeseburgers were delicious, they sat in my stomach for a bit too long. You are tough for running freaking 33 miles in that heat! I seriously could not have done that if my life depended on it. You're one crazy sonofafun!

I did 8 miles today with my friend D, and sure enough felt like crap. Glad I didn't have to do it alone though (that's what she said!)



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2007
I was down in Eugene this past weekend with my buddy to watch the Pre Classic. Damn, that is a beautiful city. I cheated and went for a couple short runs in Alton Baker Park (Pre's Trail) - I'd kick myself if I didn't.

Unfortunately, my shin was still bugging me a bit - I saw my sports med doctor this morning. He thinks that I actually suffered two injuries - tib posterior tendinitis, and periostitis on my shin. At this point, only the tendinitis is healed (I've been going to physio, stretching and I was partway into a walk/run routine).

Back to the physio for different treatment, and onto some stronger anti-inflammatory drugs. Fuck, I've been out of commission for 2 months so far; not a great 2010 .




Nov 28, 2001
Oops forgot to add the 40 in the post above to the total and repost it. So the total should be:



Senior member
Dec 13, 2004
25 miles the past 4 weeks, the heat & my schedule have been conspiring against me lately. (although the one day I could run during the cool spell last week I did just over 7 miles and felt great)

Congrats Mega on the ultra effort!

Dec 26, 2007
Took a week off due to shin splints, so last week was a bust. This week started off well though. GF and I ran a 5 mile race on Monday through the YMCA with some friends. Was about 80 degrees at 830 AM when the race started. Normal pace is 9-10 min/mile pace. Did a quick 10 minute warmup jog, and stretched. The air horn blasted at 8:32. I started off and felt great so kept upping my pace until I settled to a comfortable speed. My goal was 45 minutes or less. I got to the first mile and they sounded off the time from the start of the race "8 minutes." I got worried about burning out, but it felt right so kept with the 8 min/mile pace. Stayed with this couple in their mid 30's until the last mile. My right hip was bothering me, so had to slow down for 2 walk breaks and was dealing with the mental wall. Kept going though, and when the crowds started at the last 1/4 mile gradually picked up my pace and started passing people who passed me when I slowed down a half mile back. The crowd got louder, which just pushed me to run faster. Per Runkeeper was averaging 8:20/mile the whole race, and pushed myself to end it running 4:23/mile pace. Finishing time: 41:46, which put me in the top 1/2 of the race, and beating my goal by 3+ minutes. My gf hadn't finished yet and our one friend said she had some issues early on, so I went back to run with her the last 1/2 mile. She didn't do as good as she hoped, but just a few months ago she couldn't have done a 5 mile run and has come a long way just since this spring. After I was done running, my stomach was very upset for about 20 minutes after, but I still felt amazing outside of that. Still on a kind of high from the end of that race .

Sorry for the lengthy post of a short 5 miler, but it's a great personal accomplishment that I'm happy about and needed to post somewhere. You guys were the lucky ones . It has helped motivate me more to work towards running the marathon in September.


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Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2006
+26 Since las post

Had some nice weather (rain and cloudy) last week, now it's back to hot, sunny, and humid. I'll manage.



Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
another 10 miles today. Did a track workout despite it being 93 degrees with a heat index of 97. The track was literally swarming, infested, with hooligans, hoodlums, ruffians, rugrats, and oblivious walkers that I had to dodge (apparently "coming up in lane 1!" means for them to glare at me and walk 3 abreast so I am forced to run out into lane 3 to get around them around here). Still had a decent workout and hit some good times (I did 5x 200-200-400 at about 4:45-4:50 pace).



Sep 27, 2003
Jeff - congrats on the 50K. You got through it, you did an ultra...and now can concentrate on your next 50 miler when you are 100% healthy. Good job sir!
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