12 killed, 59 hurt in shooting after The Dark Knight Rises premiere in Denver

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May 11, 2008
The issue is you self-admittedly know absolutely nothing about the topic at hand, yet you profess to have the solution.

You overestimate the ability of the police to protect you.

Well, inform me. You all seem to have such great knowledge and wisdom.
Then please, i ask you to answer my questions.
It is easy to paint me as a nutjob who seems to know nothing of guns.
Thus i ask you : enlighten me...
And all other who read this thread.
May 11, 2008
That's hard to do...what's "a large amount"?

I have no idea why anyone is allowed to buy assault rifles like he had.

Thank you for answering.
What do you think is reasonable when you have to shoot possible rabies infected wild life or some deranged lunatic that wants to munch you into pieces ?

Are 20 bullets enough to be save ?


Aug 31, 2002
Did I ever tell you guys the story of how no one was ever killed before the invention of guns?

Entire armies would fight, such as the Romans, and no one ever died! Guns hadn't been invented yet, thus, no one was killed.


Aug 31, 2002
Also do not forget that i am against a ban of all guns in every situation. As stated in my posts.
For rural areas a gun or a rifle seems actually a requirement. I can understand that. But for cities where people live so close to each other guns should be banned. For obvious reasons. There is the police in cities. In rural areas the distance just is to great to have a police station every few streets.

I can tell you know nothing about guns so just stop talking. The more guns someone is carrying does not mean you need a higher caliber bullet to stop them lol.

Caliber doesn't have a whole lot to do with bullet energy either. A 9x19mm is fairly weak where as a .223 carries more energy since it is 5.56x45mm. The necked cartridge increases pressure and it is loaded with way more powder and a smaller bullet for higher velocity.

It doesn't really matter though if it still shoots. The other stuff just makes almost no sense.

For the bolded part I was robbed at gunpoint and I know first hand "When you need help in seconds the police are just minutes away." As a matter of fact the cops were just around the corner, but not really much use when the gun was just around 1ft away and pointed at me. I've since learned what it means to be mortal and that you can die from the simplest of circumstances like the cops being just around the corner.

You fear the same thing, the fact that you are mortal and can be killed by someone else with a gun but you obviously haven't figured out that the cops simply aren't fast enough. When you do finally learn that lesson it might be too late. Cops are good at catching criminals after they already did the crime. That discrepancy is totally lost on you.
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Golden Member
Sep 7, 2011
It seems i have kicked a lot of you in the cojones for making such a post.
None of you people have just answered any the questions i asked in my first post. Simple questions to arms carrying gentlemen such as yourself , or not ?
Or do none of you have any common sense at all ?
Just when you read prohibition of certain arms, you go in red alert mode and all intelligent processes stop ?
Why do you need armor as a citizen ?
Some of you talk about caliber, i agree i do not know much about it, inform me. What is reasonable and what should not be on the market ?
What weapons do you as gun owners think are excessive and should not be sold ?

I do not want to make this into a gun control post. It is just obvious that this will be becoming a trend. Crooks with high power rifles and a lot of body armor. That is not okay. You may never to be able to stop all of them, but you sure are going to make it difficult for them with proper prohibition. Giving the police a strategical advantage. (Referring to the bank robbery with all the armor and heavy guns)
But that is something some of you "nice shooting Tex" people fail to see.

Alright. First and foremost. I do in fact think some restrictions should be in place limiting who should own guns. Violent Felons and the mentally insane being among them.
Why do I need armor as a citizen? Who said I wasn’t a LEO or in the Armed forces? But even that’s beside the point. Who does a law abiding citizen hurt by having armor? Why does it matter if I want it? I should be able to if I want to. I’m not hurting anyone. To you it may seem silly that a citizen would want armor, and may want to question the NEED of it. But that’s you. And your opinion. I don’t need anyone telling me what I do and don’t need. I may live in a high crime area where stray bullets are common. What If I want to wear it while I’m at home because of that? 2 weeks ago, someone in my area was killed by a stray bullet from a gang fight on July 4th while watching fireworks with her family. This was in one of the most dangerous cities in America where criminals obtain their guns illegally and laws don’t stop them. It’s illegal to fire guns within the city limits yet look what happened? First hand proof that laws don’t stop criminals.
I’m all for the prohibition of certain arms, as long as it’s reasonable. But again, what I consider reasonable is certainly subjective and is only my opinion. Most guns are banned based entirely on aesthetic appearance. What does having an adjustable six position stock hurt? In New York, you can have six different stocks set in each of the six positions but you cannot have one that adjusts.

Now onto caliber. In my humble opinion, no small arms caliber should need to be banned. Not even the mighty 50BMG. What reasonable is also subjective.

For me personally, I don’t think civilians should be able to obtain fully automatic rifles, rocket launchers and explosives such as hand grenades and C4 without having a Class lll permit. Which is currently the case now and is extremely hard to get.

Police already have a strategical advantage. They have training, weaponry and technology on their side.

People like to use the 1997 LA shootout as an example of why guns need to be banned or further restricted. First off. The guns they had were already illegal. Fail #1. They were also using armor piercing ammunition. Which was also illegal. Fail #2. Neither of those laws stopped or detired them from doing their deeds did they?

People are too quick to blame anything but the actual criminal. “It wasn’t the criminals fault, it was the oil companies fault for supply the oil to the gas company who later sold the gas to the truck driver who delivered the parts to the car company to make the car who later delivered the car to the dealership who sold the car to the guy who sold the car privately 6 years later to the guy who drove it to the theater to shoot 70 people.”


Golden Member
Sep 7, 2011
Thank you for answering.
What do you think is reasonable when you have to shoot possible rabies infected wild life or some deranged lunatic that wants to munch you into pieces ?

Are 20 bullets enough to be save ?

Well. Take a look at this.

"I have learned how people are when stoned out of their mind . I am a bouncer at one of the local bars .
We threw a guy out one night after about the 3rd time he started problems .
our front door at the bar was one of those with two plans of glass with wire in between them I know every one has seen those before .
Well about 10 min later this guy hit it so hard he put his fist all most all the way through it
and I do mean through. He split the wire and shattered both pieces of tempered glass.
We ran out side and me and two other bouncers and the owner. We got him down i was behind him got him in a sleeper hold .
It takes about 3 to 5 seconds for someone to lose consciousness .
(I have had 4yrs of self defense training so yes I know what I am doing) I put the guy out, he hit the ground, I let go and he jumped up and hit one of the other bouncers so hard he slid on the payment .

We got him down again i got him in a hold again this time I held him so long his face turned white and his lips
and finger nails were blue. My Boss said "let him go you're going to kill him" .
5 to 8 seconds later he was up and fighting again by then the country deputies were there and the guy layed one out with
one punch. They Tased him and all he did was step back and flex his arms and growled at them.
Then they Tased him 4 times before he hit the ground.

They chuffed him rolled him over and he kicked one of the deputies in the face so he got Tased again. They rolled him over
cuffed his ankles together and took a set and cuffed his hands to his ankles. He pulled so hard that he ripped the skin off both wrists and was bleeding badly. They Tased him again to stop him from hurting him self .
Then they sat on him for about 10 min before they got him calmed down so they could put him in the car.
One of the Officers said if he had come by himself that the only way to stop some one like that is a
head shot because he would kill you .He had seen this before. this guy weight maybe 160 lbs and was less than 6 ft tall they found Meth and angle dust in his pocket

"I was a paramedic 27 years ago, and guess what? It was going on then. You should see a cop shoot someone 3-4 times and they just keep coming at them, cranked up on all of that crap"

If your dealing with a guy like this, anything less than a center of mass hit from a shotgun with buckshot or a slug probably wouldn't have stopped him. Or like the officer said, a headshot. But that's hard to do in a stressful situation.

As for a rabid animal; it depends entirely on the animal. It can take anything from a .22 to a 30-06. Which is why in my opinion, banning calibers based on size is silly, as each one has it's own uses. And just because a bullet is bigger does not make it inherently more dangerous.

The AR-15 the theater nutjob used fired .223, which isn't much bigger than .22 LR. It was a very small caliber on the spectrum.


Dec 11, 2002
Looks like he was a neuroscience student who was mad that he couldn't get a job. I blame Obama for giving him the notion that we need more science and engineering students.

Hmmm I'm also a UCR Neuroscience 2010 graduate. Don't remember seeing him.

Either way, he's a PhD student. That's a full time paid job.
Feb 10, 2000
Hmmm I'm also a UCR Neuroscience 2010 graduate. Don't remember seeing him.

Either way, he's a PhD student. That's a full time paid job.

Interesting. Do you have any idea how many members there were in your graduating class? I wouldn't have thought that many people would graduate with that major.


Dec 11, 2002
Interesting. Do you have any idea how many members there were in your graduating class? I wouldn't have thought that many people would graduate with that major.

Quite a few, probably at least 50.

It seemed few were going to continue to neuroscience in grad school. A good chunk were premed students, and another good chunk were going into nursing.


Nov 20, 1999
Dude just because you're a coward doesn't mean everyone else is.


case in point

Dude, there's a difference between ROBBERS AND A FUCKING HOMICIDAL MANIAC. You people lack any sort of logic or sense.

And do i even have to go on about the other various differences between each incidents? Or can you figure that out yourself, mr. internet toughguy cowboy? Stop confusing counterstrike and COD modern warfare with real fucking life.
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Senior member
Aug 26, 2004
In many states the Police have no obligation or legal duty to protect an individual. This comes in handy if somebody tries to sue them(the Police) for not protecting them. Read up on it.
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Senior member
Apr 6, 2008
Especially hit home, as I live near Aurora and have several friends who live there. I was so thankful none of them were in there. Still caused a lot of sad feelings though RIP


Jun 24, 2001
More importantly, they were obsessed with the movie Natural Born Killers. If you've seen that movie, you know there's no need to associate their behavior with any other media (video games). They were acting-out a fantasy of re-creating the NBK movie.

I think you mean the similarly-controversial movie, The Basketball Diaries. Trenchcoat-wearing kids shoot up a school in that movie and it was brought up a lot during the aftermath.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2010
I see you jackasses are still talking about something that didn't happen, namely CCW rescue of these innocent people from this cowardly little bastard.

Someone PM me when the real discussion begins.


Dec 7, 2009
I see you jackasses are still talking about something that didn't happen, namely CCW rescue of these innocent people from this cowardly little bastard.

Someone PM me when the real discussion begins.

I think it's important to discuss that topic a bit as well. If for no other reason than to prevent further loss of innocent life.

I'm talking about some untrained CCW carrying civilians taking matters into their own hands and possibly causing even more deaths or injuries. Have you thought about what would happen if an untrained civilian pulled out a gun and started trying to shoot this gunman? In the hectic, chaotic, dark, smoke and irritant filled room with adrenaline pumping they could miss the gunman and shoot an innocent bystander trying to get away.

You bet the subsequent investigation will turn up which bullet killed the innocent bystander. Even if no criminal charges would be filed, of which I'm not sure of, certainly a civil suit of wrongful death would follow by the victim's family. Then you will have 2 additional, preventable victims. The bystander getting shot by a stray bullet and the recipient of wrongful death or criminal charges. Think twice before you play Counterstrike in real life kids.
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Dec 11, 2000
I think it's important to discuss that topic a bit as well. If for no other reason than to prevent further loss of innocent life.

I'm talking about some untrained CCW carrying civilians taking matters into their own hands and possibly causing even more deaths or injuries. Have you thought about what would happen if an untrained civilian pulled out a gun and started trying to shoot this gunman? In the hectic, chaotic, dark, smoke and irritant filled room with adrenaline pumping they could miss the gunman and shoot an innocent bystander trying to get away.

You bet the subsequent investigation will turn up which bullet killed the innocent bystander. Even if no criminal charges would be filed, of which I'm not sure of, certainly a civil suit of wrongful death would follow by the victim's family. Then you will have 2 additional, preventable victims. The bystander getting shot by a stray bullet and the recipient of wrongful death or criminal charges. Think twice before you play Counterstrike in real life kids.

I'm not one of those who would pretend to believe that a casual CCW holder in the middle of the theater would have done any good. I agree, that person would probably have been more of a hindrance. What about a properly educated/practiced CCW holder sitting in the front row? Witness descriptions indicate that the shooter stood in the front of the auditorium shooting in the back row for some time while ignoring the front. Was the shooter still in body armor? Sure. Would he have probably turned his attention to a CCW holder reaching for a weapon? Possibly, maybe he would be lost in the chaos as well. Is there a possibility that a properly trained CCW holder in the front row could have prevented additional loss of life? I think the possibility exists. Obviously it's all conjecture; but the insinuations made in this thread that many/most CCW holders are people pretending to play CS/Cowboys in real life is a bit extreme.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
More importantly, they were obsessed with the movie Natural Born Killers. If you've seen that movie, you know there's no need to associate their behavior with any other media (video games). They were acting-out a fantasy of re-creating the NBK movie.

and bowling...


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
It seemed he was heavily armored. Can someone give some real advice what kind of gun and caliber bullets would have been needed to stop him ?

He carried also a vest such as this. I assume for all the magazines with ammunition.

Would the magazines not also deflect incoming bullets ?
How big is the chance of a magazine with ammunition exploding on bullet impact ?

I read that a lot of John Wayne characters here would loved to have a true shoot out with this guy. Now i am sure some of you might actually be good marksmen. But you forget about the bystanders. How big do you think the chances would have been that bystanders would have been killed by flying bullets aimed wrong and ricocheted bullets ?

The point is that the only way this massacre could have been prevented is not by concealed carriers but by a special type of police officer with a very heavy gun with a very heavy caliber bullet designed to penetrate armor. A police officer that is always present at the theater. But what happens when this officer get shot and his high power rifle with bullets stolen. To solve that problem we need a group of police officers that can protect themselves as well as the public. But that is not possible and to expensive.

The solution is simple. I am pro gun control, although i do not have a problem with shooting ranges but i know it is very sensitive to people. Thus it is better that :

(An example of course, not a real law)
  • Only small caliber guns are to be sold.
  • Selling large calibers should be prohibited with a very heavy penalty.
  • Selling armor and body defense to the public should be prohibited with a very heavy penalty.
  • Selling of ammunition is only allowed in small quantities and empty shells must be returned in order to be able to buy new ammunition. If this is not done , a very heavy penalty must be occurred by both the seller and buyer of the merchandise.
  • A prison sentence of at least 25 years shall stand on violating these rules.
  • Shops that sell guns and ammunition should warn or notify the police when someone wants to buy large amounts of ammunition.

This way, people can have their smaller caliber guns to protect themselves from rabid animals or deranged individuals if they need to.
But trying to shoot down a mass of people is a lot less easy.

The problem is that a person with a mental problem may not always be properly recognized as happened all too often. Thus these things are bound to happen unless there is a more intelligent form of gun control as described above. Screening of individuals is at the moment just not possible. A person that is really wackadoodoo may be easy to detect. But a plain guy just as the suspect in this shooting is at this moment not possible to screen out.

I should note that the examples above are about minimizing casualties. One can never rule out that someone will fall victim , but at least the amount will be minimized.

stupid restrictions miss the point of what crazy people do.

i'm sure i can take all your knives from you as well, just in case.... ya know.

i think mythbusters tested magazines as armor, it doesn't do anything.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
Dude, there's a difference between ROBBERS AND A FUCKING HOMICIDAL MANIAC. You people lack any sort of logic or sense.

And do i even have to go on about the other various differences between each incidents? Or can you figure that out yourself, mr. internet toughguy cowboy? Stop confusing counterstrike and COD modern warfare with real fucking life.

Consider where the insult is coming from. This is a guy who created a thread about spilling hot soup on his hand and winning about it. Poor little guy can't deal with a bit of pain but here he tells us he is going to take on a mass murderer armed and armored to the teeth.

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