13 US Soldiers Commit Suicide

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Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Check the Woe Canada thread . . . you will find a link to Arvid Carlsson's Nobel Prize in 2000 and the various achievements in neuropsychopharmacology. I think you are confusing the psychoanalytical side of psychiatry (which has more in common with psychology than medicine) and the neuropsychiatry side (that is essentially shared between neurology and psychiatry). The psychiatry board exam is 25% neurology, while the neurology board is 25% psychiatry. Many psychiatry residency programs have all but abandoned psychoanalysis. Few psychiatrist practice it b/c the reimbursement sux plus schizophrenia and depression have much better responses to 2nd generation antipsychotics and SSRIs, respectively than therapy.
American Board for Psychiatry and Neurology

During my stint in Neurosurgery I found it to be the most voodoo of disciplines I've seen in medicine . . . not what you would expect from brain surgery huh?

Haha... I always knew there was something odd about those brain surgeons...

Piano Man

Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Orsorum
They signed up, they should bear the responsibility. After all, we're doing the right thing by being in Iraq.

Aside from that insanely sarcastic remark, I grieve for them tremendously, and I pray for their families.

Never mind. I didn't read the whole post.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
In the twentieth century Psychoanalysis pealed open the interior of the human psyche and discovered unconscious motivation. This discovery, central to the truth of human experience, is so profound, and the motivation not to deal with it so powerful that the human race, in its collective unconscious, has been trying to slam that lid back shut ever since it was opened. Thew notion that we don't know what we are doing, that we are programmed machines, is so odious, and the mechanism that makes it possible, the amnesia of early pain so powerful that humanity wants only to go back to sleep again. It is no coincidence, I think, that the discovery of the truth of the mind and the atom were made at about the same time. Only the threat of extinction enables some few to go deep inside.

Such a pity that man is such a fool. For his sleep he will pay with all his children's children. We will awake or go extinct.

Not sure what this has to do with suicide in the case above but we have very real plans on the board to nuke several countries if the giong gets rough even with just "conventional" warfare. NK for one. Then you have the "bunker busters" nuke ideas floating around weapons labs which seems emminet production and use. Nope i don't think it's helping to go "deep" inside moonie. Seems full-grown humans are really just like 5 yr olds in a sandbox fighting over a matchbox car. And the bigger bully always wins. You know might makes right. It's true but sad no IMO, if you're in the other guys shoes and you feel.

Extinct? No way the elite have nuclear powered bunkers with O2 recyclers, biophere type farming techniques etc t survive underground for hundreds of years. Would'nt you right now if you had the means?


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: Mani
Originally posted by: bjc112
That's terrible.. And i'll pray for the families of those men..

But having a good friend that did commit suicide, i have to say that they are just plain stupid..

NOTHING is that bad that it is worth taking your own life over it.

You have no idea what they saw or what nightmares were plagued by. And you are no position to judge them.

Oh, of course we are. Everyone on this board judges everyone else, regardless of their experiences or qualifications, with a few exceptions.

This is one of the things that irritates me. People making judgements on others with zero experience or qualifications. It's easy to make blanket statements about others' strength of character when the most traumatizing thing you've ever seen is a guy eating ants on fear factor.


Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2002
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: bjc112
What ype of place would the world be today without the U.S. fighting WWII? War is ugly, but sometimes it's necessary.

I totally agree.

I'd just like to interject here. One American life lost in Iraq is one life too many. Iraq was no threat to us and Iraqnot only wasn't attacking us but in truth couldn't have attacked us.

This entire unnecessary invasion was cooked up by warmongers in the Bush administration who are now profiteering off of their invasion.

And this ISN'T WWII by any stretch of the imagination.

It may, however, turn out to be another Viet Nam.

I totally agree with you. This isn't the "wild-west" as Cheney once put it. In 50 years that have passed since WWII, our collective nation has grown much wiser. Our president shouldn't act on basic principles (sp?) of fear, ie fear of appearing of weak, fear of not being re-elected. Rather than utelizing (sp?) archaic i.r. realist theory, we should be embracing the toughts of the populace of our nation, as well as the international community.

On a side note, it's terrible to see anyone take their own life. Further, unless you're in their situation, you can't judge the reasoning of their actions. >> "there's no reason to take your own life"



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Mani
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: Mani
Originally posted by: bjc112
That's terrible.. And i'll pray for the families of those men..

But having a good friend that did commit suicide, i have to say that they are just plain stupid..

NOTHING is that bad that it is worth taking your own life over it.

You have no idea what they saw or what nightmares were plagued by. And you are no position to judge them.

Oh, of course we are. Everyone on this board judges everyone else, regardless of their experiences or qualifications, with a few exceptions.

This is one of the things that irritates me. People making judgements on others with zero experience or qualifications. It's easy to make blanket statements about others' strength of character when the most traumatizing thing you've ever seen is a guy eating ants on fear factor.

LOL! This is so true I was about to reply with the same sentiment. I absolutely deplore anyone who has the gall to think they are "smarter" than someone who killed themself! What you are is LUCKIER you friggin judgemental little self centered prick! I pray you don't have to go through anything as devastating as one who thought suicide was the only answer. And yet I feel you are TOO STUPID to understand unless you do!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
In the twentieth century Psychoanalysis pealed open the interior of the human psyche and discovered unconscious motivation. This discovery, central to the truth of human experience, is so profound, and the motivation not to deal with it so powerful that the human race, in its collective unconscious, has been trying to slam that lid back shut ever since it was opened. Thew notion that we don't know what we are doing, that we are programmed machines, is so odious, and the mechanism that makes it possible, the amnesia of early pain so powerful that humanity wants only to go back to sleep again. It is no coincidence, I think, that the discovery of the truth of the mind and the atom were made at about the same time. Only the threat of extinction enables some few to go deep inside.

Such a pity that man is such a fool. For his sleep he will pay with all his children's children. We will awake or go extinct.

Not sure what this has to do with suicide in the case above but we have very real plans on the board to nuke several countries if the giong gets rough even with just "conventional" warfare. NK for one. Then you have the "bunker busters" nuke ideas floating around weapons labs which seems emminet production and use. Nope i don't think it's helping to go "deep" inside moonie. Seems full-grown humans are really just like 5 yr olds in a sandbox fighting over a matchbox car. And the bigger bully always wins. You know might makes right. It's true but sad no IMO, if you're in the other guys shoes and you feel.

Extinct? No way the elite have nuclear powered bunkers with O2 recyclers, biophere type farming techniques etc t survive underground for hundreds of years. Would'nt you right now if you had the means?

Even if that were true, what would prevent the elite from later infighting after the rest of the world is obliterated and kill themselves?

And #2, you seem to have misunderstood Moonbeam's post. He is talking about extinction through suicide and not having children because of it. And early childhood trauma being the cause of blocking out memories of it. I fail to see how this ties in with being programmed machines though Moonbeam. Perhaps people subconciously want to go to sleep because it is easier than dealing with problems in your life (which you do while awake) that is the motivator you speak of. At least that is how I see it. But we all see things differently sometimes don't we?


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2003
Originally posted by: Bigdude
were you cheering when we were dropping bombs on iraq?


So you thinks its ok to kill then, and i guess you got mad when some cheered when the twin towers went down - you dont see the similarity?


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Bigdude
were you cheering when we were dropping bombs on iraq?


You have to be joking. I mean, in all honesty, I've never seen you demonstrate anything other than the logic process and the maturity level of a 12 year old.


Dec 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Mani
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: Mani
Originally posted by: bjc112
That's terrible.. And i'll pray for the families of those men..

But having a good friend that did commit suicide, i have to say that they are just plain stupid..

NOTHING is that bad that it is worth taking your own life over it.

You have no idea what they saw or what nightmares were plagued by. And you are no position to judge them.

Oh, of course we are. Everyone on this board judges everyone else, regardless of their experiences or qualifications, with a few exceptions.

This is one of the things that irritates me. People making judgements on others with zero experience or qualifications. It's easy to make blanket statements about others' strength of character when the most traumatizing thing you've ever seen is a guy eating ants on fear factor.

I'm not making a blanket statement.. My good friend committed suicide because of things going downhill with his family.. He was stupid for doing so.. Things were and are horrible over in Iraq , but NOTHING is that bad that you need to take your own life.



Dec 23, 2000
I absolutely deplore anyone who has the gall to think they are "smarter" than someone who killed themself! What you are is LUCKIER you friggin judgemental little self centered prick! I pray you don't have to go through anything as devastating as one who thought suicide was the only answer. And yet I feel you are TOO STUPID to understand unless you do!

Smarter? I'm by no means smarter, they are putting their life on the line, but if YOU take your OWN life you are stupid. NOTHING IS THAT BAD.

I don't know what's so hard to understand...

one who thought suicide was the only answer.

That's the whole damn thing... SUICIDE ISN'T the answer...

Oh ya..



Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: bjc112
Originally posted by: Mani
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: Mani
Originally posted by: bjc112
That's terrible.. And i'll pray for the families of those men..

But having a good friend that did commit suicide, i have to say that they are just plain stupid..

NOTHING is that bad that it is worth taking your own life over it.

You have no idea what they saw or what nightmares were plagued by. And you are no position to judge them.

Oh, of course we are. Everyone on this board judges everyone else, regardless of their experiences or qualifications, with a few exceptions.

This is one of the things that irritates me. People making judgements on others with zero experience or qualifications. It's easy to make blanket statements about others' strength of character when the most traumatizing thing you've ever seen is a guy eating ants on fear factor.

I'm not making a blanket statement.. My good friend committed suicide because of things going downhill with his family.. He was stupid for doing so.. Things were and are horrible over in Iraq , but NOTHING is that bad that you need to take your own life.

Having a friend who committed suicide does not give you the right to judge soldiers who have taken their lives as being stupid. It's easy to say that suicide is never the answer when you have never been overcome by visions and emotions so terrible that death looked to be a preferential alternative. I haven't, and I'm fortunate for that, but I have seen veterans in nursing homes who were so affected by what they saw that while alive, may as well have been dead. Their eyes are glazed over, they take joy in nothing, they are completely removed from society, they fall into panic attacks and constantly relive flashbacks of what they saw, they can't sleep as they are plagued by nightmares...

Saying things like "suicide is never the answer" makes for nice rhetoric, but personally, I would rather die than live like the people I have described above.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2003
Originally posted by: bjc112
I absolutely deplore anyone who has the gall to think they are "smarter" than someone who killed themself! What you are is LUCKIER you friggin judgemental little self centered prick! I pray you don't have to go through anything as devastating as one who thought suicide was the only answer. And yet I feel you are TOO STUPID to understand unless you do!

Smarter? I'm by no means smarter, they are putting their life on the line, but if YOU take your OWN life you are stupid. NOTHING IS THAT BAD.

I don't know what's so hard to understand...

one who thought suicide was the only answer.

That's the whole damn thing... SUICIDE ISN'T the answer...

Oh ya..


some things ARE that bad that you will take your own life. Some people have beliefs and morals, i you do something that you cannot live with, then i guess you just dont live. I dont get how people think is so right to kill others for what the believe in yet it is insane or unthinkable to kill themselves for the same reasons.


Dec 23, 2000
I'll disagree about the part of things being that bad, but enough with that..

I guess your right, it just comes down to morals.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: bjc112
I absolutely deplore anyone who has the gall to think they are "smarter" than someone who killed themself! What you are is LUCKIER you friggin judgemental little self centered prick! I pray you don't have to go through anything as devastating as one who thought suicide was the only answer. And yet I feel you are TOO STUPID to understand unless you do!

Smarter? I'm by no means smarter, they are putting their life on the line, but if YOU take your OWN life you are stupid. NOTHING IS THAT BAD.


I don't know what's so hard to understand...

I know you don't know, there is a lot you don't know. With what you DON'T know, we could fill a library full of books!

one who thought suicide was the only answer.

That's the whole damn thing... SUICIDE ISN'T the answer...


Obviously not in every case. Are you telling me you've seen every case? You know the worst thing that can happen to a human being? Much less lived it? Get your head out of your silver spooned, Althlon 3400 XP, cushy lifestyled ass for just a brief moment in time and try to ponder a life where the worst thing that has ever happened to you isn't having to pop that newly formed pimple on your asscheek. Or is that your face?

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