16X SLI - the end of jaggies

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Rollo
You need to grow up Creig. If it makes you angry to read what I view as the truth about ATI cards, you shouldn't read my posts, and you for sure shouldn't open my threads.

I am amazed a grown man could admit it makes him "angry" to read my posts? WTH do you care? You can bet I do nothing but smile replying to your posts.

And you need glasses. I don't think you read my post very carefully. I was agreeing with Kevin that every now and then people let loose, although it's better to maintain a civil conversation.

Please point out where I said reading your posts made me angry. I might groan, roll my eyes or wonder how a grown man could be so desperately defensive about a video card, but I'm not "angry".

Originally posted by: Rollo
Not like you're designing their products or even really USING them of late? So why do you care?

Because I'll correct anybody who posts grossly inaccurate/misleading information about any product. These forums are about spreading information, not FUD.

I could ask you why you are so insanely protective of Nvidia. But you'd just dodge the question like the last three or four times I've asked you.

Originally posted by: Rollo
Sheesh. Relax, enjoy life. If you disagree with what I say, or think I'm smug, refute me with links that back up your views. I'll change mine if I'm shown they're wrong.

HIGHLY doubtful.

Originally posted by: Rollo
Of the two of us, who gives ATI a fairer shake?

Um.... That would be ME. I don't badmouth them at every opportunity.

Originally posted by: Rollo
You: haven't bought one of their cards for years.

Me: Buy their best one every year*. I'm even going to buy a R520 to check out even though I have no use for it whatsoever?

Good for you. And then you turn around and sell it so you can tell everybody just how lousy the drivers were, how much better your Nvidia card is, etc...

Originally posted by: Rollo
2003- 9800Pro
2001- 8500
These cards were all the best ATI had at the time I bought them, and I've publicly committed to buying a R520 for probably $600 or more even though I don't even need one as I currently have 6800GT SLI and 7800GTX SLI in my rigs. Who supports ATI more than me? (hint: it ain't you)

Support comes in more forms than just monetary. But you wouldn't understand that. Of the two of us, who has encouraged more people to purchase ATI products? (hint: it ain't you)


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Creig
Support comes in more forms than just monetary. But you wouldn't understand that. Of the two of us, who has encouraged more people to purchase ATI products? (hint: it ain't you)

Why would anyone listen to your advice? You don't even take it yourself?

You're like a Cadillac salesman who drives a KIA?


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Rock Hydra
Glad we're able to stay on topic.

Hey, it's my topic. I certainly don't want all this "Wah Rollo is biased" crap in my thread. It's supposed to be about 16X SLI AA.


Senior member
Jun 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Creig
Support comes in more forms than just monetary. But you wouldn't understand that. Of the two of us, who has encouraged more people to purchase ATI products? (hint: it ain't you)

Why would anyone listen to your advice? You don't even take it yourself?

You're like a Cadillac salesman who drives a KIA?


LOL! yeah i'm going to listen to a guy who owns none of the hardware in question and doenst even have firsthand experience with it too!!
Blind leading the blind!

And when you get the R520, if the drivers and product are subpar compared to the 7800GTX if you reveal the truth even in spite of that morons unfounded claims how great it is anyway.. i'll laugh at the guy who listens to him and not you.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
A. This isn't business, there's no profit to be made in buying computer hardware.

B. Only a very small man would begrudge others their good fortune.

C. Only a very small man cares if he has the "best" of a material possession, and for how long.

Oh man that's great stuff.. I was about to rip into viceral mode on them until I saw your sensible post...Let me just add something since we into that philo realm.

It's the haters uncontrollable emotional desire for things that make them miserable with feelings of inadequacy, failure, and the like which is why they are responding with such hostility. They really want it bad, can't have it ATM so tear down someone who does.

To them I say

Stop worrying about the money, status, and posessions. If they come to you, then fine. Work hard, try to be comfortable in this world. Just don't let "desire" wholly consume your life to the point that you become a total slave to it, and it screams though your posts. Life's a heck of a lot happier when you're not consumed by "stuff".


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: southpawuni

LOL! yeah i'm going to listen to a guy who owns none of the hardware in question and doenst even have firsthand experience with it too!!
Blind leading the blind!

And when you get the R520, if the drivers and product are subpar compared to the 7800GTX if you reveal the truth even in spite of that morons unfounded claims how great it is anyway.. i'll laugh at the guy who listens to him and not you.

Sorry, son. This discussion is for adults only. Why don't you come back in about 5 years after you've matured a bit.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Creig
Support comes in more forms than just monetary. But you wouldn't understand that. Of the two of us, who has encouraged more people to purchase ATI products? (hint: it ain't you)

Why would anyone listen to your advice? You don't even take it yourself?

You're like a Cadillac salesman who drives a KIA?

Do you have memory problems? How many times do I have to tell it to you before it finally sinks in? I am still HAPPY with the performance of my current system. So why should I spend $ upgrading something I'm happy with? Duh!
Feb 19, 2001
Originally posted by: southpawuni
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Creig
Support comes in more forms than just monetary. But you wouldn't understand that. Of the two of us, who has encouraged more people to purchase ATI products? (hint: it ain't you)

Why would anyone listen to your advice? You don't even take it yourself?

You're like a Cadillac salesman who drives a KIA?


LOL! yeah i'm going to listen to a guy who owns none of the hardware in question and doenst even have firsthand experience with it too!!
Blind leading the blind!

And when you get the R520, if the drivers and product are subpar compared to the 7800GTX if you reveal the truth even in spite of that morons unfounded claims how great it is anyway.. i'll laugh at the guy who listens to him and not you.

Why would R520 run into DRIVERS problems. The drivers problems were back in the original Radeon days. They have come a LONG LONG way since. That's why when NVidia or ATI releases cards, we don't doubt that drivers will be pretty good. Given the unified drivers, and similar technologies from each generation to the next, drivers ought to have some level of decent performance.


Senior member
Dec 4, 2004
Rollo if you have a chance can you post screenshots of BF2? I'm curious to see how smooth it is at those distances.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2004
rollo man i wish i had money like you but i am still 17 so i guess i do have a chance in my life to make more money i expect i will make.

Either way i would like to say one thing to the people flaming


okay now onto the 16xSLI.. i definately noticed a diffrence in the quality. it just simple amazes me how engineers come up with this kind of stuff. Anyway i looked at the Crossfire reveiw by Anadtech and i am definately impressed by what it can do. I also read {H} reveiw on 16x SLI and i agree with what they said for the first time.

What ATI can do with its crossfire , NV.

ATIs three main things that it going to bring to the consumers

14x AA
2 Cards made by diffrent companies can be paired to achieve multi GPU
super tiling

now if u look at NVs recent SLI improvements

future drivers such as 80.xx will allow consumers to use cards made by diffrent companies such as a BFG 7800gtx and evga 7800gtx can you be paired together to achieve SLI

anyway at this point what ATI is yesterdays news just like Anadtech reveiw stated. i only hope they wont have any more yeild problems nor any problems at all while producing r520 crossfire edition cards.


Senior member
Jun 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Creig
Originally posted by: southpawuni

LOL! yeah i'm going to listen to a guy who owns none of the hardware in question and doenst even have firsthand experience with it too!!
Blind leading the blind!

And when you get the R520, if the drivers and product are subpar compared to the 7800GTX if you reveal the truth even in spite of that morons unfounded claims how great it is anyway.. i'll laugh at the guy who listens to him and not you.

Sorry, son. This discussion is for adults only. Why don't you come back in about 5 years after you've matured a bit.

good one. come back when you make a mans salary and can afford something better than a 9500 non-pro.

in the meantime, i'll listen to a sensible adult who clearly has the money to test the hardware and is available for questions that the review sites are not open too nearly as much.

let me know when you get both a 7800 and a R520 and people will think you are a big deal too.

until then, theres one person here who will have both hardware lineups to compare too.
you dont know a thing and cant even speak about the Geforce7, let alone both like he will be able too.

come back when you have a college education and can afford a decent graphics card, then have something to contribute other than to tear down someone who is probably the most contributing member here.

But no thanks troll.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: southpawuni
I gotta add, there is NO doubt Team ATI around here has finally popped and is just screaming and squirming all over the place.. thats all that the anti-Rollo hatred is about, they finally lost their marbles.

You'll have that with such a long run of Nvidia domination. Great hardware (up to DirectX standards), great drivers (industry leading).. what do you want?
Just to go buy ATI instead just to be a traitor to your nation?
Might as well go shop at Walmart and stock up on Chinese products too while you guys are at it!
You cant deny buying Nvidia IS more American! Though being the superior product is what really makes them so popular..

end yourself.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: DLeRium
Originally posted by: southpawuni
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Creig
Support comes in more forms than just monetary. But you wouldn't understand that. Of the two of us, who has encouraged more people to purchase ATI products? (hint: it ain't you)

Why would anyone listen to your advice? You don't even take it yourself?

You're like a Cadillac salesman who drives a KIA?


LOL! yeah i'm going to listen to a guy who owns none of the hardware in question and doenst even have firsthand experience with it too!!
Blind leading the blind!

And when you get the R520, if the drivers and product are subpar compared to the 7800GTX if you reveal the truth even in spite of that morons unfounded claims how great it is anyway.. i'll laugh at the guy who listens to him and not you.

Why would R520 run into DRIVERS problems. The drivers problems were back in the original Radeon days. They have come a LONG LONG way since. That's why when NVidia or ATI releases cards, we don't doubt that drivers will be pretty good. Given the unified drivers, and similar technologies from each generation to the next, drivers ought to have some level of decent performance.

Its easy to code drivers for the same architecture, historically it takes ATi at least 5 driver revisions to get stability in all major titles on new architecture. With the R300 architecture, it was more like 15.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Rock Hydra
Glad we're able to stay on topic.

Hey, it's my topic. I certainly don't want all this "Wah Rollo is biased" crap in my thread. It's supposed to be about 16X SLI AA.

All you have to do is admit it, and move on. Saying you are not bias, is a lie, and everyone knows it. :shrug:


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Creig
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Creig
Support comes in more forms than just monetary. But you wouldn't understand that. Of the two of us, who has encouraged more people to purchase ATI products? (hint: it ain't you)

Why would anyone listen to your advice? You don't even take it yourself?

You're like a Cadillac salesman who drives a KIA?

Do you have memory problems? How many times do I have to tell it to you before it finally sinks in? I am still HAPPY with the performance of my current system. So why should I spend $ upgrading something I'm happy with? Duh!

It doesn't answer the question though- you're still the Cadillac salesman driving a KIA.

You have no first hand experience with the products you are touting, and you admittedly don't care enough about what they offer to buy them.

Yet here you are telling others why they should care?

What have you posted in my thread about 16X SLI about 16X SLI Creig? You're an off topic flamer trying to justify his flaming, nothing more.



Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
News flash: You dont have to have the hardware, to know about it. Just because I dont have a FX-57, doesnt mean I dont know its the fastest gaming CPU out right now.


Feb 3, 2005
Thanks Rollo for taking your time to post pics of 16AA and give us a mini-review! I always appreciate it. I wish some others would appreciate it too.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Ackmed
News flash: You dont have to have the hardware, to know about it. Just because I dont have a FX-57, doesnt mean I dont know its the fastest gaming CPU out right now.

It doesn't hurt to own the hardware.

For example, when the FUD crowd posts: "SLI is buggy as hell and works on only a handful of games!" someone like me can respond "Really? I've had no problems with it and it works on almost every game I've tried".

Since I'm actually doing things in direct contradiction to them just repeating rumors or things they've read in forums, my word has more weight.

Funny how that works Ackmed. When you can actually do the things other people just talk about, it gives your opinion more weight.

Sort of like some guy living in East Podunk, Alabama posting "I read about Martha's Vinyard, I hears it suxorz" not being giving as much credence as the guy living there posting "I live at Martha's Vinyard and it rocks!"

Make sense ol buddy?


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Noob
Rollo if you have a chance can you post screenshots of BF2? I'm curious to see how smooth it is at those distances.

I only have the demo of it, added a shot of 10X7 16X16X High Quality to the mix.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Tell me something, Rollo. Does this kind of crap make you not want to take what you know, and what you have, and just keep it to yourself? How many threads have we started (you and I), that things end up like this? It gets old after a while.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2000
Are you kidding Ronin? He obviously digs the conflict, otherwise he wouldn't provoke it with his snide comments.
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