18, can my parents tell me where i can stay?!

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Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
Originally posted by: thraashman
ok, I'm sorry. but reading this thread makes me realize how stupid alot of you are. Alot of you are saying that just because he lives in their house they can tell him what to do. That's such total BS. There's a reason that we have freedom in this country. They can tell him certain people that aren't allowed in their house. They can tell him things he can't do inside their house. But once he walks out that door, even if he still lives there, they can't say anything. He's 18, and can make his own choices. Whether or not he lives at home. He's not their property. And those of you who seem to think so need to learn to pull your heads outta your asses a bit before you talk.

And I think you need a little reality check.

It is THEIR house. NOT his. If they choose to set him out by the curb
with all his belongings they CAN.

We do have freedom in this country. He has the freedom to do as his parents ask and
reap the fruits of that decision and he has the freedom to ignore their requests and
reap the fruits of that decision also



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Bottom Line:
You can do whatever you want.
They can do whatever they want, including deciding they don't want to pay for your rent and food anymore and not allowing you in THEIR house anymore.


Platinum Member
May 4, 2002
Yes, you do live in a free country. You are free to do whatever you want.

This includes sucking up the consequences of any of your actions. That is one enaliable right that everyone forgets.


Jul 3, 2001
Every time someone posts something like this, almost everyone says that the person is an ungrateful punk who should have moved out when they turned 18 anyways just like they did to make themselves feel better (as if it is a great accomplishment). What they forget to mention is that most of them have pathetic family ties, rarely talk to their parents, etc. Just take what they say lightly.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2000
If you dont like their rules, move out. But unless you are ready to make it on your own, stop being a little bitch and show your parents some respect. By age 18, if they felt you were reponsible enough Im sure they'd let you do as you'd like but maybe you havent earned their trust. My parents let me come and go as I please when I come home during breaks from college, but that is because I have proven myself responsible by doing well in school and so on.

Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Every time someone posts something like this, almost everyone says that the person is an ungrateful punk who should have moved out when they turned 18 anyways just like they did to make themselves feel better (as if it is a great accomplishment). What they forget to mention is that most of them have pathetic family ties, rarely talk to their parents, etc. Just take what they say lightly.

dont forget the people that moved out when they turned 18 and look down upon those that chose to stay with their parents until they have enough money for a house or condo. GOD FORBID people take a stand in their lives and try to make parents realize "hey, im not a little kid anymore." Spare me people. Their house their rules, but you have every right to challenge unfair rules and make them try to see it from your perspective. Just because none of you had the balls to stand up to your parents doesnt mean anyone else shouldnt.

BTW, I do still live with my parents, and I have a wonderful relationship with them. I have obeyed some rules, and challenged others. Lost some, won some. I had to make them see that I was no longer the 8 year old that needed help all the time. Too bad most of you couldnt do that.


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2001
Water can form to any shape and move fluidly through the most rigid of places. Yet in time, water can erode even the hardest rock. Push and give, push and give. Be like water.



Apr 10, 2000
I hope those of you who say their house their rules don't have kids. Because your kids will end up hating you and rebelling and doing stupid things just to make you angry. I live with my parents at 23, and the only reason I haven't moved out is because my father asked me not to until I was sure I could support myself comfotably. And my parents have never been too strict, they let me make alot of my own decisions. And guess what, unlike most of you, I've never done any drugs, I don't smoke or drink, I don't sleep around with girls, I'm nearly a freaking choir boy (cept I'm atheist). I thankfully will not raise my shildren anything like most of you seem to say you will, because I want my children to be happy.


Golden Member
Sep 6, 2002
I am still somewhat confused by the fact that you are so upset because you couldn't SLEEP over at your brothers house. 1) When your asleep you don't care whether your in your own bed or in the middle of the street. 2) Why not go home fairly late and then get up the next morning and go back over there (wouldnt' that be the same thing as sleeping there almost) 3) Why does not being able to sleep there bring up such utter disgust for people not wanting to listne to their parents.

Personally, if you were my kid and under my house, i would kick your butt just for putting this thread here. Sounds like your young enough at heart to still be spankin' worthy.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
Just wondering but what exactly does an 18-year old do that he can buy his own car, furniture, and pay all of his "bills"???

I have no problem with people complaining about how their parents treat them (heck, I have ASIAN parents, strict to the max) but there is a fine line between complaining and disrespecting them. He obviously does not know how much his parents give him, and is not thankful for it at all. I don't have a problem with what he's tryign to say but the way he says it and his attitude makes him come across as a pompous, ungrateful arse. He obviously also needs a dose of reality. This is not a question of standing up to your parents and having your "freedom", he just needs to grow up.



Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2003
Originally posted by: TravisT
I am still somewhat confused by the fact that you are so upset because you couldn't SLEEP over at your brothers house. 1) When your asleep you don't care whether your in your own bed or in the middle of the street. 2) Why not go home fairly late and then get up the next morning and go back over there (wouldnt' that be the same thing as sleeping there almost) 3) Why does not being able to sleep there bring up such utter disgust for people not wanting to listne to their parents.

Personally, if you were my kid and under my house, i would kick your butt just for putting this thread here. Sounds like your young enough at heart to still be spankin' worthy.

If I were your kid, i'd kick my own butt.


Golden Member
Dec 6, 2001
legally they can't but as long as you're living with them they get to tell u what u can/can't do... its just the reality; if u disobey they kick you out, then u do whatever u want


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: weezergirl
Just wondering but what exactly does an 18-year old do that he can buy his own car, furniture, and pay all of his "bills"???

I have no problem with people complaining about how their parents treat them (heck, I have ASIAN parents, strict to the max) but there is a fine line between complaining and disrespecting them. He obviously does not know how much his parents give him, and is not thankful for it at all. I don't have a problem with what he's tryign to say but the way he says it and his attitude makes him come across as a pompous, ungrateful arse. He obviously also needs a dose of reality. This is not a question of standing up to your parents and having your "freedom", he just needs to grow up.

I'm 18, I have my own car, my own bills, furniture, etc.
I am a systems support specialist for 40ish hours a week, and I put in a few hours at best buy (4-5)



Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2003
And here is a question to challenge your minds..

Why should I, or any other person, be grateful to my parents? Why should I feel in debt to them? They put me here, I had no choice in the matter. Sure, they paid for my food, clothes, wants and needs..but why am I automatically in debt to them? I have the choice to respect my parents , and the choice to follow their rules. If I choose not to follow their rules, why does that make me an ungrateful punk?

Another what if...

What if my parents provide me with everything I want and need, but are highly abusive? Should I still be grateful for what they do? Should I still respect their rules?

Just because they are your parents, doesn't mean they own you. Everyone who is saying "you should wait until you mature a bit". Haha. Look at yourselves...


Aug 9, 2000
I dont get along with my mom because she kept bossing me around. Solution, I just stayed for the summer b/c i had no place to go. I lived under her rules while she acknowledged she knew i was not coming back next summer. After college, I am gonna be living on my own. Right now, I live in an aprtment on campus with my roommate. Your parents cannot tell you what to do, but they can give you consequnces for not listening. Just know that.


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Saulbadguy
And here is a question to challenge your minds..

Why should I, or any other person, be grateful to my parents? Why should I feel in debt to them? They put me here, I had no choice in the matter. Sure, they paid for my food, clothes, wants and needs..but why am I automatically in debt to them? I have the choice to respect my parents , and the choice to follow their rules. If I choose not to follow their rules, why does that make me an ungrateful punk?

Another what if...

What if my parents provide me with everything I want and need, but are highly abusive? Should I still be grateful for what they do? Should I still respect their rules?

Just because they are your parents, doesn't mean they own you. Everyone who is saying "you should wait until you mature a bit". Haha. Look at yourselves...
You answered your own question retard. Your attitude REEKS of immaturity. Trust me, you will understand us whenever you grow up.



Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: TravisT
I am still somewhat confused by the fact that you are so upset because you couldn't SLEEP over at your brothers house. 1) When your asleep you don't care whether your in your own bed or in the middle of the street. 2) Why not go home fairly late and then get up the next morning and go back over there (wouldnt' that be the same thing as sleeping there almost) 3) Why does not being able to sleep there bring up such utter disgust for people not wanting to listne to their parents.

Personally, if you were my kid and under my house, i would kick your butt just for putting this thread here. Sounds like your young enough at heart to still be spankin' worthy.

valid curiousity...

we go 4-wheeling and out until late...12am+... and he lives 30+ min away, so why would i drive all the way home just to sleep and then drive back over there? i wouldnt and wont...simple, thats retarded in it self.

i never remember the thought of me being "utterly disgusted" by it...i think you made that up on your own.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2003
Originally posted by: amcdonald
Originally posted by: Saulbadguy
And here is a question to challenge your minds..

Why should I, or any other person, be grateful to my parents? Why should I feel in debt to them? They put me here, I had no choice in the matter. Sure, they paid for my food, clothes, wants and needs..but why am I automatically in debt to them? I have the choice to respect my parents , and the choice to follow their rules. If I choose not to follow their rules, why does that make me an ungrateful punk?

Another what if...

What if my parents provide me with everything I want and need, but are highly abusive? Should I still be grateful for what they do? Should I still respect their rules?

Just because they are your parents, doesn't mean they own you. Everyone who is saying "you should wait until you mature a bit". Haha. Look at yourselves...
You answered your own question retard. Your attitude REEKS of immaturity. Trust me, you will understand us whenever you grow up.

And there you go again jumping to conclusions. I AM grateful for what my parents did for me, I was challenging you, not specifically you, but people like you, to step back and take a look at it that way. I had many situations like chins, where I wanted to go out and my parents would not let me. I got tired of it, and moved out. Now I have a wonderful relationship with my parents, I just had problems with them when I lived with them. I understand you now, but I don't think you understand everyone else. Like I said..Im grateful for what my parents did for me, but do I feel in debt to them? Not really. When they get old and senile, I'll support them like they supported me, but ultimately it was there decision to put me on this earth, and therefore it was there responsbility to take care of me until I reached the point where I could support myself.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Saulbadguy
And here is a question to challenge your minds..

Why should I, or any other person, be grateful to my parents? Why should I feel in debt to them? They put me here, I had no choice in the matter. Sure, they paid for my food, clothes, wants and needs..but why am I automatically in debt to them? I have the choice to respect my parents , and the choice to follow their rules. If I choose not to follow their rules, why does that make me an ungrateful punk?

Another what if...

What if my parents provide me with everything I want and need, but are highly abusive? Should I still be grateful for what they do? Should I still respect their rules?

Just because they are your parents, doesn't mean they own you. Everyone who is saying "you should wait until you mature a bit". Haha. Look at yourselves...

If he has a problem with their rules, why doens't he move out? Noone says once he is 18 his parents HAVE to provide for him. Whatever they do for him the minute he turns 18 is because they care for him, if he can't appreciate that, he really does need to move out. Having them pay your way after you are an adult and you have a way of making it on your own rather than freeloading off of them, deserves SOME thanks I would think.

And again, I just wanted to note that I did not listen to my parents 24/7 or act like a robot and do what they say just cuz they provided for me. I was saying there's a difference between normal rebelling against parents and complete ungratefulness and disrespect. Are you even listening to the things he says? I can't believe people are defending him.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: weezergirl
Originally posted by: Saulbadguy
And here is a question to challenge your minds..

Why should I, or any other person, be grateful to my parents? Why should I feel in debt to them? They put me here, I had no choice in the matter. Sure, they paid for my food, clothes, wants and needs..but why am I automatically in debt to them? I have the choice to respect my parents , and the choice to follow their rules. If I choose not to follow their rules, why does that make me an ungrateful punk?

Another what if...

What if my parents provide me with everything I want and need, but are highly abusive? Should I still be grateful for what they do? Should I still respect their rules?

Just because they are your parents, doesn't mean they own you. Everyone who is saying "you should wait until you mature a bit". Haha. Look at yourselves...

If he has a problem with their rules, why doens't he move out? Noone says once he is 18 his parents HAVE to provide for him. Whatever they do for him the minute he turns 18 is because they care for him, if he can't appreciate that, he really does need to move out. Having them pay your way after you are an adult and you have a way of making it on your own rather than freeloading off of them, deserves SOME thanks I would think.

And again, I just wanted to note that I did not listen to my parents 24/7 or act like a robot and do what they say just cuz they provided for me. I was saying there's a difference between normal rebelling against parents and complete ungratefulness and disrespect. Are you even listening to the things he says? I can't believe people are defending him.

sorry...but...what did i say that showed me as 'ungrateful and disrespectful" , all i did was state how i pay for everything...because people were saying that i was a "spoiled punk" blah blah

and for the record, i do appreciate what they 'provide' for me, never remember saying i didnt.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: chin311
Originally posted by: NeuroSynapsis
you can do whatever the hell you want. if your parents don't like it they can kick you out whenever the hell they want

thats what i tend to think...

its almost the same as trying to tell me who i can date...not their decision...oh well, i guess ill just STFU and do whatever.
I don't understand... you're asian right? Don't you know it's normal for them to bitch and moan and the only thing you can do is move out ? Don't fight centuries of history... asian parents are the worst. Only when you move out will you truly be able to do what you want.

My home office is a mess... and mom isn't here to tell me to clean $#!T up! Muhahahahaha.



Golden Member
Jun 25, 2002
Originally posted by: chin311
Originally posted by: weezergirl
Originally posted by: Saulbadguy
And here is a question to challenge your minds..

Why should I, or any other person, be grateful to my parents? Why should I feel in debt to them? They put me here, I had no choice in the matter. Sure, they paid for my food, clothes, wants and needs..but why am I automatically in debt to them? I have the choice to respect my parents , and the choice to follow their rules. If I choose not to follow their rules, why does that make me an ungrateful punk?

Another what if...

What if my parents provide me with everything I want and need, but are highly abusive? Should I still be grateful for what they do? Should I still respect their rules?

Just because they are your parents, doesn't mean they own you. Everyone who is saying "you should wait until you mature a bit". Haha. Look at yourselves...

If he has a problem with their rules, why doens't he move out? Noone says once he is 18 his parents HAVE to provide for him. Whatever they do for him the minute he turns 18 is because they care for him, if he can't appreciate that, he really does need to move out. Having them pay your way after you are an adult and you have a way of making it on your own rather than freeloading off of them, deserves SOME thanks I would think.

And again, I just wanted to note that I did not listen to my parents 24/7 or act like a robot and do what they say just cuz they provided for me. I was saying there's a difference between normal rebelling against parents and complete ungratefulness and disrespect. Are you even listening to the things he says? I can't believe people are defending him.

sorry...but...what did i say that showed me as 'ungrateful and disrespectful" , all i did was state how i pay for everything...because people were saying that i was a "spoiled punk" blah blah

and for the record, i do appreciate what they 'provide' for me, never remember saying i didnt.

Actions speak louder than words.


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: chin311
so yeah, they are trying to tell me where i can stay the night and where i cant, lol

i laugh, im still gonna stay wherever...i dont see how they can tell me that, even if i am living under 'their roof'

im 18, dont pay rent, would if they wanted it, but they havent asked sooo yeah.

i pay all my own bills, (insurance, phone, etc.)

what could they do if i dont 'listen' to them?


*awaits the AT flood of "their house, their rules" responses*

So, just stay where you want to stay and all will be well... don't worry, the police can't do crap.

unless you're afraid about being grounded, are you?

btw, i forbid you from going to your brother's house.
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