20 off 100 coupon for Albertson's in LA times

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Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by: Nutzo

As for the 2 major parties, I find it interesting that the Clinton Justice department never cracked down on any of these crooks (this corruption has been going on for years - could it be all the money Ken Lay donated to the Clintons ?). It wasn't until Bush was in office that they finally started arresting these crooks.

So why isn't the Bush administration cracking down on the Texan energy companies that scanned California during the energy crisis? Why is Dick Cheney's former company, Halliburton, awarded billions of dollars worth of Iraqi reconstruction contracts without even going through biddding?

I'm not convinced that all the problems today are caused by Clinton's administration and the current White House administration is doing everything to fix these so called legacy issues. The crooks will always be out there and no matter which politician is in power, they will be linked to some of these white collared crooks. The real problem is educating people to become informed enough of these issues, or to even bother to care (which given the state of politics, is hard to blame them for).



Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2003
Albertson's (and Ralph's) locked out the workers because the union went on strike at Von's.

I have little sympathy for either side in this. The real problem is with the healthcare system. EVERYONE is being f'ed by the ridiculous cost increases. Striking to force the companies to soak up a larger percentage of the healtcare costs is not going to solve the problem. What happens next year when healthcare costs increase another 10%+? Will they go on strike again to force the companies to absorb that as well? When does it end?


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2001
Are we still in the hotdeal forum? :\

Anyways thanks for coupons, I didn't have a chance to pick up the Sunday paper.


Nov 24, 2000
Strike? What strike?

Ooh, 12-packs for $1.50 each!

Hey, when one of the strikers yells "try stater brothers next time" turn around and yell "try making something of your life and getting an education instead of wasting your time striking!"
Dec 4, 2002
I hit up albertsons & vons today...saved $30 @ vons, dunno how much @ alb. The strikers were quite friendly, telling me to have a nice day & didnt bother getting into an argument about why they are there.


Golden Member
Aug 13, 2003
Originally posted by: Anonemous
Originally posted by: leborland
I was just visiting LA last week when the strike broke. There is a lot of misunderstanding about how much the clerks earn, though it probably is a bit more than other areas. Understand that housing there is quite high, $1500 upward for a 2 bedroom apartment. The stores want a wage freeze, lower pay for new hires, plus take-aways for medical and retirement benefits. This is all part of the Repulican plan for Union busting that started in the Reagan era. They figure now that unemployment is high enough, they can find scab labor willing to destroy the unions. The markets claim that they cannot compete with the new Walmart Superstores that are moving in, but Walmart is the most notorious store in the US for mistreating its workers (see the book Nickled and Dimed). They also claim losses this year of 0.5% to 2%, but that's not so much considering the economy is in the dumps and people are eating a little lower on the hog. Other businesses have fared far worse. Finally, if you are in a low paying job, you are a victim of an unfair economy. Busting unions and creating more victims is just going to make matters worse for everyone.

Housing is not that high in LA (compared to Boston/NYC/Tokyo) unless you really have to live in a fully gated apt/condo with pools and courts etc... And I know of friends getting 3-4 bdrms for 1500$ which they could split... and other friends who rent part of their houses for less than 1k in Westwood.

do you know any places in the actual city of los angeles that are this cheap? I can't find a decent apt for less than $1400 in the actual city... my dad rents our 2bdrms for $1900, no free utilities, no free nothing, but cable ( i live in a tiny tiny apartment in the back by myself)..... and I'd like to move out....


Feb 1, 2000
Originally posted by: dukdukgoos
You suck if you even consider using this. Crossing picket lines is definitely a sign of no class. Support working people trying to get fair compensation for their labor.

these people and well the mta mechanics , do not recieve nearly market rate wages.

the mta mechanics are on strike and i believe they already make 65k a year. the clerks make $14 an hour on average. for bagging groceries.
part of the grocery strike (actually most of it) is i believe they want $15 a week in insurance contribution. thats reallynot that much considering the skyrocketing costs of medical care.

that is ridiculous. the supermarkts must cut to stay compeitive with the walmart groceries that are opening soon, (walmart pays like $8 an hour and is non union). yes, less than $14 an hour is much harder to live off of. but its reality out there that not everyone makes $14 or more an hour, we arent a socialist country .... i make 8.59 an hour doing IT work right now... do i strike because i make less than an uneducated grocery bagger. NO. i do my damn job.

crossingthe picket line is fine by me. besides if you dont the supermarkets will lose money and have to fire the striking workers eventually. they are doing a disservice for themselves by keeping people out of the stores. hell if i were ralphs i'd probably be thinking about ways to replace them with self checkout terminals, since they are causing so much trouble.

yes it costs a lot to live in LA. but its obvious that the lower rungs of society are not going to be living at bel air apartments. ok fine, go ahead flame me. thats just what i have to say to the leftist people out there.

also i heard on the radio. go to ralphs. get the flyer inside. 12 pack soda is 1.49, and gallon of milk is 2.19

a 3 bedroom apartment where im from (torrance, which is 15 miles from westwood) is like $1000. it is expensive compared to the rest of the country, but you cant compare . hell we have 6.75 minimum wage here its much lower everywhere else also.



Aug 9, 2002
> Understand that housing there is quite high, $1500 upward for a 2 bedroom apartment.

Umm...so move to where $8 per hour like they make at wal-mart will support your family. If all else fails, go to college. I don't know why everyone thinks that corporations and the government OWE them anything.

> Finally, if you are in a low paying job, you are a victim of an unfair economy. Busting unions and creating more victims is just going to make matters worse for everyone.

This is chilling. You are telling people who happen to have a low paying job that they are a victim? What if they goofed off in high school or college and never studied or graduated? The fact is everyone has an opportunity to succeed. I am fairly successful by most uses of the word and I came from a hispanic underpriviledged household. I could have rattled off statistics of how hard it is to break the class barrier but instead just did what needed to be done. I refused to get into college by acknowledging the racist and condenscending questions they ask about the color of your skin. I did it on my OWN merits. It is actually people like you that CREATE victims by playing class warfare by saying "it's not your fault" when in fact it is. The sooner they realize it is their fault the sooner they can start doing something productive about it like learning a skill that's in demand.

What you want is equal results for everyone (which is communism). What America stands for is a baseline of equal opportunity for everyone. Communism promises happiness, and doesn't deliver. America promises the "pursuit of happiness" and delivers big time.



Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2001
Originally posted by: SSibalNom
Originally posted by: Anonemous
Originally posted by: leborland
I was just visiting LA last week when the strike broke. There is a lot of misunderstanding about how much the clerks earn, though it probably is a bit more than other areas. Understand that housing there is quite high, $1500 upward for a 2 bedroom apartment. The stores want a wage freeze, lower pay for new hires, plus take-aways for medical and retirement benefits. This is all part of the Repulican plan for Union busting that started in the Reagan era. They figure now that unemployment is high enough, they can find scab labor willing to destroy the unions. The markets claim that they cannot compete with the new Walmart Superstores that are moving in, but Walmart is the most notorious store in the US for mistreating its workers (see the book Nickled and Dimed). They also claim losses this year of 0.5% to 2%, but that's not so much considering the economy is in the dumps and people are eating a little lower on the hog. Other businesses have fared far worse. Finally, if you are in a low paying job, you are a victim of an unfair economy. Busting unions and creating more victims is just going to make matters worse for everyone.

Housing is not that high in LA (compared to Boston/NYC/Tokyo) unless you really have to live in a fully gated apt/condo with pools and courts etc... And I know of friends getting 3-4 bdrms for 1500$ which they could split... and other friends who rent part of their houses for less than 1k in Westwood.

do you know any places in the actual city of los angeles that are this cheap? I can't find a decent apt for less than $1400 in the actual city... my dad rents our 2bdrms for $1900, no free utilities, no free nothing, but cable ( i live in a tiny tiny apartment in the back by myself)..... and I'd like to move out....

ive got a 2 bedroom here in la jolla for $1275



Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
Originally posted by: richrz
What you want is equal results for everyone (which is communism). What America stands for is a baseline of equal opportunity for everyone. Communism promises happiness, and doesn't deliver. America promises the "pursuit of happiness" and delivers big time.
You said it so d*mn well. Just nailed down the lid on communism's coffin.



Senior member
Aug 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Anonemous
Originally posted by: leborland
I was just visiting LA last week when the strike broke. There is a lot of misunderstanding about how much the clerks earn, though it probably is a bit more than other areas. Understand that housing there is quite high, $1500 upward for a 2 bedroom apartment. The stores want a wage freeze, lower pay for new hires, plus take-aways for medical and retirement benefits. This is all part of the Repulican plan for Union busting that started in the Reagan era. They figure now that unemployment is high enough, they can find scab labor willing to destroy the unions. The markets claim that they cannot compete with the new Walmart Superstores that are moving in, but Walmart is the most notorious store in the US for mistreating its workers (see the book Nickled and Dimed). They also claim losses this year of 0.5% to 2%, but that's not so much considering the economy is in the dumps and people are eating a little lower on the hog. Other businesses have fared far worse. Finally, if you are in a low paying job, you are a victim of an unfair economy. Busting unions and creating more victims is just going to make matters worse for everyone.

Housing is not that high in LA (compared to Boston/NYC/Tokyo) unless you really have to live in a fully gated apt/condo with pools and courts etc... And I know of friends getting 3-4 bdrms for 1500$ which they could split... and other friends who rent part of their houses for less than 1k in Westwood.

yeah if you like living in the ghetto.

a small 2 bedroom apartment goes for $1200 the CHEAPEST in SoCal (Torrance/Redondo). I know... because my buddy pays that much and my dad is a realtor. actually... $1200 for the area they are in is a steal.

BTW.. this thread sucks. Anyone who thinks working ppl should be paid squat are stupid. If people where smart every job would be union so that the wages would more easily be spread throughout the company rather then having the guys at the top make $00k a year while the guys at the bottom get $8hr. The guys at the bottom have a harder life, do harder work and get paid squat.

$20/hr in LA isn't that great, you can live on it.. but you wont have the best lifestyle in the world.


Senior member
Aug 29, 2000
Originally posted by: cyberia
Originally posted by: richrz
What you want is equal results for everyone (which is communism). What America stands for is a baseline of equal opportunity for everyone. Communism promises happiness, and doesn't deliver. America promises the "pursuit of happiness" and delivers big time.
You said it so d*mn well. Just nailed down the lid on communism's coffin.

#1 people that are out of high school cant live in min wage unless the other partner has a great job and can support them both.

#2 min wage is for high school kids to buy their beer, cigarettes and condoms.

#3 If you can think about anyone other then yourselves you would have the heart to stand up for these people so that they can make a decent living.

#4 high school kids might be working besides the clerks and other people at the market... but high school kids cant work all the shifts and they don't have the responsibility or management skills to replace the full time adults at these jobs. Unlike places like Baskin robins (31 Flavors) and Burger King.

You can play the commy card if you like. But I at least care enough for people to think that they deserve more for their work no matter what it is. With other the people on the bottom the big shots would not have a job. And just because you make more money then them or are jealous of the money they make isn't a good enough reason to not sympathize with them.

There's a lot of stupid laws/rules to follow that are so called "American". Like the right to bare arms in the constitution. IMO I think we could live better without guns given to our citizens "others may disagree". But the only reason it is in the constitution if for reasons that have long been abolished. I'm not saying that communism is the way to go, just that things should be so dry and cut and taken without consideration of others and their lives. Just because someone is BORN with an IQ 10 points lower then another isn't really a good enough reason for me to tell them that they cant live their dream. f00k, for all you know they are working 10x harder themselves doing their job then you are doing yours for 3x the pay.


Senior member
Jan 26, 2001
These union workers don't know how good they already have it . I'm paying about 8x that amount for much worse coverage, and I have NO retirement, etc.
Well maybe we should have socialized medicine like every other industrialized country rather than a broken for-profit system where "administrative" costs (insurance company paper shufflers collecting co-pays and denying doctor-requested treatment) accounts for 35% of health care costs vs. administrative costs of 1% in Canada. Americans spend FAR more on health care, both in absolute terms and as a percentage of
GDP than any other country on the planet and still have more than 70 million people with crummy or no health insurance. 18% of workers have no health insurance at all and no way to afford their own health care. Oh, and our vital statistics are pretty lame, about 18th out of 30 OECD countries for life expectancy and way down the list for infant mortality. One international metric I read placed our health care system at No. 35 (Cuba was No. 37, but has much better health care for poor people than we do).

Actually, every time they've been polled the American people have said that they wanted national health insurance (though a whopping 1% of Canadians would prefer the American system), but it will never happen because the farce of an electoral system is about the most undemocratic among developed countries (single member constituency elections, no IRV, disproportionate electoral power for small, reactionary states, mass media monopolized by a few large conglomerates, campaign funding overwhelmingly from the rich and special interests, etc). At least in most of Europe you have some form of proportional representation so you have a little more of a choice than between demublicans and republicrats.

Americans themselves have the class consciousness of a bag of hammers. They won't stick together, and as a result real wages have been declining for the vast majority of the American workers for a generation, 8% since 1973, despite 2% annual productivity gains. In the meantime the share of national income that goes to the hard-working coupon-clipping classes has skyrocketed. The top 0.01% has seen its cut go from .5% to more than 2.5% from 1973 to 1998. It doesn't have to be that way; income differences between the bottom 10% and the top 10% are about 16.6 to 1 in the U.S. and only about 4.5 to 1 in Japan. As a result of these trends, in 1976 10% of the population owned 49% of the wealth; by 1999 they had racked up 73% of the goodies, while the bottom 40% have more debts than assets. I'm sure it's because the working class are feckless evildoers who deserve to live in grinding poverty, while exemplary folks like the five Walton heirs worth $19 billion each are paragons of virtue, contributing untold amounts to human happiness (and politicians' coffers).

But 19% of Americans think they're in the top 1% income bracket, and another 20% believe they will be at some point, while the reality is that there is actually less mobility for low wage workers here than in the UK, Germany, Italy, etc.

A quarter of the U.S. work force earns $8.70 or less (Wal-Mart wages), poverty level for a family of four. These jobs rarely provide health care, child care, pensions or vacation benefits. Yet most of the jobs being created in this economy are in retail & service, the lowest paid categories (which have increased from 30% to 48% of the labor force from 1965 to 1998).

It's easy to be smug about how you worked hard & got a better job. But most Americans work too bloody hard already, an average of over 1,978 hours a year, substantially more than workers in any other industrialized country, including the Japanese, and about 62 extra days a year compared to Germans. American workers even log about a week more labor than they did in 1990, reversing historical trends going back to the Victorian Era. Most Europeans start with three weeks of vacation, rising to six weeks after a few years. Even our hourly wages are substantially lower than in many (if not most) developed countries. Of course, European workers have some inkling of the concept of solidarity, so naturally they get a better shake.

Besides, if all the baggers went to school and became techies, etc., it would just drive wages in those areas down. As it is, high tech companies have prevailed on the government to allow more work visas in those fields in order to drive down compensation costs even though there are plenty of Americans who could fill those jobs. If you scab on your fellow workers don't expect me to cry for you when your programming job is exported to Bangalore because your corporate master found an Indian to do your job for $15 a day. Maybe you can get a job as a union-busting temporary bagger and see how you like it.

Veteran grocery clerks top out at $17.90 an hour & I understand it is becoming rare for managers to schedule workers to come in for more than 30 hours. That would be about $2150 a month or so. Then the government takes its cut, including pay roll taxes that are currently being squandered cutting taxes for the rich and invading Iraq for Exon & Haliburton, instead of being put in the "trust fund." Try and find a rat trap 1 bedroom in El Lay for much less than a grand a month. Then pay auto insurance, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, etc. Add a medical insurance payment and imagine how much you have left, especially if you are at the bottom of the pay scale.

Personally, I prefer to shop at union grocery stores because I get better service. Since the stores pay better wages, they attract competant, fast, friendly clerks. We had a K-Mart Superstore around here where they paid workers a couple of bits more than minimum wage. Even if there was only one person in front of me, it took much longer than a far lengthier line at a union store. I tried to shop at Super-K at 2 AM, figuring I wouldn't have to wait in line. I filled my cart & realized that the prices were just as high as at the union stores. When I got to the check out counter I found a long line of people waiting for the privilege of scanning & bagging their own groceries (then waiting in line to pay a single harried minimum wage clerk). I sent my cart sailing back in to the aisles and never shopped there again (and the K-Mart went belly up last year, in part because of an unanticipated level of "inventory loss" from their own starveling employees).

Oh, and by the way, Albertson's is doing just fine financially, despite Wal-Mart (which has less than 1% of the food market in California). In the last five years Albertson's has actually increased its sales 123%, while increasing its profit from each dollar of sales by 4%. Meanwhile, the top 15 executives of Kroger, Albertson's & Safeway pulled in an average of $2.6 million a head.

I don't see why any smart shopper would shop much at WalMart or Cost-Co anyway. Their normal prices might be a little lower, but they don't really have sales, per se, so you can't stock up on the loss leader. I practically never buy anything that isn't on sale, and hence cheaper than I could buy it at Wal-Mart.
also i heard on the radio. go to ralphs. get the flyer inside. 12 pack soda is 1.49, and gallon of milk is 2.19
What a gip! Judas at least got 30 pieces of silver, not just a mediocre price on some grocieries.

We should all hang together or we'll all hang seperately.


Aug 9, 2002
#1 people that are out of high school cant live in min wage unless the other partner has a great job and can support them both.

Why should a company be forced to make sure that the employee can live on the wages it pays him? I would think that we are all responsible for ourselves. The worth of a person is infinite; the worth of a person's work can be given by a dollar amount. They're two separate issues.

#2 min wage is for high school kids to buy their beer, cigarettes and condoms.

Minimum wage is an artificial inflation of earnings. Why should someone be paid more than they're worth?

#3 If you can think about anyone other then yourselves you would have the heart to stand up for these people so that they can make a decent living.

Now you're playing the compassionate commie line taken from Stalin's playbook. First of all we're talking about grocery workers getting paid more than double what they're worth to society. I'd say they should be greatful that we as grocery consumers have been paying more for food for the past years so they can enjoy a wage they don't deserve.

#4 high school kids might be working besides the clerks and other people at the market... but high school kids cant work all the shifts and they don't have the responsibility or management skills to replace the full time adults at these jobs. Unlike places like Baskin robins (31 Flavors) and Burger King.

You can play the commy card if you like.

It's not a card nor name-calling. It's what you're espousing.

But I at least care enough for people to think that they deserve more for their work no matter what it is.

Oh so we should ask you what people's work is worth and not the free market? How compassionate is that when an employer has to fire 5 employees so that those who remain (unions) can get a bit more benefits? There's half a coin to which you are completely blind.

With other the people on the bottom the big shots would not have a job. And just because you make more money then them or are jealous of the money they make isn't a good enough reason to not sympathize with them.

Of course I sympathize with them. But pandering to them and saying, "it's not your fault" is not helping the situation. True help would be stating their situation clearly and giving a plan to get out of that situation.

There's a lot of stupid laws/rules to follow that are so called "American". Like the right to bare arms in the constitution. IMO I think we could live better without guns given to our citizens "others may disagree". But the only reason it is in the constitution if for reasons that have long been abolished.

You're right we would live better if no one would have guns. But that's not reality. At the risk of sounding cliche' 'The bad guys will ALWAYS have guns.' Look at Britain since they outlawed guns their crime rate went up exponentially. London is catching up to New York quickly in murders and has actually passed it in many other categories of crime.

The reason of the second amendment is in the constitution is that the framers speculated that one day government would possibly grow larger and larger as it is doing today. Someday, if many Americans had their way, the government would become so intrusive in our lives, making so many decisions for us, that we would need protection from our Protectors.

I'm not saying that communism is the way to go

Apparently so.

just that things should be so dry and cut and taken without consideration of others and their lives.
Just because someone is BORN with an IQ 10 points lower then another isn't really a good enough reason for me to tell them that they cant live their dream.

That's sounds good and all but....who should pay for their dream? Should I pay for their dream through higher grocery bills? What about my dream? If I'm taxed much higher maybe my dream won't come to fruition.

f00k, for all you know they are working 10x harder themselves doing their job then you are doing yours for 3x the pay.

VERY TRUE! I actually agree with you here. But working harder doesn't mean a greater worth of your work (well maybe if you're a beaver). People who have low paying jobs need to conform their skills to what our society deems as valuable and not try to change society to see their work as valuable. The laws of economics will come crushing down on them eventually as is happening with these grocery workers.


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