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Golden Member
May 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
3rd page and here comes it is United States fault two countries half a world apart are fighting.

US troops are in Georgia as part of exercises, so you can bet there have been US casualties in the region. I hope this situation doesn't spiral out of control, because we could end up in something much worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis, and this could be the spark to start WW3 (or WW4 as some people count the Cold War as a WW).



Apr 13, 2008
The war chronicle in South Ossetia

Last messages on events in a conflict zone in real time

On August, 8th in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict active operations have begun. Georgia fires at territory of South Ossetia from artillery pieces, the Air Forces of Georgia strike blows to territory of not recognised republic. Messages coming from region are inconsistent and are periodically denied. We conduct a short chronicle of events in a conflict zone under messages of news agencies.

On August, 8th, 2008

21:03 ???????: 1400 persons became victims of bombardments and storm of Tskhinvali at least
The president of not recognised republic South Ossetia has announced the first results of calculations of victims as a result of military operation ??????.M

19:37 the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: Divisions of 58th Russian army have suppressed the Georgian fire points firing a city and positions of the Russian peacemakers
Divisions of 58th Russian army which are near Tskhinvali in territory of South Ossetia, have suppressed the Georgian fire points firing capital of not recognised republic and the Russian peacemakers. The assistant to the commander-in-chief of Land forces of the Russian Federation has told about it colonel Igor Konashenkov

19:32 At an air raid on the Georgian air base military planes are destroyed some
As a result of the air raid which has been carried out by the Russian Air Forces on ???????????? an air base, were lost and have got wounds some employees of base, military planes are destroyed some.

19:27 ?????? sends the intermediary to South Ossetia

19:23 Russia interrupts the aircraft service with Georgia
Since midnight on August, 9th Russia stops the aircraft service with Georgia.

19:07 the Georgian mass-media: three persons were lost at bombardment of military airdrome in ????????
Three person five were lost also are wounded as a result of today's bombardment of military airdrome in ????????.

18:58 Civil.ge: Saakashvili deduces the Georgian contingent from Iraq
The president of Georgia Michael Saakashvili has declared a conclusion of the armies from Iraq because of "the Russian aggression"

18:29 ???????: "We fix also the marauding facts in Tskhinvali from the Georgian soldiers. Just to me have informed, that at a robbery of one of houses in Tskhinvali have been killed three Georgian soldiers"

18:22 ???????: hundreds Ossetin were lost; 4 Georgian tanks are destroyed

18:06 "the First channel": 58th army has begun bombardment of the Georgian armies in Tskhinvali
Two tank columns of 58th army of the Russian Federation have rounded Tskhinvali on Zarsky road and have begun bombardment of positions of the Georgian military men.

18:00 the Commander-in-chief of Land forces of the Russian Federation general Vladimir Boldyrev has headed an operative staff in Vladikavkaz in connection with events in South Ossetia.

17:55 the Air Forces of Russia have struck blow to the Georgian military airdrome
The Russian bomber has dumped a bomb on military airdrome in ???????? in the southwest of Georgia, having damaged a runway. Earlier it was informed, that bombs have been dumped on military base in ???????, and also on cities Burn and ??????.

17:53 Sergey Lavrov: In South Ossetia the Georgian party conducts ethnic cleanings, humanitarian accident becomes ripe

17:45 Medvedev has charged to Putin, ????? and ?????????? to help inhabitants of South Ossetia

17:34 In Tskhinvali have estimated number of victims in "thousand persons"
Representatives of South Ossetia estimate a death-roll during bombardment by the Georgian artillery and the Air Forces of Tskhinvali in thousand persons. According to the head of information department of the South Ossetia part of the mixed supervisory commission of settlement of conflict ???? ?????, victims "probably, thousand because all is destroyed absolutely".

17: 26 Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: about ten Russian peacemakers were lost, 30 are wounded in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict

17:26 the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: the Georgian armies shoot peacemakers and local residents on the grasped observant posts
The assistant to the commander-in-chief of Land forces colonel Igor Konashenkov has declared, that the Georgian tanks in an emphasis shoot a staff and camp of peacemakers; the Georgian armies, as he said, do not allow to medical services to take out wounded men from a zone of fights to Tskhinvali.

17:20 to the Georgian armies have shown the ultimatum
??????? ordered to the Georgian armies till 18:00 under the threat of destruction to leave Tskhinvali

17:01 ???????: Volunteers have helped to supersede the Georgian armies from the majority of areas Tskhinvalis

16:58 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia has asked to rescue the world community the country from Russia
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia ??? ???????????? has urged foreign countries to put pressure upon Moscow to stop "direct military aggression" in the Georgian territory. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov has reminded, that Georgia even in the morning on Friday urged Russia to act in a role of the peacemaker. "We also do it", - has told Laurels.

16:50 the Plenipotentiary of Russia at NATO has dispatched to all countries - to participants of the North Atlantic alliance of the note in connection with Georgian-Osset war

16:40 In Tskhinvali fights have stopped
City the electricity practically is completely destroyed, disconnected and there is a sharp shortage of water, stationary telecommunication does not work. The mobile communication also will soon stop work as to charge cellular telephones there is no place.

16:20 Georgia has accused the Air Forces of Russia of blows on military base with the American instructors
The Georgian party assures, that the Russian military plane has Friday afternoon made bombing attack to territory ?????????? military base in vicinities of Tbilisi. There are deployed including the American instructors.

16:14 the Russian tanks have entered into Tskhinvali
The column Russian ???????????? has entered into Tskhinvali. Earlier Georgia has threatened Russia with war in case the information on input Russian ???????????? on territory of South Ossetia will prove to be true

16:11 the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: for the aid to the Russian peacemakers in South Ossetia the reinforcement is directed
The Ministry of Defence has reacted to news about a tank column the statement in which has informed, that the help is directed the Russian peacemakers

16:00 Georgia has threatened Russia with war
The Security Council of Georgia has declared, that declares war of Russia if the information on input of the Russian tanks to South Ossetia proves to be true.

15:52 Osset civil guardsmen have destroyed 4 Georgian tanks
The South Ossetia civil guardsmen have cleared Zarsky road on which the Russian tank column moves to Tskhinvali of the Georgian armies. Under statements of the South Ossetia party, civil guardsmen destroy Georgian ???????????? and supersede the Georgian armies from the north on the south of Tskhinvali.

15:33 the Georgian mass-media: the Russian planes bomb positions of the Georgian armies
The Russian planes bomb positions of the Georgian armies in South Ossetia, inform the Georgian mass-media. At least five Georgian military men have got wounds. On victims it is not informed.

15:29 the Georgian armies recede from Tskhinvali
The Georgian military men have started to recede from capital of not recognised republic South Ossetia. The secretary of Security Council of South Ossetia has told about it. Now towards Tskhinvali the column of the Russian tanks moves.

15:06 To Tskhinvali the column of the Russian tanks moves
The correspondent of the First channel in South Ossetia has informed on the air referring to the authorities of not recognised republic, that the South Ossetia armies have passed in counterattack and have unblocked the Zarsky road connecting republic with Russia. On its data, on this road the column of the Russian armies moves.

15:01 Medvedev has accused Georgia of the roughest infringement of international law

15:00 "the First channel": Georgia has temporarily stopped shelling of South Ossetia
Earlier the mayor of Tbilisi has declared, that Georgia will stop at three o'clock fire that inhabitants of South Ossetia could leave territory of not recognised republic. We will notice, that the corridor for an exit of refugees conducts to Georgia. Firing in Tskhinvali proceed

14:59 Medvedev has promised to punish Russians guilty of destruction in a conflict zone
Whom and as the president of the Russian Federation was going to punish, it is not specified.

14:36 Putin is afraid of flow of the Russian volunteers to South Ossetia
The Prime minister of Russia Vladimir Putin has declared to US president George Bush, that wishing to help inhabitants of not recognised republic it will be hard"to keep from a trip to South Ossetia.

14:31 Peacemakers named lies of a word of the mayor of Tbilisi about cease-fire
The commander of Russian peacemakers ????? ?????????? has declared, that words about creation of a humanitarian corridor - "this next lies of the Georgian party".

14:30 the Mayor of Tbilisi: Georgia has promised to stop fire in South Ossetia at three o'clock
From 15:00 till in South Ossetia the moratorium on operations that refugees could leave a conflict zone through a corridor, ???????? in village Ergneti (border between South Ossetia and Georgia) will be declared. As a source of this information the mayor of capital of Georgia of a city of Tbilisi acts.

14:22 the reinforcement moves To South Ossetia from Northern

14:15 Tskhinvali: Hackers attack the South Ossetia sites
Hackers have organised the distributed DoS-attacks on information a server of South Ossetia

14:10 In Tskhinvali there was last post of resistance of the South Ossetia armies
In Tskhinvali there was only one post of the South Ossetia armies which continues resistance in area Tsarz. Artillery bombardment of Tskhinvali proceeds. The Georgian tanks have entered into a city. Artillery fire destroys republican clinical hospital. Wounded men send in Bottom ???????, in area of the Roksky tunnel.

13:59 (13:37) Georgia Online: "the Large grouping of 58th army has tried to break to South Ossetia"
The edition taking of a consecutive Antirussian position informs on ostensibly taking place attempt of the Russian armies to get on territory of South Ossetia. This attempt, assures the Georgian mass-media, has been stopped by the Georgian military men, 10 certain "mercenaries" are detained.

13:45 In Tskhinvali the gas pipeline is blown up
Earlier it was informed that in the centre of capital of South Ossetia fights are conducted, the hospital is destroyed, the university burns.

13:45 Tbilisi has directed two battalions of reservists to South Ossetia
Two battalions of reservists of the Georgian armed forces have gone to a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict from base in Kutaisi. In the same place the third battalion is formed. Reservists and volunteers gather on bases in ???????, Burn, Batumi and ??????.

13:42 the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged to stop immediately operations in South Ossetia

13:32 the Red cross has urged to give a humanitarian corridor for granting of the help to inhabitants of South Ossetia

13:20 Georgia has suggested to transfer the power in South Ossetia to Dmitry Sanakoevu
The Georgian management has suggested to transfer a management of not recognised South Ossetia to Dmitry Sanakoevu. It holds a post of the head of "an acting administration of South Ossetia" - structure which represents interests of the Georgian population of region.

13:12 the Secretary general of NATO has urged to stop fire in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict and to begin negotiations
The secretary general of NATO Jaap ?? ???? ??????? has called the authorities of Georgia and South Ossetia to stop fights and to return to peace talks. The authorities of Georgia, we will remind, the introduction of the country into structure of the North Atlantic alliance want.

13:07 the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: Russia will protect peacemakers and citizens of the Russian Federation in a conflict zone
"The Georgian management has untied dirty adventure. The blood spilt in South Ossetia, will be on conscience of these people and their environments. We in insult will not give the peacemakers and citizens of the Russian Federation", - is spoken in the message of the Ministry of Defence of Russia.

12:55 the South Ossetia republican clinical hospital is destroyed by artillery fire, the university burns
Fire of the Georgian artillery destroys the South Ossetia republican clinical hospital in Tskhinvali. The building of university which is in immediate proximity from a staff of peacemakers burns. Intensive street fights proceed.

12:37 Georgia has denied the information on an attack on the Russian peacemakers
???????? Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze has declared, that the Georgian divisions try to protect representatives of a peace-making contingent in a conflict zone.

12:37 the Parliament of the North Ossetia has urged Russia to help Southern

12:36 Peacemakers: on positions of the Russian military men aim fire is conducted
"Command of the Russian peacemakers with all definiteness confirms, that purposeful fire on destruction in a place of a disposition of peacemakers in Tskhinvali" is conducted, the representative of command has declared.

12:20 the USA have demanded to stop bloodshed in a conflict zone
The white house has urged the contradictory parties to return for negotiations.

12:18 Command of peacemakers: in the centre of Tskhinvali there are fierce fights

12:10 (11:42) the First channel: the Georgian army has grasped the centre of Tskhinvali In the centre of Tskhinvali street fights proceed. As the correspondent of the First channel from a place of events has informed, the Georgian armies almost completely took city centre under the control. Also fights go at base of the Russian peacemakers.

11:54 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia named "delirium" of the message of the Georgian mass-media about the brought down Russian military plane
"It is delirium, next mean enough provocation of the Georgian authorities", the representative of the Russian foreign policy department has declared. Earlier that over territory of Georgia the plane of the Air Forces of the Russian Federation has been ostensibly brought down informed the Georgian mass-media. Acknowledgement of this information from independent sources did not arrive.

11:47 Saakashvili has accused Russia of large-scale military aggression
The president of Georgia "before all world" has accused the Russian Federation of military aggression.

11:48 the North Ossetia sends 50 buses for the South Ossetia refugees

11:48 Saakashvili has demanded from Russia to stop bombardments of the Georgian cities
On that the Russian Federation has ostensibly put a number of aviablows on the Georgian settlements informed the Georgian mass-media.

11:38 the Plenipotentiary of South Ossetia in the Russian Federation: Georgia plans ethnic cleanings in a conflict zone
"The purpose of the Georgian political elite today is ethnic cleaning, they wish to clear territory of South Ossetia from the Ossetin, than and armed forces of Georgia" are engaged right now, - the plenipotentiary of not recognised republic in the Russian Federation has declared Dmitry Medoev.

11:32 Gryzlov: Russia will protect the citizens in South Ossetia
The speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation has declared, that Russia "will not refuse full-scale and operative measures which be required for protection of the Russian citizens in region and safety preservations on our southern boundaries in connection with a situation aggravation in South Ossetia".

11:19 "Rustavi-2": Georgia has brought down the plane which has arrived from Russia
The Georgian mass-media assert, that over Burn one of four planes which have dumped bombs on a city is brought down. According to data of the Georgian journalists, the brought down plane has arrived from Russia.

11:10 Command of peacemakers: at bombardment of positions of the Russian peacemakers in Tskhinvali is killed and wounded men
Exact death-roll and wounded men is not called; earlier it was informed that at bombardment of positions of the Russian peacemakers wounds three military men have got.

11:10 Michael Saakashvili declared general mobilisation
The president of Georgia during the reference to the nation has told about the vision of a situation in a zone of the conflict and declared general mobilisation of reservists.

11:09 the State minister on ???????????? Georgia ??????????: Georgia supervises all settlements of South Ossetia except Tskhinvali and ?????

11:09 the State minister on ???????????? Georgia ??????????: "... Resistance is senseless. It conducts only to the big victims and to the big destructions"

10:58 Georgia has urged Russia to interfere with the conflict to South Ossetia
Official Tbilisi has called Russia for intervention in the conflict. According to the minister on ???????????? Georgia ?????? ??????????, the Russian side "should interfere, as the present peacemaker, and it is able to do it".

10:39 Georgia has declared bombardment of the territory by the Russian Air Forces

10:21 ???????? and ??????? have denied messages on a capture of Tskhinvali
Presidents Northern both South Ossetia ???????? ???????? and Edward Kokojty have denied messages on capture of Tskhinvali and have declared, that will organise joint defence of not recognised republic.

10:09 the United Nations Security Council has refused to condemn Georgia
The United Nations security council on Friday has refused to accept the offer of Russia and to condemn force use in the Georgian-Osset conflict. The Security Council has only expressed anxiety concerning intensity growth in a conflict zone.

10:04 Georgia has promised to a management of South Ossetia "criminally-legal amnesty"
The authorities of Georgia declare to a management of not recognised republic South Ossetia, including its president Edward Kokojty, "criminally-legal amnesty". The prime minister of Georgia Vladimir Gurgenidze has told About it

09:44 In South Ossetia are wounded three Russian peacemakers

09:36 Georgia has opened the media centre for war illumination in South Ossetia

09:23 the Georgian mass-media have declared a capture of Tskhinvali

08:56 the Georgian armies have begun bombardment of the Russian peacemakers

07:23 the Georgian aircraft has struck blow to South Ossetia

07:12 the Georgian mass-media have informed on an appeal of reservists

06:49 Abkhazia moves armies to border with Georgia

04:48 To Tskhinvali there has arrived a reinforcement from the North Ossetia

04:33 Russia has demanded convocation of session ?? the United Nations on a situation in South Ossetia

04:20 On storm of Tskhinvali the infantry has gone

03:46 Georgia has begun tank attack to southern suburbs Tskhinvalis
The Georgian army has started tank attack to southern suburbs Tskhinvalis, the president of South Ossetia Edward Kokojty has declared. The South Ossetia forces, he has underlined, show resistance. The state minister of Georgia ????? ??????????, in turn, declared, that Tskhinvali is in a ring of the Georgian armies.

02:37 Abkhazia directs one thousand volunteers to South Ossetia
The president of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh on the night of Friday has called the Security council emergency meeting; under messages of mass-media, Abkhazia will send to the aid of South Ossetia about thousand volunteers.

02:08 Georgia declared the beginning of war with South Ossetia
Georgia has notified peacemakers, ?????????? in a conflict zone, on the war beginning in South Ossetia.

01:38 Storm of Tskhinvali is conducted in all directions
The authorities of South Ossetia have declared, that the Georgian party fires at Tskhinvali from installations "Hailstones", howitzers and large-caliber mortars.

00:42 Georgia has promised to guide a constitutional order in South Ossetia
The commander of the Georgian peacemakers ?????? ????????? named military operation in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict "constitutional order prompting in South Ossetia". He also has called the Russian peacemakers deployed in a zone of the conflict, not to interfere with a situation.

00:06 Georgia has begun intensive bombardment of Tskhinvali
Shortly before midnight Moscow time from the Georgian villages Nikozi and ??????? bombardment from large-caliber tools of capital of South Ossetia Tskhinvali, and also the South Ossetia villages has begun. Representatives of not recognised republic have declared that the Georgian armies have actually begun war and storm Tskhinvali



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: ranmaniac
Originally posted by: Genx87
3rd page and here comes it is United States fault two countries half a world apart are fighting.

US troops are in Georgia as part of exercises, so you can bet there have been US casualties in the region. I hope this situation doesn't spiral out of control, because we could end up in something much worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis, and this could be the spark to start WW3 (or WW4 as some people count the Cold War as a WW).

And you know there have been US casualties how?


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: senseamp
You aren't really naive enough to believe the US had no hand in it? Main reason Georgia is trying to reoccupy Ossetia is because they cannot join NATO while they have a separatist conflict on their territory.
Plus their president is a US trained and supported puppet. Let's just say they weren't fighting for 10 years until this guy started stirring up the pot again.
To believe US had no involvement in this, you will have to believe that US military is dumb enough to be training with Georgian troops who were simultaneously preparing for an imminent invasion, and have no clue about it.

Why does the US care about Georgia enough to help them provoke a war with a nuclear power? Think for a second.

Now lets wait for any of your proof that the United States is behind this war.


Golden Member
May 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: senseamp
You aren't really naive enough to believe the US had no hand in it? Main reason Georgia is trying to reoccupy Ossetia is because they cannot join NATO while they have a separatist conflict on their territory.
Plus their president is a US trained and supported puppet. Let's just say they weren't fighting for 10 years until this guy started stirring up the pot again.
To believe US had no involvement in this, you will have to believe that US military is dumb enough to be training with Georgian troops who were simultaneously preparing for an imminent invasion, and have no clue about it.

Why does the US care about Georgia enough to help them provoke a war with a nuclear power? Think for a second.

Now lets wait for any of your proof that the United States is behind this war.

The US is participating in military exercises in Georgia. This wouldn't be the first proxy war the US has been engaged in with Russia (and the former Soviet Union), starting from the beginning of the Cold War, through the Soviet-Afghan war, in Serbia/Kosovo, in Chechnya, and now in Georgia. How would the US react if Cuban forces attacked Gitmo, and there were Russian military stationed in Cuba doing exercises that led up to an attack? Would you be trying to discredit people who can add 1+1 together to see that the Russians would have some involvement?!




Apr 13, 2008
Not the secret that one of the purposes of military intrusion of the Georgian armies to Ossetia is discredit of Russia in the opinion of the world community. If to estimate behaviour of all western and American mass-media it is easy to understand that information war has begun, as soon as Russian armies have entered on territory of Ossetia, releases of all news channels dazzled with phrases that Russian tanks have attacked Georgia and it has been supported"by delirium, the awful military criminal M.Saakashvili. Therefore the world community has an incorrect opinion on Russia which is imposed BBC, ?NN and SkyNews in which plots was spoken about that that Russia has attacked Georgia and bombs it. This war to us is already declared for a long time and we always in it were the last, but in present conditions the front passes not in mountains of caucasus and in minds of people and to us crucial not to admit discredit of Russia at least in a network the Internet.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
This is just a case of both sides being stupid. The Georgians want to embarass Russia, and vice versa. This region of Georgia hasn't even been under Georgian control for a decade or so.


Golden Member
May 19, 2002
I think Putin wants the USSR back and wants to be the Tsar; I believe he will use this as an opportunity to take back Georgia, so I expect this to get much worse.


Feb 5, 2006
I don't think Putin wants Georgia, Russia already has more land than it has use for, but he also does not want a hostile military alliance, NATO, on Russia's border.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Wow, this has gotten bad quickly, they're attacking the Georgian capital now. This is Russia vs. a sovereign nation now, though I'm not saying who's the naughty one here.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Another European war... yet people on this forum will still say that Europe is a peaceful continent while ignoring the wars and genocides.

What are you rambling on about now? Who exactly argued that 20th century Europe was more peaceful than North America with regard to wars?

I'm talking about how people are ignorant to all the violence in Europe.


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Wow, this has gotten bad quickly, they're attacking the Georgian capital now. This is Russia vs. a sovereign nation now, though I'm not saying who's the naughty one here.



Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: racolvin
Originally posted by: Dari

we went to iraq for oil.

Obviously not or we'd have taken it by now and be pumping into our own tankers We're apparently planning on giving it to the Iraqi state for them to sell it back to us while we continue to pay to rebuild their infrastructure at our own expense.

All under the guise of 'Oh noes, Saddam has WMD and might hurt someone so lets spend a Trillion dollars and 5k+ soldiers lives and go stop him!", when the reality was that even if he HAD WMD's he wouldn't have been a threat to *US*

We didn't go over there for the oil - we went so GWB could say he finished what Dad started and so that the Repubs could pump money into the Defense Deptartment and make money coming and going: cash in on the Def. Dept budget with their contractor buddies AND on the run up in oil prices, both of which are shouldered by the American taxpayer.

As to how this relates to the Russian situation, I sincerely hope we're not involved in any way and that we DON"T get involved at all - its none of our business
lol. This isn't like the old days of imperialsm where you nakedly took what you could from the conquered nations. Instead, you make deals favoring your country.


Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999
This reminds me of Hitler invading Czechoslovakia 'because' of the concentration of German-speaking folks in the Sudetenland in 1938-39. The annexation of the Sudetenland and Austria was not enough for the megalomaniac. Much of Putin's modus operandi reminds me of Hitler.


Feb 5, 2006
Last I remembered, Czechoslovakia was not indiscriminately shelling ethnic German concentrated cities with artillery before Hitler invaded. Or maybe I missed that in history class.
Georgia started this mess, now it will have to live with the consequences.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Wow, this has gotten bad quickly, they're attacking the Georgian capital now. This is Russia vs. a sovereign nation now, though I'm not saying who's the naughty one here.

Bombs rocked Tbilisi early Saturday morning as the fight between Georgia and Russia over a breakaway region intensified and moved into the Georgian capital.

Of course all the FVCKING news channels give a sh*t about now is jon edwards, who gives a SH*T. CNN has this story buried deep, it's far bigger than Edwards' dick. Moments like this piss me off a lot.



Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Wow, this has gotten bad quickly, they're attacking the Georgian capital now. This is Russia vs. a sovereign nation now, though I'm not saying who's the naughty one here.

Bombs rocked Tbilisi early Saturday morning as the fight between Georgia and Russia over a breakaway region intensified and moved into the Georgian capital.

Of course all the FVCKING news channels give a sh*t about now is jon edwards, who gives a SH*T. CNN has this story buried deep, it's far bigger than Edwards' dick. Moments like this piss me off a lot.

NATO did not just bomb Kosovo, it bombed all of Serbia too. The precedent is already in place.
Georgia cannot expect the conflict to be contained to Ossetia once it escalates it to a full blown war. Russia should bomb Georgia into the stone age, like Georgia did with Ossetian capital yesterday.


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Wow, this has gotten bad quickly, they're attacking the Georgian capital now. This is Russia vs. a sovereign nation now, though I'm not saying who's the naughty one here.

Bombs rocked Tbilisi early Saturday morning as the fight between Georgia and Russia over a breakaway region intensified and moved into the Georgian capital.

Of course all the FVCKING news channels give a sh*t about now is jon edwards, who gives a SH*T. CNN has this story buried deep, it's far bigger than Edwards' dick. Moments like this piss me off a lot.

NATO did not just bomb Kosovo, it bombed all of Serbia too. The precedent is already in place.
Georgia cannot expect the conflict to be contained to Ossetia once it escalates it to a full blown war. Russia should bomb Georgia into the stone age, like Georgia did with Ossetian capital yesterday.

Yea...war is great! Lets just kill those Georgians! You are sad.

Olympics and JE cheating on his death-ridden wife dont hold a candle to this. It really puts everything in perspective.

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