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Apr 13, 2008
OUT OF the LAW: Georgia has opened fire on an escort with wounded men

The Georgian military men have opened fire on an escort with the wounded men, following of South Ossetia to Russia, the assistant to the commander-in-chief of Land forces of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov has informed on Saturday morning to "Interfax". The arrangement on evacuation of wounded men from a conflict zone, was reminded by it, has been reached at intermediary of employees of mission of OSCE. However, when the escort left on the road conducting from South Ossetia, the Georgian artillery has opened on it fire, has told ??????????. And wounded men as a result of bombardment he has not informed On victims.

Night has passed knowingly - Saakashvili: "the Situation in Georgia -" the true moment "for Bush"

Actions of Russia concerning Georgia are the moment of true for US president George Bush, the president of Georgia Michael Saakashvili in interview of broadcasting company Si-en-en has declared. "It is the moment of true for all - for the president Bush, for the USA, for other Western world and for all of us if we wish to rise on protection of our own ideals and to battle for freedom", - declares Saakashvili. It has reminded Bush's words that Georgia is "freedom beacon". According to Saakashvili, from the study at the American universities it has taken out, that "America always rises on protection of freedom and America always helps the freedom-loving countries".

After such sacramental statement, Georgia has decided to go on extreme measures - to withdraw the contingent from Iraq. "We have already informed our American friends that we are going to deduce half of our soldiers who are in Iraq within the next few days because aggressions from Russia" have undergone, - has declared Breaking. "It is one of the best our soldiers", - the secretary of Council of national safety of Georgia has noted.

To tell the truth - a strange step. To reach to the native land they ?????? will be in time, and where they will arrive ?????? it something will remind, and from the USA will quarrel definitively. It is impossible to offend big ?????. Well and they can do all that it will like - this simple true in Georgia and have not understood.


Apr 13, 2008
Main adviser McCain worked to Georgia

The main adviser of the candidate in US presidents of senator-republican John McCain on ??????????????? ??????? ???????? represented some years interests of the government of Georgia in Washington and even has been officially registered by Ministry of Justice of the USA as "the foreign agent" Michael Saakashvili, have informed on Friday a broadcasting company Hey-bi-si and newspaper group "????????". ???????? Orion ?????????? "to which since 2004 the government of Georgia has paid for services in the USA in total almost 900 thousand dollars is the owner of lobbist PR agency", informs "????????". In ministry documents where on the American laws to be obliged all persons and the organisations representing to the USA interests of the foreign governments and the state organisations to are registered, the broadcasting company has hey-bi-si found out with own hand filled ?????????? the form where it was said, that a problem of agency headed by it was "to help efforts of Georgia with achievement of their purpose to correspond to criteria of membership in NATO, and also to inform on a situation in Georgia to persons making of the decision in the USA". Documents show, that in 2004 ???????? has concluded for this purpose with the government of Georgia the annual contract for the sum of 150 thousand dollars which from the Georgian party was signed by the ambassador in USA ????? ?????????.

Interestingly, the truth? That ???????? worked in Georgia and solved the questions, as well as questions big American ????? is at all a question. And not a subject for discussion. But that it was the right hand of the present candidate in US presidents it is already rather curious. And the most curious is that the information has been stupidly merged in mass-media. What is the journalists - all know, no less than they can set what inconvenient questions. So easy movement of hands had been neutralised one of "hawks". It is neutralised because now its any statement can be accused of bias and upholding of the interests. How consider, against selective - it is necessary to it? ;-)


Apr 13, 2008
To Kiev have shown its place

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has accused Ukraine that it encouraged Georgia to intervention and ethnic cleanings in South Ossetia. "The Ukrainian state, which all last time hazardously armed to a teeth the Georgian army, thereby directly encouraging a management of Georgia to intervention and ethnic cleanings in South Ossetia, has no moral right to teach others and, especially, to apply for the role in settlement", - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with a position of Ukraine concerning tragedy in South Ossetia is spoken in comment ???.

Americans insist what to kill the peace population of Tskhinvali it is possible, and to bomb Georgia - it is impossible!

The Charge d'Affaires ad interim in affairs of embassy of Russia in the USA Alexander Darchiev has been caused on Friday in State department where the first assistant to US State Secretary John Negroponte has informed it, that George Bush's administration condemns power actions of Russia in territory of Georgia, has reported ?????? referring to the State department press-service. "The assistant to the state secretary has told, that we (USA) condemn today's blows of Russia with application of strategic bombers and rockets which lives of civilians" threaten, - is spoken in the press-service statement in which it is informed on a call of the Russian diplomat to ??????????. In the statement it is said also, that "these blows are dangerous and ????????????????? intensity escalation as they take place across all Georgia in the regions which are far from a zone of the conflict in South Ossetia".

Marauders in Tskhinvali

Under certificates of the escaped eyewitnesses, many of the Georgian gangsters who have rushed in ???????, have been dressed in a camouflage similar to the Russian. Local residents perceived them as the, and many have been killed and wounded because of it. Also the shops which have escaped after bombardment have been plundered and destroyed. "They over us have plundered shop. Have carried away with itself products of the first necessity. That could not, have spoilt, when already left" the townswoman-has told.

On not confirmed data at Michael Saakashvili heavy heart attack

On not confirmed data, now the president of Georgia Michael Saakashvili is in a grave condition, at it heart attack. Last time it has appeared on public at 18.40 Moscow time., then has dropped out of sight of journalists. Among the journalists accredited in Tbilisi, rumours that it is hospitalised with the diagnosis «sharp warm insufficiency» are actively spread. Hearings that in the near future Saakashvili can be taken out by plane to Turkey for urgent operation circulate. According to a source from Georgia, Ministry of Health of Georgia has refused to make comments on hearings about possible illness and Saakashvili's hospitalisation.

Two Russian planes are brought down in a zone of the Osset conflict - the Joint Staff

Two Russian planes have been brought down in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict, the deputy chief of Joint Staff VS of the Russian Federation colonel general Anatoly Nagovitsyn has informed on Saturday at press conference in RIA Novosti news agency. According to command of peacemakers, touch with warplanes ??-25 and ??-22 is lost.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia declares, that interrogates the pilot of one of the brought down Russian planes. "We really have a Russian pilot who is interrogated by our employees", - the chief of analytical department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia ???? ????????? has told RIA Novosti news agency.

On the available authentic data, brought down over Burn ??-22?3 from ????????. It is brought down ??? ??? "???-?1"

???????: the Georgian special troops run from South Ossetia on the American jeeps

War in a cyberspace

One of leading news Internet resources of Georgia - an information-analytical site "Georgia Online" (www.apsny.ge) became a victim of kiber-attack. "The information-analytical resource is cracked and destroyed completely", - is spoken in the statement of the Internet group directed to agency "News-gruzija". Georgia Online declares, that the site became a victim of purposeful attack against the Georgian news Internet resources, undertaken for last days simultaneously with military operation of Russia. Earlier the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia has extended the message that sites of foreign policy department and other state structures are cracked. Under the message Georgia Online, the web portal of the government of Abkhazia (http://abkhazia.gov.ge) is destroyed also.


Apr 13, 2008
The Georgian captured: To us have ordered to kill all

These minutes Tskhinvali it is massed it is fired by the Georgian heavy artillery, the leader of the Euroasian union of youth Paul Zarifullin transfers from the destroyed city. «On a tentative estimation of Osset law-enforcement examination, in Tskhinvali 70 % of houses are destroyed. Now the city is released by Osset armies by means of forces of the Ministry of Defence of Russia. The separate skirmishes provoked by the Georgian saboteurs proceed. In it of minute the city ???????????? is fired by Georgians from self-propelled installations, howitzers and other heavy artillery», ? has told ?????????? to the correspondent of news agency "Rosbalt-south". «All members ??? helping to an Osset home guard at that time while fights lasted, are deduced from ????????. Victims among Eurasians are not present. The victim renders medical aid», ? Paul Zarifullin has told. He has noticed, that by defenders of a city the Georgian military men are taken prisoner some. Those admit, that it had been gave the order captured not to take. « For this reason they killed the Russian peacemakers on a place a shot in a head. It too now is confirmed with examination. Operation, under their story, has been planned in the form of ethnic ????????: into duties of the Georgian aggressors entered to shoot all the Ossetin, children and women including », ? the Eurasian has added.

Here video ???????-2 from ???????? (yesterday's) on which is perfectly visible as the Georgian soldier ????????? the answer in the Georgian language shoots at the Ossetin.

We ask ???????? Have got excited!

The president of Georgia Michael Saakashvili suggests to stop immediately military actions in Tshinvalsky region and to begin demilitarisation process. "We suggest to stop immediately fire and to begin tap of armies with ??????? contacts", - he has declared on Saturday at a briefing.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany: Georgia breaks the rights of citizens in South Ossetia

The Georgian management breaks the rights of citizens in South Ossetia, the state minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany ?????? ????? in interview of a broadcasting company of NDR has declared today. As the high-ranking German diplomat untied on caucasus the military conflict has noted breaks an armistice of 1992 which observance is supervised by foreign armies. ?????? ????? has underlined, that with understanding concerns reaction of Moscow to events in South Ossetia as this region though and formally belongs to Georgia, is economically supported by Russia. Nevertheless, the event is senseless war which completely will not solve a problem of South Ossetia, the state minister believes in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.

The Russian Federation can address in the Hague tribunal in connection with destruction of peacemakers

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not exclude, that Moscow can address in the Hague tribunal and the Strasbourg court for investigation of circumstances of destruction of the Russian peacemakers in South Ossetia, Grigory Karasin in interview to the western agencies which television channel "?????-24" "I has shown has informed ???????? the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation I do not exclude, that the Hague, Strasbourg and institutes in other cities will be involved in investigation of these crimes and this inhuman drama which was played", - he has told. As he said, many of the Russian peacemakers "have been killed by their partners in peace-making forces" - the Georgian military men. "There is a Russian battalion, an Osset battalion and the Georgian battalion... And suddenly Georgians, the Georgian peacemakers, start to shoot at the Russian colleagues..." - has told ???????, having added, that "it, of course, war crime". The deputy minister named an event "an awful situation". The Georgian armies on the night of August, 8th have intruded on territory of not recognised republic South Ossetia and have fired at its capital a city of Tskhinvali. The considerable part of a city is destroyed. The authorities of South Ossetia inform on mass victims among the peace population. As the head has declared the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, the number of victims of the conflict has increased in South Ossetia to 1,5 thousand persons. There are 12 victims among peacemakers.


Apr 13, 2008
The actions in South Ossetia Georgia has committed a crime against own people and has put a mortal blow on the territorial integrity, the prime minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has declared. "Actions of the Georgian authorities in South Ossetia is, of course, a crime, and first of all this crime against the own people", - Putin who holds meeting in Vladikavkaz has told. "The mortal blow of territorial integrity of the Georgia, so, a huge damage of its statehood is put: to difficultly itself to present, as it is possible after all happened and after that else occurs, to convince South Ossetia to be a part of the Georgian state", - Putin has underlined. As he said, "the untied aggression has led to numerous victims, including among the peace population, and has caused, as a matter of fact, the present humanitarian accident"." And it, of course, already a crime against the Osset people ", - Putin has told. Russia will always concern the Georgian people with huge respect, Vladimir Putin has declared." In Russia always concerned Georgia with huge respect, and the Georgian people consider as fraternal people. It is assured, that, despite tragical events of today so will be and in the future ", - Putin who now holds meeting in Vladikavkaz has told." Such relation will be and in the future, despite the criminal policy of today's governors of this country ", - Putin has declared. As he said, there will pass time," and the Georgian people will state an objective estimation of activity of the today's management ". The desire of Georgia to enter NATO is an attempt to involve other countries in bloody adventures of Tbilisi, the prime minister of the Russian Federation has declared." I think, as in Georgia, and Russia, and all over the world now became abundantly clear, that the aspiration of the Georgian management to enter the North Atlantic alliance, in NATO to become dictated not desire a part of global system of the international safety and to bring the feasible contribution to international peace strengthening: the aspiration to enter NATO is dictated absolutely by other reasons - attempt to involve other countries and the people in the bloody adventures ", - Putin has noted.

"Russia played centuries this region of the world, on caucasus as a whole, rather positive, stabilising role, was the guarantor of safety, cooperation and progress in this region", - Vladimir Putin at meeting in Vladikavkaz has declared. As he said, "so was in the past so will be and in the future"."Let anybody does not doubt at all", - Putin has told. Thus, as he said, Russia is not going "to impose to anybody of anything"."We perfectly understand, in what world we live, we will aspire to the fair, peace permission of all conflict situations which have got to us from the past", - the Russian prime minister has underlined. For restoration of the destroyed Tskhinvali and villages in South Ossetia Russia at the first stage is ready to allocate an order of 10 billion roubles, the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation has informed. " The government of the Russian Federation now develops the separate program on rendering assistance on habitation restoration: at the first stage we will be ready to allocate for these purposes about 10 billion roubles is about semibillion dollars ", - Putin has told.


Apr 13, 2008
The USA cannot seriously help Georgia

America cannot render considerable aid of Georgia in the military conflict in South Ossetia, is spoken in the statement of American organisation "????????" («the Strategic forecast») which in the USA still name «shadow CIA».

«At ????????????? forces are not present chances against Georgia without the aid of Russia, Georgia does not have chances against the Russian forces without the aid of the USA. And as the army of the USA is occupied in Afghanistan and Iraq, considerable aid from the USA will not be», - is spoken in the statement which fragments of the text results RIA Novosti news agency. «Moscow wishes to make an example of this conflict, - is spoken in the statement« ????????? ». It needs to convince the West, that manipulations at its borders is not that it will suffer».

According to analysts «?????????», many of which are the former employees of CIA, the main question now is where the Russian forces will stop. «On approaches to Tskhinvali where Russia can carry on negotiations from force? In Tskhinvali where they can force to recede the Georgian forces? On border between South Ossetia and Georgia completely to get rid of the Georgian influence in South Ossetia and to strengthen the position on caucasus? Or they will promote to Tbilisi and at once will suppress threat to the southern borders?» However, it is marked in the statement, these are questions not military, but political character. «Nobody doubts ability of Russia to involve any of these possibilities. The political question consists in that, Russia wishes to show how much strong position and the message to the world.

To estimation which gives «????????», it is easy to find acknowledgement now in a number of today's messages of mass-media. So, the ex-head of the Pentagon, former senator William Cohen, has warned today the West, that the USA it should to begin war with Russia if Georgia was in NATO. «We have supported the introduction of Georgia into NATO, - he has told, - but if they were members of NATO today we would appear in a situation when according to the fifth chapter of the charter of NATO we would be obliged to protect Georgia from Russia». Having noticed, that for the USA «here on a card much is put», Cohen has declared, that in the circumstances «cold heads» should gain top. «It is very explosive situation», - the former deputy minister of defence of the USA has warned.

With Cohen's opinion in any measure the today's statement of the secretary general of NATO Jaapa ?? ???? ???????? which has explained has something in common, that the Alliance does not have today mandate that he could play «a direct role» caucasus. The North Atlantic alliance «has today no mandate on playing a direct role caucasus», quotes RIA Novosti news agency of a word of the secretary general of NATO referring to the Belgian mass-media.

According to mass-media, ?? ???? ??????? spoke by phone with the Russian and Georgian parties to which he has stated the concern situation development in a disputed zone. The constant representative of Russia at NATO, from its part, has declared Dmitry Rogozin, that concerning the conflict in South Ossetia «the NATO takes of an is cold-neutral position, works on information reception». The day before the head of the Alliance has made the statement in which has called the parties Georgian-jugoosetinskogo the conflict immediately to stop armed conflicts and to start direct negotiations.

Nevertheless data that Georgia tries to incline the West to that that has rendered it the military help start to appear, and even to involve it in opposition with Russia on the party. As has informed the Interfax referring to eyewitnesses, from Batumi towards South Ossetia lorry convoys with NATO technics and without licence plates now go. Eyewitnesses have besides, noted, to the south of Batumi in the sea near borders with Turkey stand the ships with Turkish marines.

In the meantime presidents of Russia and the USA Dmitry Medvedev and George Bush talked today concerning a situation in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict by phone. Dmitry Medvedev has explained to George Bush, informs RIA Novosti news agency, that Russia solves in South Ossetia a problem on compulsion of the Georgian party to the world and protects a life and advantage of the citizens. «Operating within the limits of the peace-making mission and according to the given out international community the mandate, Russia solves a problem on compulsion of the Georgian party to the world, protects a life and advantage of the citizens as it is demanded by the Constitution, laws of the Russian Federation, rules of law of any civilised country», - is spoken in the message of the press-service of the president of the Russian Federation on this telephone conversation.

Dmitry Medvedev has explained, that Russia is guided only by one - a problem of the immediate termination of violence, protection of the peace population, among which majority - the Russian citizens, and the prompt restoration of the world. It has been underlined, that the Georgian party makes the aggressive action against peace inhabitants and the Russian peacemakers. «Result of the barbarous actions planned and carried out by the Georgian management became numerous - the account goes on thousand - human a victim, ten thousand refugees, mass destructions and, as a matter of fact, violation of the right to a life of the whole people», - is told in the message.

The president of the Russian Federation has especially noticed, that a unique exit from the tragical crisis initiated by the Georgian management is the conclusion of Tbilisi of the armed formations from a conflict zone, returning to a way of peace arrangements and first of all signing legally a binding agreement about force non-use. The hope has been expressed, that the USA and other countries showing interest in an establishment of stability and safety on caucasus, will operate in this channel.

Bush, in turn, has expressed serious concern a state of affairs in region and has called Russia for a situation de-escalation. The American president also has declared, that is intended to assist return of a situation to a channel of politiko-diplomatic settlement.


Senior member
Jun 19, 2006
2DenisBoy - why the hell you cant just link to those articles????????? Another thing: are you russian or what? because it seems that you only post pro-russian reports ....


Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: fallout man
Originally posted by: senseamp

NATO just couldn't resist poking it with a stick.

Hey senseamp, why do you have such a raging hard-on for Russian military righteous justice? Do you have a pony in the race?

Are you calling me out personally?


Senior member
Jun 19, 2006
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: fallout man
Originally posted by: senseamp

NATO just couldn't resist poking it with a stick.

Hey senseamp, why do you have such a raging hard-on for Russian military righteous justice? Do you have a pony in the race?

Are you calling me out personally?

So why dont you anwer his question? your posts in this thread are so pro-russian that answer would be interesting.


Golden Member
May 19, 2002
I think he is just trying to help keep us updated because the mass media are all focused on the cheating John Edwards thus our info on subject this is some what limited.


Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2004
DenisBoy: Those machine translations of your Russian news sources are difficult to read. Any chance you could clean up the syntax rather than just process and paste?


Apr 13, 2008
? ????????? ? ?? ?????? ?? ?????????? ?????, ??????? ????????? ???????????? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???????? ??? ??????))). ? ????? ? ???????? ??????????, ?? ??? ??????, ????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ????????? ????.

Unfortunately I do not speak in English, therefore I use the translator and I hope for your patience at reading))). And here I try ??????????, in my opinion, the most interesting from the Russian news lines.


Apr 13, 2008
The war chronicle in South Ossetia: day the third

Last messages on events in a conflict zone in real time

On August, 10th in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict operations with participation of the Russian army proceed. From a conflict zone inconsistent messages on losses of the parties, and also on a course of fights as a whole constantly arrive. We continue to conduct a short chronicle of events in a conflict zone under messages of news agencies.

On August, 10th, 2008

19:55 Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Russia and Georgia have started negotiations
The assistant to the head of foreign policy department of Germany has declared, that "direct contact" is established

18:56 Georgia declared cease-fire
The note in which it is spoken about Michael Saakashvili's corresponding order is handed over the Russian consul. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Georgia asserts, that the Georgian armies are deduced from South Ossetia

18:39 Tskhinvali to Vladikavkaz left the first column with wounded men
50 persons are evacuated

18:30 journalists Alexander Klimchuk and ?????? ???????? Were lost
They have entered into South Ossetia with the Georgian armies, the correspondent of magazine "Russian Newsweek" ????? ??????? has told

17:33 the Abkhazian army has taken positions on the river Inguri along border with Georgia
The Abkhazian divisions have settled down in a zone of responsibility of peace-making forces. The representative of the president of Abkhazia Christian Dzhanija has declared, that is not planned to pass to the Georgian territory yet

17:13 the Abkhazian armies continue to strike air and artillery blows to the Georgian positions in the top part of Kodorsky gorge
The official representative of the president of Abkhazia has informed on it Christian Bzhanija. The representative of the Abkhazian autonomous republic in exile has declared, that the Georgian army has beaten off attack of the Russian divisions

16:38 Near to Tskhinvali NTV film crew has got under bombardment
The producer of a broadcasting company Peter Gassiev is wounded

15:23 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has laid down conditions of the beginning of negotiations with Georgia
The deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin has declared, that Georgia should disengage armies on initial positions and incur the obligation on force non-use

14:40 the State minister of Georgia on questions ???????????? ????? ?????????? has informed on bombardment ???????
The president of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh has promised to "put things in order" in territory of Zugdidsky area

14:02 the Deputy chief of the Joint Staff of armed forces of the Russian Federation Anatoly Nogovitsyn has confirmed, that the Georgian army departs from Tskhinvali
The Russian armies supervise the most part of capital of South Ossetia

13:18 Russia and Georgia have agreed about creation of two humanitarian corridors for evacuation of refugees
On it have informed in a staff of the Mixed forces on world maintenance. Georgia has denied the arrangement fact

13:15 Georgia has accused Russia of attack preparation on ??????? near to border of Abkhazia
The speaker of parliament of Georgia has declared, that operation will begin in the nearest some hours

12:41 the Official representative of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Georgia recognised, that Tskhinvali is under the control of the Russian army

11:23 the Source in a general staff of the Navy of Russia has informed, that to sea border with Georgia there have arrived a leader of the Black Sea fleet a rocket cruiser "Moscow" and a patrol ship "Sharp-witted"
Seamen will block deliveries to Georgia arms and the military technics by sea

10:25 the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia declared a withdrawal of troops from South Ossetia
The Russian peacemakers have denied this information

09:07 the Representative under human rights in Russia Vladimir Lukin has demanded to create tribunal for punishment of Georgia
????? has urged to find peace inhabitants responsible for murder in South Ossetia and to involve them in the international court

08:45 the Abkhazian army has begun promotion to border with Georgia
Besides, in the morning on Sunday the Abkhazian party has renewed the massed bombardment of the top part of Kodorsky gorge of Abkhazia which is under the control of the Georgian forces

08:20 the Georgian mass-media inform on new bombardments of Kodorsky gorge by the Russian aircraft
To bombardment, on their data, nearby 08:00 the village Azhara in the top part of Kodorsky gorge has undergone

07:27 Irina Gagloeva has informed on fights going all night long for heights dominating over Tskhinvali
In its opinion, from these heights the Georgian armies fired at the vital objects of Tskhinvali and, in particular, city hospital

06:43 Georgia has informed on the ships of the Navy of Russia in Abkhazian port Ochamchira
Earlier assumptions were put forward, that making a regrouping in water areas of Black sea the ships of the Black Sea fleet of the Russian Federation move towards ports of Abkhazia

06:19 the Russian aircraft has destroyed by bombing factory "?????????????" territory
On other data, planes of the Air Forces of Russia have struck rocket blows to the military airdrome located near to the international airport of Tbilisi

05:22 the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia has sent to inhabitants of South Ossetia of the foodstuffs of 120 tons
In the humanitarian cargo, which gross weight makes 120 tons, meat and fish canned food, buckwheat groats and a children's food enter

04:57 Russia will allocate for the help of South Ossetia not less than 10 billion roubles
Prime minister Vladimir Putin has informed on it, having noticed also, that if necessary this sum will be increased

04:26 Medvedev has promised to charge to military Office of Public Prosecutor ????????????????? crimes in South Ossetia
Earlier main military Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation has excited criminal case in connection with murder by the Georgian military men of the Russian peacemakers in Tskhinvali

03:56 Mission of the United Nations in Georgia has deduced the observers from Kodorsky gorge
According to the assistant to the secretary general of the United Nations on peace-making operations, with the initiative about a conclusion of the observers, the safety caused by reasons, the authorities of not recognised republic Abkhazia have acted

02:08 In South Ossetia the commander of 58th army of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation lieutenant general Anatoly Hrulev is wounded
According to "Messages", ?????? has got wounds during bombardment of the Russian column in which structure also there was a television channel film crew

01:21 Company BP knows nothing about bombardment of an oil pipeline of Baku-Tbilisi-Dzhejhan by the Russian aircraft
According to representatives of the company, the oil pipeline does not work since August, 6th, however it is not connected with events in South Ossetia

00:56 South Ossetia has informed on destruction of a bomber of the Air Forces of Georgia
Besides, the South Ossetia authorities have declared, that during operations in area Tskhinvali 12 Georgian tanks have been lined

00:21 Planes of the Air Forces of Russia have struck blow to the Georgian part of Kodorsky gorge
Four Russian planes have dumped bombs on territory of villages Gentsvishi, ????? and ??????, victims are not present



Apr 13, 2008
The war chronicle in South Ossetia: day of the second

Last messages on events in a conflict zone in real time

On August, 9th in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict the Russian armies have started to "operations on compulsion the world". There were first messages on victims from the Osset and Russian parties; about losses Georgian military ????????? data were not. Messages coming from region are inconsistent and are periodically denied. We continue to conduct a short chronicle of events in a conflict zone under messages of news agencies.

On August, 10th, 2008

On August, 9th, 2008

23:51 Azerbaijan since August, 9th has suspended transit of the oil through Georgia
In too time Georgia asserts, that all transit of oil through its territory goes in former volume

23:25 In South Ossetia two journalists of television channel "Conduct" are wounded
Three members of a film crew of "Messages" have got moderate severity level wounds

22:41 Heads the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the EU countries will gather for an extraordinary session on a situation in South Ossetia
The president of France - EU country-chairman - has disposed to spend an extraordinary session of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the European Union, devoted to a situation in South Ossetia

22:24 Russia has denied messages of the Georgian mass-media on blasting of the Roksky tunnel
On the tunnel, representatives of frontier management across the North Ossetia have informed, continue to evacuate wounded men.

22:05 the Authorities of Georgia have declared, that in South Ossetia 82 persons were lost
Georgia has cited new data about the losses: 45 military men and 37 peace inhabitants.

21:40 the Roksky tunnel connecting Russia and South Ossetia Is blown up
The Georgian mass-media referring to sources in ??????????, declared, that the Roksky tunnel on which to South Ossetia divisions of the Russian armies were thrown, is blown up.

20:38 Putin has demanded to stop aggression in South Ossetia
Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin has addressed to the Georgian authorities with an appeal immediately to stop aggression against South Ossetia and yours faithfully to concern the rights of other people.

20:38 the Georgian tanks try to isolate South Ossetia from Northern
The Georgian armies try to take hold of the control over Zarsky road which connects Tskhinvali with the North Ossetia.

20:22 Russia did not receive any specific proposals from Saakashvili
Russian ???????? did not receive any offers from Michael Saakashvili about cease-fire in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict. Meanwhile, the Georgian president twice within August, 9th publicly declared, that suggested a Russian side to stop fire immediately.

19:39 Saakashvili has suggested Medvedev to stop fire
Meanwhile mass-media inform, that the Georgian tanks prepare for approach to Tskhinvali. According to all available information, some cars have already broken through a line of defence and have entered into a city. The South Ossetia military men assert, that they managed to line three tanks.

19:12 To be engaged in a peaceful settlement in South Ossetia has solved Iran

19:10 During storm of Tskhinvali 10 Georgian tanks are destroyed
Jugoosetinsky military men assert, that they managed to line more than ten Georgian tanks during attack to suburbs Tskhinvalis.

19:00 Georgia: the Black Sea fleet of the Russian Federation throws forces to coast of Abkhazia

18:35 Ukraine and Estonia have decided to render not military help of Georgia

18:30 From Batumi to South Ossetia there are lorry convoys with "NATO technics"

18:00 Saakashvili: the Georgian athletes can leave the Olympic Games as a sign of the protest

17:54 Saakashvili "liquidated" 60 Russian members of spetsnaz
The Georgian divisions liquidated 60 members of spetsnaz Russian ???, the president of Georgia Michael Saakashvili has declared on Saturday. As he said, fight went at height ??????? in Tshinvalsky area. Acknowledgement of this information from the Russian sources are not present.

17:44 In a conflict zone the journalist of "the Komsomol truth" is wounded
It was earlier wrongly informed, that the journalist was lost

17:44 the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Georgia: At storm of Tskhinvali 2000 peace inhabitants were lost
Two thousand peace inhabitants of capital of South Ossetia became victims of shellings, aviablows and storm of Tskhinvali at least.

17:19 the Russian military men: Georgia planned to grasp Tskhinvali for days
The documents withdrawn on a place of a disposition of the Georgian armies in a zone of the conflict testify to it.

17:19 Ministry of Health of Georgia: 55 persons were lost
According to Ministry of Health of Georgia, during fights and bombardments in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict 55 persons, from which 15 - peace inhabitants were lost. By estimates of a Russian side, for one and a half days of the conflict were lost from 13 to 15 Russian peacemakers. In Tskhinvali consider, that victims of the Georgian aggression of a steel to 1500 persons.

17:15 Medvedev has stated to Bush the vision of events in South Ossetia
On Saturday telephone conversation between presidents of Russia and the USA in which Dmitry Medvedev has explained to George Bush the problems solved by Russia in South Ossetia has taken place. It is compulsion of the Georgian party to the world, and also protection of a life and advantage of the citizens. Medvedev also has stated the estimation of a situation in not recognised republic.

17:13 the Georgian military men could bring down Russian bomber ??-22 by means of the Ukrainian system of air defence
The Russian bomber of distant radius of action ??-22 has been brought down over Georgia an anti-aircraft missile of distant radius of action, presumably ?-200; according to a source in the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, this complex of air defence has been put to Georgia from Ukraine.

17:08 Moscow plans to address to the Hague and Strasbourg for investigation of circumstances of destruction of the Russian peacemakers

16:38 the Russian diplomats: In territory of Georgia "all sites with the domain '.ru '" are blocked
In Georgia Internet resources in a domain zone.ru are blocked, the press-secretary of embassy of the Russian Federation in Georgia Alexander Savinov confirms. Acknowledgement of this information from other sources while are not present.

16:35 ??????: Abkhazia has begun the armed operation against Georgia in the top part of Kodorsky gorge
The Abkhazian armies have put bombing attacks to a place of concentration of the Georgian armies in Kodorsky gorge.

16:30 AFP: on Georgian TV have shown the victim "the Russian pilot"

16:00 George Bush has urged Russia to stop bombardments of Georgia
US president George Bush after telephone conversation from Saakashvili has declared, that Russia should stop bombardments in a conflict zone in South Ossetia.

15:54 the Georgian mass-media have named the brought down Russian pilot
Colonel Igor Zinov has got to a captivity to the Georgian military men.

15:54 the Georgian party has informed on detention of three Russian pilots

15:20 the Martial law in Georgia is entered for 15 days
The parliament of Georgia on Saturday at extreme session has unanimously confirmed the decree of president Michael Saakashvili about martial law introduction in all territory of republic. The martial law is entered since August, 9th for a period of 15 days.

15:14 the Russian peacemakers: the Georgian military men surrender and leave positions in ????????????? to capital Tskhinvali, fight goes in village Nikozi

15:11 the Russian peacemakers conduct fights with the Georgian army for Prissky heights; there last fire point of the Georgian artillery is located

14:52 Saakashvili suggests to stop military actions in Tshinvalsky region
The president of Georgia Michael Saakashvili has suggested "to stop immediately fire" in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict and "to begin tap of armies with ??????? contacts". The Georgian president has sounded these offers at a briefing. For more than days of military operation of Georgia were lost, on preliminary data, to one and a half thousand persons.

14:41 "News-gruzija": the Russian Air Forces attacked Kodorsky gorge at border of Abkhazia
Earlier the same news agency has told about how ????????? the army has been ostensibly beaten out"by the Georgian armies from territory of South Ossetia and has detained 10 certain"mercenaries"

14:27 South Ossetia has asked for Russia the help in an independence recognition
The committee on the information and the press of South Ossetia has addressed to "to the people and a management of Russia" with the request to help with a recognition of independence of not recognised republic. "To live as a part of the fascist state Georgia it is not obviously possible. We ask legal, legal aid in a recognition of independence of Republic South Ossetia", - the text of the committee of the message placed on a site says.

13:55 the Georgian artillery has renewed bombardment of a staff of the Russian peacemakers
Nearby 13:55 on August, 9th the Georgian artillery has renewed bombardment of positions of the Russian peacemakers in Tskhinvali.

13:30 the Head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia ??? ????????????: Tbilisi maintains diplomatic relations with Moscow

13:07 the Georgian mass-media: One Russian pilot was lost, one was taken prisoner
One of pilots brought down in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict of planes of the Air Forces of the Russian Federation was lost, one - was taken prisoner to the Georgian military men, the Georgian journalists confirm. As they said, the grasped Russian pilot already interrogate.

13:07 the Russian planes attacked one more Georgian airdrome

13:06 In Georgia the martial law is entered
The president of Georgia Michael Saakashvili at session of National board of safety declared that the decision to enter in the country the martial law in connection with events in South Ossetia is accepted. Earlier on possibility of introduction of the martial law in the country informed the Georgian mass-media.

12:47 Georgia pulls together armies to border with Abkhazia
The Georgian party continues to pull together armies to border with not recognised republic Abkhazia, confirm de facto the authorities of Sukhumi. The plenipotentiary of the president of Abkhazia in Galsky area Ruslan ???????? has declared, that for days Georgia has essentially increased the military presence along the river Inguri

12:46 the Joint Staff: Russia is not at war with Georgia

12:27 Laurels: the number of victims of the conflict has increased in South Ossetia to 1500 persons

12:27 the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation recognised loss of two Russian planes
The deputy chief of the Joint Staff of Armed forces of the Russian Federation Anatoly Nagolitsyn has informed on loss of two planes of the Air Forces of Russia in a zone of the Georgian-Osset conflict. According to military command, have been brought down ??-25 and ??-22. The destiny of pilots is not known.

12:16 the Ministry of Defence of Georgia: the Russian plane Is brought down, the pilot is taken prisoner

12:10 In Tskhinvali and Tbilisi have counted the "brought down" planes
Georgians assert, that they ostensibly managed to bring down 10 Russian planes; representatives of South Ossetia say, that they have brought down two Georgian planes.

11:55 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has accused Ukraine of kindling of the Osset conflict

11:50 the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: Parts of 58 armies have completely released Tskhinvali from the Georgian military men
Batalonno-tactical groups of 58th Russian army have completely superseded the Georgian military men from Tskhinvali, the commander-in-chief of Land forces general Vladimir Boldyrev has declared. As he said, in a city evacuation of wounded Russian peacemakers and civilians in hospitals and hospitals of the Russian Federation is already organised.

11:39 to "Conduct": Bombardment of Tskhinvali is stopped; fire points of the Georgian army are suppressed

11:37 To South Ossetia divisions of 76th Pskov air-landing division are thrown
Commandoes are transferred on territory of South Ossetia together with regular arms. To South Ossetia divisions of 98th air-landing division from Ivanovo, and also special troops from structure of 45th separate prospecting regiment deployed in Moscow will be thrown also.

11:01 Russia has accepted more than 30 thousand refugees from South Ossetia

11:01 to "Conduct": the Georgian artillery continues to fire at Tskhinvali; fire is conducted on positions of the Russian peacemakers

10:50 BBC the Russian Federations have struck blow to artillery near Burn

10:35 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia: the Russian aircraft has destroyed by bombing port in ????
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the port has been completely destroyed. The Russian authorities yet did not make comments on this information.

10:14 the Ministry of Defence of Georgia has declared success of approach in South Ossetia
The Ministry of Defence of Georgia asserts, that the Georgian divisions successfully continue approach in South Ossetia. According to the head of department David Kezerashvili, not only has not conceded any before the taken position, but also continues to occupy the new.

09:50 the Russian peacemakers have started to "operations on compulsion the world"
The president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has told about the operation beginning. Operation details are not disclosed yet.

09:35 Fighters of 58th army have broken to camp of peacemakers in Tskhinvali
The division of 58th army of the North Caucasian military district has broken to base camp of the Russian peacemakers in Tskhinvali. An ammunition and the foodstuffs are delivered peacemakers, measures are taken for evacuation of wounded men.

08:39 the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: Georgia has opened fire on an escort with wounded men
The Georgian military men, under statements of the Russian military men, have opened fire on an escort with the wounded men, following of South Ossetia to Russia; the attack on an escort is made bypassing the arrangements reached at intermediary of OSCE.

08:04 In Tskhinvali will throw the Russian special troops
In a zone of operations tank, artillery motor-shooting and prospecting divisions of 58th army with regular combat material also are thrown. On the nearest to a zone of the conflict the Russian airdromes the prospecting and assault aircraft is placed.

07:50 In Tskhinvali three more Russian peacemakers were lost
The general number of the Russian peacemakers killed in South Ossetia has made 15 persons

07:19 Divisions of 58th army have taken positions on approaches to Tskhinvali
Divisions of 58th army of the Ministry of Defence of Russia have on Saturday morning taken positions at Tskhinvali and have begun preparation for operation "on compulsion to the world".

05:17 Georgia deduces half of contingent from Iraq
Georgia will deduce from Iraq one thousand person.

03:27 the United Nations Security Council could not make again the decision on a situation in South Ossetia
The session of Security Council of the United Nations second for days has again ended without acceptance of any decisions.

02:10 About two o'clock in the morning the Georgian artillery has opened fire on positions of the Russian peacemakers

02:01 Georgia declared evacuation of strategic objects
Evacuation passes in a building of the Ministry of Defence and area Tbilisi where Saakashvili's residence is located.

01:46 Saakashvili is ready to declare state of emergency in Georgia
According to representatives of the Georgian government, corresponding Saakashvili's statement will make in the morning on Saturday.

00:57 Planes of the Air Forces of Russia have struck blow to port Poti and military base in ??????
The Georgian party informs, that as a result of bombardment there are victims and wounded men.

00:33 the Site the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia has undergone to attack of hackers
On a site of the Georgian foreign policy department there was a collage from Saakashvili and Hitler's photos.

00:19 Condoleeza Rice has urged Russia to disengage armies from South Ossetia
"The Russian armies should leave the Georgian territory", - is spoken in the statement of the head of US State department.

00:07 In South Ossetia it is brought down ??-25 the Air Forces of Georgia
The shots confirming destruction of the Georgian attack plane, are shown on air of channel "Conduct".



Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
This is what happens when you allow Kosovo to breakaway from Serbia and declare themselves independent. The US can't say anything to Russia right now because they'll look like hypocrites.


Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2004
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
This is what happens when you allow Kosovo to breakaway from Serbia and declare themselves independent. The US can't say anything to Russia right now because they'll look like hypocrites.
As if that's been a problem for this administration!


Golden Member
May 19, 2002
Originally posted by: Nebor
Can someone moderate Denis Boy?


It is better than the scroll on the bottom of a tv news screen with up to the minute news feed.

Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Socio
Originally posted by: Nebor
Can someone moderate Denis Boy?


It is better than the scroll on the bottom of a tv news screen with up to the minute news feed.

Because if we wanted long news articles we would seek them elsewhere. This is a discussion forum. He is posting copypasta and adding nothing to the discussion.


Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: Socio
Looks like Russia does not want anything to do with a cease fire;

Georgia move fails to halt raids

Russia has continued air raids deep inside Georgia, after it rejected Tbilisi's announcement that it had called a ceasefire and wanted talks.

I think they have their excuse to take Georgia back and will.

Wasn't Georgia in a state of "cease-fire" when they were shelling South Ossetian capital?
I don't see how anything that megalomaniac Saakashvili says can be trusted. The beatings should continue until morale improves.
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