233 Killed In Iraq; Baghdad 'Security Net' Penetrated


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003

By STEVEN R. HURST and LAUREN FRAYER, Associated Press Writers

Suspected Sunni insurgents penetrated the Baghdad security net Wednesday, hitting Shiite targets with four bomb attacks that killed 183 people ? the bloodiest day since the U.S. troop increase began nine weeks ago.

The most devastating blast struck the Sadriyah market as workers were leaving for the day, charring a lineup of minibuses that came to pick them up. At least 127 people were killed and 148 wounded, including men who were rebuilding the market after a Feb. 3 bombing left 137 dead.

Wednesday's car bombing appeared meticulously planned. It took place at a pedestrian entrance where tall concrete barriers had been erected after the earlier attack. It was the only way out of the compound, and the construction workers were widely known to leave at about 4 p.m. ? the time of the bombing.

One builder, 28-year-old Salih Mustafa, said he was waiting for a bus home when the bomb exploded.

"I rushed with others to give a hand and help the victims," he said. "I saw three bodies in a wooden cart, and civilian cars were helping to take away the victims. It was really a horrible scene."

U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell told The Associated Press that al-Qaida in Iraq was suspected in the bombing. "Initial indications based on intelligence sources show that it was linked to al-Qaida," Caldwell said in a late-night telephone interview.

Echoing those remarks, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates called the bombings "horrifying" and accused al-Qaida of being behind them.

The attacks appeared to be yet another attempt by Sunni insurgents and al-Qaida to force Shiite militiamen back onto the streets. Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr had ordered his Mahdi Army fighters to put away their weapons and go underground before the security crackdown began, leaving regions like those bombed on Wednesday highly vulnerable.

An outburst of violence from the Shiite militia would also ease pressure on the Sunni insurgents, creating a second front for U.S. and Iraqi soldiers struggling to diminish violence in the capital and provide time for the Iraqi government to gather momentum for sectarian reconciliation.

U.S. officials have reported a decrease in sectarian killings in Baghdad since the U.S.-Iraqi security crackdown was launched Feb. 14. But the past week has seen several spectacular attacks in the capital, including a suicide bombing inside parliament and a powerful blast that collapsed a landmark bridge across the Tigris River. The number of bodies dumped in the streets of Baghdad also has risen significantly.

Brig. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, the Iraqi military spokesman, said, "We have not seen such a wave of attacks since the security plan began. These are terrorist challenges. Ninety-five percent of those killed today were civilians."

Late Wednesday, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ordered the arrest of the Iraqi army colonel who was in charge of security in the region around the Sadriyah market. The colonel's name was not given.

"Our Iraqi people are being subjected to a brutal attack that does not differentiate between an old man, a child or a woman. This targeting of civilian populations brings back to our minds the mass crimes and genocide committed by the Saddamist dictatorial regime," said a statement from al-Maliki's office.

The 127 deaths in the market bombing were recorded by Raad Muhsin, an official at al-Kindi Hospital morgue where the victims were taken. A police official confirmed the toll, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.

Besides the market attack, bombs struck Shiite targets in the capital at a police checkpoint, near a hospital and in a small bus.

Nationwide the number of people killed or found dead was 233, which was second only to a total of 281 killed or found dead on Nov. 23, 2006. Those figures are according to AP record-keeping, which began in May 2005.

Caldwell said militants were "attempting to destroy any sense of security the people of Baghdad were beginning to feel with the security operation in Baghdad."

He called insurgents a "vicious cancer on the body of Iraq. You've got to keep fighting it. We're not going to give up."

Many of the most devastating bomb attacks in the country have come in the past several months, indicating insurgents have developed more sophisticated or powerful explosives.

U.S. military officials announced that last week they found 3,000 gallons of nitric acid hidden in a warehouse in downtown Baghdad. U.S. forces discovered the acid, a key fertilizer component that can also be used in explosives, during a routine search April 12, the military said.

Timothy M. Swager, head of the chemistry department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said that aside from being used to make explosives, nitric acid could cause dangerous burns if used directly on people.

"Like all strong acids, if you sprayed people directly with it would burn them very badly," he said.

Steve Kornguth, director of the biological and chemical defense program at the University of Texas in Austin, said nitric acid is less toxic than chlorine gas at the same concentration, but could also be lethal.

He said in his opinion, insurgents are probably "experimenting with different ways of releasing harmful materials as an indirect effect of explosions."

Hospital officials have been reporting more serious burn victims, both among the dead and wounded, in recent attacks.

About an hour before the market was hit, a suicide car bomber crashed into an Iraqi police checkpoint at an entrance to Sadr City, the capital's biggest Shiite Muslim neighborhood and a stronghold for the Mahdi Army militia.

The explosion killed at least 41 people, including five Iraqi security officers, and wounded 76, police and hospital officials said.

A towering column of black smoke rose from a tangle of eight incinerated vehicles that were in a jam of cars stopped at the checkpoint. Bystanders scrambled over twisted metal to drag victims from the smoldering wreckage. Iraqi guards who survived the bombing staggered through the carnage, apparently stunned.

During the noon hour, a parked car exploded near a private hospital in Karradah, a predominantly Shiite district in the center of Baghdad. At least 11 people died and 13 were wounded, police said. The blast damaged the Abdul-Majid hospital and other nearby buildings.

The fourth bombing exploded in a small bus in the central Rusafi area, killing four people and wounding six, police said.

In other violence, a suicide bomber struck a police patrol at nightfall in the Saydiyah neighborhood, a mixed Sunni-Shiite district in southwest Baghdad. Four died, including two policemen, and eight were wounded, five of them police, police officials said.

The U.S. military also said a suspected insurgent was killed and eight captured in two raids north of Baghdad on Wednesday. Some of the suspects were believed linked to al-Qaida in Iraq and to a militant cell that has used chlorine in truck bombings, the statement said.


And so it begins, our descent into the depths of hell. With pre-war intelligence indicating an occupying force of 300,000+ would be needed to secure Iraq, is anyone here stupid enough to believe a troop surge would affect the situation in the slightest? We've given our incompetent leaders almost 4 years to get this situation under control with no progress whatsoever.


Jan 5, 2003
I wonder if Bush feels anything when hears about this if he hears about it at all.

.. prepares to get beat on by the Bush security force of ATOT.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Aimster
I wonder if Bush feels anything when hears about this if he hears about it at all.

.. prepares to get beat on by the Bush security force of ATOT.
This is what he said:

"We hold the victims in our hearts. We lift them up in our prayers and we ask a loving God to comfort those who are suffering today."
Wait, never mind. That was for the VT victims.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Wow another Iraq/surge thread! How refreshing and original!
Why don't you post a "good news from Iraq" thread instead?

What? Can't find any good news? :laugh:


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Wow another Iraq/surge thread! How refreshing and original!
Why don't you post a "good news from Iraq" thread instead?

What? Can't find any good news? :laugh:

haha Ive said in other threads there are plenty of good news stories out there - including soldier's blogs. Why post em here though? To intentionally get flamed? lol you will think what you want...what the h3ll is a hack like me gonna do to change your mind? Thats right-nothing *shrug*


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: blackangst1
haha Ive said in other threads there are plenty of good news stories out there - including soldier's blogs. Why post em here though? To intentionally get flamed? lol you will think what you want...what the h3ll is a hack like me gonna do to change your mind? Thats right-nothing *shrug*
Why post here at all then?

Just admit there's no good news worth posting.

What could a soldier possibly do that would be more important than the lives being lost daily in tragedies like this? If you're a person who believes human life should be valued above all else, then the answer is: nothing.


Jan 5, 2003
I am not trying to ruin this thread or get involved in a heated discussion.. I wasted enough of my day doing that.

but I have a question...

After the fall of Saddam, what has been the biggest news headline that has been positive in favor of the Iraqi people?


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: blackangst1
haha Ive said in other threads there are plenty of good news stories out there - including soldier's blogs. Why post em here though? To intentionally get flamed? lol you will think what you want...what the h3ll is a hack like me gonna do to change your mind? Thats right-nothing *shrug*
Why post here at all then?

Just admit there's no good news worth posting.

What could a soldier possibly do that would be more important than the lives being lost daily in tragedies like this? If you're a person who believes human life should be valued above all else, then the answer is: nothing.

Wow. I think you may be more of a tool than Dave...almost feel sorry for you


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
I am not trying to ruin this thread or get involved in a heated discussion.. I wasted enough of my day doing that.

but I have a question...

After the fall of Saddam, what has been the biggest news headline that has been positive in favor of the Iraqi people?

I think the problem is this: We read headlines the news outlets decide to give us. Period. And because of today's saturation of news, we settle back and think between two or three news sources we know the whole story. Thats our own naivity. The other problem is when someone DOES post something positive, it's immediately attacked as being reported by <insert your favorite hated news source here> almost as if the good news stories are faked. What a shame. You attack the messenger, but wont acknowledge the source.

Such is the way with sheeple.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Wow. I think you may be more of a tool than Dave...almost feel sorry for you
That may be your opinion. But what to people think of you, whose best response to something is calling the author a 'tool'?

You couldn't even find a shred of 'good news' to respond with, citing excuses when none exist.

Please show us an example of someone posting something positive from Iraq and being attacked for it? Was it on this forum, or in your imagination?


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Wow. I think you may be more of a tool than Dave...almost feel sorry for you
That may be your opinion. But what to people think of you, whose best response to something is calling the author a 'tool'?

Yes, it is. And so is what he wrote. Why is one right and the wrong? And for all that is good who ****** cares?

*shrug* I really couldnt care less lol This board is entertainment. There is so little value on it (including my own input) it's like watching a bad train wreck. I just occasionally like to poke sticks at the passionate hacks here. Why come here then? Cuz I love to watch trainwrecks


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Why come here then? Cuz I love to watch trainwrecks
If you want a watch train wrecks, I can see why you came to this thread. There is none bigger than the breakdown in Iraq right now.


Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Wow another Iraq/surge thread! How refreshing and original!
Why don't you post a "good news from Iraq" thread instead?

What? Can't find any good news? :laugh:

haha Ive said in other threads there are plenty of good news stories out there - including soldier's blogs. Why post em here though? To intentionally get flamed? lol you will think what you want...what the h3ll is a hack like me gonna do to change your mind? Thats right-nothing *shrug*
A quick survey indicates there are 500,000 soldiers blogs. And 99.9 percent of them are phony. In fact there are so many I suspect an organized campaign to fake them. Since about 98 percent are pro-Iraq war.



Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Aimster
I am not trying to ruin this thread or get involved in a heated discussion.. I wasted enough of my day doing that.

but I have a question...

After the fall of Saddam, what has been the biggest news headline that has been positive in favor of the Iraqi people?
Good question.

You know the strange thing though is that every poll I have seen says that the Iraqi people think they are better off without Saddam.

It would seem that freedom even with the death and chaos it has brought is far more enjoyable than living under the oppression of Saddam.

Another point, violence has a numbing effect. How many people saw the story about 2 dead at Va Tech that was running around 11am and though, oh well. And then a few hours latter saw the 32 dead and went ?holy ******.? I know I did.

An interesting parallel to Iraq is how Israel deals with suicide bombers. They have a special group that rushes in, cleans up, power washes the street and makes everything like it was before. In essence, they try to make it as if it never happened so that people can go about a ?normal? life. Perhaps the people in Iraq have seen so much death and destruction that they are no longer bothered by it, or at least they are trying to live as normal of lives as they can.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Wow another Iraq/surge thread! How refreshing and original!
Why don't you post a "good news from Iraq" thread instead?

What? Can't find any good news? :laugh:

haha Ive said in other threads there are plenty of good news stories out there - including soldier's blogs. Why post em here though? To intentionally get flamed? lol you will think what you want...what the h3ll is a hack like me gonna do to change your mind? Thats right-nothing *shrug*
A quick survey indicates there are 500,000 soldiers blogs. And 99.9 percent of them are phony. In fact there are so many I suspect an organized campaign to fake them. Since about 98 percent are pro-Iraq war.

Jesus Christ did you pull this out of your a$$?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Wow another Iraq/surge thread! How refreshing and original!

That's what happens when the "surge" allows so many deaths in a single day.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Aimster
Can someone post a credible soldier's blog? I would be interested to see such a blog.
blackangst1 was going to, but he's scared people will make fun of him and he might cry about it.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Wow another Iraq/surge thread! How refreshing and original!
Why don't you post a "good news from Iraq" thread instead?

What? Can't find any good news? :laugh:

haha Ive said in other threads there are plenty of good news stories out there - including soldier's blogs. Why post em here though? To intentionally get flamed? lol you will think what you want...what the h3ll is a hack like me gonna do to change your mind? Thats right-nothing *shrug*

Show us some good news that makes 233 killed in a day less tragic... NO GOOD COULD POSSIBLY NEGATE SO MANY DEATHS!


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Wow. I think you may be more of a tool than Dave...almost feel sorry for you
That may be your opinion. But what to people think of you, whose best response to something is calling the author a 'tool'?

Yes, it is. And so is what he wrote. Why is one right and the wrong? And for all that is good who ****** cares?

*shrug* I really couldnt care less lol This board is entertainment. There is so little value on it (including my own input) it's like watching a bad train wreck. I just occasionally like to poke sticks at the passionate hacks here. Why come here then? Cuz I love to watch trainwrecks

If that were a true, you wouldn't be posting here. Still waiting for good news that negates 233 deaths in a day. SO many people like you who make claims without backing them up. Nothing new here. Just more liars.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Aimster
I am not trying to ruin this thread or get involved in a heated discussion.. I wasted enough of my day doing that.

but I have a question...

After the fall of Saddam, what has been the biggest news headline that has been positive in favor of the Iraqi people?
Good question.

You know the strange thing though is that every poll I have seen says that the Iraqi people think they are better off without Saddam.

It would seem that freedom even with the death and chaos it has brought is far more enjoyable than living under the oppression of Saddam.

Another point, violence has a numbing effect. How many people saw the story about 2 dead at Va Tech that was running around 11am and though, oh well. And then a few hours latter saw the 32 dead and went ?holy ******.? I know I did.

An interesting parallel to Iraq is how Israel deals with suicide bombers. They have a special group that rushes in, cleans up, power washes the street and makes everything like it was before. In essence, they try to make it as if it never happened so that people can go about a ?normal? life. Perhaps the people in Iraq have seen so much death and destruction that they are no longer bothered by it, or at least they are trying to live as normal of lives as they can.

Yeah, those 2 million refugees that left Iraq were thrilled with the "freedom" we brought... Oh, and the U.S. isn't letting them come here.


Feb 23, 2005
Here's one I have bookmarked...its got good and bad, but I really like the guy's honesty. Here's a sample:

I?m no better than anyone else. I chose to enlist. I chose to re-enlist. Hell, I volunteered to go to Iraq. Why would I do such a thing? I have a few answers of varying honesty. Mostly I want to expand my human experience and this is an easy way to experience some of the most extreme limits of mortality. I want to contribute to something bigger and more meaningful than myself. I want to give back to my country. I want to physically contribute something positive to solving a problem rather than acting like I can solve all the world?s problems from my couch. I love the guys I work with and I love the comraderie. I want money for school. I want to kill someone just so people will shut up and stop asking me if I have. Regardless of the reasons, I?m here and overall I have been very happy with the time that I?ve served. I?m to the point now that I can?t imagine my life without being a soldier.

edit: oops forgot top post links

And another of my favorites http://bootsonground.blogspot.com/


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Here's one I have bookmarked...its got good and bad, but I really like the guy's honesty. Here's a sample:

I?m no better than anyone else. I chose to enlist. I chose to re-enlist. Hell, I volunteered to go to Iraq. Why would I do such a thing? I have a few answers of varying honesty. Mostly I want to expand my human experience and this is an easy way to experience some of the most extreme limits of mortality. I want to contribute to something bigger and more meaningful than myself. I want to give back to my country. I want to physically contribute something positive to solving a problem rather than acting like I can solve all the world?s problems from my couch. I love the guys I work with and I love the comraderie. I want money for school. I want to kill someone just so people will shut up and stop asking me if I have. Regardless of the reasons, I?m here and overall I have been very happy with the time that I?ve served. I?m to the point now that I can?t imagine my life without being a soldier.
Not exactly 'good news from Iraq', but at least we're sending some honest soldiers to their deaths in Iraq.
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