$27 million anti-evolution museum to open soon

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Golden Member
May 30, 2005
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: Luthien
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Kristi2k

Science only proves that God does exist.

no, it doesn't. science has nothing to say about the matter. science cannot prove or disprove god in the same way that science cannot prove or disprove what happened before the big bang.

The religions reject science because of that. What science can do is disprove religious claims such as being able to fit 2 of every animal on the ark, etc. With or without the dinosaurs the biomass would crush noah's ark into a pile of saw dust.

But even all that biomass couldn't crush the power of prayer.

The ark was held together by the power of Jesus. Didn't you know?


Golden Member
Feb 1, 2004
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: Luthien
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Kristi2k

Science only proves that God does exist.

no, it doesn't. science has nothing to say about the matter. science cannot prove or disprove god in the same way that science cannot prove or disprove what happened before the big bang.

The religions reject science because of that. What science can do is disprove religious claims such as being able to fit 2 of every animal on the ark, etc. With or without the dinosaurs the biomass would crush noah's ark into a pile of saw dust.

But even all that biomass couldn't crush the power of prayer.

Yeah, I can just see noah and his family standing around the ark preying like the priests in the exorcist; repeating over and over the power of christ compels you to the ark forbidding it to be crushed and to not sink under the weight, lol. Hilarious.


Jun 23, 2001
27 Million dollar step backwards. . .

If I was in Kentucky, I'd go if it was cheap admission, but only to start some crap. I'm an ass.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: dirtboy
Maybe if you did the research and read it, you'd understand why scientists are making those claims. I'm guessing you haven't based on your response.

Dirtboy. I am a Christian, and I used to be a big Hovind fan. I know and understand all of the theories. You're guessing just because I don't agree with *you*, that I must be an uneducated atheist.

I'm explaining that your thought processes are wrong, not that Creation is wrong.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Kristi2k
I'm so tired of non-"Christians" stating that Science disproves God and that "Christians" don't believe in Science. Science only proves that God does exist.

Science doesn't prove either way. If it were proof, we wouldn't be having this debate. We have evidence to support two differing hypotheses. Both sides of the argument are at fault for turning a blind eye to certain evidences.


Golden Member
Feb 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Bateluer
27 Million dollar step backwards. . .

If I was in Kentucky, I'd go if it was cheap admission, but only to start some crap. I'm an ass.

You better brings some friends and some guns because you will be heavily out numbered and they will kick your ass.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: Kristi2k
I'm so tired of non-"Christians" stating that Science disproves God and that "Christians" don't believe in Science. Science only proves that God does exist.

Science doesn't prove either way. If it were proof, we wouldn't be having this debate. We have evidence to support two differing hypotheses. Both sides of the argument are at fault for turning a blind eye to certain evidences.

I respect your attempt at a moderate position, but while the possibility of such a thing is there, no good evidence for ID exists.


Jul 18, 2000
Hey, I want to see the exhibit of Jesus riding a T-Rex. I think that would be fantastic!

Listen, you've got an unusually high amount of backwards ass retards in Kentucky, so this really doesn't surprise me. Do they even teach Science in Kentucky?


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
I respect your attempt at a moderate position, but while the possibility of such a thing is there, no good evidence for ID exists.

Well that part you have to take on faith. Because if everything was created in 6 days, you wouldn't have any evidence anyway, and you can't make an assumption just because there is a lack of evidence.

However there is some good evidence of a great world flood. But I won't go there.

Even some Christians whom still believe in Creation/ID - consider that the 6 days were not literal days, but rather phases of some timespan. But now I'm just going outside the point of this thread.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Kristi2k
Science only proves that God does exist.

Science does no such thing. In fact, I would even assert that there is no scientific evidence whatsoever to support the existence of God.

If you can think of some, please don't hesitate to post it here so that I can laugh at you.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
I respect your attempt at a moderate position, but while the possibility of such a thing is there, no good evidence for ID exists.

Well that part you have to take on faith. Because if everything was created in 6 days, you wouldn't have any evidence anyway, and you can't make an assumption just because there is a lack of evidence.

However there is some good evidence of a great world flood. But I won't go there.

Even some Christians whom still believe in Creation/ID - consider that the 6 days were not literal days, but rather phases of some timespan. But now I'm just going outside the point of this thread.

Yes, there's evidence of a flood, and that supports the notion that the Bible is probably a better record of human history than is generally acknowledged. It lends no support to the explanation it gives for the flood, just like the discovery that Troy was real, and destroyed, does not support the notion that Ares had something to do with it.

ID is not a scientific theory, because it does not make testable predictions. It is an explanatory narrative. There is plenty of evidence for evolution, and because the theory does not actually 'desire to be true', nor does it have 'pre-existing requirements that it must fit', it is able to shift when new information comes to light, and make new testable predictions based on a new version of the theory capable of explaining the new evidence.

This is not the same as simply twisting the theory to fit the unavoidable facts - something ID most certainly does.


Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: loup garou
There also will be an exhibit suggesting that belief in evolution is the root of most of modern society's evils. It shows models of children leaving a church where the minister believes in evolution. Soon the girl is on the phone to Planned Parenthood, while the boy cruises the Internet for pornography sites.

hahahaha, i must've glossed over that part... that's hillarious! Evolution causes abortions, blindness, and hairy palms! <--- my new bumper sticker
Evolution killed Jesus!

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Kristi2k
I'm so tired of non-"Christians" stating that Science disproves God and that "Christians" don't believe in Science. Science only proves that God does exist.
I'll be the first to scold anybody claiming that science disproves theism, but likewise I must scold you for claiming that science validates theism.

The simple fact of the matter is that science is only reliable when it assumes the absence of intermeddling gods, faeries, gremlins, or any other irregular and inherently unpredictable supernatural force. You do the very same every day when you expect to find your keys right where you left them. You do not expect them to have been magically teleported underneath the fridge or transformed into some other object. You do not expect those things because you also assume that there wasn't a god or a gremlin messing about with the regularities of reality. Science is no different.



Golden Member
Sep 28, 2005
I am taking an Earth System's class right now and I have had several classes on "Evolution," but I have yet to see any real "proof" that it exists the way most of you think about it.

The only proof they have is that creatures change within their species (which I have no problem with), but there is no evidence that everything came from one cell, millions and billions of years ago.

Ask any Earth Science (Evolution) professor about the evidence they have, and they will tell you there is nothing that bridges different species together, besides a theory they assume to be true. They will tell you that most of what they believe, is indeed, just a theory. But, if everyone "intelligent" and "educated" thinks it's true... then, of course it must be true, eh? What I have seen over the years, is that Evolution has been re-defined because this lack of evidence. In class these gaps are conveniently glossed over and not explained.

Evolution now has gone from an atheistic only belief, to something that accepts intelligent design as being plausible. Christianity may be bending to accept some of the hard evidences discovered by Evolution, but Evolution, as it is now defined, has definitely shifted to accept intelligent design and realize how much of it is actually pure theory.

Much of what most of you were taught in school, under the name of Evolution, is no longer held to as firmly as it once was. Most of you are not as well educated on the matter as you think you might be, but your gargantuan egos don't let you see, or admit that fact. I am still open to learning, but it looks like most you aren?t.

Well, I'm late for GS lab, so I'll have to stop there...

Bill Brasky

Diamond Member
May 18, 2006
Originally posted by: acole1
I am taking an Earth System's class right now and I have had several classes on "Evolution," but I have yet to see any real "proof" that it exists the way most of you think about it.

The only proof they have is that creatures change within their species (which I have no problem with), but there is no evidence that everything came from one cell, millions and billions of years ago.

Ask any Earth Science (Evolution) professor about the evidence they have, and they will tell you there is nothing that bridges different species together, besides a theory they assume to be true. They will tell you that most of what they believe, is indeed, just a theory. But, if everyone "intelligent" and "educated" thinks it's true... then, of course it must be true, eh? What I have seen over the years, is that Evolution has been re-defined because this lack of evidence. In class these gaps are conveniently glossed over and not explained.

Evolution now has gone from an atheistic only belief, to something that accepts intelligent design as being plausible. Christianity may be bending to accept some of the hard evidences discovered by Evolution, but Evolution, as it is now defined, has definitely shifted to accept intelligent design and realize how much of it is actually pure theory.

Much of what most of you were taught in school, under the name of Evolution, is no longer held to as firmly as it once was. Most of you are not as well educated on the matter as you think you might be, but your gargantuan egos don't let you see, or admit that fact. I am still open to learning, but it looks like most you aren?t.

Well, I'm late for GS lab, so I'll have to stop there...

I don't believe that you've ever taken an evolution class...


Nov 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Zaitsev
Originally posted by: acole1
I am taking an Earth System's class right now and I have had several classes on "Evolution," but I have yet to see any real "proof" that it exists the way most of you think about it.

The only proof they have is that creatures change within their species (which I have no problem with), but there is no evidence that everything came from one cell, millions and billions of years ago.

Ask any Earth Science (Evolution) professor about the evidence they have, and they will tell you there is nothing that bridges different species together, besides a theory they assume to be true. They will tell you that most of what they believe, is indeed, just a theory. But, if everyone "intelligent" and "educated" thinks it's true... then, of course it must be true, eh? What I have seen over the years, is that Evolution has been re-defined because this lack of evidence. In class these gaps are conveniently glossed over and not explained.

Evolution now has gone from an atheistic only belief, to something that accepts intelligent design as being plausible. Christianity may be bending to accept some of the hard evidences discovered by Evolution, but Evolution, as it is now defined, has definitely shifted to accept intelligent design and realize how much of it is actually pure theory.

Much of what most of you were taught in school, under the name of Evolution, is no longer held to as firmly as it once was. Most of you are not as well educated on the matter as you think you might be, but your gargantuan egos don't let you see, or admit that fact. I am still open to learning, but it looks like most you aren?t.

Well, I'm late for GS lab, so I'll have to stop there...

I don't believe that you've ever taken an evolution class...

The thing is, what creationists do is attempt to take anything that isn't fully there and try to exploit it to death. That is, let's explain evolution in a sort of numerical sense. Say a species went from 1-100 to hit its current form. To a creationist, if example #67 is missing, nothing works rather than people who accept evolution would just say "they just haven't found it yet." Which is quite typical in the field; that is, they haven't found certain fossils, but they know they exist and do eventually find them.


Senior member
Mar 17, 2007
Originally posted by: acole1
I am taking an Earth System's class right now and I have had several classes on "Evolution," but I have yet to see any real "proof" that it exists the way most of you think about it.

The only proof they have is that creatures change within their species (which I have no problem with), but there is no evidence that everything came from one cell, millions and billions of years ago.
This is false. The fact that relationships between organisms (both observable features and non-coding "junk" parts of DNA) can be arranged into a tree provides evidence of common descent.
Ask any Earth Science (Evolution) professor about the evidence they have, and they will tell you there is nothing that bridges different species together, besides a theory they assume to be true.
Well, that and the fact that new species have been observed to have formed, both in the lab and in the wild. But you're right, other than directly observing evolution and having fossil and genetic evidence for the inter-relatedness of species, there's no evidence for evolution and they just assume it to be true.

Also, is this the kind of opinion I should get from a biologist about the evidence for evolution : Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. Or did you have another biologist in mind?

And seriously, who calls biology "earth science" except middle-school students?
They will tell you that most of what they believe, is indeed, just a theory.
Just like physicists will tell you that gravity is "just a theory". Good luck convincing rational people that it's a good reason to jump out of buildings.

Or, to be less flip, if you plan to actually participate in science after you graduate as opposed to take a few survey classes to get through school, you should probably take some time to figure out what scientists mean by theory. Hint - it's not the same as "guess".
But, if everyone "intelligent" and "educated" thinks it's true... then, of course it must be true, eh? What I have seen over the years, is that Evolution has been re-defined because this lack of evidence. In class these gaps are conveniently glossed over and not explained.
I find it ironic that you've made it through maybe half of a survey class on geology and are now attacking the education about biology of people who have advanced degrees in biology itself.
Have you considered that biology is not explained in your earth systems class because an earth systems class is not a biology class? Your objection is kind of like complaining that you're not learning anything about French literature in a astrophysics class. If you want to learn about biology, take a class on biology, not a geology or climate modeling class.
Evolution now has gone from an atheistic only belief, to something that accepts intelligent design as being plausible. Christianity may be bending to accept some of the hard evidences discovered by Evolution, but Evolution, as it is now defined, has definitely shifted to accept intelligent design and realize how much of it is actually pure theory.
The only part of this which is true is that some religions are not opposed to accepting the real world. The rest is false. Evolution was never and is not an atheistic only belief, and ID is not science. ID is simply creationism with a simple cut and paste job to change God to "designer".
Much of what most of you were taught in school, under the name of Evolution, is no longer held to as firmly as it once was. Most of you are not as well educated on the matter as you think you might be, but your gargantuan egos don't let you see, or admit that fact. I am still open to learning, but it looks like most you aren?t.
Care to be more specific or are you going to stick to innuendos and vague misleading statements? You don't exactly show a towering knowledge of the basic facts of evolutionary biology, "earth system" class or not under your belt.

And learning is exactly what I recommend you do. Take a real biology class or two. God won't smite you if you learn about his creation from somewhere other than the first few pages of Genesis.

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: KCfromNC
Originally posted by: acole1
I am taking an Earth System's class right now and I have had several classes on "Evolution," but I have yet to see any real "proof" that it exists the way most of you think about it.

The only proof they have is that creatures change within their species (which I have no problem with), but there is no evidence that everything came from one cell, millions and billions of years ago.
This is false. The fact that relationships between organisms (both observable features and non-coding "junk" parts of DNA) can be arranged into a tree provides evidence of common descent.
Ask any Earth Science (Evolution) professor about the evidence they have, and they will tell you there is nothing that bridges different species together, besides a theory they assume to be true.
Well, that and the fact that new species have been observed to have formed, both in the lab and in the wild. But you're right, other than directly observing evolution and having fossil and genetic evidence for the inter-relatedness of species, there's no evidence for evolution and they just assume it to be true.

Also, is this the kind of opinion I should get from a biologist about the evidence for evolution : Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. Or did you have another biologist in mind?

And seriously, who calls biology "earth science" except middle-school students?
They will tell you that most of what they believe, is indeed, just a theory.
Just like physicists will tell you that gravity is "just a theory". Good luck convincing rational people that it's a good reason to jump out of buildings.

Or, to be less flip, if you plan to actually participate in science after you graduate as opposed to take a few survey classes to get through school, you should probably take some time to figure out what scientists mean by theory. Hint - it's not the same as "guess".
But, if everyone "intelligent" and "educated" thinks it's true... then, of course it must be true, eh? What I have seen over the years, is that Evolution has been re-defined because this lack of evidence. In class these gaps are conveniently glossed over and not explained.
I find it ironic that you've made it through maybe half of a survey class on geology and are now attacking the education about biology of people who have advanced degrees in biology itself.
Have you considered that biology is not explained in your earth systems class because an earth systems class is not a biology class? Your objection is kind of like complaining that you're not learning anything about French literature in a astrophysics class. If you want to learn about biology, take a class on biology, not a geology or climate modeling class.
Evolution now has gone from an atheistic only belief, to something that accepts intelligent design as being plausible. Christianity may be bending to accept some of the hard evidences discovered by Evolution, but Evolution, as it is now defined, has definitely shifted to accept intelligent design and realize how much of it is actually pure theory.
The only part of this which is true is that some religions are not opposed to accepting the real world. The rest is false. Evolution was never and is not an atheistic only belief, and ID is not science. ID is simply creationism with a simple cut and paste job to change God to "designer".
Much of what most of you were taught in school, under the name of Evolution, is no longer held to as firmly as it once was. Most of you are not as well educated on the matter as you think you might be, but your gargantuan egos don't let you see, or admit that fact. I am still open to learning, but it looks like most you aren?t.
Care to be more specific or are you going to stick to innuendos and vague misleading statements? You don't exactly show a towering knowledge of the basic facts of evolutionary biology, "earth system" class or not under your belt.

And learning is exactly what I recommend you do. Take a real biology class or two. God won't smite you if you learn about his creation from somewhere other than the first few pages of Genesis.
Damn, that's some first-class ownage there.
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