$27 million anti-evolution museum to open soon

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Nov 5, 2002
So let them build it, it will only promote further discussion and more questions being asked.


Jan 29, 2004
Paraphrased and modified from Xenogears, my fav story ev4r!!1!:

"With the resurrection of God and the destruction of our planet imminent, we headed for the continent Mahonon, the resting place of God, to seek out God and his devine wisdom said to be contained in Razeal's Tree"

[They get there, and explore the 'caverns' below the surface]

"It appeared to be the central hull of a colossal spacecraft some 40 kelts in diameter. Judging by its condition, we estimate that some kind of disaster happened on board this ship forcing it to fall to our planet 10,000 years ago...an ancient star ship... a civilization from another galaxy... could it be that the inhabitants of this ship are our ancestors? Seeking God and his devine wisdom, which is said to lie here in Mahonon, we proceeded further..."

[Proceeding forward]

"The central bridge was large enough to contain the entire capitol of Aveh! At its core housed the ships still active central computer, called Razeal. We found the unthinkable when we accessed its data. An ancient civilization from a distant galaxy... an enormous colony transport ship carrying them and an autonomous biological super weapon designed to conquer star systems... merkaba, the mobile strategic transport platform to carry it from star system to star system. Vast records of human genetics, DNA manipulation, nanotechnology... all known human history up until the crash some 10,000 years ago... what the ministry was seeking was right here."

[done paraphrasing]

It just goes to show you that human?s perspective is limited and that they will form a religion around just about anything. For all we know the greek gods where really ?aliens? that got ?caught? seen visiting Earth in secrecy and were warshipped as gods by the primative people at the time.

Say we discover that there is a higher domain of waves and energy that give existance to our universe. You could in fact say that those waves and that domain are the very 'God' and 'heaven' described in religious texts since the dawn of man on Earth. Just because it doesn't fit some religious person's misinterpretation and preconception of 'God' being some man with a white beard sitting in a throne in the clouds does not mean thats what it has to be. That preconception is just a tangible form given by ancient humans who painted caves and wrote stories to describe what they may have observed or experienced. Or they were high before they knew what getting high was and saw some funny things and 'God' spoke to them This stuff is quite blasphemous to religious people, but seriously, you don't know. It's not a far out theory.

Any sufficiently advanced technology or physics and science will be perceived as 'God' to a lesser evolved species. I know if I was alive a few thousand years from now, I'd be devious and travel back to the 1st century times with my anti grav shoes and matter manipulator, walk on water, turn water to wine, etc, and say my name was Jesus just to freak out the locals, provided I could escape being nailed to a cross...

For example, in Xenogears, the weapon Deus was perceived to be the God of their world and it ended up just being a bio weapon created by humans from another civilization eons ago that had its own genetic manufacturing capabilities. In fact humans desire to seek out 'God' was simply built in genetically seeded programming in order to ensure the eventual restoration of the weapon system in line with its autonomous self repair function. Technically, it would be correct to consider Deus 'God' because it did in fact create life on the planet. Thus I leave you with the opening paragraph from the Xenogears manual describing the last few frames of the intro video:

"Born from the fallen wreckage, 'she' slowly arose, her long hair blowing in the wind as her eyes reflected the dawn's breaking light. Reflecting the start of the day that 'god' and 'humankind' fell to earth."

Greatest game ever. A real eye opener on religion, creation theories, perspective, etc.

I say again, you would be surprised at what people will build a religion around.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2007
Originally posted by: KCfromNC
Originally posted by: acole1
I am taking an Earth System's class right now and I have had several classes on "Evolution," but I have yet to see any real "proof" that it exists the way most of you think about it.

The only proof they have is that creatures change within their species (which I have no problem with), but there is no evidence that everything came from one cell, millions and billions of years ago.
This is false. The fact that relationships between organisms (both observable features and non-coding "junk" parts of DNA) can be arranged into a tree provides evidence of common descent.
Ask any Earth Science (Evolution) professor about the evidence they have, and they will tell you there is nothing that bridges different species together, besides a theory they assume to be true.
Well, that and the fact that new species have been observed to have formed, both in the lab and in the wild. But you're right, other than directly observing evolution and having fossil and genetic evidence for the inter-relatedness of species, there's no evidence for evolution and they just assume it to be true.

Also, is this the kind of opinion I should get from a biologist about the evidence for evolution : Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. Or did you have another biologist in mind?

And seriously, who calls biology "earth science" except middle-school students?
They will tell you that most of what they believe, is indeed, just a theory.
Just like physicists will tell you that gravity is "just a theory". Good luck convincing rational people that it's a good reason to jump out of buildings.

Or, to be less flip, if you plan to actually participate in science after you graduate as opposed to take a few survey classes to get through school, you should probably take some time to figure out what scientists mean by theory. Hint - it's not the same as "guess".
But, if everyone "intelligent" and "educated" thinks it's true... then, of course it must be true, eh? What I have seen over the years, is that Evolution has been re-defined because this lack of evidence. In class these gaps are conveniently glossed over and not explained.
I find it ironic that you've made it through maybe half of a survey class on geology and are now attacking the education about biology of people who have advanced degrees in biology itself.
Have you considered that biology is not explained in your earth systems class because an earth systems class is not a biology class? Your objection is kind of like complaining that you're not learning anything about French literature in a astrophysics class. If you want to learn about biology, take a class on biology, not a geology or climate modeling class.
Evolution now has gone from an atheistic only belief, to something that accepts intelligent design as being plausible. Christianity may be bending to accept some of the hard evidences discovered by Evolution, but Evolution, as it is now defined, has definitely shifted to accept intelligent design and realize how much of it is actually pure theory.
The only part of this which is true is that some religions are not opposed to accepting the real world. The rest is false. Evolution was never and is not an atheistic only belief, and ID is not science. ID is simply creationism with a simple cut and paste job to change God to "designer".
Much of what most of you were taught in school, under the name of Evolution, is no longer held to as firmly as it once was. Most of you are not as well educated on the matter as you think you might be, but your gargantuan egos don't let you see, or admit that fact. I am still open to learning, but it looks like most you aren?t.
Care to be more specific or are you going to stick to innuendos and vague misleading statements? You don't exactly show a towering knowledge of the basic facts of evolutionary biology, "earth system" class or not under your belt.

And learning is exactly what I recommend you do. Take a real biology class or two. God won't smite you if you learn about his creation from somewhere other than the first few pages of Genesis.

:thumbsup: Can we be friends?


Apr 26, 2001
Originally posted by: KCfromNC
Originally posted by: acole1
I am taking an Earth System's class right now and I have had several classes on "Evolution," but I have yet to see any real "proof" that it exists the way most of you think about it.

The only proof they have is that creatures change within their species (which I have no problem with), but there is no evidence that everything came from one cell, millions and billions of years ago.
This is false. The fact that relationships between organisms (both observable features and non-coding "junk" parts of DNA) can be arranged into a tree provides evidence of common descent.
Ask any Earth Science (Evolution) professor about the evidence they have, and they will tell you there is nothing that bridges different species together, besides a theory they assume to be true.
Well, that and the fact that new species have been observed to have formed, both in the lab and in the wild. But you're right, other than directly observing evolution and having fossil and genetic evidence for the inter-relatedness of species, there's no evidence for evolution and they just assume it to be true.

Also, is this the kind of opinion I should get from a biologist about the evidence for evolution : Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. Or did you have another biologist in mind?

And seriously, who calls biology "earth science" except middle-school students?
They will tell you that most of what they believe, is indeed, just a theory.
Just like physicists will tell you that gravity is "just a theory". Good luck convincing rational people that it's a good reason to jump out of buildings.

Or, to be less flip, if you plan to actually participate in science after you graduate as opposed to take a few survey classes to get through school, you should probably take some time to figure out what scientists mean by theory. Hint - it's not the same as "guess".
But, if everyone "intelligent" and "educated" thinks it's true... then, of course it must be true, eh? What I have seen over the years, is that Evolution has been re-defined because this lack of evidence. In class these gaps are conveniently glossed over and not explained.
I find it ironic that you've made it through maybe half of a survey class on geology and are now attacking the education about biology of people who have advanced degrees in biology itself.
Have you considered that biology is not explained in your earth systems class because an earth systems class is not a biology class? Your objection is kind of like complaining that you're not learning anything about French literature in a astrophysics class. If you want to learn about biology, take a class on biology, not a geology or climate modeling class.
Evolution now has gone from an atheistic only belief, to something that accepts intelligent design as being plausible. Christianity may be bending to accept some of the hard evidences discovered by Evolution, but Evolution, as it is now defined, has definitely shifted to accept intelligent design and realize how much of it is actually pure theory.
The only part of this which is true is that some religions are not opposed to accepting the real world. The rest is false. Evolution was never and is not an atheistic only belief, and ID is not science. ID is simply creationism with a simple cut and paste job to change God to "designer".
Much of what most of you were taught in school, under the name of Evolution, is no longer held to as firmly as it once was. Most of you are not as well educated on the matter as you think you might be, but your gargantuan egos don't let you see, or admit that fact. I am still open to learning, but it looks like most you aren?t.
Care to be more specific or are you going to stick to innuendos and vague misleading statements? You don't exactly show a towering knowledge of the basic facts of evolutionary biology, "earth system" class or not under your belt.

And learning is exactly what I recommend you do. Take a real biology class or two. God won't smite you if you learn about his creation from somewhere other than the first few pages of Genesis.



Senior member
Jun 6, 2006
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: Zaitsev
Originally posted by: acole1
I am taking an Earth System's class right now and I have had several classes on "Evolution," but I have yet to see any real "proof" that it exists the way most of you think about it.

The only proof they have is that creatures change within their species (which I have no problem with), but there is no evidence that everything came from one cell, millions and billions of years ago.

Ask any Earth Science (Evolution) professor about the evidence they have, and they will tell you there is nothing that bridges different species together, besides a theory they assume to be true. They will tell you that most of what they believe, is indeed, just a theory. But, if everyone "intelligent" and "educated" thinks it's true... then, of course it must be true, eh? What I have seen over the years, is that Evolution has been re-defined because this lack of evidence. In class these gaps are conveniently glossed over and not explained.

Evolution now has gone from an atheistic only belief, to something that accepts intelligent design as being plausible. Christianity may be bending to accept some of the hard evidences discovered by Evolution, but Evolution, as it is now defined, has definitely shifted to accept intelligent design and realize how much of it is actually pure theory.

Much of what most of you were taught in school, under the name of Evolution, is no longer held to as firmly as it once was. Most of you are not as well educated on the matter as you think you might be, but your gargantuan egos don't let you see, or admit that fact. I am still open to learning, but it looks like most you aren?t.

Well, I'm late for GS lab, so I'll have to stop there...

I don't believe that you've ever taken an evolution class...

The thing is, what creationists do is attempt to take anything that isn't fully there and try to exploit it to death. That is, let's explain evolution in a sort of numerical sense. Say a species went from 1-100 to hit its current form. To a creationist, if example #67 is missing, nothing works rather than people who accept evolution would just say "they just haven't found it yet." Which is quite typical in the field; that is, they haven't found certain fossils, but they know they exist and do eventually find them.

The thing is, theres sooo much less evidence that there is a god than the existence of Evolution. Yet they discount evolution so easily.


Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: FireChicken
Originally posted by: Strk
Originally posted by: Zaitsev
Originally posted by: acole1
I am taking an Earth System's class right now and I have had several classes on "Evolution," but I have yet to see any real "proof" that it exists the way most of you think about it.

The only proof they have is that creatures change within their species (which I have no problem with), but there is no evidence that everything came from one cell, millions and billions of years ago.

Ask any Earth Science (Evolution) professor about the evidence they have, and they will tell you there is nothing that bridges different species together, besides a theory they assume to be true. They will tell you that most of what they believe, is indeed, just a theory. But, if everyone "intelligent" and "educated" thinks it's true... then, of course it must be true, eh? What I have seen over the years, is that Evolution has been re-defined because this lack of evidence. In class these gaps are conveniently glossed over and not explained.

Evolution now has gone from an atheistic only belief, to something that accepts intelligent design as being plausible. Christianity may be bending to accept some of the hard evidences discovered by Evolution, but Evolution, as it is now defined, has definitely shifted to accept intelligent design and realize how much of it is actually pure theory.

Much of what most of you were taught in school, under the name of Evolution, is no longer held to as firmly as it once was. Most of you are not as well educated on the matter as you think you might be, but your gargantuan egos don't let you see, or admit that fact. I am still open to learning, but it looks like most you aren?t.

Well, I'm late for GS lab, so I'll have to stop there...

I don't believe that you've ever taken an evolution class...

The thing is, what creationists do is attempt to take anything that isn't fully there and try to exploit it to death. That is, let's explain evolution in a sort of numerical sense. Say a species went from 1-100 to hit its current form. To a creationist, if example #67 is missing, nothing works rather than people who accept evolution would just say "they just haven't found it yet." Which is quite typical in the field; that is, they haven't found certain fossils, but they know they exist and do eventually find them.

The thing is, theres sooo much less evidence that there is a god than the existence of Evolution. Yet they discount evolution so easily.

The difference is that bible thumpers will never let go of their faith, ever, and stand in the face of any and all proof or evidence no matter how ridiculous they look.

On the other side though, if some guy descended from the clouds, vaporized entire cities with the snap of his fingers, pulled a living being out of a sand box previously shown to contain nothing but sand, and told me he was God, I don't think I would question it as long as someone else confirmed also that there are no smoke and mirrors involved At the very least, he would be incredibly more advanced than anything my physics can explain, and for all intents and purposes, that would rightly make him God in my world.

I would even go so far as to humble myself to the bible thumpers and say "yeah, looks like you were right I guess"

Can you see a religious person ever admitting he/she was wrong? Yeah I laughed too.
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