2900XT arrived


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
I just got my 2900XT and have had a chance to play around with it a little today.

Since I felt the need to upgrade my video card first, I find myself running this card with a slow setup by today's standards. This system specs are:

Opteron 170 @ 2.6GHZ
DFI CFX3200 Crossfire motherboard
2GB OCZ GamerXtreme PC4000
Silverstone ST56 560w 36a PSU.
Vista 32-bit

Setting up my card was easy enough. Installed Cat 7.6s and got rolling immediately. Drivers are just as stable as my X1900XTX in Vista.

I want to make one comment about the cooler before I say anything else. This thing is very quiet with the fan set to auto. Couldnt even hear it. I changed the fan setting to 100%, just to hear it. Wow, this cooler is louder than my X1900XTX stock cooler at 100%. it doesnt give off the same high pitch whine that the X1900XTX cooler did, but as far as noise level, I think this cooler is louder. Since 100% was unbearable, I set it back to 50% and while I can still hear it, it is no louder than anything else and much quiter than the X1900XTX. At 50% I have yet to break 80*C in any game, so i guess it's good right there.

Tried 3DMark06 first. I scored 8355. uh-oh. Definitely has to be a CPU limitation.

CS:S with everything maxed @ 1920x1200 4x/16x AA/AF came in at 122 fps.

Lost Coast with everything maxed @ 1920x1200 4x/16x AA/AF scored 77 fps. With same settings, but no AA or AF, I scored 103 fps.

FEAR v1.08 @ 1920x1200, everything maxed, SS off, 0x/16x AA/AF scored 91 fps avg. With 4x AA enabled, I scored 52 fps average.

I played about 2 minutes of STALKER at the very beginning and I was pleasantly surprised that at 1920x1200, everything to medium, Full Dynamic Lighting, the FPS stayed inbetween 30-60 fps the entire time. Very little time under 30 fps. This was more than I expected and am quite happy with these scores.

These are preliminary numbers run in one pass. I plan to do more extensive testing along with more games during the course of the week. I want to get as many games benched at 1920x1200 because that is the only resolution that hasnt been benched by one of our board members. If the need arises, I am prepared to upgrade my entire system after the July Intel price cuts.

One thing that really has me worried is that I think my PSU is just on the verge of not being able to handle this card. I'm running my CPU at 2.6GHZ, but normally I can run at 2.8GHZ just fine. When I tried to raise the OC on my CPU tp 2.8GHZ, 3Dmark06 started making my computer shutdown in the middle of the test. it's pretty apparent that this 560w PSU with 36a on the 12v rails is about as low as you can go with this card and an overclocked CPU.

If you have specific games or settings you want benched, let me know.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Try RivaTuner. It will let you graph your clockspeeds over time. Just start the graph and fire up a 3D app.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Try RivaTuner. It will let you graph your clockspeeds over time. Just start the graph and fire up a 3D app.

Yeah, got RivaTuner, just checked the graphs during this 3Dmark run and it looks like 743/828 were the clocks during the test.

I guess my CPU really does just plain suck.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Heavy sucker, isn't it...? hehe. And don't worry, warm and fuzzy intel price cuts are coming shortly.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Stumps
What CPU are you using?

Opteron 170 @ 2.6GHZ.

I'm gonna edit this thread instead of making a new one about performance.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Matt2
Originally posted by: Stumps
What CPU are you using?

Opteron 170 @ 2.6GHZ.

I'm gonna edit this thread instead of making a new one about performance.

Ahhh, I see now,

I tried the 2900XT that I "borrowed" from work last night in my A64 3000+@2.87GHZ, not a good combination, the CPU bottlenecks the card considerably, your 3Dmark score is right on the money for that setup.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Matt2
Originally posted by: apoppin
you have both PCIe connectors connected?

Yeah I do, I edited the OP.

i posted and then noticed your edit .. i just gave up

so ... what do you think ... compared to your x1900xt?

Too early to make anyh official conclusions. I havent even played a game yet, so i have nothing to base a comparison on as far as actual gameplay goes.

apoppin, did you ever overclock your card without the 8-pin?

I just ran 3Dmark06 with the 2900XT @ 775/875, ran like a champ.

BTW, I'm using RivaTuner to OC this card without the 8-pin adapter. So far my PSU is holding up.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Here are some overclocking numbers.

CPU: Opty 170 @ 2.7GHZ

GPU: 2900XT @ 775/875

3DMark 06

8871 3Dmarks. According to the ORB, this is the fastest DC Opteron system between 2.6-2.8 GHZ. Fourth fastest system behind an 8800 Ultra and 2 8800GTS.

Lost Coast
1920x1200, everything maxed, no AA, 16x AF

112 fps

1920x1200, everything maxed, 4x/16x AA/AF

82.25 fps

1920x1200, everything maxed, SS off, AA off, 16xAF

Minimum: 50
Average: 95
Max: 207

0% below 25 fps
0% between 25-45 fps
100% above 40 fps

1920x1200, everything maxed, SS off, 4x/16x AA/AF

Minimum: 19 fps
Average: 54 fps
maximum: 109 fps

3% below 25 fps
22%between 25-45 fps
75% above 40fps

These numbers are not too shabby at all considering the resolution and crap CPU I've paired it with.

I am a little concerned over the AA performance we've all heard about on the 2900XT. The 2900XT struggles in FEAR with AA mightily. In fact I lose exactly 50% performance compared to no AA when in 4x mode.

The real tests will come later tonight when I get CoH and bench in DX9 and DX10 and get the Lost Planet demo.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Matt2
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Matt2
Originally posted by: apoppin
you have both PCIe connectors connected?

Yeah I do, I edited the OP.

i posted and then noticed your edit .. i just gave up

so ... what do you think ... compared to your x1900xt?

Too early to make anyh official conclusions. I havent even played a game yet, so i have nothing to base a comparison on as far as actual gameplay goes.

apoppin, did you ever overclock your card without the 8-pin?

I just ran 3Dmark06 with the 2900XT @ 775/875, ran like a champ.

BTW, I'm using RivaTuner to OC this card without the 8-pin adapter. So far my PSU is holding up.

... do you think it is enough for your LCD? ... try playing STALKER
--that is a pretty good test

no i am not a GPU OPC'er ... i will eventually test it ... maybe in a few minutes just to get a higher 3Dmark06 score
i guess RivaTuner is the way to go with out the ground wires to the 8-pin.

i'll d/l the latest and let you know


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
your opty is NOT crap. I think I made a gaming mistake by going to Core2Duo. Oblivion IS faster but not $$$ worth.

Congrats on your card but if I were you I'd have gone 8800GTS, man...
better image quality.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: gersson
your opty is NOT crap. I think I made a gaming mistake by going to Core2Duo. Oblivion IS faster but not $$$ worth.

Congrats on your card but if I were you I'd have gone 8800GTS, man...
better image quality.

how do you know about the IQ?
--i had both the GTS and the XT side-by-side- ... i bet you cannot tell the difference in IQ

and how can you make a mistake going C2D? it IS faster



Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: apoppin
... do you think it is enough for your LCD? ... try playing STALKER
--that is a pretty good test

no i am not a GPU OPC'er ... i will eventually test it ... maybe in a few minutes just to get a higher 3Dmark06 score
i guess RivaTuner is the way to go with out the ground wires to the 8-pin.

i'll d/l the latest and let you know

So far I would have to say yes, right now it is enough for my LCD. When some newer games come out then I might chnage my mind, but every game I have tried so far as been near 2x as fast compared to my X1900XTX.

I played about 30 minutes of STALKER and with the GPU @ 775/875 the FPS stayed in a very respectable range of 35-80 fps with medium settings and Full Dynamic Lighting.

I'm installing CoH now, but I might not get to run any benches as I'm gonna step out and have a drink with my GF and some of her friends.

Originally posted by: gersson
your opty is NOT crap. I think I made a gaming mistake by going to Core2Duo. Oblivion IS faster but not $$$ worth.

Congrats on your card but if I were you I'd have gone 8800GTS, man...
better image quality.

I thought about getting a C2D setup first, but I'm glad I got a video card instead. My X1900XTX was flaming out in everything at 1920x1200.

I thought about getting the GTS, but if AMD can make some steady driver improvements, I believe that the 2900XT will turn out to be the right decision. The shader power and 512bit interface dont hurt at 1920x1200 either.

As for the IQ, yeah I know technically the 8800 series has better IQ, but it's not drastic or even noticable IMO.


Mar 9, 2000
i can't OC - at all - with Riva Tuner ... the settings neither apply not stick

otoh, i got my CPU to 3150 ... same temps

As for the IQ, yeah I know technically the 8800 series has better IQ, but it's not drastic or even noticable IMO.
don't you believe it at all


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: gersson
your opty is NOT crap. I think I made a gaming mistake by going to Core2Duo. Oblivion IS faster but not $$$ worth.

Congrats on your card but if I were you I'd have gone 8800GTS, man...
better image quality.

how do you know about the IQ?
--i had both the GTS and the XT side-by-side- ... i bet you cannot tell the difference in IQ

and how can you make a mistake going C2D? it IS faster

Same here, they look identical to me....

If only my Asrock/P-D820 would play nice with the 2900XT so I can test them out together...some funny BIOS issue happening, it runs for about 30 mins then gets random lockups while gaming....hmmm



Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2002
Stalker is going to be dual core optimized in the next patch v1000.4 so that may help more.
So far it has only been using single core.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
DX10 numbers are in:

DX10, default settings, 1920x1200

Maximum: 57.6 fps
Average: 27.7 fps
Minimum: 1.6 fps

Lost Planet

DX10, shadows low, 1920x1200

Snow: 24 fps

Cave: 18 fps

*Lost Planet ahd graphical errors. Little blocks all over the screen. I've heard about this before and have no idea how it effects performance nor how to fix it.

I hope these arent indications of how primetime DX10 titles will perform.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Matt2
Anybody know how to fix the weird blocks in Lost Planet?

underclock your GPU or wait for the 7.7 drivers

i got those a couple of times with maxed out details ... i thought it was 2900xt overheating ... i lowered a couple of the details from hi to medium and don't see it any more

and RivaTuner won't OC my 2900xt ... the settings just don't stick at all. ATi Tray tools crashes Vista with a +1Mhz core OC ... so that won't work
-guess it's the ground wire time
and i am keeping my CPU at 3150Mhz.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Matt2
Anybody know how to fix the weird blocks in Lost Planet?

underclock your GPU or wait for the 7.7 drivers

i got those a couple of times with maxed out details ... i thought it was 2900xt overheating ... i lowered a couple of the details from hi to medium and don't see it any more

and RivaTuner won't OC my 2900xt ... the settings just don't stick at all. ATi Tray tools crashes Vista with a +1Mhz core OC ... so that won't work
-guess it's the ground wire time
and i am keeping my CPU at 3150Mhz.

Temps are low-mid 70's, so I dont think it's a heat issue. A couple of review sites that I googled said they had the same thing.

Not sure why your settings arent sticking in RivaTuner. Mine works fine with the exception of having to reset the OC every time I reboot.

I got some STALKER benches.

1920x1200, Full Dynamic Lighting, settings set to medium, AF to full

buildings_timedemo: 68 fps
short_timedemo: 67 fps

I'm not sure how much I trust these numbers because the little time I played STALKER it was mostly in the 35-50 ranged.


Jul 24, 2005
You still having power issues with your cpu overclock and the 2900XT? Perhaps you could try rewiring some of the hardware to the other rail on that PSU. I would think that 1 of the rails which handles the power to the videocard is being overloaded.

Cookie Monster

Diamond Member
May 7, 2005
Have you fiddled around with the IQ related options? e.g CFAA? would you say the IQ have improved or got worse?

edit - or is practically the same?
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