2nd Amendemnt Suspended in the Big Easy


Jul 31, 2005
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: YoshiSato


So far this is only by States orders which federal law overrides

The article is wrong. We are in a Police State in New Orleans.

That's funny because your Police deparment walked off the job which means Directive 666 is in effect(All men women and children for themself)

What they should do with NO is make it like LA in the movie "Escape from LA"


Jul 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: YoshiSato


So far this is only by States orders which federal law overrides

The article is wrong. We are in a Police State in New Orleans.

You did move there voluntarily!

What I don't get is he says police state but even the few cops that did't walk or off themself that are left are not even safe. The "chief" has it stuff stolen during an interview with MSNBC, it's not a police state, it's a state of anarchy and to take the weapons from law biding citizens will only compound the anarchy and get more cops killed.


Jul 31, 2005
When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred... Niccolo Machiavelli

The psudeo-officals of New Orleans are the former part of that statement.


Jul 13, 2005
quiet simple!!
It was reported last week they have a curfew and such in efect in NO!!

Thus it truly is for now a police state!!
I for one approve of this move!!
What with those idiots that were shooting a rescue helicopters and such!!!

Im sorry but people who have guns must act responsibly!
Under the present circumstances I fele it is justified and warranted!!


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 2004
do u really think that the people shooting at helicopters got them legally or will give them back...


Jul 13, 2005
thats really not the issue....but to answer that YES!!
I believe some who fired at the They had nothing to lose and survival was the name of the game!!


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2001
Found this, http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/09/national/nationalspecial/09storm.html Reading the whole story it isn't entirely clear what is being discussed, plus the story dateline is 9/8/05 and much may have changed.

It sounds a bit like nobody but security guards etc will be allowed to OPENLY carry weapons, which is a bit far from kicking the door and demanding you disarm and stop protecting your house etc.

Second thing is that they apparently want "everybody" out of NO, and it isn't entirely clear why. Sure "some" areas are totally unsafe, others are kinda dangerous, but ultimately almost everybody will need to spend a few days getting their stuff and other are going to be ready to start repairs etc.

OTOH why should any part of this stage make sense.


Nov 3, 2000
Now that most of the looters and criminals are gone its time for the BRAVE POLICE to come in and protect you from yourself. This video made me truly SICK TO MY STOMACH.



Nov 3, 2000
Originally posted by: mikeford
Found this, http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/09/national/nationalspecial/09storm.html Reading the whole story it isn't entirely clear what is being discussed, plus the story dateline is 9/8/05 and much may have changed.

It sounds a bit like nobody but security guards etc will be allowed to OPENLY carry weapons, which is a bit far from kicking the door and demanding you disarm and stop protecting your house etc.

Second thing is that they apparently want "everybody" out of NO, and it isn't entirely clear why. Sure "some" areas are totally unsafe, others are kinda dangerous, but ultimately almost everybody will need to spend a few days getting their stuff and other are going to be ready to start repairs etc.

OTOH why should any part of this stage make sense.

Did you watch the Video I put up? The ARE "kicking the door and demanding you disarm and stop protecting your house etc."

We are are ready to protect you and your property now. You have fifteen minutes to leave or have your ass handed to you.

Is this America or NAZI Germany?



Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: shoRunner
do u really think that the people shooting at helicopters got them legally or will give them back...

What I read in your post is exactly what the liberals constantly say. "We can't be bothered with punishing criminals (who, afterall, help to push their agenda) so we will punish the law abiding citizens that don't support us."

Any way you look at it the seizures are illegal. Either you support illegal search and seizure or you don't. Liberals only care about the law and the Constitution when it happens to agree with them. I believe it should always apply or be legally changed.

If the seizures were done in a lawlful manner (not sure how this can be) then I will accept the actions but might write more letters to get it changed. If the seizures were done because the weapons were being used to commit a crime then I agree with it. As it has been reported on numerous occasions then I'm completely against it.

In California where it is almost completely illegal to defend yourself, your family, and your home, then I agree that agents of California could seize the weapons.

Originally posted by: irie
Originally posted by: mikeford
Found this, http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/09/national/nationalspecial/09storm.html Reading the whole story it isn't entirely clear what is being discussed, plus the story dateline is 9/8/05 and much may have changed.

It sounds a bit like nobody but security guards etc will be allowed to OPENLY carry weapons, which is a bit far from kicking the door and demanding you disarm and stop protecting your house etc.

Second thing is that they apparently want "everybody" out of NO, and it isn't entirely clear why. Sure "some" areas are totally unsafe, others are kinda dangerous, but ultimately almost everybody will need to spend a few days getting their stuff and other are going to be ready to start repairs etc.

OTOH why should any part of this stage make sense.

Did you watch the Video I put up? The ARE "kicking the door and demanding you disarm and stop protecting your house etc."

We are are ready to protect you and your property now. You have fifteen minutes to leave or have your ass handed to you.

Is this America or NAZI Germany?

Everything I have read about this talk about it being carried out by the police. I assume the Mayor of New Orleans has at least acquiesced to these actions. There has been no mention of the Governor?s actions.

What is wrong with those people? They are obviously right wing wacko racists conservative democrats. They don?t help their citizens escape, they prevent aid, and now they leave them defenseless.

Given that President Clinton was touting the ?New Way? government and the Mayor and Governor are also Democrats the answer to your question is, it is still America but in an area where Fascism is considered the new way.


Senior member
Jun 21, 2001
Originally posted by: ExpertNovice

Everything I have read about this talk about it being carried out by the police. I assume the Mayor of New Orleans has at least acquiesced to these actions. There has been no mention of the Governor?s actions.

What is wrong with those people? They are obviously right wing wacko racists conservative democrats. They don?t help their citizens escape, they prevent aid, and now they leave them defenseless.

Given that President Clinton was touting the ?New Way? government and the Mayor and Governor are also Democrats the answer to your question is, it is still America but in an area where Fascism is considered the new way.

Right wing wacko racists conservative democrats? Come on now, that doesn't even make sense. How can democrats be a right wing conservative?

Please read up on who is on what side before you make statements like that again.


Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
quiet simple!!
It was reported last week they have a curfew and such in efect in NO!!

Thus it truly is for now a police state!!
I for one approve of this move!!
What with those idiots that were shooting a rescue helicopters and such!!!

Im sorry but people who have guns must act responsibly!Under the present circumstances I fele it is justified and warranted!!

Youre kidding, right?

You actually believe that criminals are going to act "responsibly"?

Grow a brain.. sheesh..

The second amendment has been stomped on, plain and simple. Taking the weapons of citizens only puts them more at risk.



Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: episodic
How can they do this legally?

In George W. Bush's America, money talks.

Mercenaries guard homes of the rich in New Orleans

Jamie Wilson in New Orleans
Monday September 12, 2005
The Guardian

Hundreds of mercenaries have descended on New Orleans to guard the property of the city's millionaires from looters.

The heavily armed men, employed by private military companies including Blackwater and ISI, are part of the militarisation of a city which had a reputation for being one of the most relaxed and easy-going in America.

After scenes of looting and lawlessness in the days immediately after Hurricane Katrina struck, New Orleans has turned into an armed camp, patrolled by thousands of local, state and federal law enforcement officers, as well as 70,000 national guard troops and active-duty soldiers now based in the region.

Blackwater, one of the fastest-growing private security firms in the world, which achieved global prominence last year when four of its men were killed and their bodies mutilated in the Iraqi city of Falluja, has set up camp in the back garden of a vast mansion in the wealthy Uptown district of the city.

David Reagan, 52, a semi-retired US army colonel from Huntsville, Alabama, who fought in the first Gulf war and is commander of Blackwater's operations in the city, refused to say how many men he had in New Orleans but indicated it was in the hundreds.

Asked if they had encountered many looters so far, Mr Reagan said that the sight of his heavily armed men - a pump action shotgun was propped against the wall near to where he was standing - was enough to put most people off.

Two Israeli mercenaries from ISI, another private military company, were guarding Audubon Place, a gated community. Wearing bulletproof vests, they were carrying M16 assault rifles.

Gill, 40, and Yovi, 42, who refused to give their surnames, said they were army veterans of the Israeli war in Lebanon, but had been living in Houston for 17 years. They had been hired by Jimmy Reiss, a descendant of an old New Orleans family who made his fortune selling electronic systems to shipbuilders. They had been flown by private jet to Baton Rouge, the capital of Louisiana, and then helicoptered to Audubon Place, they said.

"I spoke to one of the other owners on the telephone earlier in the week," Yovi said. "I told him how the water had stopped just at the back gate. God watches out for the rich people, I guess."


Oct 21, 2000
Do the mercenaries operate under some sort of special license that allows them to a) carry guns publicly (or is that legal?) and b) not get their guns confiscated by the police (during this time)?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: sygyzy
Do the mercenaries operate under some sort of special license that allows them to a) carry guns publicly (or is that legal?) and b) not get their guns confiscated by the police (during this time)?

There is some information on those points in this report from New Orleans.

Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans

By Jeremy Scahill and Daniela Crespo
t r u t h o u t | Report

Saturday 10 September 2005

New Orleans - Heavily armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private security firm, infamous for their work in Iraq, are openly patrolling the streets of New Orleans. Some of the mercenaries say they have been "deputized" by the Louisiana governor; indeed some are wearing gold Louisiana state law enforcement badges on their chests and Blackwater photo identification cards on their arms. They say they are on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and have been given the authority to use lethal force. Several mercenaries we spoke with said they had served in Iraq on the personal security details of the former head of the US occupation, L. Paul Bremer and the former US ambassador to Iraq, John Negroponte.

"This is a totally new thing to have guys like us working CONUS (Continental United States)," a heavily armed Blackwater mercenary told us as we stood on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter. "We're much better equipped to deal with the situation in Iraq."

Blackwater mercenaries are some of the most feared professional killers in the world and they are accustomed to operating without worry of legal consequences. Their presence on the streets of New Orleans should be a cause for serious concern for the remaining residents of the city and raises alarming questions about why the government would allow men trained to kill with impunity in places like Iraq and Afghanistan to operate here. Some of the men now patrolling the streets of New Orleans returned from Iraq as recently as 2 weeks ago.

What is most disturbing is the claim of several Blackwater mercenaries we spoke with that they are here under contract from the federal and Louisiana state governments.

Blackwater is one of the leading private "security" firms servicing the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. It has several US government contracts and has provided security for many senior US diplomats, foreign dignitaries and corporations. The company rose to international prominence after 4 of its men were killed in Fallujah and two of their charred bodies were hung from a bridge in March 2004. Those killings sparked the massive US retaliation against the civilian population of Fallujah that resulted in scores of deaths and tens of thousands of refugees.

As the threat of forced evictions now looms in New Orleans and the city confiscates even legally registered weapons from civilians, the private mercenaries of Blackwater patrol the streets openly wielding M-16s and other assault weapons. This despite Police Commissioner Eddie Compass' claim that "Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons."

Officially, Blackwater says its forces are in New Orleans to "join the Hurricane Relief Effort." A statement on the company's website, dated September 1, advertises airlift services, security services and crowd control. The company, according to news reports, has since begun taking private contracts to guard hotels, businesses and other properties. But what has not been publicly acknowledged is the claim, made to us by 2 Blackwater mercenaries, that they are actually engaged in general law enforcement activities including "securing neighborhoods" and "confronting criminals."

That raises a key question: under what authority are Blackwater's men operating? A spokesperson for the Homeland Security Department, Russ Knocke, told the Washington Post he knows of no federal plans to hire Blackwater or other private security. "We believe we've got the right mix of personnel in law enforcement for the federal government to meet the demands of public safety." he said.

But in an hour-long conversation with several Blackwater mercenaries, we heard a different story. The men we spoke with said they are indeed on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and the Louisiana governor's office and that some of them are sleeping in camps organized by Homeland Security in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. One of them wore a gold Louisiana state law enforcement badge and said he had been "deputized" by the governor. They told us they not only had authority to make arrests but also to use lethal force. We encountered the Blackwater forces as we walked through the streets of the largely deserted French Quarter. We were talking with 2 New York Police officers when an unmarked car without license plates sped up next to us and stopped. Inside were 3 men, dressed in khaki uniforms, flak jackets and wielding automatic weapons. "Y'all know where the Blackwater guys are?" they asked. One of the police officers responded, "There are a bunch of them around here," and pointed down the road.

"Blackwater?" we asked. "The guys who are in Iraq?"

"Yeah," said the officer. "They're all over the place."

A short while later, as we continued down Bourbon Street, we ran into the men from the car. They wore Blackwater ID badges on their arms.

"When they told me New Orleans, I said, 'What country is that in?,'" said one of the Blackwater men. He was wearing his company ID around his neck in a carrying case with the phrase "Operation Iraqi Freedom" printed on it. After bragging about how he drives around Iraq in a "State Department issued level 5, explosion proof BMW," he said he was "just trying to get back to Kirkuk (in the north of Iraq) where the real action is." Later we overheard him on his cell phone complaining that Blackwater was only paying $350 a day plus per diem. That is much less than the men make serving in more dangerous conditions in Iraq. Two men we spoke with said they plan on returning to Iraq in October. But, as one mercenary said, they've been told they could be in New Orleans for up to 6 months. "This is a trend," he told us. "You're going to see a lot more guys like us in these situations."

If Blackwater's reputation and record in Iraq are any indication of the kind of "services" the company offers, the people of New Orleans have much to fear.


Jeremy Scahill, a correspondent for the national radio and TV program Democracy Now!, and Daniela Crespo are in New Orleans. Visit www.democracynow.org for in-depth, independent, investigative reporting on Hurricane Katrina.


Jul 31, 2005
Well guess when the crap hits the fan and when the next civil war starts the "rebels" won't be fighting regular militray, they will be fighting hired guns. But condiser that mercs are not protected by the rules of war or by POW treatment laws.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: sygyzy
Do the mercenaries operate under some sort of special license that allows them to a) carry guns publicly (or is that legal?) and b) not get their guns confiscated by the police (during this time)?

There is some information on those points in this report from New Orleans.

Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans

By Jeremy Scahill and Daniela Crespo
t r u t h o u t | Report

Saturday 10 September 2005

New Orleans - Heavily armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private security firm, infamous for their work in Iraq, are openly patrolling the streets of New Orleans. Some of the mercenaries say they have been "deputized" by the Louisiana governor; indeed some are wearing gold Louisiana state law enforcement badges on their chests and Blackwater photo identification cards on their arms. They say they are on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and have been given the authority to use lethal force. Several mercenaries we spoke with said they had served in Iraq on the personal security details of the former head of the US occupation, L. Paul Bremer and the former US ambassador to Iraq, John Negroponte.

"This is a totally new thing to have guys like us working CONUS (Continental United States)," a heavily armed Blackwater mercenary told us as we stood on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter. "We're much better equipped to deal with the situation in Iraq."

Blackwater mercenaries are some of the most feared professional killers in the world and they are accustomed to operating without worry of legal consequences. Their presence on the streets of New Orleans should be a cause for serious concern for the remaining residents of the city and raises alarming questions about why the government would allow men trained to kill with impunity in places like Iraq and Afghanistan to operate here. Some of the men now patrolling the streets of New Orleans returned from Iraq as recently as 2 weeks ago.

What is most disturbing is the claim of several Blackwater mercenaries we spoke with that they are here under contract from the federal and Louisiana state governments.

Blackwater is one of the leading private "security" firms servicing the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. It has several US government contracts and has provided security for many senior US diplomats, foreign dignitaries and corporations. The company rose to international prominence after 4 of its men were killed in Fallujah and two of their charred bodies were hung from a bridge in March 2004. Those killings sparked the massive US retaliation against the civilian population of Fallujah that resulted in scores of deaths and tens of thousands of refugees.

As the threat of forced evictions now looms in New Orleans and the city confiscates even legally registered weapons from civilians, the private mercenaries of Blackwater patrol the streets openly wielding M-16s and other assault weapons. This despite Police Commissioner Eddie Compass' claim that "Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons."

Officially, Blackwater says its forces are in New Orleans to "join the Hurricane Relief Effort." A statement on the company's website, dated September 1, advertises airlift services, security services and crowd control. The company, according to news reports, has since begun taking private contracts to guard hotels, businesses and other properties. But what has not been publicly acknowledged is the claim, made to us by 2 Blackwater mercenaries, that they are actually engaged in general law enforcement activities including "securing neighborhoods" and "confronting criminals."

That raises a key question: under what authority are Blackwater's men operating? A spokesperson for the Homeland Security Department, Russ Knocke, told the Washington Post he knows of no federal plans to hire Blackwater or other private security. "We believe we've got the right mix of personnel in law enforcement for the federal government to meet the demands of public safety." he said.

But in an hour-long conversation with several Blackwater mercenaries, we heard a different story. The men we spoke with said they are indeed on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and the Louisiana governor's office and that some of them are sleeping in camps organized by Homeland Security in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. One of them wore a gold Louisiana state law enforcement badge and said he had been "deputized" by the governor. They told us they not only had authority to make arrests but also to use lethal force. We encountered the Blackwater forces as we walked through the streets of the largely deserted French Quarter. We were talking with 2 New York Police officers when an unmarked car without license plates sped up next to us and stopped. Inside were 3 men, dressed in khaki uniforms, flak jackets and wielding automatic weapons. "Y'all know where the Blackwater guys are?" they asked. One of the police officers responded, "There are a bunch of them around here," and pointed down the road.

"Blackwater?" we asked. "The guys who are in Iraq?"

"Yeah," said the officer. "They're all over the place."

A short while later, as we continued down Bourbon Street, we ran into the men from the car. They wore Blackwater ID badges on their arms.

"When they told me New Orleans, I said, 'What country is that in?,'" said one of the Blackwater men. He was wearing his company ID around his neck in a carrying case with the phrase "Operation Iraqi Freedom" printed on it. After bragging about how he drives around Iraq in a "State Department issued level 5, explosion proof BMW," he said he was "just trying to get back to Kirkuk (in the north of Iraq) where the real action is." Later we overheard him on his cell phone complaining that Blackwater was only paying $350 a day plus per diem. That is much less than the men make serving in more dangerous conditions in Iraq. Two men we spoke with said they plan on returning to Iraq in October. But, as one mercenary said, they've been told they could be in New Orleans for up to 6 months. "This is a trend," he told us. "You're going to see a lot more guys like us in these situations."

If Blackwater's reputation and record in Iraq are any indication of the kind of "services" the company offers, the people of New Orleans have much to fear.


Jeremy Scahill, a correspondent for the national radio and TV program Democracy Now!, and Daniela Crespo are in New Orleans. Visit www.democracynow.org for in-depth, independent, investigative reporting on Hurricane Katrina.

Wonder if this end run of Posse Comitatus will become more common in the future...

The speed at which are rights are eroding at is astounding...


Jul 31, 2005
Wonder if this end run of Posse Comitatus will become more common in the future...

Well they are using fracking MERCs in New Orleans for securit(The same group that was in Iraq, Afgan and some other places we don't know about. These are hired killers, not Private bodygruard/security forces). So I guess my scerenio for whether or not the US militray would be used in American citizens in any major civil uprising was answered in that they will use Hired Guns instead of regular military or National Guard.

BTW MERCs or "any solider for profit" are not protected by the Genevia Accords or Internatioanl Law of the Treatement of POWs.


Jun 30, 2001
Originally posted by: episodic
How can they do this legally?

No, they cannot. The constitution is the highest law there is. Nothing can superceed the constitution. Any law made that goes against the constititution is null and void. Problem is that you have to fight it and take it all the way to the supreme court in order to defend this right, and no one is going to do this because by the time they are heard, no one will care anymore.


Jul 31, 2005
Originally posted by: XZeroII
Originally posted by: episodic
How can they do this legally?

No, they cannot. The constitution is the highest law there is. Nothing can superceed the constitution. Any law made that goes against the constititution is null and void. Problem is that you have to fight it and take it all the way to the supreme court in order to defend this right, and no one is going to do this because by the time they are heard, no one will care anymore.

Only way to fight MERCs in the streets is with your own set of MERCs.

There is a reason why the 2nd amendment is about the right to keep an bear arms.
In case the First Amendment fails you can force the issue with military power and with the way some things are going this might happen sooner then we all would like.

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