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Mar 13, 2001
"War is Hell" a Famous man once said
this was true then and now!!

"You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will.
War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out."
Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
Letter to Mayor Calhoun of Atlanta and others
September 12, 1864

[General William Tecumseh Sherman
to the Mayor and Councilmen of Atlanta

In the mind of General William Tecumseh Sherman, who made famous the phrase "War is hell," there was no doubt as to the integrity of the North's cause. Sherman was renowned as a fierce - some would say tyrannical - military leader, and in September 1864 he gave orders for the city of Atlanta to be evacuated and burned. Despite appeals from the citizens of Atlanta, including reminders that there were elderly and pregnant women whom it would be difficult and even perilous to move, Sherman's decision was final. He explained himself to the mayor and council members of the city.

thanks to this site for my quote!


Jun 5, 2001

<< It's nice to see Texmaster step in with his misguided southern redneck sentiments, it really is. >>

Ah the Snobbish Liberal Elite. Everyone kiss his ring! LOL Think you could get that aristocratic nose any higher in the air?

<< Anyway, i've said it once and i'll say it again: The US should curtail bombing and use more ground forces UNLESS it's really necessary. >>

And when is it NOT necessary? Of course predictibly you have no answer for that. Just another empty thought.

<< In this case we have a moral responsibility to limit the number of civilian casualties as possible, considering the military might we have in comparison to our enemies. Remember when we first started our military initiative? I believe even the president said that we were looking for justice and not revenge. Taking 3700+ civilian lives (if it is true) is not only irresponsible, but also criminal. >>

Name one other war that had Less civilizan casualities. Lets see it Phokus Take that snobbish attitude of yours and back up your claim for once in your life.

<< Now onto my second rant on patriotism. It's one thing to express solidarity as a nation with the victims, the families, the tragedy, etc. and it's another thing to go into a blind rage (i'll admit, i was in this phase for a few days, and it's sad to see so many of you still in it) and believe everything our government does is good without asking for accountability. THAT, my friends, is dangerous and is the very basis of so much human suffering in the history of our world. >>

Ah another blind quote without providing any criteria or definition! LOL Phokus you read like a book.

<< Now if you believe what i just said is pro-taliban/anti-american, then so be it, but just remember: dissent is one of the most American of values (i.e. the civil rights movement, anti-vietman war sentiments, etc.) and was the very basis of the establishment of our country (i.e. the pilgrims who escaped religious tyranny and the defiance against british rule). >>

LOL Must get heavy taking that soapbox wherever you go.

Your mindless speaches are getting tiresome. Quit preaching and debate reverend


Feb 15, 2001
Normally, I don't become so aggressive on posts. However, Czar posted this subject before on November 19th. Then he asks for a deletion, just like in this thread. Sorry, but I refuse to stand by while some troll constantly discredits my country. If it isn't about civilian deaths, it deals with either Palestinians, Depleted Uranium munitions or some other horse crap generated by the media in Europe.

And as far as patriotism goes. Yes, I'm patriotic. Damn proud of my country. Oh, by the way, I've been to more than 30 other countries outside of this one. How many have you visited?

me thinks czar is bitter that his country (iceland?) depends on us for defense


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Regardless of whether or not this is "justified collateral damage", the disparity between how acceptable death is when it happens here vs when we inflict it on someone else is unfortunate.

Just because we can help clean up a mess doesn't give us a right to make one in the first place.

If Bin Laden never planned the Sept 11 Attacks, then the afgans wouldn't be dying now because of this.

Although most won't come out and say something like this, I think this represents the general attitude. My response would be, if we had followed through on what we made appear to be a commitment to the Afghans during their war with the Soviets, instead of pulling out after our end had been accomplished, things would be a lot different.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
I am sad that "civilians" died and are dieing in Afghanistan. That has nothing to do with my opininion on how the war has been handled. I find nothing criminal in the conduct of the war. War kills people. As far as I have been able to tell, the US has been making a large effort from the very beginning to keep "civilian" deaths as low as possible while achieving the objectives it has been given. One of those objectives is to protect American lives and property - soldiers and planes - as much as possible. That seems to be as reasonable an objective a military force can have.

I find it hard to understand why some people in this thread cannot differentiate between the deaths caused bu the terrorist attacks on the US and the "civilians" killed during the war in Afghanistan.

I also question the percentage of aid that is given. The US tends to rely on private charity as well as government spending (this is much different in Socialist countries). I know the US public donates $ billions every year for aid overseas.



Jan 20, 2001
This is nothing but your own opinion. I am only interested in the results and the goal. The goal was to keep Castro from attacking the US or allowing others to use Cuba for their pruposes. The goal was reached no matter what your opinion is about how it came about the results are the same.
Hmm, so am I to understand that you believe sanctions against Cuba were designed to prevent Castro from attacking the US? And since Castro has not attacked the US that means the sanctions worked? Free country think (and say what you like) . . . the history of US involvement in Cuba does not depict support for benevolent representative government. Castro was a revolutionary with broad popular support of Cubans (with the exception of wealthy elite). He did not deliver on the freedom promised by his crusade but the people still support this murderer and dictator. We have a colorful history when it comes to those Pinochet, Noriega, Sandinistas, Suharto, our newest MFN partner China.

Your statement defies logic. You support sanctions b/c they worked but your only proof they worked is that the desired outcome (no Red Dawn) came to pass. That's not causation its correlation. Furthermore, USSR using Cuba as a staging ground to invade the US is ridiculous in part b/c the US already has a military installation on the island (which we've occupied since Teddy R. was in office). A far better choice would be from the northern and souther borders. Cubans have roamed south Florida for decades. Yes they are spies. But their role is far more likely to be destablization of the Cuban-American and US plans for Castro than forwards intel preceding the invasion of South Beach. Gators and crocs in the Everglades might have been more of a deterrent than sanctions. I have no proof but since those reptiles occupy FL and Castro hasn't invaded it must be true. Oh and don't forget near-sighted retirees with arthritis that vote for Pat Buchanan but meant to vote for Gore. I'm sure they've protected the front for decades.

Without a shred of eviendence. Can't say I'm suprised. Speculation is speculation. Deal with the facts.
Do you know what speculation means? The tapes either exist or don't. I qualified my statement by giving its source. If my friend is lying . . . well damn he's a lying leftist liberal. I haven't fact checked him yet. But I will call him and ask for proof today. If I verify his account then he's just a leftist liberal. Without a shred of evidence . . . strong words considering I don't see anything resembling evidence or citings for your musings.

Ah but WHY couldn't he invade his neighbors? Because of the embargo. You are trying to complicate something that really very simple.
Umm, no money no troops no desire. Castro's war with America has always been primarily support for guerillas and propaganda b/c that's all his tiny island could afford. One more time . . . Cuba . . . tiny island . . . in the Carribbean. Which of his neighbors would you care about him invading anyway? . . . Mr. Because its NOT the US. Stick to the subject. We are not comparing situations. We are talking about the US' setps to project itself. Stick to the point. After establishing a Socialist regime on the island of course Castro supported like-minded groups in the region. And we opposed his efforts. I support a nation's right (the peoples' right) to self-determination and if that is to reject capitalist and/or democratic principles fine . . . it's your bed lie in it. But my simple reading of Castro/US relations is that he's bad b/c he's Castro . . . and a Socialist. It can't be murderous dictator b/c well we aren't beyond active economic/diplomatic engagement with murderous dictators. I can roll off another list if you like . . .

We were talking about OPEN war. For the third time, Stick to the subject
Dude, where are you . . . ATOT . . . this thread was originally about dead Afghanis and we're discussing Castro. Are we fighting an OPEN war? What exactly is a closed one? Castro PROBABLY does not fight OPEN war with the US b/c he can't possibly win. Oh he could have shot some nukes (but I think the Kremlin actually controlled the trigger) and erased DC (big deal considering the USSR regularly ventured along the Eastern Seaboard in international waters with nuclear subs) but what would the US response be? We would raze Cuba. Conventional war, no. At best they might capture the Everglades . . . at which point we would have continued to dump agricultural runoff from sugar plantations and draining water for various uses until damage to the ecosystem would require billions of dollars to correct . . . oh nevermind we did that anyway.proof?
Are we currently engaged in a New War? Open War? Or New Open War? Is that anything like New Coke?

Openly trading? I must admit I did not know that it was open trading.
Yes, the same trade we engaged with the USSR and now Vietnam; two paradigms for democracy and freedom in action. Russia and France currently do it with Saddam. But the goodies we would bitch about primarily come from China and Russia as well as intermediaries willing to smuggle oil via the Gulf. Best evidence I have is an analyst on Fox but I will look for someting more credible later.

The one that keeps Castro in power. He's not a good guy Genius. He's a murderer and a dictator and until his government is out, the sanctions stay
I think I've covered this but just in case. Castro stays in power b/c the people allow it. Yes he brutally puts down dissent. But in general the people appear to believe he acts in their best interest even when it is clear to external observers that he is not. If you don't believe me read/review anything current by Robert McNamara. If you know his story it will be clear to you he is NOT a Castro cheerleader just as I am NOT. When I said we made and sustained Castro in Cuba via our policies I believed it well before McNamara used the same phrasing during an interview he gave for the History Channel.

Iran youth and SA youth are COMPLETELY different with COMPLETELY different governments. Iran's youth left the country to the west for education and returned home to an oppressive governemnt rule. They are on our side.
The SA youth saw a drastic drop in school attendence outside their country and their opposition is to a governemnt that has been a friend to the US. They are not on our side.

Umm proof. Link enrollment statistics please. Yes SA is a monarchy and Iran is a theocracy which are the ultimate authorities. But both have rudimentary representative governments. The influence of radical fundamentalism is static in Iran and on the rise in SA. Iran's youth are not on our side. They are on their side. Their cultural beliefs are based within their religion just not the overbearing version endorsed by the theocracy. I can't test the hypothesis at my computer but I would wager (a penny) that Iranians think of themselves as closer to their Saudi brethren than us. SA youths have a different perspective b/c their fortune is on the downside b/c of poor management by the ruling family. Iranian youths that can afford a foreign education left oppressive rule for education and returned to bring about change using the tools of democracy and the elected offices already in place. They've been stymied b/c of the rigid nature of the society but change is coming. But I think they might consider their changing society a result of civilized, progressive ideals not Western or American ideals. The majority of youths in both countries will never see a Western school. Hence I repeat those that learn to hate learn it at home as do those who learn to explore and respect differences. It's just easier to promote hate and ignorance in the homebound.

Much like your previous argument about sanctions and the impending storm troopers from Cuba. You have correlation not causation.

LOL!!! Spoken like a true liberal. Have you even watched the O'Reilly factor? He is against the death penalty, is for taxing SUVs and his favorite politican of all time is Robert Kennedy. Yep sure sounds like a Republican! LOLThe ignorance you are displaying here is very very sad.

It's good that you laugh alot. Try reading between giggles. What the hell is a true liberal? Why would I reference O'Reilly without having seen his show? That would be stupid . . . it would totally discredit my argument. Is being for the death penalty, duty free SUVs, and disliking RFK the litmus test for being a Republican? As a former VP of my high school Young Republicans I'm quite offended. As a practical matter your typical New England Republican is to the political left of a Southern Democrat . . . Guiliani couldn't wish for a primary victory anywhere south of Mason-Dixon. And Texas . . . whoa don't get me started on how the Republican Party in Texas has been hijacked by the drooling . . . ok enough of that. O'Reilly has very reasoned, researched perspectives on many issues but sometimes he has the tendency to over-generalize and relies on his "common sense" when what he really needs are actual facts. People have a tendency to get defensive when challenged with a perspective outside of their experience.

Republican governor of Illinois . . . moratorium on the death penalty.

Democratic governor of North Carolina . . . led the nation for a few months in executions . . . in case you were wondering the previous governor was also a Democrat.

Do you remember Forbes beating Dubya over the head with a claim that he proposed hundreds of tax increases? Well like most of your arguments there was a grain of truth. The legislation promoted by Dubya (little actual influence due to the weak governorship) was designed to make the TX tax code more equitable by closing loopholes that favored a few. The net effect would have been no change in tax revenues. So will you revoke his membership b/c he expected some to pay their fair share so he increased their taxes while reducing somebody elses?

Former Republican governor of CA Pete Wilson. . .pro-choice, pro-gun control, or if you like (anti-life/pro-baby killer and anti-Bill of Rights/pro-gun)

Former Republican governor of CA . . .Reagan on free speech and taxes (EDIT read the paragraph on Reagan's first term as governor)

Libertarian principles would deem that we respect a person's right to do pretty much whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn't harm others. Fiscal conservatives, libertarians, and probably most Democrats (albeit possibly for different reasoning) would contend that SUVs are more costly b/c they consume greater amounts of natural resources to produce and operate. And if we have to spend billions in the Gulf yearly to protect the gas guzzlers then maybe the choice to guzzle gas should come with the comensurate responsibility to foot the cost.

My favorite politician of all time is Jefferson but he was a total hypocrite when it comes to individual liberty save the anachronistic relative morality crap for a kindergartener. Either slavery is an evil act then, now, and forever or not; regardless of who practices it Egyptians, West Africans, white AND black Americans. Lincoln is a close second but I think emancipation was a political necessity considering the strength of Democrats in the South so he only gets 1/2 credit for doing the right thing but he did re-unite the nation amongst other accomplishments. Love Teddy but he's got some issues. JFK is great b/c he averted WWIII and he knew how to sample hooch while avoiding the dogs. And I'm a great fan of Nixon; the man had flaws but he was usually country first not GOP. I loved Reagan until I truly got to know Reagan. Now I consider him at best a good president. I think of Clinton as Elder Bush with vision, Reagan with intelligence but without goals, and Carter without the moral compass.

When you show me your qualifications to judge what makes a Good Republican I will concede to your weak verbal volleys. Everything in the Republican Oath (with the exception of the last statement) would make most Americans Republicans. I live in NC; a bastion for liberal thought (OK Chapel Hill is). Democrats still hold a slim majority in registration while Republicans are still under 40%. Almost a fifth of my state registers independent like me. The national party sounds great until raving lunies like Pat (I'm not a Republican anymore) Buchanan or Pat (Jesus was not a socialist fairy) Robertson speak at the convention.


Nov 20, 1999

<< Ah the Snobbish Liberal Elite. Everyone kiss his ring! LOL Think you could get that aristocratic nose any higher in the air? >>

Sure beats being a brainwashed Republican fascist anyday. I love the fact that you call generalize me as a "liberal". You buy into the 1 dimensional "left/rightwing" political scale, right? I suppose it's easier for a neanderthal like you to understand political affiliations that way.

<< And when is it NOT necessary? Of course predictibly you have no answer for that. Just another empty thought. >>

Actually, if you read my post thoroughly, you would've picked up that i believe the taliban doesn't have the necessary defenses to warrant bombing. We're not fighting the Germans here.

<< Ah another blind quote without providing any criteria or definition! LOL >>

Blind quote? Criteria or definition? I just showed you two types of patriotism, one that is good and one that is detrimental to society. You, on the otherhand, put down something that can't even pass as a pseudo-intellectual argument and pretend you 'conquered' me by adding a "LOL".

LOL Must get heavy taking that soapbox wherever you go.

Again, southern inbred redneck. I wouldn't be surprised if you tried to discredit how much dissent has helped America. You have no idea what it is to be a true American.

<< Your mindless speaches are getting tiresome. Quit preaching and debate reverend >>

Quit spinning (as usual) and learn some reading comprehension.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Phokus - The Taliban is the enemy. If they do not have good defenses against bombing, then bombing them is the logical thing to do. Is the US supposed to fight "fair" and engage in ground combat? Is the US supposed to let their soldiers get killed when there are better options?



Feb 15, 2001
yup, i didn't see any other nation sending masses of troops by land. actions speak louder then words always place has millions of landmines thanks to the soviets you know.. beyond scary.


Jan 20, 2001
millions of landmines thanks to the soviets you know.. beyond scary.
I would avoid any discussion of landmines on the pretext that American military tactics are somehow more moral than others . . .DMZ.

The Taliban is the enemy. If they do not have good defenses against bombing, then bombing them is the logical thing to do. Is the US supposed to fight "fair" and engage in ground combat?
Well I'm opposed to suicide bombers and alcoholic Muslim hijackers that fly planes with civilians into buildings but hey are they supposed to fight "fair" and engage in ground combat?

Sure beats being a brainwashed Republican fascist anyday. I love the fact that you call generalize me as a "liberal". You buy into the 1 dimensional "left/rightwing" political scale, right? I suppose it's easier for a neanderthal like you to understand political affiliations that way.
Hey, I'm a former Republican, I know Republican facists, I have friends that are Republican facists (well more like acquaintances) . . . Texmaster is no Republican facist. He might be brainwashed . . . oh I don't any Neanderthals so he might be one of those, too . . . but he's not a Republican facist.

Again, southern inbred redneck. I wouldn't be surprised if you tried to discredit how much dissent has helped America. You have no idea what it is to be a true American.
There are many southern rednecks (is that redundant?) that do not think like Texmaster so do not disparage them by linking them to his ideas. Oh and I'm sure the inbreds are offended as well since the majority are registered Democrats . . . assuming they're literate.

Just a shot in the dark at staying on topic but if I drop a bomb . . . Daisy Cutter, Bunker Buster, post-Chili Cheese Burrito from a B-52 how accurate is my ESTIMATE of how many people are killed and their actual identity? If you believe anything from the DOD or White House DJ Spinmaster Ari . . . we usually KNOW we killed Al Qaeda or Taliban but essentially no civilians. Then when Al Jazerra broadcasts pictures of destroyed homes we claim those are lies and anything reported by the Taliban are damn lies. We admitted throughout the conflict and even today that our human intelligence is weak. And at last report we're blaming accidental strikes (personally, I fully believe our military has taken significant effort to avoid civilian casualties in this conflict) on intentional misinformation. Well seems like we're saying our intelligence which is unreliable is accurate except when it is inaccurate or when somebody says something we don't agree with . . . based on . . .

How many stem cell lines are approved for federally-funded research? It's an exact number in the 60s I forgot b/c it's meaningless but are they all established lines . . . no. Is it in the ballpark? No. How did we get it? You could try asking NIH but I don't think anyone there knows.

How long will this war last? A long time. How long well I'm thinking months rather than years (Rumsfeld) . . . to topple the Taliban. But the struggle against international turrurism (somebody help me with my Midland/Andover/Yale/Harvard/then back to West Texas accent) will be a long struggle . . . we will not tire . . . we will not fail . . . for however long that may be but I don't really know b/c all I have is an ESTIMATE.

What was the projected budget deficit for TX for fiscal 2001? $750M What was Dubya's response when asked about it? I hope I'm not here.

How many failed businesses did Dubya preside over (I will estimate . . . all of them) including the TX Rangers b/c the public paid to acquire the property for the stadium, hence success of the Rangers was off the public dole which is welfare which by definition is a failure (no don't really believe that train of thought but work with me here).

How many successful bidneses did Dubya preside over . . . damn OK I'll give him the Rangers.

How long are discretions consider youthful? Dubya (less than 40) Henry Hyde (less than 45) Bill Clinton (til the wife catches me for the fifteenth time)?



Jun 5, 2001

<< Hmm, so am I to understand that you believe sanctions against Cuba were designed to prevent Castro from attacking the US? And since Castro has not attacked the US that means the sanctions worked? Free country think (and say what you like) . . . the history of US involvement in Cuba does not depict support for benevolent representative government. Castro was a revolutionary with broad popular support of Cubans (with the exception of wealthy elite). He did not deliver on the freedom promised by his crusade but the people still support this murderer and dictator. We have a colorful history when it comes to those Pinochet, Noriega, Sandinistas, Suharto, our newest MFN partner China. >>

Please read more carefully. I also said it was to keep Castro from attacking ANY country and I even capatilized "ANY" before.

<< Your statement defies logic. You support sanctions b/c they worked but your only proof they worked is that the desired outcome (no Red Dawn) came to pass. That's not causation its correlation. >>

No, thats a result.

<< Furthermore, USSR using Cuba as a staging ground to invade the US is ridiculous in part b/c the US already has a military installation on the island (which we've occupied since Teddy R. was in office). >>

And why do we have a base there? Deterrance. Just like the sanctions.

<< A far better choice would be from the northern and souther borders. Cubans have roamed south Florida for decades. Yes they are spies. But their role is far more likely to be destablization of the Cuban-American and US plans for Castro than forwards intel preceding the invasion of South Beach. Gators and crocs in the Everglades might have been more of a deterrent than sanctions. I have no proof but since those reptiles occupy FL and Castro hasn't invaded it must be true. Oh and don't forget near-sighted retirees with arthritis that vote for Pat Buchanan but meant to vote for Gore. I'm sure they've protected the front for decades. >>

You're loosing this arguement because you are trying to justify the results with your own conclusion. I only care about the results and the results came from the sanctions.

And once more, now get it this time because I don't want to have to repeat it again. The sanctions not only protect open war with America but protect open war with ANY OTHER COUNTRY around Cuba.

Please, dont make me repeat it again.

<< Do you know what speculation means? The tapes either exist or don't. I qualified my statement by giving its source. If my friend is lying . . . well damn he's a lying leftist liberal. I haven't fact checked him yet. But I will call him and ask for proof today. If I verify his account then he's just a leftist liberal. Without a shred of evidence . . . strong words considering I don't see anything resembling evidence or citings for your musings. >>

Obviosuly its you who does not know speculation means.

Speculation: Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.

You only have your friend's word on it without a SHRED of proof to back it up. That is called inconclusive evidence

Its without merit or credit and for you try to pass it off as legitimate is laughable.

<< Umm, no money no troops no desire. >>

And why no troops no money Its called an EMBARGO Say with me know EM BAR GO.

<< Castro's war with America has always been primarily support for guerillas and propaganda b/c that's all his tiny island could afford. >>

Because with the EMBARGO he can't DO anything else! LOL Give it a rest. You lost this one.

<< After establishing a Socialist regime on the island of course Castro supported like-minded groups in the region. And we opposed his efforts. I support a nation's right (the peoples' right) to self-determination and if that is to reject capitalist and/or democratic principles fine . . . it's your bed lie in it. But my simple reading of Castro/US relations is that he's bad b/c he's Castro . . . and a Socialist. It can't be murderous dictator b/c well we aren't beyond active economic/diplomatic engagement with murderous dictators. I can roll off another list if you like . . . >>

LOL So now you are denying Castro is a murderer when he took over. LOL My God, did even take a history course? We are not talking about the Jolyl Green Giant here.
We are talking about a man who Murdered THOUSANDS of people.

But you can overlook that? Wow.

Dude, where are you . . . ATOT . . . this thread was originally about dead Afghanis and we're discussing Castro. Are we fighting an OPEN war? What exactly is a closed one?[/i] >>

ROFLOL!!! You can't even keep up with your own arguements! As we debated the US policy I said it was to prevent Cuba and Iraq from committing OPEN war with ANY country. You fired back about how Cuba funded small rebellions in south America. I repeated OPEN war is just that, a nation declaring war on another.

No please, try to keep up with at least your side of the arguements! LOL

<< Castro PROBABLY does not fight OPEN war with the US b/c he can't possibly win. >>

Wait a minute. You just asked what open war is and now you are argeuing it! LOL

<< Oh he could have shot some nukes (but I think the Kremlin actually controlled the trigger) and erased DC (big deal considering the USSR regularly ventured along the Eastern Seaboard in international waters with nuclear subs) >>

BIG DEAL? Now you are minimizing a nuclear attack? Boy, step away from the drug counter buddy, you've had enough/

<< but what would the US response be? We would raze Cuba. Conventional war, no. At best they might capture the Everglades . . . at which point we would have continued to dump agricultural runoff from sugar plantations and draining water for various uses until damage to the ecosystem would require billions of dollars to correct . . . oh nevermind we did that anyway.proof? >>

And this means.....you like to speculate? Once again, I only deal in FACTS not this conjecture BS you like to spout.

<< Are we currently engaged in a New War? Open War? Or New Open War? Is that anything like New Coke? >>

Count back to the second blue pil you took. You just argued against an open war. So now you are arguing without knowing what the definition is for Open War? LOL Never mind don't answer that.

<< Umm proof. Link enrollment statistics please. Yes SA is a monarchy and Iran is a theocracy which are the ultimate authorities. But both have rudimentary representative governments. The influence of radical fundamentalism is static in Iran and on the rise in SA. Iran's youth are not on our side. They are on their side. Their cultural beliefs are based within their religion just not the overbearing version endorsed by the theocracy. I can't test the hypothesis at my computer but I would wager (a penny) that Iranians think of themselves as closer to their Saudi brethren than us. SA youths have a different perspective b/c their fortune is on the downside b/c of poor management by the ruling family. Iranian youths that can afford a foreign education left oppressive rule for education and returned to bring about change using the tools of democracy and the elected offices already in place. They've been stymied b/c of the rigid nature of the society but change is coming. But I think they might consider their changing society a result of civilized, progressive ideals not Western or American ideals. The majority of youths in both countries will never see a Western school. Hence I repeat those that learn to hate learn it at home as do those who learn to explore and respect differences. It's just easier to promote hate and ignorance in the homebound. >>

Try picking up a paper. The terrorists were funded with Saudi money, Saudis made up a good portion of the Taliban, and these men ALL were in their 20s.

Saudi investigators were alarmed by testimony from some of the captives that an estimated 2,000 young Saudis have been through al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and are now back in Saudi Arabia, according to Pakistani officials informed about the interrogations. Link

And how about Iran:
Iran has had its revolution and never come close to imploding. Support for the hard-line Islamist clerics who came to power in that revolution has dwindled. Iran is a largely moderate and pro-American society ]Link

Embarassing you is dangeriously becoming a national pastime. Before you reply again, please read some.

<< It's good that you laugh alot. Try reading between giggles. What the hell is a true liberal? >>

You. LOL Because you judged a man who isn't even what you think he is without even knowing his personal views. Thats a true liberl, thats you

<< Why would I reference O'Reilly without having seen his show? That would be stupid . . . it would totally discredit my argument. >>

Too late for that

<< Is being for the death penalty, duty free SUVs, and disliking RFK the litmus test for being a Republican? >>

All I had to prove is that he isn't like Rush Limbaugh the way you lumped him into that catagory. You have #1 a favorite politican being a Kennedy, a nasty streak against gas guzzlers, and to top it off, ant- death penalty. I'd say that smackes in the face of all dittoheads out there. LOL

You loose again. Your generalities are your own worst enemy little buddy

<< As a former VP of my high school Young Republicans I'm quite offended. As a practical matter your typical New England Republican is to the political left of a Southern Democrat . . . Guiliani couldn't wish for a primary victory anywhere south of Mason-Dixon. And Texas . . . whoa don't get me started on how the Republican Party in Texas has been hijacked by the drooling . . . ok enough of that. >>

LOL Yup you really do make a case for your claims of being a republican! LOL Give it up.

<< O'Reilly has very reasoned, researched perspectives on many issues but sometimes he has the tendency to over-generalize and relies on his "common sense" when what he really needs are actual facts. People have a tendency to get defensive when challenged with a perspective outside of their experience. >>

I'm not the one who lumped him in with Rush, that was YOU, and you alone. That was your error. All I did was correct it.

<< Republican governor of Illinois . . . moratorium on the death penalty.

Democratic governor of North Carolina . . . led the nation for a few months in executions . . . in case you were wondering the previous governor was also a Democrat.

Once again, I am attacking your lumping O'Reilly in with Rush. Your error, my correction.

You really do have a knack of not only forgetting your own arguements but argueing points I never brought up! LOL

Remeber, you dont have to watch the Microwave cook your food. You can do other things while its on.

Responding to the rest of your babbling would be meangless because I am here to debate, not listen to you on your soapbox describe yourself! LOL


Jun 5, 2001

<< Sure beats being a brainwashed Republican fascist anyday. I love the fact that you call generalize me as a "liberal". You buy into the 1 dimensional "left/rightwing" political scale, right? I suppose it's easier for a neanderthal like you to understand political affiliations that way. >>

Your snobbishness knows no bounds does it? You are the one who went beyond poltiics to show everyone your bigotry to southerners.

<< Actually, if you read my post thoroughly, you would've picked up that i believe the taliban doesn't have the necessary defenses to warrant bombing. We're not fighting the Germans here. >>

Oh PLEASE. They had enough to blow up over 3,000 people. Thats enough reason. But I doubt anything would satify your warped mind other than wait for the US to get bombed again.

But please by all means, share with all of us YOUR solution to these terrorists?

Troops? Want to risk more American Lives? Do nothing and wait again? Please share with all of us YOUR solution! LOL This outta be good. I have money its more soapbox preaching and very little detail.

<< Blind quote? Criteria or definition? I just showed you two types of patriotism, one that is good and one that is detrimental to society. You, on the otherhand, put down something that can't even pass as a pseudo-intellectual argument and pretend you 'conquered' me by adding a "LOL". >>

I conquer your pathetic ass by pointing out the numerous flaws in your debating skills.

And I see you didn't even have the guts to answer this challege I put to you:

Name one other war that had Less civilizan casualities. Lets see it Phokus Take that snobbish attitude of yours and back up your claim for once in your life/

For once in your life show some guts and answer the question. Don't run away from it again.

Now, getting back to your patriotism arguement:

It has ZERO to do with ANY arguement you are making! This patriotism arguement is a band new one.

But I'll play along. Your pathetic patrioism argeuement applies to no one here. No a single person has stated ANYWHERE that the governement is always right. Thats a fabrication you made for some strange reason in a fuedal attempt to run away from your crumbling arguements about how to handle the terrorists.

<< Again, southern inbred redneck. >>

Ah the Bigot resurfaces.

<< I wouldn't be surprised if you tried to discredit how much dissent has helped America. You have no idea what it is to be a true American. >>

I know to question the obvious action that has to be taken when a coutry is attacked and thousands of civilizans die without producing an alternative with ANY sort of merit is a pathetic and weak attempt to find fault for the sole purpose of finding fault in anything this adminstration has done.

<< Quit spinning (as usual) and learn some reading comprehension. >>

I don't read speeches Reverand. You want to debate, debate. I'm not here to read your resume.


Jan 20, 2001
almost forgot you jbod . . .

That?s hard to believe the FBI is out there in the streets being thugs with sticks and bats. They have real weapons.
I apologize for the imagery. I was not implying that the FBI sponsors militias in Indonesia. It was just ironic that one of the thugs was wearing a T-shirt that at the time represented one of the best institutions in America IMHO.

What you often have in these regimes is similar to the collusion of federal authorities with state and local gov/organizations (ala KKK) during the civil rights era. Demonstrators often announce ahead of time where they are going and what they plan to do . . . best way to avoid "misunderstandings" with the authorities and generate a crowd. The problem with this practice is that some authorities will be waiting for you when you show up . . . mistletoe . . . more like firehoses, dogs, and batons. Anyway, the VP of Indonesia's wife was visiting Yogykarta so the protesters came for the added publicity. Well government troops can't be seen beating down peaceful demonstrators (there might be press) so local militias serve the purpose of chasing away demonstrators that may embarass the governmnet.

During the 50s and 60s federal, state, local authorities often gave information to one another and to memberships of the Klan (granted state and local authorities had a predilection towards wearing sheets at night). Cheney (not Dick), Goodman, and Schwerner paid the price for registering black voters with their lives at the hands of the Klan after being told of their release from jail on speeding charges by the local sheriff.

This is pure fantasy. This will/would have never happen/ed.
Star Wars is pure fantasy. SDI and a nonlethal Osprey V-22 are fantasy. If Arafat truly wanted to rule Palestine he would want to eliminate challenges to his authorita. Apache helicopters aside the populist threat of Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad may be more troublesome than Israel. International monitors . . . which the Palestinian Authority has all but begged for would be seen as insult to Israel . . . and victory for the Palestinians. They could have infiltrated organizations within the occupied territories (months maybe years) and terrorist organizations there could have been gutted . . . remember the PA, Israel, and US are all using the same playbook on a need to know basis to avoid leaks by hatemongerers. Furthermore, complaints by the right in Israel and radical Muslims in the area could be tempered by the relative peace for Israel and return of the holy lands to Palestinian control.

Much like Texmaster I usually care more results than methods . . . with strong caveats. In this case, a Peace Accord would be in place, international troops would enforce peace, while all parties cooperated in the eradication of militants on both sides. Relatively few mortalities b/c assassinations/executions would be coordinated and discrete. Which to me sounds moderately better than "push the Jews into the ocean" or "kill as many Palestinians as necessary".



Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
"Well I'm opposed to suicide bombers and alcoholic Muslim hijackers that fly planes with civilians into buildings but hey are they supposed to fight "fair" and engage in ground combat?"

I'm baffled by this statement.

I was responding to another's comment on bombing "defenseless Taliban" during a war with military troops deployed.

As a terrorist act, the hijacking of the 4 planes and the resulting death and destruction when they were slammed into buildings, bin Laden got maximum impact for the resources he deployed. I can understand why he and any other country would not attack the US with conventional weapons in the open. They would be slaughtered with zero gain. It has nothing to do with my comment, however.

If you and others in this thread oppose the war in Afghanistan in total, then I have nothing more to say to you because we have such diametrically opposed points of view that I think it would be pointless to discuss the subject any further. I already have one ultra-liberal (right down to being a tree-hugging Green) doctor I have to deal with every day (my wife), I'm not going to add a faceless person on the internet to my list.

If you agree that the war is needed now (without the tired arguments over spilt milk about the US "pulling out" after the Soviets were routed), then it becomes a question of what tactics should have been used. I think that the US military's choice of tactics has been superb and that "civilian" and US soldier casualties have been low. Note that the US had a choice as they could have had overwealming ground/conventional power if they had decided to go that way.

Note that I keep putting "civilians" in quotes. With the tribal fighting ethics and the long history of civil war in Afghanistan, I can't see how "civilians" could be clearly identified. I'm willing to bet that many of the villages that were destroyed were filled with enemy troops, there was no random bombing of non-military targets. I also have seen videos that showed a military target being hit and the resulting fuel and ammunition explosions causing wide destruction. It wasn't the US that decided to but those depots so close to houses.

If you have a different view of what war tactics should have been used, then please share them.



Jan 20, 2001
<< Your statement defies logic. You support sanctions b/c they worked but your only proof they worked is that the desired outcome (no Red Dawn) came to pass. That's not causation its correlation. >>

No, thats a result.

Dude are you serious. Effect . . . result . . . it doesn't matter what you call it. If you're saying action "A" produces outcome "B" you have to prove causation. All you got is correlation.
Causation for Philosophers of Science
Causation according to evil lawyers . . . yes they are all evil

And why do we have a base there? Deterrance. Just like the sanctions.

land mine removal and one line statement about how base pre-dates the revolution
Cuban propaganda utilizing actual FACTS about the origin of naval base
CNN perspective
So let me guess we were trying to deter "coconuts" from invading America during the first half of the 20th century then switched to Communists when Castro rose to power?

And once more, now get it this time because I don't want to have to repeat it again. The sanctions not only protect open war with America but protect open war with ANY OTHER COUNTRY around Cuba
Retort on why the Cuba embargo is dodo from the most liberal man in America WFB Jr writing in his liberal drivel rag . . . the National Review

The sanctions not only protect open war with America but protect open war with ANY OTHER COUNTRY around Cuba.
And why no troops no money Its called an EMBARGO Say with me know EM BAR GO.

Umm, so if we didn't have an embargo Cuba would use market capitalist forces to accumulate wealth and then use that wealth to build a powerful military that projects it's power throughout the world . . . plausible kind of like a Western Hemisphere Japan.
Report of the Inter-American Peace Committee to the Eighth Meetlog of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, January l962, Punta del Este, Uruguay,

This report spells out the anti-Castro perspective from American-States in the early 60s. They did not fear armed invasion from Cuba. What they truly were averse to was the export of Cuban/Communist ideology. I'm sure you will find it an interesting read . . . not that long but alas no pictures This report was subsequently presented to the US Senate Judiciary Committee.

You only have your friend's word on it without a SHRED of proof to back it up. That is called inconclusive evidence
OK so I have yet to verify my friend's word . . . I won't call him a liar yet. But let's try historical certainty. Castro overthrew the Batistas in 1959 do ya believe me. According to the US Inspector General we started to plan his overthrow immediately and decided to do it in 1960. Were we opposed to his murderous tendencies as a dictator . . . all of which may be true? Umm don't think so. I think we just thought he might try to export his ideas to our shores. According to one report Castro declared he was a Marxist-Leninist during his Havana Declaration of 1960; others say it does not occur until 1961. Regardless, the deterioration of US/Cuba relations helped move Castro closer to Soviet-alliance. From a temporal standpoint it appears easier to argue that we pushed Castro towards the USSR than to say we were opposed to CastroCommunism which predated our endeavors to destabilize his regime. Speculation? Read the latter pages of the Inspector General's Report . . . my "interpretation" comes straight from communications between the IG, a USAF General and the CIA director.
Castro-biased perspective on Bay of Pigs
US Inspector General's Report on Bay of Pigs
Relatively moderate perspective on Bay of Pigs click on the link to see a letter to the editor and the editor's response

LOL So now you are denying Castro is a murderer when he took over. LOL My God, did even take a history course?
My history courses were primarily in early Christianity and philosophy but I prefer multiple sources of informtion (like real life Cubans particularly old ones) less I become railroaded into group think or following what my professor might choose to present. My phraseology may have been inadequate. I'm sure thousands lost their lives due to Castro's rebellion to liberate Cuba. But if you ever probe attitudes in the Confederacy I think you will find some describing a tall, figure with a permanent monument in the Black Hills of SD as a murderous dictator (he did suspend habeus corpus). And don't even get me started on Sherman but if you want search for a recent column (sometime in the past 10 days) by George Will.

Wait a minute. You just asked what open war is and now you are argeuing it! LOL
rhetorical . . . much like a good professor I really don't expect you to answer verbally every question posed to you but thinking is an absolute necessity.

BIG DEAL? Now you are minimizing a nuclear attack? Boy, step away from the drug counter buddy, you've had enough/
No big deal means why park nukes on a sand trap in the Carribbean within clear sight when I could park subs off the coast. I'm not a military tactician but it seems the only reason to put nukes in Cuba is to get you to focus on Cuba or play with you . . . dangerous stupid game. Furthermore, why would I laud JFK for averting war then casually refer to nukes in Cuba as being no big deal? Let's presume for a second that I am not a pacifist and I want to kill you (countries). As the aggressor I want to minimize my losses and maximize success. Personally, I would divert your attention and then strike. Now if I'm the typical bully (USSR and on occasion USA) I kind of poke at you a little and see if you're soft anywhere. Then I hit you kind of hard. If you act like you really might hit me back I would probably avoid the same tactic in the future. Ohh drug counter . . . that's witty.

ROFLOL!!! You can't even keep up with your own arguements! As we debated the US policy I said it was to prevent Cuba and Iraq from committing OPEN war with ANY country. You fired back about how Cuba funded small rebellions in south America. I repeated OPEN war is just that, a nation declaring war on another.
Has Cuba waged open war against any country regardless of embargo; no. Did he support rebellions in South and Central America regardless of the embargo; yes. Has Iraq? Well, using your definition not since the embargo for the former difficult to tell on the latter. Can the sanctions be considered the primary reason? Not sure . . . you apparently are but our rules of evidence do not appear to be comparable. But Iraq not fighting with its neighbors has little bit to do with the tremendous job Coalition Forces did in dismantling his conventional war machine. So hypothetically let's presume our anthrax is not domestic but some of Saddam's premium-blend . . . secret war. UBL declared war on the US; that's kind of open but he's not a nation so is it really open? We've declared war on . . . terrorism . . . is that an open war? new kind of war? or new kind of open war?
Cato reference to Gulf War and this whole declaration of war thing

Try picking up a paper. The terrorists were funded with Saudi money, Saudis made up a good portion of the Taliban, and these men ALL were in their 20s
Not to disparage our elders but who would you use. If we were going to do similar operations would you send Billy Joe Bob and his cousin Cooter? Of course they're intelligent and young these are always your best, brightest and most easily whipped into a fervor . . . look at George Will's piece . . . he uses the same rationale to explain why we should eradicate these people . . . and supports his argument using Sherman's march through the south. Dude, I read both of those articles and they sound . . . well like me.
But Khatami is pitted against the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his forces -- the real power on intelligence, security and military matters. President Khatami draws strength from his broadly based popularity and the steadily growing support for his moderate and creative approach both to domestic and regional issues and to external relations.
The point is all of these changes have happened in spite of US sanctions. Furthermore, the article gives several reasons for why Iran may be a success . . . essentially the two sentences before your reference.

You. LOL Because you judged a man who isn't even what you think he is without even knowing his personal views. Thats a true liberl, thats you
I have no clue what you are. I don't know your personal views. Uhh and I'm a true liberal b/c of . . . Dude read your post and then explain what you mean . . . do it slowly b/c obviously I'm not good at following you.

I consider O'Reilly to be like Rush in that he has become so popular that he takes himself seriously. Some Christians would be embarassed to say they have "talent on loan from God" as for O'Reilly well his books clearly show he thinks he knows what is right and wrong for all Americans. Broad presumptions based on broad generalizations . . . liberal elite, welfare, patriotism, what's wrong with America.
Rush's perspective on what he means to American life
My commentary was not on the ideology per se of these sources . . . just that I don't consider them reliable sources.

LOL Yup you really do make a case for your claims of being a republican! LOL Give it up.
Well, my feeble attempt to show I am not a liberal cheerleader . . . just don't agree with your ideas . . . which you claim are somehow indicative of being a republican . . . apparently has failed. No matter.

I don't really know anything about you and your positions ( I think you called it debate) are not very clear to me either. But at the least I hope your holidays were enjoyable.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2000

<< We still give more money. Sweeden and the others should try and match the amount of meny we give not the percentage. >>

i'm not talking about who gives the most money, i'm talking about keeping promises.

does the USA plan to keep it's promise and increase help by tenfold, like many other nations have?



Sep 21, 2001
Damn i've always wondered why they hate us so much in the Middle East. After spending 30 seconds looking through some of the replies here, i know why. You people make me SICK! We're talking about almost 4000 innocent people here killed by OUR GOVERNMENT. How the hell are we better than the Taliban? They only killed 3000 of ours and because they have reason to hate our country - the Afghans, on the other hand, have done nothing to us!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001


<< We still give more money. Sweeden and the others should try and match the amount of meny we give not the percentage. >>

i'm not talking about who gives the most money, i'm talking about keeping promises.

does the USA plan to keep it's promise and increase help by tenfold, like many other nations have?


Man 'A' worth $1000 promises and offers me 10% of his income.
Man 'B' worth $1,000,000 promises 10% but only gives me 1%.

Who would benefit me more?
Man A who kept his promise and gave $100?
Man B who broke his promise but still gave me $10,000?

<<i'm not talking about who gives the most money, i'm talking about keeping promises.>>

My god you sound like a child! "awww but you promised!"

Who gives a sh!t about promises?... the bottom line is what matters. And Man B's contribution will buy
a hell of a lot more food, supplies, aid than Man A's even if Man A can boast he kept his promise.
Kept promises don't put food on the table. That nasty, dirty thing called MONEY does... and the US gives more of it THAN ANY NATION ON EARTH.

Man A we appreciate your effort and integrity we really do. But we will accept Man B's offer thanx.



Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000

<< Maybe they are suffering less now that they are with their .....what is 3,767*70 virgins? >>

you need to get your head outta your bountiful ass...

while I wholeheartedly support US action in the region... it has made life alot more livable for Afghans than the bastard taliban ever did... have some compassion you stupid F-. you need go reintegrate yourself with your humanity moron... and before you go off on your diatribe about how they didn't care that Americans died... remember these civilians had little to do with american deaths...

"It has instead been paid by ordinary Afghans, who had nothing whatever to do with the atrocities, didn't elect the Taliban theocrats who ruled over them and had no say in the decision to give house room to Bin Laden and his friends. "



Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000

<< Correct me if I'm wrong but when Isreal was reinstated as a nation that land was a waste. Desert dry waste. But Isreal was formed and created an oasis in that desert. Now the Palestinins want to take it back. Sounds to me like a bunch of freeloaders. >>

take it back? this would indicated that the palestinians willingly gave it up in the firstplace...


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2000

<< and the US gives more of it THAN ANY NATION ON EARTH. >>

actually, i just looked it up, and you're wrong.


japan gives 0.27%, which is 13 billion, the USA gives 0.1%, which is 9.5 billion.

Lets compare that to Denmark, a nation of 6 million people, which gives 1.6 billion or 1.06%, that's roughly a 6th of the USA, but still not bad for a nation of 6 million.

oh, and i just added up the numbers for the entire EU, and i arrived at almost 27 billion, that's almost 3x as much as the USA in absolute numbers. and IIRC, the GNP for the USA is higher than the EU too.

also, if it wasn't enough to be the last in relative numbers, the USA also doesn't just give the money, here's a nice extract:

In their 2000 report (Earthscan Publications, 2000, p.81), looking back at the previous year, the Reality of Aid 2000 reported in their U.S. section that "71.6% of its bilateral aid commitments were tied to the purchase of goods and services from the US." That is, where the U.S. did give aid, it was most often tied to foreign policy objectives that would help the U.S.



Senior member
Nov 30, 2000

<< The reason I posted this is because it seems that major medias in the US and many in Europe arent reporting this >>

US and European media are careful to report as much fact as possible, thats why the biased crap you posted for us to read Czar, is inflamatory.

By the way Czar, an old friend of mine was on the 95th floor of tower one on 9/11. He was one of our best electricians. Local 3, I.B.E.W.

Let the blood of our enemies flow like a Saudi oil well.

By the way Czar, be careful how you treat your friends, they may consider you an enemy if you don't.


Aug 2, 2000

i go to school in nyc and was hit tremendously hard by the 9/11 attacks. any article i read on the attacks still brings tears to my eyes.

but get one thing straight, czar isn't posting information for the purpose of propoganda - it's merely to discuss. don't pass judgement on him because he isn't passing judgement by posting an article. good god.
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