$3.95 Domain Hosting. 200MB/5GB Bandwidth/MySQL etc.

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Senior member
Mar 11, 2000

I'm not 'whining'. I was simply asking a question and it was answered by DixieSys in a calm manner and I respect him for that. MarkUsG3 didn't ask for a referral and I apologize to him as well. Good luck with your website.


Mar 19, 2001
Yes, I see that

Got stuck on the phone and didn't refresh before posting. Will edit. For the record, please don't be offended, whining is not a bad think I do it all the time


Senior member
Dec 28, 2001

<< erm...12:15pm..pst
cannot get into www.dixiesys.com
<page cannot be displayed>

not good
Edit:...ok its back up..

New data center, apparently they just found out that the 100 thousand dollar backup generators aren't setup properly! Uptime on every server I have is like 18 minutes right now.

To montyburns: easy, I've already got enough customers to pay the bills and put some cash in the pocket. Another 500 customers and I'll have a very tough decision to make, do I want to be a big business or do I want to quit taking customers, because at that point I'll be unable to control it all myself. Yes it is a given that any and all web hosts count on people not using 100% of their alloted resources 100% of the time. However, if 100% of my customers used 100% of their resources 100% of the time then yeah that'd be a slight problem. Nothing major just means I'd have to double the amount of servers I have online. Which would affect profits, by about 20%. I'd rather that not happen but it'd still be ok.

I've done this sort of thing a long time and got some extremely good pricing on my dedicated servers and the bandwidth. Not only is it viable, after a mere 2 and a half months in business I'm putting a couple hundred dollars a week towards my bills (after paying all the company's bills). Though I won't ever get rich.

As for the domain 3-95.com, it is the "one domain, one price, one plan" domain I shamelessly stole the idea from someone else Actually in about 6 months I'll probably sell the idea and domain of 3-95.com (along with the fact that it racks up new sales daily) to someone worthy (aka high bidder on ebay) and only take new customers at dixiesys.com and the plans there (as I will have as many customers as I can support so going from 5 signups a day to 1 or 2 signups a month will not be a problem at all).

EDIT: Clarification, I mean sell the DOMAIN and the WEB SITE and the CONCEPT (aka business plan) of 3-95.com (and the hits it gets) but NOT the user base, no way, I worked too dang hard building this userbase to sell it off!! Had a couple people ask about that and figured I'd best clarify that point!!


Junior Member
Nov 27, 2001

How can you estimate how much bandwidth you are likely to use in a month? Are there rules of thumb?
I was running some eBay auctions that got tons of hits, causing Geocities to shut me down because of bandwidth violations. Naturally, I needed the pix back up, so with Geocities' jackboot in my back, I signed up for its premium service, which of course included setup fees. Anyway, once my auctions were over, I canceled my Geocities pay account -- got the jackboot out of my back -- so now I'm looking around for a new, nicer, and cheaper service. I only run auctions once every couple of months, but when I do, my pix tend to get some hits, hence my need to figure out if something like 3-95, with 5 megs a month, will do for me or whether it will be too little.


Senior member
Mar 11, 2000
That's ok.. had problems of my own when I went to edit my post right after I sent it. Parts of other threads started disappearing.. I thought maybe I was stuck in a time warp or something No offense taken


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Funny to see you here cause I emailed you today for the first time from a mentioning on another web site.


Senior member
Mar 11, 2000

<< hence my need to figure out if something like 3-95, with 5 megs a month, will do for me or whether it will be too little. >>

I think you meant 5gb bandwidth/month.. which will undoubtably be more than enough for hosting pictures for auctions. I'd say you'd even be safe with a 2gb/month transfer.. maybe even less. Any free webhost is going to get cranky about people who are using them to host pictures.. b/c no one sees the ads they make you display on your website, etc. Geocities is probably one of the worst to pick for hosting pictures.. at least in the last 2 or 3 years when everybody and their dog has been putting their nitting supplies up on online auctions. You're on the right track looking for paid hosting -- I think it's the only way to be sure your pictures won't be down every 20 minutes.


Golden Member
Dec 13, 2000
If anyone wants a referral to sign up for web hosting, just PM me your link. I'll give you one.


Junior Member
Nov 27, 2001
think you meant 5gb bandwidth/month..

You're right, that's what I mean. And thanks for you reply; finally, I think I'm getting this figured out. 3-95, here I come, I think.


Apr 19, 2001


To montyburns: easy, I've already got enough customers to pay the bills and put some cash in the pocket. Another 500 customers and I'll have a very tough decision to make, do I want to be a big business or do I want to quit taking customers, because at that point I'll be unable to control it all myself. Yes it is a given that any and all web hosts count on people not using 100% of their alloted resources 100% of the time. However, if 100% of my customers used 100% of their resources 100% of the time then yeah that'd be a slight problem. Nothing major just means I'd have to double the amount of servers I have online. Which would affect profits, by about 20%. I'd rather that not happen but it'd still be ok.

I've done this sort of thing a long time and got some extremely good pricing on my dedicated servers and the bandwidth. Not only is it viable, after a mere 2 and a half months in business I'm putting a couple hundred dollars a week towards my bills (after paying all the company's bills). Though I won't ever get rich.


Sounds more like a sure way to get poor to me. I don't care what sort of price you get on a dedicated server. Servers are a dime a dozen and tossing another box online is a minimal investment. But unless you found some sort of magic formula for bandwidth that no other host on the internet has ever managed to find, you're going to be bleeding cash very quickly. Bandwidth costs are virtually fixed and have been for quite some time. They have not fluctated too far from the $3 per GB figure in years and don't look to change in any meaningful way any time soon. And that $3 figure is based on the pipe running at max capacity 24/7 which is never the case in the real world. To have bandwidth to spare for peak times you need to overbuy, so a lot is wasted during off hours. Actual real world cost of bandwidth is between 4 and 5 dollars per GB raw cost. So you're banking on all your customers using less than 20% of their bandwidth allocation just to break even. A lot of other web hosts have tried pricing structures like this and none of them last a year.

Heck, my site is using 30GB+ per month and I'm not even all that busy a site. I could get 7 accounts from you, spread my traffic out over those 7 and use 35GB of traffic for $28 a month. Meanwhile you've paid something like $200 for that bandwidth not to mention the cost of the server, salary for the tech(s) or fees to the NOC if you colocate, salary for the support people, etc. I'd sign up today and save a bundle over what I pay for hosting now, but then I'd just be forced to move again when you went out of business. I'm sure you're an honest guy that's trying to run an honest company, but with an unrealistic pricing structure like that, you're a sure target for honest guys like me who are looking for honest hosting for honest high-resource sites that will honestly break the bank. It would take 1000 "normal" 1GB per month accounts just to make up for 5 or 6 guys like me who followed the rules and never once exceeded your bandwidth limitations.

Really, I wish you the best, but take 2 cents worth of advice (and that advice actually costs me 10 cents, but don't worry, I can sell it for 2 cents and make it up in volume ) and drop your bandwidth allowances to 1GB or even 2GB per month. At least that way you'll attract less resource-hungry sites.


May 23, 2001
why not just use ebay to host pictures? me think theworld is getting greedier all the time. no $$$ involved, no talk.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2001
Total Out Total In
25.71 Gb 6.45 Gb

That's for 150 domains.

If those 150 domains started using 10 TIMES the bandwidth they're using now, I'd not pay 1 dime in overages.

I've been in this business a long time doing what I do for other people. And $3 per gig is nearly 10 times what I pay for bandwidth. The data center I'm in has a gigabit with Cogent, and 3 OC3's and 1 DS3. Each server I have is alloted 300 gigs of bandwidth, I put between 125 and 150 customers per server (yes I do oversell a bit, everyone does). My first server is full, and used 1/10th of the alloted bandwidth last month.

I COULD have a 10 megabit dedicated line to each server, however, that would mean my routing tables use cogent 100% of the time UNLESS cogent is down, and Cogent is not the best bandwidth for 100% of the time, so I opted for capped bandwith and best-route-first rather than cheapest-route-first routing. By 10 megabits I mean 10 megabits unmetered.

You're not the first person to tell me how it won't work. I've done the math, it works out. Yes I am a bit generous on the bandwidth and harddrive allotments. People feel better knowing they've got breathing room. Yet even at 150 domains per server the server has less than 25% the harddrive used and less than 10% of the bandwidth used. I see people put over 300 domains per server... now that's pushing it!

It's all a matter of perspective. I'm not trying to build the next Verio, I'm trying to build a small business that will have enough income so that I can stay at home with my kid. It's nearly at that point, I'm 1/3 of the way to the point I want to be. Just need about 300 more clients and I'm set.



Feb 5, 2001

<< Just need about 300 more clients and I'm set. >>

LOL. Tell us how the "AnandTech effect" works for you.

BTW, I am finding this discussion of bandwidth pricing fascinating. I would appreciate hearing where I can learn more about this stuff.


Golden Member
Dec 13, 2000
Jimmy: Free hosting is over. Unless you know a guy or have a friend, your search is over. Bandwidth and hardware are immense costs for hosts. It costs them money and therefore costs you money.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2001

<< Jimmy: Free hosting is over. Unless you know a guy or have a friend, your search is over. Bandwidth and hardware are immense costs for hosts. It costs them money and therefore costs you money. >>

it worked great when people paid gobs of money for internet ads, but people don't pay much at all for them anymore and trading clicks for really anything that costs you money (bandwidth, server space, etc) is no longer a viable business model.

EDIT: oh and if this is the Anandtech Effect GOOD GOD have mercy on me if I ever got slashdotted!

It's been an awesome day, no doubt.


Jun 19, 2001
Okay, in complete, blatent violation of the rules, I will self-promote.


Disk space is low, but prices are great and service is top-notch. Nothing automated, you acutally have to deal with a real person! Eek!

10 Megs
99 POP3's
Unlimited forwarding
5 Gig/month
1 mailing list


24-hour server monitoring International Domain support
30 Day Money Back Guarantee Java Servlet Support
99 Email accounts & aliases Mailing List software built in
Access to raw log files MySQL
Anonymous FTP Password Protected Directories
Archive Manager PHP 4.0 with Zend Optimizer
Block email addresses Pre-made CGI scripts
Chili!Soft ASP support Real Audio/Video
Cgi-bin folder Referral Bonus plan
Custom Error Pages Search Engine Submission
Daily Backups Secure Socket Layer
Direct OnNet Connections Server Side Includes
Email Forwarding TraceRoute Tool
"Family-friendly" hosting Unlimited Auto Responders
FrontPage 98/2000 Web-based Assistance Center and Knowledge Base
Http-Analyze Site Statistics Web-based Control Center


Golden Member
Dec 13, 2000
Dixie: I sent an email to support@dixiesys.com asking this, but anyway.

Let's say you sign up 1000 users at 3-95.com. Is the price guaranteed for a certain period of time? I like the 6 pack offer, but signing up and then having my rates raised because of new ownership is not attractive at all.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2001

<< Dixie: I sent an email to support@dixiesys.com asking this, but anyway.

Let's say you sign up 1000 users at 3-95.com. Is the price guaranteed for a certain period of time? I like the 6 pack offer, but signing up and then having my rates raised because of new ownership is not attractive at all.

I should have worded myself more carefully. Once I reach a certain point I'm likely to sell off the domain of 3-95.com and the "idea" and the web site itself to someone worthy, the userbase and my customers are not now and there are no plans to put them up for sale This is how I plan to earn a living for a long while to come.

Going to Staples tomorrow for some wireless networking gear so I can do tech support poolside this coming spring and summer with my laptop and cordless phone

So these prices are in effect for as long as it's possible to support them, in this industry things rarely get more expensive (except for ram anyway) so I'm pretty sure price raising should never be an issue. And no I don't plan on selling anything more than the "idea" and domain for 3-95.com maybe in the future but not the clients!


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Dixiesys I sent a buddy of mine to sign up there tonight, hope everything works out well.


Golden Member
Dec 13, 2000
Thanks Dix...ie. Ok, that was a sorry attempt of a joke. The plan sounds good. I'm going to seriously consider the 6pack plan.


Dec 13, 2000
Damnit man... I wish 3-95.com hosted ASP sites and had MS SQL Server... Son of a...

Why does MS have to charge so darn much for their software... like Bill G@tes isn't rich enough...

Maybe I should learn PHP... but that doesn't help with MySQL... when is MySQL gonna support stored procedures and transactions... MySQL is nice, but they need to become more complient with the ANSI standards...

Okay done venting...

Anyone know of any ASP hosting sites (preferably Win2k) that also offers MS SQL Server for a reasonable price?
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