3800+ X2 @ 2600mhz on Stock Voltage...


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2000
I just got my new 3800+ X2 today and got it up to 2600mhz so far. And that is on stock voltage.

Edit: Voltage varies from around 1.32v-1.34v to 1.39v. 1.35v is about the average.

The cpu markings are:


Mobo - Asrock 939Dual-SATA2 that uses the 'ULI 1695' chipset. To bad the voltage options on this board are really bad. 1.4 is the highest with is pretty sad. So, maybe this weekend I will see what the highest stock voltage will give me and then see if 1.4v will give me any extra.

Link to the CPU ID of the cpu.

Is this considered a good overclock for this cpu?? I guess this cpu is the real 512KB L2 cache cpu? Anyways, thanks for any comments.


EDIT for Voltage info: According to a chart from AMDZone.com my cpu voltage should be variable 1.35-1.4v. So, my cpu is definitely at stock voltage.




Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2000
Yes, it goes up and down from like 1.34 to 1.39v. Mainly around 1.35v or so on average. 1.39v just happended to be the value when I pressed the screenshot button

Edit: It hovers around 1.328 and goes up to 1.39v once in awhile. Mainly stays around 1.35 to 1.36v. Averaging around 1.35v. It is 1.328 more often then 1.39v it seems.

Edit again: According to the Asrock ULI1695 review 1.35v is stock voltage for the X2 cpu's. So, it can definitely be said that my cpu is running at stock voltage if that info is correct.



Golden Member
Dec 25, 2003
Originally posted by: formulav8
Yes, it goes up and down from like 1.34 to 1.39v. Mainly around 1.35v or so on average. 1.39v just happended to be the value when I pressed the screenshot button
I believe that 1.3V is stock, so it seems to me that you are over-volted. The reason I mentioned this is that I'd be very surprised if you could get to 2600 at 1.3v. The next question is, are you prime stable?


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
Originally posted by: formulav8
I just got my new 3800+ X2 today and got it up to 2600mhz so far. And that is on stock voltage. Edit: Voltage varies from 1.32v-1.34v to 1.39v. 1.35v is about the average.

The cpu markings are:


Mobo - Asrock 939Dual-SATA2 that uses the 'ULI 1695' chipset. To bad the voltage options on this board are really bad. 1.4 is the highest with is pretty sad. So, maybe this weekend I will see what the highest stock voltage will give me and then see if 1.4v will give me any extra.

Link to the CPU ID of the cpu.

Is this considered a good overclock for this cpu?? I guess this cpu is the real 512KB L2 cache cpu? Anyways, thanks for any comments.

WOOHOO tu for the post . Mine is on its way...i got the same thing that you got. What kind of ram do you have? Where id you get your cpu at? Is it a toledo core? TU for posting this has got me excited


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2000
I am Super PI stable. I don't even have Prime to test it with. But SUPER PI is even considered by some to stress more than PRime 95.

And the voltage is set to stock on the mobo. I thought 1.35v? is stock and it is variable voltage on purpose? AMD has it vary from 1.35 to 1.4 if I remember correctly? I will do alittle more research when I get the chance.

Edit: 1.3v may be official stock. I will have look some more

Edit again: According to the Asrock ULI1695 review 1.35v is stock voltage for the X2 cpu's and a chart from AMDZone.com says the cpu is variable 1.35v to 1.4v. So, it can definitely be said that my cpu is running at stock voltage if that info is correct.



Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2000
No probs, thanks for the comments.

The ram is PQI 1GBx2 PC3200. I took off the heatspreader and it shows Spire modules, weird never heard of them. The part number has D43 at the end which could be the Hynix D43 chips?? Just rebdged by Spire?? Don't know for sure. I am of course running a divider and the memory is currently at 218mhz@2.5,3,3,10 timings. Not bad for fairly cheapo memory I guess.

I do have 2x512MB sticks of BH5 memory that I will be putting in, but this mobo's voltage selections are really bad with only a normal and high mode available. When I give these PQI sticks to my customer I will be putting the BH5 back in and will have to run a even higher divider. But I can run them at 22210@stock 2.6v though Anyways, let us know what your cpu does. BTW, I got mine at ZipZoomFly.com for $358 shipped IIRC.

EDIT: I honestly have NOT tried overclocking this memory to see how high it will go. I just never really thought about doing it. Maybe a will before I give them to the customer


Originally posted by: ncage
Originally posted by: formulav8
I just got my new 3800+ X2 today and got it up to 2600mhz so far. And that is on stock voltage. Edit: Voltage varies from 1.32v-1.34v to 1.39v. 1.35v is about the average.

The cpu markings are:


Mobo - Asrock 939Dual-SATA2 that uses the 'ULI 1695' chipset. To bad the voltage options on this board are really bad. 1.4 is the highest with is pretty sad. So, maybe this weekend I will see what the highest stock voltage will give me and then see if 1.4v will give me any extra.

Link to the CPU ID of the cpu.

Is this considered a good overclock for this cpu?? I guess this cpu is the real 512KB L2 cache cpu? Anyways, thanks for any comments.

WOOHOO tu for the post . Mine is on its way...i got the same thing that you got. What kind of ram do you have? Where id you get your cpu at? Is it a toledo core? TU for posting this has got me excited



Jul 17, 2003
Thanks for this post, because my X2 3800+ is on its way from ZZF and should be here Monday. I'll post my results then.


Apr 4, 2005
superpi means nothing, i can superpi at 2.9 ghz, does that mean its useable in non-windows environment (ie gaming) hell no

bust out the prime95 or sp2004


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
yep i got my x2 3800+ from zzf also and it should be here monday for me to. Based upon ids he gave is his a manchester or toledo? I can't wait. I got my board from newegg. I have (3x512) of geil value & (2x512) of corsair value. I will see which one works better and use that ram. I want 2 gig though....actually 1.5 gig would be enough but i heard you can't just fill 3 sockets so ill see what happens.


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2005
wow, thats really good. hopefully that isnt a wall, and it will take 1.6v to break past 2.6

definately start priming.


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2005
Originally posted by: ncage
yep i got my x2 3800+ from zzf also and it should be here monday for me to. Based upon ids he gave is his a manchester or toledo? I can't wait. I got my board from newegg. I have (3x512) of geil value & (2x512) of corsair value. I will see which one works better and use that ram. I want 2 gig though....actually 1.5 gig would be enough but i heard you can't just fill 3 sockets so ill see what happens.

Looks like a Toledo to me. Manchesters end in "BV" and Toledos end in "CD".



Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2000
I got done playing 2 hours of Battlefield 2. And lots of .NET programming. It is definitely stable. No need to run prime.

I thought it was a Toledo to but CpuID said it was Manchester and ZZF said Manchester also. So, 'CD' = 1MB Cache core with 1/2 of it disabled? or the other way around? I thought I knew this at one time but I am not show sure now



Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2000
Also, I did mess around with 2.7ghz for a few minutes but after awhile its a NO GO. It really starts to warm up at that speed too.

2.6ghz is plenty fine for me anyways. I probably won't even keep it that high. 2.4ghz will do me just fine. It is equal or really even a bit better than the 3400+ (2.4ghz) s754 Newcastle I have in Single threads and really put it to shame in multiple threads. Yeps, should suit me just fine



Golden Member
Jan 14, 2001
Originally posted by: formulav8
Also, I did mess around with 2.7ghz for a few minutes but after awhile its a NO GO. It really starts to warm up at that speed too.

2.6ghz is plenty fine for me anyways. I probably won't even keep it that high. 2.4ghz will do me just fine. It is equal or really even a bit better than the 3400+ (2.4ghz) s754 Newcastle I have in Single threads and really put it to shame in multiple threads. Yeps, should suit me just fine


Ya i think with a better hsf though you would probably be good to go. You might want to try a thermaltake big typhoon and you could probably hit 2.7. I will probably buy that after i get my system going.


Elite Member
Feb 19, 2001
i looked at your screenshot and it's 100% toledo with 1/2 cache disabled

JH-E6 rev is toledo.
JH-E4 rev is manchester.

CD is also toledo as well as someone stated.
while BV is manchester.

I here most vendors don't distinguish between the two. I'm sure newegg might as well as others. Kind of like what they did for the 3500+ series. All 3500+ (before venice and winchester) were newcastles but in the beginning of '05 they released clawhammer 3500+ or 1/2 cache disabled chips which were assigned the "AS" code which all 1 meg L2 cache chips had back then.

I'm sure vendors will catch on. I think ewiz distinguishes as well as tankguy.



Junior Member
Sep 17, 2005
I'm thinking about that Asrock board (I can buy one for about $73 here in Korea) for my mainboard.

I'm trying to put together a cheap 3800x2 OC'd to 2.4 system (might be happy with 2.2).

I just put another thread up about it today.



Aug 16, 2005
I can run BF2 and SuperPi32M at 2900mhz+, with no problem.. but dual Prime95 fails within a couple minutes, unless I add a LOT of voltage. 2.88ghz is my limit for stability and reasonable voltage- for both cores. SuperPi32M and BF2 work because they aren't using both cores, like 2 Prime95s would. You aren't stable on both cores- only on half loads.

I have a few other benchmarks and stability programs that I run- and pass- at higher OCs, but they obviously don't stress my system as much as Prime95 does, or at least they don't detect errors that Prime95 does. For instance, Folding@home is considered a good CPU stress tester- but in reality it doesn't know if your cpu is returning the wrong values, so won't give you errors. Your comp could think that 2+2=7, and Folding@home won't know, and won't care- it'll just operate as if that "7" is a "good" number and build off of it. In other words, don't do Folding@home, or Seti@home, or other "important" programs like that on a computer that can't pass Prime95- you are doing a disservice to everone that way.

In most cases, you probably don't care if your computer thinks that 2+2=7, because your normal programs work still, and don't care if it's 7 or not. Maybe you'll just get a little glitch or hiccup that you don't notice- but that doesn't mean that your CPU is actually stable- especially with both cores. Run 2 Prime95s at once for 24hours and if you pass, then you are TRULY stable.

Just Remember: DON'T run Folding@home or Seti on a computer that can't pass Prime95.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: ElTorrente
Just Remember: DON'T run Folding@home or Seti on a computer that can't pass Prime95.

i thought folding would crash rather than submit a bad work unit?



Aug 16, 2005
Originally posted by: rise4310
Originally posted by: ElTorrente
Just Remember: DON'T run Folding@home or Seti on a computer that can't pass Prime95.

i thought folding would crash rather than submit a bad work unit?

Why would it crash? How does it know that your processer hiccuped and returned the wrong value?

It "thinks" your CPU is operating as it should, and simply takes the values (right or wrong) that your CPU spits out and works with those numbers. All it "knows" is that your cpu gave it the number 7, it doesn't know that your cpu achieved that 7 by adding 2+2.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
yeah, you have a point, i just thought i remembered seeing that it has some sort of integrity check.

now that i think of it, i can't rememeber the error i got but i do remember it shutting itself down on me. i've only been folding for a couple months so i don't know alot about it.

it wasn't a system crash, just a program crash.


Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2005
Good OC for that chip, 30% on stock is probably the best you can hope for.

At this point, I'd bump the voltage up a notch and run Prime. Then bump it up one more time and try it again.


Jun 18, 2000
Originally posted by: formulav8
Also, I did mess around with 2.7ghz for a few minutes but after awhile its a NO GO. It really starts to warm up at that speed too.

2.6ghz is plenty fine for me anyways. I probably won't even keep it that high. 2.4ghz will do me just fine. It is equal or really even a bit better than the 3400+ (2.4ghz) s754 Newcastle I have in Single threads and really put it to shame in multiple threads. Yeps, should suit me just fine


Just for your interest, I'm running the same core revision as you JH-E6 (Manchester/Toledo?).

X2 3800+ 2.8Ghz@1.4v Prime stable 13hours+

So, all things being equal, I think there should be a little more in your chip @ 1.4volts.


Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Gronich
Originally posted by: formulav8
Also, I did mess around with 2.7ghz for a few minutes but after awhile its a NO GO. It really starts to warm up at that speed too.

2.6ghz is plenty fine for me anyways. I probably won't even keep it that high. 2.4ghz will do me just fine. It is equal or really even a bit better than the 3400+ (2.4ghz) s754 Newcastle I have in Single threads and really put it to shame in multiple threads. Yeps, should suit me just fine


Just for your interest, I'm running the same core revision as you JH-E6 (Manchester/Toledo?).

X2 3800+ 2.8Ghz@1.4v Prime stable 13hours+

So, all things being equal, I think there should be a little more in your chip @ 1.4volts.

dude, i think you've posted up this picture several times but you still have NOT posted up a dual prime stable pic???
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