3D mark problem **UPDATE**!!!

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Diamond Member
May 19, 2003
Originally posted by: o0LoRdHyPnOs0o
thats so not true.I think 3dmark is a very important element of establishing a good performing and stable system.

especially when you are ocing both your vid card and cpu Now i need to start ocing a 9500 pro... i wonder how long it takes to find that highest stable frequency since I've read u have to watch for artifacts to appear as you bump the clock speeds slowly...


Senior member
Jul 1, 2002
Originally posted by: o0LoRdHyPnOs0o
thats so not true.I think 3dmark is a very important element of establishing a good performing and stable system.

Yeah, but you're a n00b. It's no coincidence that people who use 3dmark are the same ones who have all the problems with their rigs. Anyone who understands their computer doesn't need 3dmark to know how it's performing or whether it's stable.


Senior member
Sep 24, 2002
Originally posted by: gf4200isdabest
Originally posted by: o0LoRdHyPnOs0o
thats so not true.I think 3dmark is a very important element of establishing a good performing and stable system.

Yeah, but you're a n00b. It's no coincidence that people who use 3dmark are the same ones who have all the problems with their rigs. Anyone who understands their computer doesn't need 3dmark to know how it's performing or whether it's stable.
Humm, I use 3DMark, and I don't have any problems with my rigs



Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: gf4200isdabest
Originally posted by: o0LoRdHyPnOs0o
thats so not true.I think 3dmark is a very important element of establishing a good performing and stable system.

Yeah, but you're a n00b. It's no coincidence that people who use 3dmark are the same ones who have all the problems with their rigs. Anyone who understands their computer doesn't need 3dmark to know how it's performing or whether it's stable.

Don't be such an arrogant @$$hole. I am in no way a newbie at computers and I use 3dmark all the time. I cant find a better program that will allow me to test the stability of my CPU when overclocking. Just because you dont like a program, doesnt mean other people cant find uses for them.


Senior member
Jul 1, 2002
Don't be such an arrogant @$$hole. I am in no way a newbie at computers and I use 3dmark all the time. I cant find a better program that will allow me to test the stability of my CPU when overclocking. Just because you dont like a program, doesnt mean other people cant find uses for them.

Your inability to find any of the plethora of burn in programs available just means that you're inept...not that 3dmark has value...


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: gf4200isdabest
Don't be such an arrogant @$$hole. I am in no way a newbie at computers and I use 3dmark all the time. I cant find a better program that will allow me to test the stability of my CPU when overclocking. Just because you dont like a program, doesnt mean other people cant find uses for them.

Your inability to find any of the plethora of burn in programs available just means that you're inept...not that 3dmark has value...

...Actually it means that I have found 3DMark to be extremely useful in guaging the stability of my CPU under real-world game enviornments and that you can't accept the fact that no one cares about your worthless opinions that have no bearing on the original topic and are counter-productive tot he conversation. So next time you see a 3dmark thread, instead of trying to ruin someone's perfectly legal question, turn the computer off and step outside and get some sunlight.


Senior member
Sep 24, 2002
Originally posted by: gf4200isdabest
Don't be such an arrogant @$$hole. I am in no way a newbie at computers and I use 3dmark all the time. I cant find a better program that will allow me to test the stability of my CPU when overclocking. Just because you dont like a program, doesnt mean other people cant find uses for them.

Your inability to find any of the plethora of burn in programs available just means that you're inept...not that 3dmark has value...
Sounds like someones upset that Nvidia got caught cheating



Aug 10, 2002
Someone just realises 3D Mark isn't the be all and end all of anything, and has only minimal real world value, although it can be a useful indicator that a machine is under-performing for whatever reason, but is best used as a performance indicator along with other programs, not just on it's own.

And as for using it to test stability, some programs can find issues where others do not, so again, it's better to use more than 1 test to check stability, same as you should use more than 1 test to gague performance.

3D Mark is fine with other things, but on its own it is rather worthless.


Senior member
Dec 31, 2002
Alright man, answer me this. I was recently overclocking my old 1700 on my Asus mobo since I just got a better HSF and I figured I could take it higher. So I was playing with it, and I thought "Wow, 3dmark is useless to test for CPU stability. I will just run Prime and F@H and Toast...then when one of those fail I will try memtest to see if it is the memory or processor." 190*12.5 was where prime first errored out. I didn't wanna up voltage more just yet, so I backed it down to 210*10.5, where it was stable for around 12 hours while I was in class the next day. Then, we did some hardcore gaming that night, but I kept crashing out. Know, I KNEW my system was stable from your "great" burn-in programs, and I knew my vid card was cause it wasn't running OC'ed (9700 pro..didn't need to to run BF and C&C). But, since I couldn't figure it out, I ran 3dmark, which of coursed crashed immediately. It turns out after messing with things mine was one of the A7N8X boards with the crazy resistor values that controls the SB voltage(NB also...but anyways) and I had to do the VDD mod so that I could go even above around 175FSB. Prime was cool with it, and was running fine, just anything with 3d graphics was crashing it. Now, I never would have known any of this without the worthless program you call 3dmark.

Now, as people have stated before, if you don't like/use/accept/care about 3dmark, that is all well and good, nobody is making you use it. But why go into a thread where the OP obviously does have some connection to it and start trouble? Doesn't seem to make sense to me man.



Senior member
Jul 1, 2002
[/quote] Sounds like someones upset that Nvidia got caught cheating[/quote]

That's cute right up until you started typing. I have two computers, one with an ATI and one with an nvidia. I don't give a damn about either company and have no "loyalty" to either one. I don't run 3dmark so I could care less how many cheats the companies put in. Only idiots look at 3dmark scores in benchmark tests. The nick is an old joke that you made an assumption about then proceeded to make an ass of yourself based on your assumption.

Lonyo, you give a pretty fair assesment of the situation. Truthfully, my opinion is a lot closer to what you said. Unfortunately, voicing that kind of moderate view makes people think there is nothing wrong if they just continue using it as the be all and end all. Calling them morons is for their own good.

MrSmithers, your computer was stable...games were the problem. But even if you waste your time with those, a much better indication was "My game just crashed"....not "3dmark crashed"


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
MrSmithers, your computer was stable...games were the problem. But even if you waste your time with those, a much better indication was "My game just crashed"....not "3dmark crashed"

So he OC'd his computer so he could look at the worthless nonsense you post all day faster?

No, he OC'd his computer to play games and if games aren't stable, then the computer isnt stable. The reason 3dmark is a better indication of CPU stability is because it tests the CPU and video card under a stressful 3D enviornment, you know, one that the computer might encounter in a game...


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Originally posted by: gf4200isdabest
Originally posted by: o0LoRdHyPnOs0o
thats so not true.I think 3dmark is a very important element of establishing a good performing and stable system.

Yeah, but you're a n00b. It's no coincidence that people who use 3dmark are the same ones who have all the problems with their rigs. Anyone who understands their computer doesn't need 3dmark to know how it's performing or whether it's stable.

another idiot using the n00b word, why don't you just crawl away back to your parents basement and leave the rest of us socially adept people alone


Golden Member
Oct 11, 2001
That would be all true if not for the fact that systems tweaked for 3dmark constantly performed worse in games/apps...Your post is cute WarCon, unfortunately it hinges on the fallacy that 3dmark accurately benches your system. All gains and losses are in 3dmarks, not in actual system performance. I wonder if people like MistaTastyCakes think 3dmark is a game in it of itself...

Actually, I don't even have it installed.

I usually do install it when I first put together my PC and loop it overnight. I also loop overnight memtest86 and Prime95 before doing some DivX encoding. It has it's uses. It's useless to compare with others, since drivers and half the people on the ORB cheat for some weird reason. For personal use, it's a fairly handy little tool, though. It stresses components, which is nice for stress testing.

I know, I know. I'm a moron and a fool, and all of ATGH needs to bow down to your infinate wisdom. But I'm a moron and a fool with a system that has never crashed.


Apr 4, 2003
looks like you are doing a pretty good job making fool out of yourself gf4200isdabest!


Apr 4, 2003
Originally posted by: WarCon
Personally, I find 3DMark a very good tool. I don't use it to measure my length compared to yours, but I do use to measure if my own system is a little limp. It is a great tweak tool because it runs a variety of different conditions versus a single game benchmark will only test one type of video implementation.

Its funny though, I sure have seen alot of people claiming that its worthless and I sure haven't seen those arguements as to why. I know it sure let me know that the much hyped FX cards really were mostly hype and I could spend my money more wisely on a Geforce 4 or an ATI. The fact that Nvidia so wanted to discredit it tells me that it has real value. Anyway you are entitled to your opinion and your also entitled to call others names, but just make sure you take a deep hard look in the mirror because sometimes those names you call are tattooed on your very own forehead.

P.S. There is a solution to there never being an end to 3DMark threads, don't click on them and they won't worry you so much.

I will take your advice on that

Thanks -Daryl


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: gf4200isdabest
Don't be such an arrogant @$$hole. I am in no way a newbie at computers and I use 3dmark all the time. I cant find a better program that will allow me to test the stability of my CPU when overclocking. Just because you dont like a program, doesnt mean other people cant find uses for them.

Your inability to find any of the plethora of burn in programs available just means that you're inept...not that 3dmark has value...

The fact that you feel compelled to dismiss 3dmark out of hand and in addition ridicule anyone who uses it for whatever purpose is definately a great benefit to me in determining your reliability as a source of assistance in these forums. Been around these forums for some time now and i have seen rude and arrogant fools such as yourself come and go. The fact is as a single be all benchmark it is pretty much useless as are most other benchmarks. As part of a set of applications designed for testing stability and determing a performance range It is as useful as anything else out there. Personally I find it invaluable as part of a group of applications i use for stability testing on new builds i do. In one instance it was the only application that showed there was a problem with some new memory i was trying out. All my other stability apps tested out fine on the system but 3dmarks demo would crash after 3 loops every time. this prompted me to test a bit deeper in several areas memory being one of them. I eventually i was able to determine that the ram I had was not reliable at it's rated speeds and timings and was able to get it rma'd as defective. If i had not included the 3dmark demo loop as part of my stability torture test I would never have had an indication that the ram had some issues until the customer the pc was destined for started having problems. I use several distributed computing applications such as prime 95, and Seti@home to stress the cpu and system and 3dmark to add the 3d stress element to the test. Neither of those apps indicated any issues yet 3dmark indicated something was amiss which prompted me to dig deeper and do more in depth testing with memtest86. Your rudeness with others for whatever reason and your vehement hatred of 3dmark as anything other that a waste of time convinces me that you never really used it for anything other than getting a score. It also appears to me that you develop your opinions based more on what you've read about something than by actually using it and discovering how it may be useful to you. As a benchmark it is handy to get a quick idea where your at with direct3d. As a stability test it can be very useful when used as one part of a group of applications for testing stability.



Junior Member
Jun 1, 2003
i dont get why peope say 3dmark has no value.its just like a game...infact its like 17 games in one.3dmark played a huge part in my month long struggle to fix my computer wich i finnaly found to be a bad stick of ram.Now im able to run 3dmark paired with prime 95 as long as i want (15 hours till i got sick of testing).Now im resting assured my computer is stable and capable of playing games (pretty well to 10,500 3dmarks).


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
Excuse me for interrupting this flame fest, but I had a question for nick1985 (if he is still reading this thread.) When you set up the new system, did you set it up on a clean hard drive, or did you migrate your drive from another system?

Although I too hate it when people post because their score is a couple hundred points off, 10,000 is WAY too low for your system. I would gess it should be 15-16,000. Do you notice unusually low performance in games? What motherboard does your friend have. Are you sure you are running with all the default loaded? Are you sure AA and AF are turned off? I know some of these questions sound trivial, but I have learned in these forums to never assume too much.


Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by: ketchup79
Excuse me for interrupting this flame fest, but I had a question for nick1985 (if he is still reading this thread.) When you set up the new system, did you set it up on a clean hard drive, or did you migrate your drive from another system?

Although I too hate it when people post because their score is a couple hundred points off, 10,000 is WAY too low for your system. I would gess it should be 15-16,000. Do you notice unusually low performance in games? What motherboard does your friend have. Are you sure you are running with all the default loaded? Are you sure AA and AF are turned off? I know some of these questions sound trivial, but I have learned in these forums to never assume too much.

he got an 11600. it works great in games. such as doom 3 alpha... aa and af are turned to lowest settings. im just wandering what else i can do to get at least 12-13K where he should be at least


Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by: Jeff7181
Turn off VSync

how do i do this? and is this feature automatically enabled? or do you usually have to shut it off manually?
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