3G iPhone - My First Impressions


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Got up at 5am this morning, was 18th in line and got a shiny new 8gb 3g iPhone. They had PLENTY in stock, but I'm glad i got there early, it was a hot day and the line was a good 200 people long by the time the store opened.

I'll just do a quick run down of the different points that have stood out to me today;

I like the feel better, it just seems to fit better in your hand. Less of a feeling that its going to slip out at any moment like the previous Gen, partially I think due to the plastic vs. aluminum as well as the new shape.

Superb, just like the first one. Nothing creaks or cracks, its very very solid. Even the plastic back feels thick and solid. So far the black does show fingerprints and smudges pretty well, but they wipe off VERY easily, even with my shirt or shorts. That being said, you only REALLY notice them when in direct sunlight. In most situations, I really don't even notice it at all.

A warmer version of the previous gen, almost a bit of a yellowish tinge, compared to the bluish tinge to the previous gen. Colors seem more vivid and natural to me, Contrast is improved IMO as well. You do lose some detail with the higher contrast, but IMO its a welcome trade off as to my eyes it looks better.

Well its supposed to be faster, but AT&T has dragged their asses with 3G here in Sarasota for well over a year now. It was originally supposed to be turned on in early 2007, then late 2007, then spring 2008, then summer 2008. Well, its was still not on. I called twice last week and was assured by corporate and a local store that 3G would be turned on any day, and would definitely be on by 3G Launch day. Well, its not. Now they are saying hopefully next week, but no later than mid August Bastards, I know the people I spoke to have no control over it, but AT&T is just really crappy with turning this on. So for now, its the same as the old, Edge.

Have to say, I'm impressed. Locked on my position within 3-4 seconds and was even able to very accurately track me while speeding down the highway going 75mph. Maybe its a function of where I live (not many obstructed views of the sky down here), but it was spot on accurate and fast. Even with edge loading google maps, it was pretty darn quick. The ability for apps to locate you and provide personalized info is just fantastic. For example, with the Flickr app - Exposed. You can actually have it find pictures taken nearby (it looks up your location, then grabs geotags from around the area). It worked amazingly well. Or with the Weatherbug app, you don't have to add your city, it finds it for you. Small things, but it makes things just that much easier.

Unfortunately this was an area I wasn't expecting a difference as the internals are the same, but for some reason there is. Scrolling feels sluggish at times, as if its working on trying to get everything loaded, but its just not as smooth as it used to be (I notice this more in my Contact list than anywhere else), i've even noticed some delays in selecting items in the Contact list right after I scroll (Scroll to a contact and tap it... Wait 1 sec..... It turns blue and loads).

Unfortunately Apps seem to be quite unstable as well. Not the standard Apple provided apps, but the third party apps. I was under the impression that the App Store allowing native apps was supposed to improve stability, but so far many of the apps have been crashing (some on load, some a few minutes in). Roughly 1/3 of the apps i've tried have had issues. My old jailbroken iPhone was more stable thus far.

Now, one thing I must note, this may all be a product of the iPhone 2.0 Software, I haven't seen it on a first gen iPhone so I dunno if the problems exist there as well. But thus far, I'm disappointed.

UPDATE: I ran an iTunes Restore and this seemed to cure nearly all of my performance issues noted above. Dunno if I just had a bad OS build out of the box, but thus far the restore has made a noticeable difference.

So in conclusion, Am i happy with the new iPhone? Absolutely! I am glad to be back and working with a phone that fits my needs perfectly. That being said, I'm not without disappointment with the bugs so far and the issues with AT&T, but I have faith that both companies will get them straightened out with time. Its a great phone, so I'm willing to cut them some slack to get it working right.

UPDATE - 7/15/08
So i've had the phone a few days now, went on a trip to Philadelphia with it and even had the good fortune of AT&T turning on 3G in my area this weekend. Well, 4 days in now, and I have to admit, I'm starting to have some regrets with this phone.

My problems stem around 2 primary issues; Battery Life & Signal Strength

On the original iPhone, I could easily go a day with heavy usage (1-2 hours talking as well as 1 hour or more just playing with it) and by the end of the day it would have at least half its battery, usually enough to nearly make it through a 2nd day depending on usage (it was usually 10% by the end of the 2nd day).

Well the 3G iPhone just kinda sucks in comparison. It was fully charged at 9am when I disconnected it from the power, I used roughly 20 mins of talk time and 15-20 minutes of playing with apps today, and now at 7pm the battery has about 1/4 remaining, I have doubts it would even make it through the night in standby. Thats roughly 10 hours to what I would consider a point that it needs to be charged, and without much usage, thats not good.

In addition to the lower battery life, I'm having major signal issues since AT&T turned 3G on in my area (hopefully something wrong with their end, not mine, but I dunno at this point). With my old iPhone, I would easily get 5 bars anywhere in my house. On a rare occasion it would be down to 4, but almost always 5. So far on the 3G iPhone, I've yet to get above 3 bars, and even that is rare. A good 80% of the time I have either no service at all, or 1 bar. Most calls today went straight to voicemail, something I thought I would be rid of with this phone. Even on my 2nd story where I could always rely on a good signal, I just get squat.

Now, I hope this is simply an issue with AT&T, but I have my doubts. I really like all the new features, but if these two problems hold up, I may eat the restocking fee and wait until the 3rd generation

UPDATE - 7/24/08
Ugh, I was kinda hoping it wouldn't come to this but well, I got a dud. Two major (imo) problems now, one may be fixable via software, the other definitely not.

1. I finally had a chance today to sit down and watch a bit of a movie, was kinda looking forward to killing some time between study sessions. So I put on last of the mohicans, turn the phone sideways, and am shocked at what I see as the dark intro to the movie begins. A veritable ass-load of stuck/burst sub pixels on my beautiful iPhone screen. At first I thought, no way, how could I have missed this? Does my phone have the pox!?! syphilis?! A loathsome venereal disease?!? I saw the one stuck green pixel right when I got it, but it was off to the side, no biggie I thought to myself. So i started brainstorming, maybe something under the screen? Dust perhaps? Smudges? Nope, turned the lights on and inspected. Threw a PS 100% Black picture on there and did the unthinkable, I started counting. I stopped counting at 16. Yes, 16. 16 beautiful, designed in America, made in China, broken sub pixels shimmering their happy little broken pixel hearts away. <grumble> I almost cried.

2. To add insult to injury (maybe my iPhone didn't like me looking at it with such a discerning and disappointed eye today), my phone locked up hardcore about 4 times today. And by hardcore, i mean HARDCORE. Not even using 3rd party apps, twice it happened when I went into settings, the other two times were browsing the Web. Total lock jam, held down the Home/Power for 10 seconds, screen goes black, reboots and I see the nice Silver Apple with all its broken sub pixels around it like little green decapitated worms, and I wait. And I wait. And I wait. Not looking good. Each time, it took my iPhone on the order of ~ 10 minutes to make it back into the OS (to the slide to unlock screen). Did you restore you ask? Why yes, I did, right between the 3rd lockup and the 4th lockup, and I even made sure to keep all the 3rd party apps off.

She's done jim.

My ego is bruised, my eyes hurt from strain, and I have a crappy lemon iPhone with no where to go but home to AT&T.

Hope the replacement comes soon


Senior member
Aug 28, 2007
It's interesting that you've been having app issues. I haven't had a single app crash on me with my first gen iPhone.

Wonderful Pork

Golden Member
Jul 24, 2005
Do you feel that the addition of GPS is worth upgrading for? (Since you can't really comment on the 3G part...)


Senior member
Mar 28, 2005
A friend of mine just bought the white one and i tried it out. I felt that it was rather slow when writing things, also doing other things it didnt feel like it was running as fast as it could have been. slightly dissapointing, but other than that i was impressed.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Wonderful Pork
Do you feel that the addition of GPS is worth upgrading for? (Since you can't really comment on the 3G part...)

Well, that's hard to say. Many apps ask to use the GPS to it can locate you for personalized info without you having to enter anything.

For example, with the Flickr app - Exposed. You can actually have it find pictures taken nearby (it looks up your location, then grabs geotags from around the area). It worked amazingly well. Other apps have used it as well.

I could def. see it being a handy addition. Upgrade worthy? Sure, I mean technically over 2 years the price is the same so why not and i've always wanted to geotag my own photos.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: foges
A friend of mine just bought the white one and i tried it out. I felt that it was rather slow when writing things, also doing other things it didnt feel like it was running as fast as it could have been. slightly dissapointing, but other than that i was impressed.

Is the plastic on the face of the white phone still black, or is that white as well? I am actually interested in the white one for some reason, but don't like the idea of a two-tone phone.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Don Vito Corleone
Originally posted by: foges
A friend of mine just bought the white one and i tried it out. I felt that it was rather slow when writing things, also doing other things it didnt feel like it was running as fast as it could have been. slightly dissapointing, but other than that i was impressed.

Is the plastic on the face of the white phone still black, or is that white as well? I am actually interested in the white one for some reason, but don't like the idea of a two-tone phone.

The front is black, only the back is white.

Wonderful Pork

Golden Member
Jul 24, 2005
Originally posted by: aphex
Originally posted by: Wonderful Pork
Do you feel that the addition of GPS is worth upgrading for? (Since you can't really comment on the 3G part...)

Well, that's hard to say. Many apps ask to use the GPS to it can locate you for personalized info without you having to enter anything.

For example, with the Flickr app - Exposed. You can actually have it find pictures taken nearby (it looks up your location, then grabs geotags from around the area). It worked amazingly well. Other apps have used it as well.

I could def. see it being a handy addition. Upgrade worthy? Sure, I mean technically over 2 years the price is the same so why not and i've always wanted to geotag my own photos.

I'm having a hard time justifying a $75+tax (to keep the features equal) cell phone bill every month. I guess if I sold my current iPhone for $250+ it could work out reasonably even.

However, all the people who bought iPhone 3G won't be upgrade eligible for iPhone 4G (or whatever they call next years) which may be a more substantial update IMHO.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Wonderful Pork
Originally posted by: aphex
Originally posted by: Wonderful Pork
Do you feel that the addition of GPS is worth upgrading for? (Since you can't really comment on the 3G part...)

Well, that's hard to say. Many apps ask to use the GPS to it can locate you for personalized info without you having to enter anything.

For example, with the Flickr app - Exposed. You can actually have it find pictures taken nearby (it looks up your location, then grabs geotags from around the area). It worked amazingly well. Other apps have used it as well.

I could def. see it being a handy addition. Upgrade worthy? Sure, I mean technically over 2 years the price is the same so why not and i've always wanted to geotag my own photos.

I'm having a hard time justifying a $75+tax (to keep the features equal) cell phone bill every month. I guess if I sold my current iPhone for $250+ it could work out reasonably even.

However, all the people who bought iPhone 3G won't be upgrade eligible for iPhone 4G (or whatever they call next years) which may be a more substantial update IMHO.

Well, thats part of the reason I went for the smaller one. If a substantial upgrade comes out next year, I'll have $100 more towards the unsubsidized price. As for now though, there not much else I could think I would use (short of video conferencing).

I sold my first gen on eBay for nearly $550, so I was happy.

Wonderful Pork

Golden Member
Jul 24, 2005
Originally posted by: aphex
Originally posted by: Wonderful Pork
Originally posted by: aphex
Originally posted by: Wonderful Pork
Do you feel that the addition of GPS is worth upgrading for? (Since you can't really comment on the 3G part...)

Well, that's hard to say. Many apps ask to use the GPS to it can locate you for personalized info without you having to enter anything.

For example, with the Flickr app - Exposed. You can actually have it find pictures taken nearby (it looks up your location, then grabs geotags from around the area). It worked amazingly well. Other apps have used it as well.

I could def. see it being a handy addition. Upgrade worthy? Sure, I mean technically over 2 years the price is the same so why not and i've always wanted to geotag my own photos.

I'm having a hard time justifying a $75+tax (to keep the features equal) cell phone bill every month. I guess if I sold my current iPhone for $250+ it could work out reasonably even.

However, all the people who bought iPhone 3G won't be upgrade eligible for iPhone 4G (or whatever they call next years) which may be a more substantial update IMHO.

Well, thats part of the reason I went for the smaller one. If a substantial upgrade comes out next year, I'll have $100 more towards the unsubsidized price. As for now though, there not much else I could think I would use (short of video conferencing).

I sold my first gen on eBay for nearly $550, so I was happy.

Well, I never thought I'd go from my vanilla flip phone to an all touch screen pocket computer!

I don't really have any complaints with the current gen (especially if they keep with the free firmware updates), however if the user experience with the 3G is _that_ much better, then I'll upgrade to it. I'm not poor, just cheap . Also, the flush headset jack will be nice.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Well I've decided to do a restore, I can't really get any of the apps to work. I'd say about 80% crash now before they even fully load.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: aphex
Well I've decided to do a restore, I can't really get any of the apps to work. I'd say about 80% crash now before they even fully load.

Well that sucks.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
Originally posted by: aphex
Well I've decided to do a restore, I can't really get any of the apps to work. I'd say about 80% crash now before they even fully load.

Well that sucks.

Hopefully I just got a malformed OS out of the box.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2003
I'm not really seeing any of the issues (slowness, apps crashing etc.) Seems as responsive as my 1st gen if not a little faster.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: dnuggett
I'm not really seeing any of the issues (slowness, apps crashing etc.) Seems as responsive as my 1st gen if not a little faster.

Restore just finished, loading it up with some apps to test now. Fingers Crossed.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2003
at wonderful pork-

Who is your source on the eligibilty of an upgrade? Not saying that isn't the case- but to say it with such certainty...

If you go by what the normal upgrade paths are I'd agree. But I'm not convinced it will.

Wonderful Pork

Golden Member
Jul 24, 2005
Originally posted by: dnuggett
at wonderful pork-

Who is your source on the eligibilty of an upgrade? Not saying that isn't the case- but to say it with such certainty...

If you go by what the normal upgrade paths are I'd agree. But I'm not convinced it will.

No source, just assuming they are treating the iPhone like a "regular" phone now. You're right though, customers who were not technically eligible to upgrade could do so for a $200 premium; the no-contract price is $500 more.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Thank god. The restore seemed to cure my issues, all the apps load just fine now and my scrolling issue seems to have completely subsided. Yea for iTunes Restore!


Jul 11, 2005
Do you or anyone else know of any issues while buying the phone, such as the activation with a family plan etc?


May 29, 2003
The restore should have installed a new firmware that address the yellowish issue also.

There's a huge thread about it over at Macrumors.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: addinator
Do you or anyone else know of any issues while buying the phone, such as the activation with a family plan etc?

Actually yes, they weren't able to upgrade my line for an existing family plan (i'm a $9.99 add a line + data). Something funky was going on with the system as they said they normally can do it without a prob.

They activated me as an individual line under the same account and told me to call 1-800-331-0500 when I got home. Gave them a few hours and called in the afternoon, got through in 10 seconds. Told the guy what happened and he said he's had a bunch of people call with the same problem. He was able to merge me back into the account in just a few minutes. So its all good.


Moderator<br>Computer Help
Mar 14, 2000
Originally posted by: lokiju
The restore should have installed a new firmware that address the yellowish issue also.

There's a huge thread about it over at Macrummors.

I can't find that thread. :-(


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
It's tempting, but doubling my phone bill by switching to AT&T from Sprint and losing 3G in the process is a no-go. I'll hopefully score a Treo 800w Sunday.

I mean, the iPhone is really, REALLY tempting. If I could get 450 minutes, data, unlimited text and insurance for $65 a month I would go for it. As is, that would run me $90/mo before taxes and insurance, if it's even possible to get that on AT&T.


Moderator<br>Computer Help
Mar 14, 2000
Originally posted by: bearxor
It's tempting, but doubling my phone bill by switching to AT&T from Sprint and losing 3G in the process is a no-go. I'll hopefully score a Treo 800w Sunday.

I mean, the iPhone is really, REALLY tempting. If I could get 450 minutes, data, unlimited text and insurance for $65 a month I would go for it. As is, that would run me $90/mo before taxes and insurance, if it's even possible to get that on AT&T.

I have 700min, unlimited mobile to mobile, unlimited nights and weekends. 200 text a month and unlimited data. All for 69.95 a month. Oh and I got rollover. There is NO INSURANCE on iPhones.
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