4.1 GHz 805D???


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
It's quite possible, if you have a good power supply and very good cooling. Mine is hitting 57c at 3.7ghz on water cooling.


Jan 21, 2005
Any of the boards listed in the article should work fine with the right cooling. The 800 series will definitely heat up the room at those speeds

The Asus P5WD2 Premium seems to be getting the best / most consistent overclocking results.


Jul 16, 2005
I like the budget chip, but the boards are not budget priced by any means. I will continue to wait until conroe to see if it lives up to the hype


Jul 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Faikius
Any of the boards listed in the article should work fine with the right cooling. The 800 series will definitely heat up the room at those speeds

The Asus P5WD2 Premium seems to be getting the best / most consistent overclocking results.

I think your chip might be smarter to purchase, less heat and 65 nm and less power


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2005
As a P5WD2 Premium owner I must say the over clocking options on my bios are just great. I can oc my chip to 4.ghz on air but it is not prime stable so I had to back it down to 3.8ghz for normal use. I am sure if I had water cooling I could push the CPU past 4GHz.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
right now I can get to 3.5 idle@65c, but as soon as I put a load on it, it shuts down when it gets over 70c. I have a big typhoon coming thurs, then I will see what I can do. I can only get 2.9 right now, and it sits at 69c.


Golden Member
Dec 7, 2004
Got mine going between 3.4-3.5Ghz and it idles at 41 degrees with an XP-90 HSF on default vcore. It does jump up into the mid 60s when I do any video encoding but overall, its a damn good chip.


Senior member
Apr 24, 2006
All is nice and well that they reached 4.1 Ghz but all they did is run benchmarks they didn't even prime it I'd be willing to bet that it would fail at 4.1 Ghz within some hours although it is probaly prime stable at 4.0 or so (and that is still awesomely sweet!!!).


Feb 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Holysmoke36
Originally posted by: Faikius
Any of the boards listed in the article should work fine with the right cooling. The 800 series will definitely heat up the room at those speeds

The Asus P5WD2 Premium seems to be getting the best / most consistent overclocking results.

I think your chip might be smarter to purchase, less heat and 65 nm and less power

Yea, thats a nice feat but i would pick the cheapest 900 over the 800 any day.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2005
My roommate has the 805D running at 3.8 with a tiny voltage increase on the scythe ninja


He's taken it over 4 Ghz but it takes some volts to get there and starts getting toasty for aircooling. 4.1 Ghz is certainly possible but it would most likely require watercooling.

He's using the P5WD2 normal version, that or the P5LD2 would probably work well enough


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2006
It seemed like a wild overclocker, but the memory seemed a little outrageously priced


Senior member
Dec 15, 2003
Seems to me (after just glancing at the benchies there) that an Opty 165 at stock volts and 2.4-2.5Ghz - which afaik, is not an uncommon feat - would kick the pants out of the 4.0Ghz 805 at somewhere around 70% of the power consumption.

Does it really pay to buy a $130 CPU if you're gonna shell out the other $200 in electric bills in the time you own it? If you owned it for more than 2 years, it could quite easily cost you MORE than a $500 CPU.

On top of that, they used a watercooling rig. That's what, minimum of $150 expense? Seems to me that makes it more like a $300 CPU - which is Opteron 165 territory.

This article is one of the dumbest I have read in some time. I guess that's because I don't visit Tom's much anymore. It sounds like it was written by a 14 year old whose mommy pays the electric bills. No comparison of an air-cooled Opty (hell, my air cooled 2.6Ghz Athlon 64 3000 is probably not too far below in performance at about 1.45v) or Athlon 64 SINGLE CORE (FX-55 is on there, but not OC'd at all!!). Anyway, this should be compared to a price-comparable Venice on water and a price comparable Denmark on air to show who REALLY has the leg up on OC potential. I'd be willing to bet AMD still walks away with the win, bang for buck.

Of course, that won't be true after Conroe, but we AMD fans still got a few weeks to preen, eh?


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Originally posted by: Noubourne
Seems to me (after just glancing at the benchies there) that an Opty 165 at stock volts and 2.4-2.5Ghz - which afaik, is not an uncommon feat - would kick the pants out of the 4.0Ghz 805 at somewhere around 70% of the power consumption.

Does it really pay to buy a $130 CPU if you're gonna shell out the other $200 in electric bills in the time you own it? If you owned it for more than 2 years, it could quite easily cost you MORE than a $500 CPU.

On top of that, they used a watercooling rig. That's what, minimum of $150 expense? Seems to me that makes it more like a $300 CPU - which is Opteron 165 territory.

This article is one of the dumbest I have read in some time. I guess that's because I don't visit Tom's much anymore. It sounds like it was written by a 14 year old whose mommy pays the electric bills. No comparison of an air-cooled Opty (hell, my air cooled 2.6Ghz Athlon 64 3000 is probably not too far below in performance at about 1.45v) or Athlon 64 SINGLE CORE (FX-55 is on there, but not OC'd at all!!). Anyway, this should be compared to a price-comparable Venice on water and a price comparable Denmark on air to show who REALLY has the leg up on OC potential. I'd be willing to bet AMD still walks away with the win, bang for buck.

Of course, that won't be true after Conroe, but we AMD fans still got a few weeks to preen, eh?

And you forgot the $200 mobo required vs a $65-$80 motherboard for the Opty. I have been saying this for ages, but nobody listens. I just got an 805, and a cheap motherboard with the retail HSF, but I can only get 3 ghz with that setup before it shuts down. I have a $50 HSF coming to get more speed, but it will still take a lot of juice ! And I got the 805 just to prove my point ! And the new memory I had to buy also...... And video card.

Thanks for a confirmation.


Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Markfw900
And you forgot the $200 mobo required vs a $65-$80 motherboard for the Opty. I have been saying this for ages, but nobody listens. I just got an 805, and a cheap motherboard with the retail HSF, but I can only get 3 ghz with that setup before it shuts down. I have a $50 HSF coming to get more speed, but it will still take a lot of juice ! And I got the 805 just to prove my point ! And the new memory I had to buy also...... And video card.

Thanks for a confirmation.

It must get repetitive typing out the same type of response in every Intel overclocking thread. In the future I would suggest a pre-typed rebuttle that you could just copy and paste into these threads.

Something like "Intel Sucks, AMD Rules" would suffice.

Just trying to save you some time.



Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Originally posted by: Faikius
Originally posted by: Markfw900
And you forgot the $200 mobo required vs a $65-$80 motherboard for the Opty. I have been saying this for ages, but nobody listens. I just got an 805, and a cheap motherboard with the retail HSF, but I can only get 3 ghz with that setup before it shuts down. I have a $50 HSF coming to get more speed, but it will still take a lot of juice ! And I got the 805 just to prove my point ! And the new memory I had to buy also...... And video card.

Thanks for a confirmation.

It must get repetitive typing out the same type of response in every Intel overclocking thread. In the future I would suggest a pre-typed rebuttle that you could just copy and paste into these threads.

Something like "Intel Sucks, AMD Rules" would suffice.

Just trying to save you some time.

I was agreeing with the above poster. Why don't you just stay out of the thread if you have nothing to contribute except personal insults. I see you didn;t insult the person I was agreeing with. Have a personal vendetta ?

And as to your comment, I don;t think Intel sucks. Conroe looks quite promising, but the 8xx and 9xx series are a waste, even though 9xx is a lot better than 8xx. And most people agree that netburst stinks in general (even though it did have its uses)


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Noubourne

Does it really pay to buy a $130 CPU if you're gonna shell out the other $200 in electric bills in the time you own it? If you owned it for more than 2 years, it could quite easily cost you MORE than a $500 CPU.

How did you derive this figure? What variables came into play? Do you know the OPs usage pattern? Do you know what the price is per kw/h in his area? Were those figures also based on the apps installed demanding full load or just surfing?

I have a funny feeling you pulled $200 out of a hat. If anything, I would surmise its probably closer to $20.00 at most over two years, which in itself is extreme. But that figure, like yours, is also just a guess.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Noubourne
Seems to me (after just glancing at the benchies there) that an Opty 165 at stock volts and 2.4-2.5Ghz - which afaik, is not an uncommon feat - would kick the pants out of the 4.0Ghz 805 at somewhere around 70% of the power consumption.

Does it really pay to buy a $130 CPU if you're gonna shell out the other $200 in electric bills in the time you own it? If you owned it for more than 2 years, it could quite easily cost you MORE than a $500 CPU.

On top of that, they used a watercooling rig. That's what, minimum of $150 expense? Seems to me that makes it more like a $300 CPU - which is Opteron 165 territory.

This article is one of the dumbest I have read in some time. I guess that's because I don't visit Tom's much anymore. It sounds like it was written by a 14 year old whose mommy pays the electric bills. No comparison of an air-cooled Opty (hell, my air cooled 2.6Ghz Athlon 64 3000 is probably not too far below in performance at about 1.45v) or Athlon 64 SINGLE CORE (FX-55 is on there, but not OC'd at all!!). Anyway, this should be compared to a price-comparable Venice on water and a price comparable Denmark on air to show who REALLY has the leg up on OC potential. I'd be willing to bet AMD still walks away with the win, bang for buck.

Of course, that won't be true after Conroe, but we AMD fans still got a few weeks to preen, eh?

Actually in most apps your 2.6ghz Opty would beat the 4ghz 805d.....

I am not impressed when cooling needs to cost more then the chip.....I have seen opties do 2.6ghz with stock vcore and stock cooling...Giveit water and you have a shot at 3ghz plus and this 805d falls waayyyy behind....

I dont think I would even build one if you handed it to me for free....

As for Faikius....you are lucky the mods haven't been trolling lately...i would recommend you take a vacation...No one asked for your personal comments and singling out MarkFW900....


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
FelixDeKat, I know it takes $8-10 per month/core that I run arounf here. Since the 805 uses a lot more power than the X2, $14-$18/month is a reasonable estimate. So ~$182/year is a good guesstimate, so $200 in 2 years is a low estimate IMO.

As to usage patterns, who knows. This is for 24/7 like I run.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2005
lol, i just read THG's article. Seeing 4.1 Ghz i thought their CPU was handpicked but after reading it, LMAO turns out my roomat'es 805D is better. It'll do 4 Ghz benchable on like 1.4v and prime with about 1.475. With the watercooling they used and some real volts i think 4.2 Ghz woulda been doable.

about the 200$ motherboard thing, exaggerated, stop repeating it in every thread that crops up with the word Intel in it. 120$-150$ motherboard gets the job done. My roommate is using a 150$ motherboard. So? If you want to overclock AMDs you need a DFI NF4 or an ASUS A8N whatever board and they're all 120+ $.

It's a 130$ CPU that clocks to 4 Ghz on air. What the hell else needs to be said?


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Why don;t you read Stevty's posts that confirm that is true. I am repeating his experience, and he has more Intel systems than almost anybody on this forum.

As for the X2 mobo, I have 4 X2's, all running on $80 motherboards. One only runs 2370, thats the dual-sataII board. The others are all 2.5-2.6 And they all get this on stock cooling, which CAN'T be said for the 805. The only way to get an 805 to 4 ghz is watercooling. If you have seen it on air, again they must be lucky. Stevty gets 3.7 on water, and I can only get 3.4-3.5 on air, havn;t had it long enough yet to say for sure, but it won;t post at 3.6

As to your roomate, he must be lucky, I will believe stevty, I think he even works for Intel. I have personally experienced this with him at my house with his hardware.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2005
Originally posted by: Markfw900
The only way to get an 805 to 4 ghz is watercooling. If you have seen it on air, again they must be lucky.

I guess my roommate is lucky

You wanna see some 4 GHz action on air? I can try to work on it tonight... i didn't realize THG used 1.6+ volts, i haven't used Intel so i had no idea how much voltage headroom we have, looks like it's a lot.

It runs 3.8 Ghz with 1.325v.

Cooling is the scythe ninja with stock 120mm fan and i custom lapped the base, it's pretty tight.

with the AMD 64 motherboards you can get the 2.5 Ghz overclocks on 80$ boards but the real overclocking boards are 120+ just like Intel's. With 80$ motherboards your overclocks are mobo limited, i consider any real overclocking instance to be such that you are not limited by the motherboard.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Well, since my $80 mobos on generic ram and stock heatsinks are chep power that rivals ~4.2 8xx or 9xx series. If you take what I spendt, and compare to what it takes to get a 8xx to 4 ghz or over, the total cost is less on the X2, and the overall cost after adding power (AC counts too!), the X2 wins.

Again, I got the 805 so I could speak from personal experience how it works on an inexspensive motherboard, not an exspensive one with watercooling. I sill need a $50 HSF to get anywhere on it though.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2005
well the roomy's setup is 130$ cpu + 150$ mobo + 50$ cooling = 330$

Your 3800+ @ 2.5 Ghz with 80$ mobo and stock cooling is still 380$ = 50$ more

If you wanna end this i'll clock up to 4 Ghz and we can run some CPU benchmarks, i honestly don't know what would win but i'll change my opinions as necessar! I'm still a mostly AMD man lol.
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