4:17AM Home Invasion

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May 30, 2000
That's why I don't have a gun. If I did, and it happened to me, he would have been dead.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
wtf... of all the times i've been messed up, i've never thought to walk into someones house and use the phone... what a fool..

if it was me i would've given him a good wack, for being such a fool.

edit: then i would've hog tied him with zip ties and sat on him, waiting for the cops


Diamond Member
May 29, 2002
Originally posted by: BennyD
i don't have a problem with individuals as such, rather the idea that irresponsible people have to screw up the image of guns.

can you not defend yourself with a bat? Of course not, everyone knows that the other guy could have a knife, which is why I love guns.

i remember a few years ago, some guy was in his house by himself, when his daughter got home and had locked herself out of the house so she broke in.
the man shot her.
then he shot himself when he realised what he'd done.
this could have been avoided if the man had been a responsible person and not unloaded a magazine right into the window.

with a gun, just a small flinch could save a life.

everyone seems to think that if someone comes into your house or property to rape your wife and daughter it is not a good thing and you can do what you like to them which I totally agree with.
as far as i believe you are allowed to use the maximum amount of force neccasary to remove them from your property.

"last night someone broke into my property but thankfully i was able to shoot him in the spine before he stabbed me to death" =/

whenever someone is shot tresspassing in america it is not a really big deal, if that happens here it makes the national news for months because you are uninformed about guns.
I fixed it for you, you really need a spellchecker man.

Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
So you have a gun for "protection" but you leave your front door unlocked? Wow..your a smart one. Sounds like BS anyways.


Golden Member
Feb 28, 2002
howd u no he wanted to use the phone? Man.. your a nice guy for not shooting his azz.. good for you..


Golden Member
Aug 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Tominator

In the US the violent crime rate is at an all time low and gun ownership has risen at a dramatic rate and continues to do so while in Canada, England, Australia, South Africa and Japan violent crimes, and more important to this discussion, illegal gun use is on the rise.

In England unless you are in the upper class law enforcement never even shows up unless someone gets hurt.

In the US law enforcement has zero obligation to protect you from an intruder. The Supreme Court says so.

Your baseball bat will get you killed in short order!

MadRat handled himself exacty right! I feel much safer having the likes of him as a neighbor instead of a bunch of pansy liberals that think a locked door will stop anyone bent on illegal entry.

It is every Free Man's obligation to protect himself, his family or friends from crime. All the cops are for is to clean up the mess!

Jeez, you're even more cracked than Madrat. Currently the armed contingent of the UK police are itching to use their shiny new G36's so the moment some guy brandishes anything remotely dangerous (I've got a double-barelled celery and I'm not afraid to use it) they pile in there by the truckload. Where did you get these strange notions from?

The police are there so that idiots like you don't mete out summary 'justice'.



Oct 14, 1999
I like to sleep with outside air cooling the house on nights like the last. The door is not open year round, nor when we're away obviously. Leaving it unlocked has never been a problem before. My neighbors are mostly retired so its not like there is any activity around here at night except for the occasional jogger. I'm sure some of them will find out what happened but it would be nice to sweep it under the rug.

It just so happens a carnival is in town and this kid wandered out of the beer garden. He will have to figure out how to get out of having a fake i.d., violating curfew, and minor under the influence - all pretty hefty fines. I'm not going to press charges on him being that he was pretty shaken by the arrest. I'd hate to be in his shoes, but lucky for him they are all misdemeanors. The only thing going for him is the beer garden is run by homecheese and he could potentially get them into trouble. Some battles aren't worth winning if you know what I mean. I'm guessing that nothing comes of it. Am I disappointed? Nah, if it was my kid I'd want the same.

I'm pretty surprised that so many people speak out about guns. The silent majority of responsible adults will not misuse a gun. I don't store the ammunition with the gun, nor do they get left unlocked. They are kept where it takes under a minute for me to get to both just in case of such an emergency. If the kids even enter the master bedroom they are grounded because guns aren't the only toy they don't need to explore. When they reach at least ten years of age its my feeling that they do need hunter safety and some type of exposure to a gun in order to have respect for the danger of these devices. Hiding kids away from all danger is not the answer. Teach them how to survive and they will go alot further in life.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: MadRat
If the kids even enter the master bedroom they are grounded because guns aren't the only toy they don't need to explore.


Isn't being an adult fun.



Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
Good job not putting some holes in him.

I don't get why people are bashing you. An intruder was in your home. He aint there to say hi. you pull gun, and remove him without killing or shooting him. I dont see a problem. the rest of us would have either hidden, or gotten out something to beat the crap out of him with. He left in one piece. Without the gun as your security blanket are you going to sit there and see what he is doing? Nope. You beat his head in first, ask questions later.

Ok, I'm done.

and good job madrat


Oct 9, 1999
I don't get why people are bashing you.

All part of the 21st Century liberal touchy-feely "his parents/video games/society made him do it" pussification of America.


Dec 12, 1999
Originally posted by: X-Man
I don't get why people are bashing you.

All part of the 21st Century liberal touchy-feely "his parents/video games/society made him do it" pussification of America.
agreed...good job madrat...ignore the bleeding-heart pissants that don't like it:disgust:, you did an excellent job


Jun 5, 2000
I think of something happening like that happening to me all the time. I have several weapons but i cant keep them loaded. I know for a fact my two girls would not touch them but my 3 year old son gets into EVERYTHING! so to be on the safe side I keep my dads Remington 870 police special (my dad is a retired Harris county deputy) very handy and unloaded. if anybody breaks into the house and they hear the CLINK beloved patriot of me jacking a round they will not know its not loaded, and not stick around to find out.


Sep 7, 2001
i have no respect for anyone that keeps a gun
Then you have no respect for some 40% of the American public.
can you not defend yourself with a bat?
A bat is what we call a 'leverage' weapon that is effective only at long range. In close quarters battle, which is precisely what occurs inside of homes when home occupant meets intruder, long range leverage weapons are an extremely poor choice. You have to swing a bat with vigor in order to effectively use it as a weapon, which means you must have plenty of room to swing it cleanly, you have to be reasonably able-bodied and strong enough to swing it with dedication, multiple times if necessary, which eliminates most women, disabled, and elderly persons.

The thing about leverage weapons is, they're easy to defeat purely by accident, not to speak of facing someone who may know a thing or two about defense. If you miss and momentum carries your swing beyond mid-point, you're screwed. All he has to do is take a big step closer to you so that your return swing is blocked (closing the range), your bat is now useless. If he grabs the bat, he can now toss you around the room hanging from the other end of it..or take it away.

This is also why a shotgun is a poor choice for home defense, you have 18 or more inches of protruding "handle" for an intruder to grab on to, and unless you shoot at anything that moves, or like to believe you are on the highest state of alert and readiness at all times, you cannot be so sure the intruder will never get that close to you.

Defensive close quarters battle demands short-range weapons; the pistol, handgun, knife, or some object which augments the immediate hand as a weapon, presenting little or nothing for the intruder to grab, and does not require gross physical movements (swinging a bat). My grandmother cannot swing a bat, but she can pull a crisp 4lb trigger.
i remember a few years ago, some guy was in his house by himself, when his daughter got home and had locked herself out of the house so she broke in. the man shot her. then he shot himself when he realised what he'd done.
this could have been avoided if the man had not had a gun.
I remember a few years ago this guy stuck his hand under a running lawn mower to clear some clumps of grass blocking the clipping outlet and he cut his fingers off. This could have been avoided if the man had not had a lawn mower.

Notice any similarity to your logic? There are millions of them. I remember a pilot making a mistake causing an airliner to crash...this could have been avoided if there were no airliners.

Your logic is that of a simplistic 5 year-old after having been stung by a bee: "bee = hurt. No more bees = no more hurt". A little embarrassing if you're old enough to use a computer.

This could have ALSO been avoided had the man followed common sense - KNOW what you're shooting at - instead of shooting blindly at whatever moves.

MadRat followed common sense and sound defensive firearm practices. His IS an example of how it is supposed to be done. There is no excuse at all for firing at unknown or uncertain targets through doors or walls. Fortunately, its an uncommon occurrence, just as most people understand not to stick their hands under running lawn mowers, most people can figure out the perils of shooting before you even know what it is that you're shooting at.
everyone seems to think that if someone comes into your house or property it is trespass and you can do what you like to them. as far as i believe you are allowed to use the minimum amount of force neccasary to remove them from your property.
I don't know ANYONE who believes they are entitled to do whatever they please to a tresspasser. I've seen a few people here on AT make some comments to that effect, but that is only so much blustering internet bravado, I doubt they sincerely believe this.

But you are entitled to protect yourself, your family, and your home from malicious criminal intent using reasonable force, including lethal force if it were reasonable under the circumstances.
Listen the kid might not have been there for tea and crumpets, but he was a drunk unarmed KID. All I'm saying is that a bad situation could have been made even worse with the addition of the gun.
Could have been made worse, but it wasn't. It certainly could have been no worse had the drunken unarmed kid with no real malicious intent been a 200lb felon out on parole wanting some cash, valuables, maybe his wife or daughter and MadRat had no gun.

But I know that if it comes right down to it, some people would prefer to see an innocent family brutalized or murdered than to risk the far less likely event of some stupid drunk teenager getting shot for criminally entering a home in which he DOES NOT BELONG.
I'm no law professor, but I think that shooting (killing) a drunk, unarmed kid who stumbled into your house at 4:17AM could send you to a pound me in the ass prison.
The legal standard essentially is, if a "reasonable person" would have, given the circumstances of the encounter, believed their life to be in danger, and they used brute force in response to that belief of danger, they have acted in lawful self-defense, whether or not the danger was actual or merely perceived and without regard to any facts that are revealed only AFTER the encounter.

This standard means that if some guy breaks into your house and points a gun at you, and you shoot him, you acted in lawful self-defense, even if it is later revealed that his gun was unloaded, you cannot be expected to know that without waiting for him to kill you first.

I challenge you to find 12 American citizens in the same jury pool who would not have believed their life to be in danger at the moment they confronted an intruder in their home at 4:00am, even if it is revealed after the fact that the intruder was a drunken unarmed teenager who "claims" he had no malicious intent. Having a gun pointed at your head makes criminals say all kinds of desperate things...."You mean this ain't my house?"


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Magicthyse
Originally posted by: Tominator

In the US the violent crime rate is at an all time low and gun ownership has risen at a dramatic rate and continues to do so while in Canada, England, Australia, South Africa and Japan violent crimes, and more important to this discussion, illegal gun use is on the rise.

In England unless you are in the upper class law enforcement never even shows up unless someone gets hurt.

In the US law enforcement has zero obligation to protect you from an intruder. The Supreme Court says so.

Your baseball bat will get you killed in short order!

MadRat handled himself exacty right! I feel much safer having the likes of him as a neighbor instead of a bunch of pansy liberals that think a locked door will stop anyone bent on illegal entry.

It is every Free Man's obligation to protect himself, his family or friends from crime. All the cops are for is to clean up the mess!

Jeez, you're even more cracked than Madrat. Currently the armed contingent of the UK police are itching to use their shiny new G36's so the moment some guy brandishes anything remotely dangerous (I've got a double-barelled celery and I'm not afraid to use it) they pile in there by the truckload. Where did you get these strange notions from?

The police are there so that idiots like you don't mete out summary 'justice'.
When the UK justice system put an old man into prison for shooting an intruder several years ago it was in nerly every paper in the US. The Wall Street Journal even had multiple articles with interviews with his neighbors and others speaking on the crime situation in the UK.

This guyhad his home broken in to multiple times and never did anyone in law enforcement do anything but take a statement over the phone.

So he has an illegal shotgun as the UK disarmed their citizens long ago. He waits one night and when two intruders break in...BLAM!

The poor guy was arrested and sent to prison there. Here he would be a hero. It's not 'summary justice,' it's a right!



Oct 14, 1999
I don't know the real circumstances behind that particular shooting, but I would guess the real story has alot different storyline. If the man had been in danger and shot he'd of not been charged with manslaughter or murder in the US. If he shot upon discovery of the intruder then, yes, he'd of been in jail for a minimum of manslaughter. In most states manslaughter is a mandatory 18 months in prison with parole possible in one year. The alternate charge would be first degree murder because the use of the weapon was premeditated and his minimum sentence would be twenty to life with parole possible in two years. Either way it unfolded they are both felonies which precludes the person from ever owning a firearm from that point until death. In my opinion they would both be definitive of a what it means to misuse a firearm.


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
A good secondary security system often helps as well.. Like a 44 caliber Doberman Pincer


Oct 9, 2001
Originally posted by: BennyD
i don't have a problem with individuals as such, rather the idea that people have to have guns.

can you not defend yourself with a bat?

i remember a few years ago, some guy was in his house by himself, when his daughter got home and had locked herself out of the house so she broke in.
the man shot her.
then he shot himself when he realised what he'd done.
this could have been avoided if the man had not had a gun.

with a gun, just a small flinch could end a life.

everyone seems to think that if someone comes into your house or property it is trespass and you can do what you like to them.
as far as i believe you are allowed to use the minimum amount of force neccasary to remove them from your property.

"last night someone broke into my property but thankfully i was able to shoot him in the spine" =/

whenever someone is shot tresspassing in america it is not a really big deal, if that happens here it makes the national news for months
i have no respect for anyone that keeps a gun
People like you mystify me. Would you rather there be a sticky post at the top of the Forums saying something like: "Unfortunately one of our members is no longer with us due to an act of random violence in the course of a break-in. Fortunately the perpetrator was unharmed and has gone on to pursue further acts of violence. On a side note, another tragic victim in this crime was a baseball bat which suffered severe splintering from a stray bullet. The bat is expected to survive."

This could have easily been something of a much more serious nature but thankfully was just some drunk teenager and MadRat handled the situation as responsibly as one could possibly hope for. I'll tell you one thing, if you see someone in your house and they just happen to be holding a firearm, you're going to damn well wish you had one in your hand as an equalizer instead of your dick.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: MadRat
I don't know the real circumstances behind that particular shooting, but I would guess the real story has alot different storyline. If the man had been in danger and shot he'd of not been charged with manslaughter or murder in the US. If he shot upon discovery of the intruder then, yes, he'd of been in jail for a minimum of manslaughter. In most states manslaughter is a mandatory 18 months in prison with parole possible in one year. The alternate charge would be first degree murder because the use of the weapon was premeditated and his minimum sentence would be twenty to life with parole possible in two years. Either way it unfolded they are both felonies which precludes the person from ever owning a firearm from that point until death. In my opinion they would both be definitive of a what it means to misuse a firearm.

Him and his neighbors had breakins on a regular basis and even knew who the theives were! The 'bobbies' never did anything about this other than take a statement over the phone.

The farmer had an illegal shotgun and waited for them to break in. The primary charge was the illegal weapon as the UK confiscated nearly every firearm leaving the populace with absolutely no means of protection.


Jan 3, 2001
Teenage kid apparently drunk too much and too far away from home to walk. For some odd reason he figures he can use the phone without distrubing us. He probably sobered up when first saw the laser and then realized the recieving end of a .40S&W was greeted him. Guess he'll find out what the county lockup feels like tonight! Hey, mom, he'll need a fresh pair of pants and underwear!

At least he THOUGHT he was at the recieving end of a .40S&W. In reality, it was a laser pointer that he got for free for filling out a survey over in the Hot Deal's forum


Sep 5, 2002
I believe you are just as stupid as the stumbling kid not locking your doors. Thieves have cars and can travel you know.


Sep 7, 2001
I don't know the real circumstances behind that particular shooting, but I would guess the real story has alot different storyline. If the man had been in danger and shot he'd of not been charged with manslaughter or murder in the US. If he shot upon discovery of the intruder then, yes, he'd of been in jail for a minimum of manslaughter.
Not necessarily, nor even likely. If he had shot upon discovery of an intruder, and it turned out NOT to be an intruder, then he would likely have been prosecuted. But you're not going to find too many prosecutors who are willing to prosecute an elderly man for shooting an intruder who had DOZENS of prior criminal convictions and was OUT ON BAIL awaiting trial for committing yet another crime at the time he broke into an elderly man's home and was shot. Of the three men who broke into the man's home, two inside and one waiting outside, they had OVER ONE HUNDRED PRIOR CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS between them. ONE HUNDRED CONVICTIONS! I'm not kidding. This is what they consider "kids just having some innocent fun and doing what normal kids do" in the UK.

In the UK, the very fact that you kept a gun and took preparations to defend your home constitutes "premeditation". Yes, because you have gun for the purpose of home defense, you have anticipated and "premeditated" using that gun to kill another, and that is precisely the argument presented to the jury by the prosecution, as though the man 'invited' these criminals to break-into his home for the purpose of shooting them. He did no such thing.

There had been dozens of break-ins in his community within recent months, his own home had been raided two other previous times. In at least two of these incidents, intruders beat elderly home-owners when they were discovered home, hospitalizing them.

This was among the most clear-cut cases of lawful self defense I've ever heard of in the several years I've been interested in self defense incidents and he could ONLY have been successfully prosecuted in a f-cked up place like Europe.
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