4 degrees warming "likely" without CO2 cuts-study


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000

LONDON, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Global temperatures may be 4 degrees Celsius hotter by the mid-2050s if current greenhouse gas emissions trends continue, said a study published on Monday.

GREAT! At least London is on board!

The study, by Britain's Met Office Hadley Centre, echoed a U.N. report last week which found that climate changes were outpacing worst-case scenarios forecast in 2007 by the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). [ID:nN24360533]

"Our results are showing similar patterns (to the IPCC) but also show the possibility that more extreme changes can happen," said Debbie Hemming, co-author of the research published at the start of a climate change conference at Oxford University.

Leaders of the main greenhouse gas-emitting countries recognised in July a scientific view that temperatures should not exceed 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels, to avoid more dangerous changes to the world's climate. [ID:nL6368126]

The IPCC shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for its fourth assessment report, or AR4. One finding was that global temperatures could rise by 4 degrees by the end of the 2050s. Monday's study confirmed that warming could happen even earlier, by the mid-2050s, and suggested more extreme local effects.

"It's affirming the AR4 results and also confirming that it is likely," Hemming told Reuters, referring to 4 degrees warming, assuming no extra global action to cut emissions in the next decade.

One advance since 2007 was to model the effect of "carbon cycles". For example, if parts of the Amazon rainforest died as a result of drought, that would expose soil which would then release carbon from formerly shaded organic matter.

"That amplifies the amount of carbon dioxide that goes into the atmosphere and therefore the global warming. It's really leading to more certainty," said Hemming.

There's that word!


Some 190 countries will try to reach an agreement on how to slow global warming at a meeting in Copenhagen in December.

Chinese President Hu Jintao won praise for making a commitment to limit emissions growth by a "notable" amount, at a U.N. climate summit in New York last week. Other leaders made pledges to agree a new climate pact. [ID:nSP98073]

China could start by limiting Coal Fired electric plants. Bring a major plant online every week isn't doing much good.

Temperature rises are compared with pre-industrial levels. The world warmed 0.7 degrees last century, scientists say.

A global average increase of 4 degrees masked higher regional increases, including more than 15 degrees warmer temperatures in parts of the Arctic, and up to 10 degrees higher in western and southern Africa, Monday's study found.

"It's quite extreme. I don't think it's hit home to people," said Hemming. As sea ice melts, the region will reflect less sunlight, which may help trigger runaway effects.

Such higher Arctic temperatures could also melt permafrost, which until now has trapped the powerful greenhouse gas methane, helping trigger further runaway effects, said Hemming.

"There are potentially quite big negative implications."

The study indicated rainfall may fall this century by a fifth or more in part of Africa, Central America, the Mediterranean, and coastal Australia, "potentially more extreme" than the IPCC's findings in 2007.

"The Mediterranean is a very consistent signal of significant drying in nearly all the model runs," said Hemming. A 20 percent or more fall is "quite a lot in areas like Spain already struggling with rainfall reductions in r in recent years."ceears."

Hopefully 160 countries will get together and hammer out some sort of plan. Like spend massive amounts of money and start planting trees. We need to reforest the planet and stop cutting down trees. Maybe we need to start growing hemp, to make paper... Something needs to be done and quickly.

Makes me wonder why people here are still convinced GW is still a hoax and man has nothing to do with it.



Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2006
China can bring a major plant online every week? Wow.

How long does it take for us to bring a nuclear plant online? 17 years?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: ericlp

LONDON, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Global temperatures may be 4 degrees Celsius hotter by the mid-2050s if current greenhouse gas emissions trends continue, said a study published on Monday.

GREAT! At least London is on board!

The study, by Britain's Met Office Hadley Centre, echoed a U.N. report last week which found that climate changes were outpacing worst-case scenarios forecast in 2007 by the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). [ID:nN24360533]

"Our results are showing similar patterns (to the IPCC) but also show the possibility that more extreme changes can happen," said Debbie Hemming, co-author of the research published at the start of a climate change conference at Oxford University.

Leaders of the main greenhouse gas-emitting countries recognised in July a scientific view that temperatures should not exceed 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels, to avoid more dangerous changes to the world's climate. [ID:nL6368126]

The IPCC shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for its fourth assessment report, or AR4. One finding was that global temperatures could rise by 4 degrees by the end of the 2050s. Monday's study confirmed that warming could happen even earlier, by the mid-2050s, and suggested more extreme local effects.

"It's affirming the AR4 results and also confirming that it is likely," Hemming told Reuters, referring to 4 degrees warming, assuming no extra global action to cut emissions in the next decade.

One advance since 2007 was to model the effect of "carbon cycles". For example, if parts of the Amazon rainforest died as a result of drought, that would expose soil which would then release carbon from formerly shaded organic matter.

"That amplifies the amount of carbon dioxide that goes into the atmosphere and therefore the global warming. It's really leading to more certainty," said Hemming.

There's that word!


Some 190 countries will try to reach an agreement on how to slow global warming at a meeting in Copenhagen in December.

Chinese President Hu Jintao won praise for making a commitment to limit emissions growth by a "notable" amount, at a U.N. climate summit in New York last week. Other leaders made pledges to agree a new climate pact. [ID:nSP98073]

China could start by limiting Coal Fired electric plants. Bring a major plant online every week isn't doing much good.

Temperature rises are compared with pre-industrial levels. The world warmed 0.7 degrees last century, scientists say.

A global average increase of 4 degrees masked higher regional increases, including more than 15 degrees warmer temperatures in parts of the Arctic, and up to 10 degrees higher in western and southern Africa, Monday's study found.

"It's quite extreme. I don't think it's hit home to people," said Hemming. As sea ice melts, the region will reflect less sunlight, which may help trigger runaway effects.

Such higher Arctic temperatures could also melt permafrost, which until now has trapped the powerful greenhouse gas methane, helping trigger further runaway effects, said Hemming.

"There are potentially quite big negative implications."

The study indicated rainfall may fall this century by a fifth or more in part of Africa, Central America, the Mediterranean, and coastal Australia, "potentially more extreme" than the IPCC's findings in 2007.

"The Mediterranean is a very consistent signal of significant drying in nearly all the model runs," said Hemming. A 20 percent or more fall is "quite a lot in areas like Spain already struggling with rainfall reductions in r in recent years."ceears."

Hopefully 160 countries will get together and hammer out some sort of plan. Like spend massive amounts of money and start planting trees. We need to reforest the planet and stop cutting down trees. Maybe we need to start growing hemp, to make paper... Something needs to be done and quickly.

Makes me wonder why people here are still convinced GW is still a hoax and man has nothing to do with it.

Politics and Partisanship


Golden Member
Dec 22, 2008
One thing that isn't spoken about is increased seismic activity, as you warm the earths mantle up it expands and opens up fault lines increasing volcanic activity, tsunamis and land slides. Twenty years time you won't believe what the planet is throwing at you. Changes in political and social attitude will happen steeply, but a massive amount of the human population will die horribly because of the lack of willingness to change the way we all live immediately.
But instead of leading the charge of change, our political heads in the west point our fingers at somebody else and say "you first!" or say it won't be that bad.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: ericlp
Topic Title: 4 degrees warming "likely" without CO2 cuts-study
Topic Summary: * Global temperatures could rise 4 degrees by 2050s * Rainfall may fall by a fifth in many regions

That's why I don't live on the coast anymore


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2005
Solution: Nuclear Power

Except these same liberals keep holding back progress on nuclear power.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Extelleron
Solution: Nuclear Power

Except these same liberals keep holding back progress on nuclear power.

Only part of a solution.


Jun 19, 2000
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
One thing that isn't spoken about is increased seismic activity, as you warm the earths mantle up it expands and opens up fault lines increasing volcanic activity, tsunamis and land slides. Twenty years time you won't believe what the planet is throwing at you. Changes in political and social attitude will happen steeply, but a massive amount of the human population will die horribly because of the lack of willingness to change the way we all live immediately.
But instead of leading the charge of change, our political heads in the west point our fingers at somebody else and say "you first!" or say it won't be that bad.

Show us how serious you are. Turn off your computer and never be seen here again. One more post and I know you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It will take sacrifice from all of us. Lead by example.

In addition, I'd be interested to hear where your information comes from for your hellfire and brimstone predictions above. Did this happen on the last planet you lived on?


Golden Member
Dec 22, 2008
Originally posted by: boomerang
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
One thing that isn't spoken about is increased seismic activity, as you warm the earths mantle up it expands and opens up fault lines increasing volcanic activity, tsunamis and land slides. Twenty years time you won't believe what the planet is throwing at you. Changes in political and social attitude will happen steeply, but a massive amount of the human population will die horribly because of the lack of willingness to change the way we all live immediately.
But instead of leading the charge of change, our political heads in the west point our fingers at somebody else and say "you first!" or say it won't be that bad.

Show us how serious you are. Turn off your computer and never be seen here again. One more post and I know you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It will take sacrifice from all of us. Lead by example.

In addition, I'd be interested to hear where your information comes from for your hellfire and brimstone predictions above. Did this happen on the last planet you lived on?

I purchased $16,000 worth of solar panels in 2005 to cover my modest electricity usage, in fact I actually get money back on my power bill!
I have led lighting only using the one in the room I presently in and never during daylight hours, I don't have AC in the house, my computer is underclocked and set to energy saving and I ride a push bike almost everywhere I need to go except for work as I am a carpenter and need a small trayback utility to perform my work, if I didn't need the vehicle to carry the 300kgs of tools etc,for my work I would either cycle or use public transport . I grow some of my own fruit and vege, have a bio-cycle sewerage system I constructed my self....hows that for "leadership"?

Now It's not rocket science that heat makes matter expand and a core temp of approx. 3500*Celsius, slap an average extra 4*c(not f) on the surface, what would you think it would multiply to down in the core? what if the oceans stop circulating?
To come up with anything less then negative effect for creatures living in that scenario would be ignorant and wishful thinking.
Maybe you just hit a tree with your boomerang!
seems to be more efforts applied to derivative markets and economic engineering, then fundamental sciences in this world at the moment.
And if you think a carpenter isn't smart enough to be able to comprehend such a probability, check out this guy-
Time is running now'
I bid you a good day Sir'



Golden Member
Dec 22, 2008
Here's more- http://www.worldwatch.org/node/4388
I imagined these idea's before I ever google-d them or heard a word about the idea, I used to have vivid and fearsome nightmares about it when I was around 7y.o but never understood what they might meant until I hit my 20's, the events after the last french nuclear test at mururoa atoll also made me think a lot about it, as there was a tidal wave in PNG and a volcanic eruption in new zealand immediately after those tests.
Maybe the imagination has a reality that's not yet even partially comprehended by mainstream mankind.
Maybe this global warming is the true conspiracy to cull off a huge % of the worlds populations, mostly in developing countries.
You must believe it is a possibility.


Jun 19, 2000
In all seriousness, congratulations on your efforts. It appears you do practice what you preach.

However, I'm not going to buy into the hysteria you're putting forth regarding tsunamis land slides, et al. It's conjecture IMO and does not help the cause.

My feelings are that if we've killed the planet, we've killed it. Placing blame, hysteria, misrepresentations, skewed or cherry picked facts or even truth aren't going to help. The world as it exists today is not in a position to come together in a global effort. Too many philosophical, moral, religious, economical and cultural differences just to name a few.

Assuming climate change is true, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. The planet itself will survive, it's experienced far, far worse.


Golden Member
Dec 22, 2008
Originally posted by: boomerang
In all seriousness, congratulations on your efforts. It appears you do practice what you preach.

However, I'm not going to buy into the hysteria you're putting forth regarding tsunamis land slides, et al. It's conjecture IMO and does not help the cause.

My feelings are that if we've killed the planet, we've killed it. Placing blame, hysteria, misrepresentations, skewed or cherry picked facts or even truth aren't going to help. The world as it exists today is not in a position to come together in a global effort. Too many philosophical, moral, religious, economical and cultural differences just to name a few.

Assuming climate change is true, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. The planet itself will survive, it's experienced far, far worse.

I have no children of my own, I have no fear left, mankind will survive, but change will be forced and will cause many adaptions to the human behavior and physical form. Evolution isn't ever static and change is definitely overdue as I watch many people become sick with 'affluenza'
The only ass I would kiss is a well, washed babe's


Jun 19, 2000
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
Originally posted by: boomerang
In all seriousness, congratulations on your efforts. It appears you do practice what you preach.

However, I'm not going to buy into the hysteria you're putting forth regarding tsunamis land slides, et al. It's conjecture IMO and does not help the cause.

My feelings are that if we've killed the planet, we've killed it. Placing blame, hysteria, misrepresentations, skewed or cherry picked facts or even truth aren't going to help. The world as it exists today is not in a position to come together in a global effort. Too many philosophical, moral, religious, economical and cultural differences just to name a few.

Assuming climate change is true, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. The planet itself will survive, it's experienced far, far worse.

I have no children of my own, I have no fear left, mankind will survive, but change will be forced and will cause many adaptions to the human behavior and physical form. Evolution isn't ever static and change is definitely overdue as I watch many people become sick with 'affluenza'
The only ass I would kiss is a well, washed babe's
Thanks for having a conversation with me. It's nice to have one in here that's non-confrontational for a change. Just don't expect it regularly.


Senior member
Oct 25, 2006
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: ericlp

LONDON, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Global temperatures may be 4 degrees Celsius hotter by the mid-2050s if current greenhouse gas emissions trends continue, said a study published on Monday.

GREAT! At least London is on board!

The study, by Britain's Met Office Hadley Centre, echoed a U.N. report last week which found that climate changes were outpacing worst-case scenarios forecast in 2007 by the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). [ID:nN24360533]

"Our results are showing similar patterns (to the IPCC) but also show the possibility that more extreme changes can happen," said Debbie Hemming, co-author of the research published at the start of a climate change conference at Oxford University.

Leaders of the main greenhouse gas-emitting countries recognised in July a scientific view that temperatures should not exceed 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels, to avoid more dangerous changes to the world's climate. [ID:nL6368126]

The IPCC shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for its fourth assessment report, or AR4. One finding was that global temperatures could rise by 4 degrees by the end of the 2050s. Monday's study confirmed that warming could happen even earlier, by the mid-2050s, and suggested more extreme local effects.

"It's affirming the AR4 results and also confirming that it is likely," Hemming told Reuters, referring to 4 degrees warming, assuming no extra global action to cut emissions in the next decade.

One advance since 2007 was to model the effect of "carbon cycles". For example, if parts of the Amazon rainforest died as a result of drought, that would expose soil which would then release carbon from formerly shaded organic matter.

"That amplifies the amount of carbon dioxide that goes into the atmosphere and therefore the global warming. It's really leading to more certainty," said Hemming.

There's that word!


Some 190 countries will try to reach an agreement on how to slow global warming at a meeting in Copenhagen in December.

Chinese President Hu Jintao won praise for making a commitment to limit emissions growth by a "notable" amount, at a U.N. climate summit in New York last week. Other leaders made pledges to agree a new climate pact. [ID:nSP98073]

China could start by limiting Coal Fired electric plants. Bring a major plant online every week isn't doing much good.

Temperature rises are compared with pre-industrial levels. The world warmed 0.7 degrees last century, scientists say.

A global average increase of 4 degrees masked higher regional increases, including more than 15 degrees warmer temperatures in parts of the Arctic, and up to 10 degrees higher in western and southern Africa, Monday's study found.

"It's quite extreme. I don't think it's hit home to people," said Hemming. As sea ice melts, the region will reflect less sunlight, which may help trigger runaway effects.

Such higher Arctic temperatures could also melt permafrost, which until now has trapped the powerful greenhouse gas methane, helping trigger further runaway effects, said Hemming.

"There are potentially quite big negative implications."

The study indicated rainfall may fall this century by a fifth or more in part of Africa, Central America, the Mediterranean, and coastal Australia, "potentially more extreme" than the IPCC's findings in 2007.

"The Mediterranean is a very consistent signal of significant drying in nearly all the model runs," said Hemming. A 20 percent or more fall is "quite a lot in areas like Spain already struggling with rainfall reductions in r in recent years."ceears."

Hopefully 160 countries will get together and hammer out some sort of plan. Like spend massive amounts of money and start planting trees. We need to reforest the planet and stop cutting down trees. Maybe we need to start growing hemp, to make paper... Something needs to be done and quickly.

Makes me wonder why people here are still convinced GW is still a hoax and man has nothing to do with it.

Politics and Partisanship

^^^^^ this



Diamond Member
Nov 10, 2001
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
Originally posted by: boomerang
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
One thing that isn't spoken about is increased seismic activity, as you warm the earths mantle up it expands and opens up fault lines increasing volcanic activity, tsunamis and land slides. Twenty years time you won't believe what the planet is throwing at you. Changes in political and social attitude will happen steeply, but a massive amount of the human population will die horribly because of the lack of willingness to change the way we all live immediately.
But instead of leading the charge of change, our political heads in the west point our fingers at somebody else and say "you first!" or say it won't be that bad.

Show us how serious you are. Turn off your computer and never be seen here again. One more post and I know you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It will take sacrifice from all of us. Lead by example.

In addition, I'd be interested to hear where your information comes from for your hellfire and brimstone predictions above. Did this happen on the last planet you lived on?

I purchased $16,000 worth of solar panels in 2005 to cover my modest electricity usage, in fact I actually get money back on my power bill!
I have led lighting only using the one in the room I presently in and never during daylight hours, I don't have AC in the house, my computer is underclocked and set to energy saving and I ride a push bike almost everywhere I need to go except for work as I am a carpenter and need a small trayback utility to perform my work, if I didn't need the vehicle to carry the 300kgs of tools etc,for my work I would either cycle or use public transport . I grow some of my own fruit and vege, have a bio-cycle sewerage system I constructed my self....hows that for "leadership"?

Now It's not rocket science that heat makes matter expand and a core temp of approx. 3500*Celsius, slap an average extra 4*c(not f) on the surface, what would you think it would multiply to down in the core? what if the oceans stop circulating?
To come up with anything less then negative effect for creatures living in that scenario would be ignorant and wishful thinking.
Maybe you just hit a tree with your boomerang!
seems to be more efforts applied to derivative markets and economic engineering, then fundamental sciences in this world at the moment.
And if you think a carpenter isn't smart enough to be able to comprehend such a probability, check out this guy-
Time is running now'
I bid you a good day Sir'

Wow. Kudos to you.

I try to do my part as well, but certainly have not gone to the lengths you have though. I do ride my bike to work when I can, have cut down on my electricity usage, etc.. These are things that can make a big difference if EVERYone were to do them. And hopefully more people start realizing that besides the obvious benefit to the environment, you can save a whole lot of money in the process too!


Jul 26, 2002
Originally posted by: Slick5150
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
Originally posted by: boomerang
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
One thing that isn't spoken about is increased seismic activity, as you warm the earths mantle up it expands and opens up fault lines increasing volcanic activity, tsunamis and land slides. Twenty years time you won't believe what the planet is throwing at you. Changes in political and social attitude will happen steeply, but a massive amount of the human population will die horribly because of the lack of willingness to change the way we all live immediately.
But instead of leading the charge of change, our political heads in the west point our fingers at somebody else and say "you first!" or say it won't be that bad.

Show us how serious you are. Turn off your computer and never be seen here again. One more post and I know you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It will take sacrifice from all of us. Lead by example.

In addition, I'd be interested to hear where your information comes from for your hellfire and brimstone predictions above. Did this happen on the last planet you lived on?

I purchased $16,000 worth of solar panels in 2005 to cover my modest electricity usage, in fact I actually get money back on my power bill!
I have led lighting only using the one in the room I presently in and never during daylight hours, I don't have AC in the house, my computer is underclocked and set to energy saving and I ride a push bike almost everywhere I need to go except for work as I am a carpenter and need a small trayback utility to perform my work, if I didn't need the vehicle to carry the 300kgs of tools etc,for my work I would either cycle or use public transport . I grow some of my own fruit and vege, have a bio-cycle sewerage system I constructed my self....hows that for "leadership"?

Now It's not rocket science that heat makes matter expand and a core temp of approx. 3500*Celsius, slap an average extra 4*c(not f) on the surface, what would you think it would multiply to down in the core? what if the oceans stop circulating?
To come up with anything less then negative effect for creatures living in that scenario would be ignorant and wishful thinking.
Maybe you just hit a tree with your boomerang!
seems to be more efforts applied to derivative markets and economic engineering, then fundamental sciences in this world at the moment.
And if you think a carpenter isn't smart enough to be able to comprehend such a probability, check out this guy-
Time is running now'
I bid you a good day Sir'

Wow. Kudos to you.

I try to do my part as well, but certainly have not gone to the lengths you have though. I do ride my bike to work when I can, have cut down on my electricity usage, etc.. These are things that can make a big difference if EVERYone were to do them. And hopefully more people start realizing that besides the obvious benefit to the environment, you can save a whole lot of money in the process too!

I want to buy solar panels!! My damn electric bill is near $200 a month .


Golden Member
Dec 22, 2008
Originally posted by: Slick5150
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
Originally posted by: boomerang
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
One thing that isn't spoken about is increased seismic activity, as you warm the earths mantle up it expands and opens up fault lines increasing volcanic activity, tsunamis and land slides. Twenty years time you won't believe what the planet is throwing at you. Changes in political and social attitude will happen steeply, but a massive amount of the human population will die horribly because of the lack of willingness to change the way we all live immediately.
But instead of leading the charge of change, our political heads in the west point our fingers at somebody else and say "you first!" or say it won't be that bad.

Show us how serious you are. Turn off your computer and never be seen here again. One more post and I know you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It will take sacrifice from all of us. Lead by example.

In addition, I'd be interested to hear where your information comes from for your hellfire and brimstone predictions above. Did this happen on the last planet you lived on?

I purchased $16,000 worth of solar panels in 2005 to cover my modest electricity usage, in fact I actually get money back on my power bill!
I have led lighting only using the one in the room I presently in and never during daylight hours, I don't have AC in the house, my computer is underclocked and set to energy saving and I ride a push bike almost everywhere I need to go except for work as I am a carpenter and need a small trayback utility to perform my work, if I didn't need the vehicle to carry the 300kgs of tools etc,for my work I would either cycle or use public transport . I grow some of my own fruit and vege, have a bio-cycle sewerage system I constructed my self....hows that for "leadership"?

Now It's not rocket science that heat makes matter expand and a core temp of approx. 3500*Celsius, slap an average extra 4*c(not f) on the surface, what would you think it would multiply to down in the core? what if the oceans stop circulating?
To come up with anything less then negative effect for creatures living in that scenario would be ignorant and wishful thinking.
Maybe you just hit a tree with your boomerang!
seems to be more efforts applied to derivative markets and economic engineering, then fundamental sciences in this world at the moment.
And if you think a carpenter isn't smart enough to be able to comprehend such a probability, check out this guy-
Time is running now'
I bid you a good day Sir'

Wow. Kudos to you.

I try to do my part as well, but certainly have not gone to the lengths you have though. I do ride my bike to work when I can, have cut down on my electricity usage, etc.. These are things that can make a big difference if EVERYone were to do them. And hopefully more people start realizing that besides the obvious benefit to the environment, you can save a whole lot of money in the process too!

Patents on a particular type of very efficient solar panel, which is prohibitively expensive currently are due to run out in around 5years time, after which we will see Chinese production reduce costs of these type panel by up to 80%.
Once a technology for a coating to roofing Iron which can produce a useful amount of charge is developed, we will see a big change in electricity generation.
It's got to be become Trendy to really kick on and you can see it's going that direction.
The money you save not buying a flash car, swimming pool and a Mc'mansion, can be turned into asset which delivers a return and is a functional necessity, maybe you could buy yourself a reward like a sailing dory or catamaran for fun.........better then a V8 rv in my opinion.
I'm making a sailing dory at the moment out of timbers I salvage from the building work I do, looks kinda novel having nail hole marks and stains on it, I even found some Dacron sail cloth with a big enough undamaged portion down the rubbish tip the other day.
I even pick up chicks because of these kinda things- not that I go for the full commitment thingy yet
Maybe I got that wrong and its because I'm in my prime and kinda buff from all the physical work I do, lol.


Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: ericlp
Makes me wonder why people here are still convinced GW is still a hoax and man has nothing to do with it.

Everyone knows it's warming, however .7 C is well below past natural variation.

Just because someone releases a study saying it will warm 15 degrees in 40 years doesn't mean it will happen. They always make sure the time scales for their calculations are long enough so they have time to come up with an excuse when it ends up increasing only another .7 C (or not at all).


Aug 21, 2007
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
Originally posted by: boomerang
Originally posted by: gingermeggs
One thing that isn't spoken about is increased seismic activity, as you warm the earths mantle up it expands and opens up fault lines increasing volcanic activity, tsunamis and land slides. Twenty years time you won't believe what the planet is throwing at you. Changes in political and social attitude will happen steeply, but a massive amount of the human population will die horribly because of the lack of willingness to change the way we all live immediately.
But instead of leading the charge of change, our political heads in the west point our fingers at somebody else and say "you first!" or say it won't be that bad.

Show us how serious you are. Turn off your computer and never be seen here again. One more post and I know you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It will take sacrifice from all of us. Lead by example.

In addition, I'd be interested to hear where your information comes from for your hellfire and brimstone predictions above. Did this happen on the last planet you lived on?

I purchased $16,000 worth of solar panels in 2005 to cover my modest electricity usage, in fact I actually get money back on my power bill!
I have led lighting only using the one in the room I presently in and never during daylight hours, I don't have AC in the house, my computer is underclocked and set to energy saving and I ride a push bike almost everywhere I need to go except for work as I am a carpenter and need a small trayback utility to perform my work, if I didn't need the vehicle to carry the 300kgs of tools etc,for my work I would either cycle or use public transport . I grow some of my own fruit and vege, have a bio-cycle sewerage system I constructed my self....hows that for "leadership"?

Now It's not rocket science that heat makes matter expand and a core temp of approx. 3500*Celsius, slap an average extra 4*c(not f) on the surface, what would you think it would multiply to down in the core? what if the oceans stop circulating?
To come up with anything less then negative effect for creatures living in that scenario would be ignorant and wishful thinking.
Maybe you just hit a tree with your boomerang!
seems to be more efforts applied to derivative markets and economic engineering, then fundamental sciences in this world at the moment.
And if you think a carpenter isn't smart enough to be able to comprehend such a probability, check out this guy-
Time is running now'
I bid you a good day Sir'

I can't help but ask this:

Are you implying that $16,000 is a lot of money to drop on Solar Panels?


Feb 3, 2007
Originally posted by: dainthomas
Originally posted by: ericlp
Makes me wonder why people here are still convinced GW is still a hoax and man has nothing to do with it.

Everyone knows it's warming, however .7 C is well below past natural variation.

Just because someone releases a study saying it will warm 15 degrees in 40 years doesn't mean it will happen. They always make sure the time scales for their calculations are long enough so they have time to come up with an excuse when it ends up increasing only another .7 C (or not at all).

Not to mention it has been an incredibly COLD year. People say "well that's weather, not climate" but around the GLOBE this year has been far colder than average and the last few years averaged out have been outside of projections and much cooler than first thought. So when does this "weather" become "climate" I'm wondering.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: bfdd
Originally posted by: dainthomas
Originally posted by: ericlp
Makes me wonder why people here are still convinced GW is still a hoax and man has nothing to do with it.

Everyone knows it's warming, however .7 C is well below past natural variation.

Just because someone releases a study saying it will warm 15 degrees in 40 years doesn't mean it will happen. They always make sure the time scales for their calculations are long enough so they have time to come up with an excuse when it ends up increasing only another .7 C (or not at all).

Not to mention it has been an incredibly COLD year. People say "well that's weather, not climate" but around the GLOBE this year has been far colder than average and the last few years averaged out have been outside of projections and much cooler than first thought. So when does this "weather" become "climate" I'm wondering.

No it hasn't been an incredibly cold year. 2009 is currently the fifth warmest year in recorded history. El Nino appears to be contributing to this, but this is also taking place during a period of minimum solar activity which has been pushing temperatures back down.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Who's ass exactly do they pull these numbers from? 2050? They can't tell is what the general climate will be in 2015.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Who's ass exactly do they pull these numbers from? 2050? They can't tell is what the general climate will be in 2015.

You're part of a rapidly shrinking minority, a minority which you'll soon abandon.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: shira
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Who's ass exactly do they pull these numbers from? 2050? They can't tell is what the general climate will be in 2015.

You're part of a rapidly shrinking minority, a minority which you'll soon abandon.
I will never abandon a group of people who challenge those with agendas and terrible, demonstrably pathetic track records when those expect something of me.
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