So the gaming market should not be regulated because we're talking about toys (I happen to agree, but not for this reason), and being vocal about GPU pricing makes one a "whiny entitled PCMR member". Nvidia did not abuse their market position, and yet the market has failed. And the culprit is AMD. Let's repeat this with fewer words: you're whiny and entitled if you complain about prices in a failed market that is not being abused by the dominant player. The real culprit is the smaller player.
One more time, just the bare bones: This was a functioning free market with players playing by the rules, so market failure must be the fault of the weaker player.
This forum has some really bright people, but some are so bright that they set themselves on fire.
That is different comments from different people.
I'll address my part.
Yes it comes across as entitled whining, when day after day we get endless complaining, that GPU performance/$
isn't improving as fast as it used to.
This isn't about perf/$ getting worse. This is
just whining that it isn' t improving fast enough...
This is during a time when a large swath of the population is struggling with LARGE actual increases in the cost of housing/fuel/food, IOW, the basic necessities of life.
So yeah the endless complaining about GPU prices comes across as entitled whining to me.
As far as the call for government intervention. Wow, that is
peak entitled whining. This one is funny, I'm picturing Mr. Burns trying to get the government to lower prices of solid gold back scratchers...
Even if NVidia was the only maker of discrete GPUs, the government wouldn't intervene unless they actually did something to abuse their monopoly position.
Having a monopoly is not illegal. Abuse is.
Not all monopolies are illegal. For example, businesses might legally corner their market if they produce a superior product or are well managed. Antitrust law doesn’t penalize successful companies just for being successful. Competitors may be at a legitimate disadvantage if their product or service is inferior to the monopolist’s.
But monopolies are illegal if they are established or maintained through improper conduct, such as exclusionary or predatory acts. This is known as anticompetitive monopolization.
Simply not lowering prices to your liking is not abuse of market position.
If NVidia abuses it's market position, then by all means they should face government sanction. Governments have sanctioned many PC component makers for collusion and price fixing in the past, like RAM, LCD and optical drive makers.