5 developers who still love PC gamers


Golden Member
Jan 9, 2008
Times have changed. With next-generation consoles like the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 established as the preferred platform for mainstream gamers, developers who used to wholeheartedly support the PC in the past have jumped ship for greener pastures. Their reasons for shifting their focus to console gamers, however, isn’t entirely without reason. Traditionally, console games reach a much larger audience which results in bigger sales.

Some have more or less abandoned PC gamers in favor of more console friendly titles. Others seem content to humor the PC with table scraps in the form of unoptimized, month old ports of console games. Even Infinity Ward, a developer that became famous for PC titles like Call of Duty and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (back when the studio’s founders worked for 2015) has more or less turned their back on PC gamers with Modern Warfare 2.

Developers don’t necessarily hate PC gamers, but it’s not unreasonable at all to say the PC clearly is no longer their number one priority. However, there are still developers out there that recognize the inherent strengths of the PC platform and know how to take advantage of them to make some truly awesome games. These are five of the top game designers who see opportunity where everyone else sees lackluster sales, and have helped keep the PC gaming community alive and kicking.


For a little while, it wasn’t hard to believe that DICE, the developer behind the popular Battlefield franchise, had left the PC for greener pastures. After their amazing work on Battlefield 2 (and to a lesser extent, Battlefield 2142, DICE abruptly changed tracks and made the console exclusive Battlefield: Bad Company. Additionally, Battlefield 1943 launched on consoles while the PC version is still slated for 2010, and Mirror’s Edge also suffered from a small delay. However, it seems like DICE is finally coming back around to support the platform that helped them achieve fame with their original first-person shooter Battlefield 1942.

Maybe they’re just trying to piss Infinity Ward off, but DICE has been very vocal about the PC version of their upcoming Battlefield: Bad Company 2. A beta for the PC version is scheduled for December, and when the game launches in March, it’ll ship with dedicated servers. Unlike Modern Warfare 2. Whether or not DICE’s commitment to support the PC is sincere remains to be seen, but for now it’s safe to say that the Swedish development team is willing to show PC gamers some love once again.

For the rest of the developers on the list read the full article here: http://www.collegenews.com/index.ph...rs_who_still_love_pc_gamers11092009123456789/


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
I would include Relic and Firaxis on that list as well. But yes, they pretty much nailed the ones they had.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
There's a profitable market for PC games and if some companies will just release crap to try to make a quick buck other companies will come and release quality and take the profits away from them... Atleast, that's how I hope it works out.


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2000
After having played the L4D2 demo and Fallout 3, I question how much either Bethesda or Valve love PC gaming anymore. Both games seem very much like a port of a console game.

I absolutely LOVED Fallout 3 on the PC, but in my mind they didn't exactly go above and beyond when it came to the PC version of the game, sporting low res textures all around and oversized UI, and, regardless of what the article says, I do believe the gameplay was dumbed down to meet the requirements of a gamepad. Also, the PC version was and remains to be problematic, with patches usually making a bad situation worse.

Again, with Left4Dead 2, I feel like Valve is taking the focus very much off of the PC release of the game and putting it on the 360 version. Yes, the game looks better, but there are some choices, like not being able to see your own legs/feet in the PC version, and also the game just feels very console-ized, at least in the demo. I have it pre-ordered on Steam and I'm pretty excited about it, but I don't think it's stepping over any boundaries to state that it does seem designed more to cater to a console based audience.

I totally agree with Bioware and DICE tho. While Dragon Age seems kind of pushed out the door considering the stability issues with it, Bioware has gone out of their way in both Mass Effect and Dragon Age to redesign the UI to fit the platform.

Blizzard makes their money on the PC, WoW has had them rolling in cash for years, and Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 will sell massive amounts of copies no matter what platform they're released on.

I can see where the list is going with all of these companies, but I do think we've seen both Bethesda and Valve take pretty strong steps towards other platforms, sometimes at the detriment of their PC development.


Nov 11, 2004
After having played the L4D2 demo and Fallout 3, I question how much either Bethesda or Valve love PC gaming anymore. Both games seem very much like a port of a console game.

I absolutely LOVED Fallout 3 on the PC, but in my mind they didn't exactly go above and beyond when it came to the PC version of the game, sporting low res textures all around and oversized UI, and, regardless of what the article says, I do believe the gameplay was dumbed down to meet the requirements of a gamepad. Also, the PC version was and remains to be problematic, with patches usually making a bad situation worse.

Again, with Left4Dead 2, I feel like Valve is taking the focus very much off of the PC release of the game and putting it on the 360 version. Yes, the game looks better, but there are some choices, like not being able to see your own legs/feet in the PC version, and also the game just feels very console-ized, at least in the demo. I have it pre-ordered on Steam and I'm pretty excited about it, but I don't think it's stepping over any boundaries to state that it does seem designed more to cater to a console based audience.

I totally agree with Bioware and DICE tho. While Dragon Age seems kind of pushed out the door considering the stability issues with it, Bioware has gone out of their way in both Mass Effect and Dragon Age to redesign the UI to fit the platform.

Blizzard makes their money on the PC, WoW has had them rolling in cash for years, and Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 will sell massive amounts of copies no matter what platform they're released on.

I can see where the list is going with all of these companies, but I do think we've seen both Bethesda and Valve take pretty strong steps towards other platforms, sometimes at the detriment of their PC development.

Yes L4D is EXTREMELY consolized. Look at the crappy matchmaking. It's evident right there. Fallout 3 was supremely consolized as well. Crappy low lvl cap and other things made it feel like a dumb-downed RPG.


Senior member
Apr 9, 2007
Given Blizzard's track record, I think they are the only ones who still love the PC. If Blizzard ever switched Starcraft 2 to consoles, I think both Koreas would immediately patch things up and would declare war on Blizzard.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
I don't feel L4D is consolized at all. It was designed from the beginning as a 4v4 or 4vAI game. Because of the way the game plays, I think the lobby makes a bit more sense, as it's not a drop-in drop-out kind of game like CS or TF2. Face it, if you're playing 4v4 in L4D and one person drops, you're more likely to hang out until an eighth joins because the AI is painfully easy to kill off. I just can't see myself browsing through servers looking for a 6/8 L4D game in progress. . . the game is probably already a foregone conclusion.

That said, it had plenty of teething problems at the start, as far as finding good servers goes. But at least Valve gave us the ability to choose the dedicated server we wanted to play on. And I think today Valve released the team of four versus team of four matchmaking. This will make things much more fun and competitive, instead of 4 friends always having to pub-stomp.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
I don't feel L4D is consolized at all. It was designed from the beginning as a 4v4 or 4vAI game. Because of the way the game plays, I think the lobby makes a bit more sense, as it's not a drop-in drop-out kind of game like CS or TF2. Face it, if you're playing 4v4 in L4D and one person drops, you're more likely to hang out until an eighth joins because the AI is painfully easy to kill off. I just can't see myself browsing through servers looking for a 6/8 L4D game in progress. . . the game is probably already a foregone conclusion.

That said, it had plenty of teething problems at the start, as far as finding good servers goes. But at least Valve gave us the ability to choose the dedicated server we wanted to play on. And I think today Valve released the team of four versus team of four matchmaking. This will make things much more fun and competitive, instead of 4 friends always having to pub-stomp.

Yeah I agree valve is very dedicated to the PC still. L4D might have used a matchmaking service but at least they still use dedicated servers to host the actual game and they still allow us to make custom maps and such. I wish MW2 had gone this route, hate to bring up a sore point but people act like you cant have both dedicated and matchmaking when it's been done before and shown it can work fine.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
Dragon Age is the sort of hard and hardcore PC game that you'd think would be dead now... But I wouldn't be surprised if TOR ended up on console too (for one thing, it uses the Mass Effect convo wheel). PS3, at least -- I'm sure it will be too big for 1 Xbox DVD.


Feb 8, 2004
My biggest beef with valve was when they stated episode 1 2 and 3 were effectively half life 3..... Lame... Really.... I thought they were developing half life 3 in the background, so it wont be out for a while whatever thats fine but there isnt a half life 3, its half life 2 episode 1 2 and 3.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Bethesda flat out stated Oblivion was made for the console, because thats where all the money was at. They took a small loss on Morrowind and the add-ons didnt help much. Did you notice they pushed the hell out of their GOTY box years later? Cuz they needed to try and get some more money out of all that work.
Obviously Fallout 3 was going to be more of the same. Why do you think they acquired the franchise at all? To make it first person and turn a profit on the console market. No way in hell console lovers would settle for a top-down, turn-based RPG.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
In the case of Bethesda it didn't "start" with Fallout 3, it started with Oblivion, their only "true" PC-focused titles are the ones prior to Oblivion. The UI alone in the PC version of Oblivion is a proof, and there's many other elements. At least Fallout 3 is a much better game overall, in my opinion.


Golden Member
Apr 28, 2005
Stardock, Paradox, Relic, and the other remaining PC exclusive devs love PC gaming far more than everyone on that list except Blizzard.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2006
Damn, they got Valve and Blizzard right but for me, I would have them tied for the number one spot.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Obsidian does a pretty good job supporting the PC. Their latest flagship game (NWN2) is a PC exclusive.

The greatest love for PC games comes from the community. Many mods, sometimes better than the original game, come forth from the community. I can name several NWN1 modules that are better than 75%+ (stock) commercial RPGs out there.


Dec 5, 2000
I love how DICE is all of a sudden a dev that likes the PC when so many PC gamers hate BF2 and all the problems it had. Now people are loving them...

no one has any loyalties these days. it all changes at the flip of a switch.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
Any of you guys played the Penumbra series by Frictional games. They're PC-only and indie, but damn if Penumbra 1 & 2 wasn't as good as any AAA game out there. If you like Horror Survival at all, I highly, highly recommend checking out Penumbra.


Senior member
Jun 4, 2006
Yup, and they say that PC gaming is dying...

Anyone who says Valve isn't fully supporting PC gaming is out of their minds... look at what they gave us with the Orange Box. Yeah, I know OB came out on consoles, but you know that it was meant primarily for PC gaming. You can't blame Valve for trying to test new waters (console versions of OB and L4D), as long as they don't abandon those who first supported them, unlike IW. Matchmaking in L4D is understandable seeing as most games are only composed of 4 players... I think not providing a matchmaking service would of been a bad idea. Don't forget that Valve provided both matchmaking and dedicated servers (best of both worlds), unlike IW.

Big ups to Bioware, despite the fact that they are with EA. Dragon Age is very impressive on PC and actually utilizes the advantages that the PC has to offer. Can't say the same for other games (Borderlands, MW2)...


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
One good company that hasn't been mentioned yet is GSC GameWorld with their S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. Those guys have some tungsten steel balls for making not one but three games exclusive to the PC platform when they themselves are still new in the wagon and especially when you consider that they first release their latest and "best" title of the series in a country where piracy is going as far as selling illegal copies on "legal" store shelves.

What's surprising to me is that they're still alive, and not only that, they are their own publisher as much as Valve publishes their own titles. I still don't understand how they managed to live through that from the moment they had their first concept arts for Shadow of Chernobyl back in 2000 (at some point SoC had less chances to ever come out than Duke Nukem Forever being completed and released) or so up to this day. That, for me, is a good mix of passion for their work and dedication to one platform... and maybe some luck-flavored sauce thrown in.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Any of you guys played the Penumbra series by Frictional games. They're PC-only and indie, but damn if Penumbra 1 & 2 wasn't as good as any AAA game out there. If you like Horror Survival at all, I highly, highly recommend checking out Penumbra.

My only problem with Penumbra rest in the immortal dogs that eat me every-time I do not stealthily move about. I would like to be able to kill them with my pickaxe or something to remove the massive annoyance.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
My only problem with Penumbra rest in the immortal dogs that eat me every-time I do not stealthily move about. I would like to be able to kill them with my pickaxe or something to remove the massive annoyance.

Haha you need to trap them in gated kennels and turn the steam on to kill them. Penumbra Overture was rough around the edges, but in Black Plague you could tell they picked up on the criticisms and improved the gameplay (mainly by getting rid of the limited combat).


Senior member
Nov 3, 2009
Given Blizzard's track record, I think they are the only ones who still love the PC. If Blizzard ever switched Starcraft 2 to consoles, I think both Koreas would immediately patch things up and would declare war on Blizzard.
I wish you were right, but according to this article, Activision Blizzard don't give a rats ass about you or even the games they make. Sorry that you had to receive it like this my friend.

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Eh - consoles are where a lot of the money is going to be made. Unfortunately the side effect of this is that the PC version will be dumbed down.


Golden Member
Aug 18, 2001
I'll take a different viewpoint on this and point out that anthropomorphizing companies like this is slightly silly. Developers "love" consumers regardless of platform. The employees are there for their salaries and the companies exist to strive for profits, so it becomes the responsibility of the consumers to convince software companies that there are profits to be had in releasing high quality titles on the PC.

Perhaps there is merit in analyzing which companies are specifically attempting to target PC gamers, but it shouldn't be surprising if companies that specialize in PC-centered genres come to the top of this list. Rather than running through every single comment that annoys me in this thread I'll leave it at two responses:

1) Blizzard's focus on the PC platform has a lot more to do with their RTS and MMO strengths then it has to do with the purity of their souls.

2) Infinity Ward did away with dedicated servers because there are many gamers who do not value them like I(we) do. You'll have more luck convincing these gamers why they should care about dedicated servers then you will attributing it to malice on Infinity Ward's part. If the minority opinion is strong enough then there will be plenty of publishers who see profit there and implement dedicated servers as a result.


Senior member
Apr 9, 2007
I wish you were right, but according to this article, Activision Blizzard don't give a rats ass about you or even the games they make. Sorry that you had to receive it like this my friend.

That doesn't really hurt or offend me in anyway, I couldn't care less. He made 14 million last year, I don't blame him for having such a shitty attitude; he's rich, bitch!

I'll take a different viewpoint on this and point out that anthropomorphizing companies like this is slightly silly. Developers "love" consumers regardless of platform. The employees are there for their salaries and the companies exist to strive for profits, so it becomes the responsibility of the consumers to convince software companies that there are profits to be had in releasing high quality titles on the PC.

Perhaps there is merit in analyzing which companies are specifically attempting to target PC gamers, but it shouldn't be surprising if companies that specialize in PC-centered genres come to the top of this list. Rather than running through every single comment that annoys me in this thread I'll leave it at two responses:

1) Blizzard's focus on the PC platform has a lot more to do with their RTS and MMO strengths then it has to do with the purity of their souls.

You're right, it's quite obvious as to why Blizzard stays with the PC. However, I don't care whether they are pure or not, they pump out crack for the PC; that's all that matters.
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