50 bucks dreamcast at best buy

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Jan 21, 2001
I agree with alladin, I mean, most of the people in who read and participate in this forum are on the lookout for a good deal = meaning as high a quality of product for the price. Frankly, right now, I don't think the PS2 belongs in these forums. Yeah, I'll probably get a PS2, but I'm not going to crap my pants if I don't get it today. Meanwhile, I think the Dreamcast is the most viable and logical solution for anyone looking for good gaming. First, at $99 it's the best solution for the price/graphics ratio. The best PC graphics cards are at least $200, and they don't even come close to Dreamcast quality. Second, you can hook up to the internet, and play music CDs. It's like getting a gaming computer for one tenth the price.

I've been waiting to get one ever since it came out...and my wait is over!


Jan 21, 2001
At my Walmart (Albuquerque, NM) they have never carried the Dreamcast. I never quite understood why...I just figured it was a consparacy.


Jun 28, 2000
No one has confirmed that they have been able to get the DC box for $50 net. If I recall correctly, two weeks back, BestBuy offered a $50 GC if you bought the DC for $150. If one had bought then and got the $50 GC, and took the DC back to BB today or whenever they eventually lower their price, and price match to a $99 price, they would net the DC box for ~$50. I want to try this.

I bought two DC's last night at BB. Paid the full price of $149 each. This morning, I was told my an employee who was working the return counter, that if I brought in the ad from two weeks ago, I could get the $50 GC. So, I am looking for a scan of this ad. I don't know if it was in the newspapers, or appeared in their circular. It is not available on the newly built idealwiz site because that site doesn't have the BB circular from Jan. 21. Does anyone know where I can get the BestBuy ad offering $50 GC w/ purchase of a DreamCast?

If I can do this, I would then attempt to PM other stores who are selling the item for $99.

You are welcome to PM me if you like.

Also does anyone know if the DC accessories are being discounted anywhere online yet? Thanks.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
dreamcast is not THE best system, but i admit it is pretty damn good. nba 2K1 is the best basketball game i've ever seen =o). but anyone who says that dreamcast is better than psx2 is just smoking crack. psx2 definitely sucks right now, but it does have a LOT of potential


Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999

so youre saying BB will pricematch their own ad from two weeks ago? if anyone can confirm thsi then that will be cool. I checked with BB and they said i cant pricematch their previous ads...


Senior member
Oct 26, 1999
The GENESIS was a POS! Sure I owned one, but I only paid $30 for it(back in the day). The SNES had much btr games like DKC, & FF3. The sound sucked on the genesis, I couldnt stand the crappy voices when compared to the SNES. SEGA just wanted people to buy peripherals instead of making better games themselves. Sega CD and 32x kinda sucked BAD.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2000
alladin you left out the part that ps2 can play dvd, I don't have a ps2 but I hear the quality isn't too good but it still plays dvd and about pirated games, if I'm not wrong you can't read/write (backup) your own dreamcast games since they are in some special disks I don't know much about it since I've never done it but I'm pretty sure you can't read/write it yourself. And about backups, ps2 games can be backuped (err...is that even a real word?) also, DC also has games cheap because its been out longer, sure $15 for nice graphics? ps2 can play ps1 games and they got some nice graphics on there from their old games so in fact there should be some games for ps2 with that nice graphics/gameplay for $15 as you say. You also forgot to mention the ps2 is compatible with ps1 games,

<< it sure beats paying 300 bucks for a system that i have to wait 1 year so that they finaly come up with fun games. >>

i think the ps2 sales should well prove lots of people think they have fun games for it


Jun 28, 2000

This is what the girl at the BB return counter told me at 11:15 am this morning, 15 minutes after opening. Ten minutes later, the guys on the floor said that BestBuys price today for the DC was $99.

I have to admit, this may not work. I was hoping to find that ad offering the $50 GC in time to go back and visit the same girl this afternoon, but could not find the ad. If someone can point me to it, that would be a blessing, and I'll still try it.

Got any ideas. I'm lookin' for a miracle every day.



Senior member
Aug 31, 2000
let just say that sega can not beat Nintendo on Hardware, they have been compete for decades and it seems to me that Nintendo always have a upper hand. Just so you know Dreamcast will only come out another 30 titles by the end of this year and that's it they will not publish anymore games. I don't think they can do something that they don't make profit. All other gamemaker company are concentrate on making games for PS2, GameCube and X-Box, since sega announce that they are backing out of hardware, other gamemaker company are loosing their faith on the system which make the system dead just like Neo-Geo hmmm I guess Neo-Geo is still pretty bad ass system even though its 16 bit, yeah fighting baby.


Senior member
Jan 7, 2001

I have a PS2. Got one on the first day. The DVD playback is perfect. Just as good as any DVD player around the $300 range that I've seen. Anyone who says different is probably just upset that they don't have one or that their system doesnt support it.

Historically, SEGA has a horrible track record of customer/console support.
Anyone remember the Saturn? They dropped that turkey like a flaming glob of lava.
It's always amazed me how loyal people are to Sega. They're kind of like Mac users. They pay more for less and they get screwed everytime the company comes out with something new. The companies just drop it like it never existed. &quot;We made our money off of that system. Move on to new profit.&quot;
Then the LOYAL users are stuck with something totally obsolete and unsupported. Right now the understanding is that they'll keep developing until 2002. Anyone here remember the continued development for the Sega Saturn? Funny, I don't either. They have a very clear track record and it's always the same thing. It's no wonder they cant afford to compete anymore. At one point Apple customers were fed up with that nonsense and Apples profit showed it. Massive layoffs soon followed. The only reason Apple didnt start making &quot;software only&quot; is because they revolutionized the look of the computer. They showed the public something new that pleased them. There won't be any Translucent Breakthrough for sega I assure you. $50 seem reasonable but you need to think of it as a fancy CD player. That will help with the pain when the Sega Reality set in.

Right now all the industry development is focused on the PS2. Legitimate developers as well as those smart enough to program &quot;chips&quot; that crack the PS2 OS and allow you to play Backed-up games as well as removing the region code that prohibits some DVDs from being played back is just a sign of things to come.
I have seen Sega burn too many people too many times.
I'm still holding out hope for Nintendo to show us some magic. They've had more than enough time to get it right.
Once the X-Box hits the streets though, It's gonna be hard times for all the consoles.
I think you will see a new king crowned. (That or the most expensive mistake in console history)
Somehow I don't see Microsoft taking that title From Atari and it's &quot;Jaguar&quot;. LOL

My 2 cents.

The above writings are just the ramblings of an old gamer.
Don't take it too seriously people!



Platinum Member
Oct 13, 1999
I second the fact that the PS2 DVD player is good but at this point that and SSX is about the only things I play on my PS2. As far as the the best system out I say RIGHT NOW the DC is, more games, its simple as that. The PS2 does have more potential but not right now, long live SEGA.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2000
I disagree about the DVD playback on the PS2. I've run it side by side with my Pioneer 525, both using S Video, and the PS2 DVD image quality is clearly inferior to the Pioneer. More jaggies, color not as crisp and defined, and no remoter. I use the PS2 in my room as a 2nd DVD player and my Pioneer w/ my HT, would never try it the other way around.

Honestly, I haven't played any game other than SSX on the PS2. Play Madden every once in a while (to get revenge for my Niners) and Tekken whenever someone comes over, but the majority of my time is spent playing one game. I'm sure the PS2 will be awesome as soon as March rolls around (Ominusha, ZOE, Star Wars: Starfighter, GT3) and by the end of the year there should be a ton of great titles (Silent Hill 2, Devil May Cry, FFX, Ace Combat 4, MGS2). Besides, with all the eventual Sega releases for the PS2, I seriously doubt that PS2 will be a failure.


Sep 14, 2000
ok....research before you flame folks....let me enlighten you

1. Mrevil has not clue what he is talkin about.
2. genesis better than snes?? see number 1
3. snes was better than genesis with 3 simple characters: FF3
4. those who said that ps2 has excellent dvd playback have not tried it side by side with a real dvd.
5. Saturn died because it was too hard to code for. if it sucked so bad, why would Capcom, arguably one of the best game makers be so loyal to sega?? they never backed out the saturn. and they still produce quality for dc.
6. Ps2 is very hard to code for. see saturn results on #5
7. nfl2k1 is actually fun...madden is just fat.
8. creativiy is huge on dc...how many have not had a samba party or a ddr w/pads night?? drives girls wild (that and beer)
9. ps1 has good graphics?? when did this happen?? look at gt2 and then look at...geez..nfs2, prob came out at same time...gt2 is pixy, cause ps1 was in the 300 pixel range. ugh.

<< Right now all the industry development is focused on the PS2 >>

uhh...xbox has a huge list on developers...itll take advantage of pos2 weak points.

<< Anyone here remember the continued development for the Sega Saturn? Funny, I don't either >>

i do. stop sniffing paint and your memory will improve. again capcom was a major sega pro and stuck with em. i really wanted marvel vs capcom, but it was only on saturn...at least the good version...not the ps no switch partner crap.

i want a ps2 only for ff. otherwise, the dc keeps showing me that they have better games. usually when the big systems debut, they have a flag ship ame with it...ps2 really didnt, madden and ssx saved it, but no real flagship. Mario64 was for nintendo64, sonic adv for dc...ps2? bandicoot?? we will have to wait and see. it just makes it sweeter when it debuts simultaneously.


Sep 14, 2000

<< It's always amazed me how loyal people are to Sega. >>

uhh, the dc has earned that. ask anyone with a dc how much they love it. quit bickering.

apple compared to sega is apples vs oranges.


Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999
Im kicking myself because i was gonna buy one when they had that $50 GC. Now i gotta pay a FULL $99 for it.


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 1999
I hope to get mine for $50 net, I bought mine on 1/22 for $149 and got the $50 GC, I took my receipt back in today and got $50 back since they are now $99. So after I get my $50 GC (if I do) I will have paid $50 total.


Senior member
Dec 24, 2000
That's awesome robisc. I bought mine on 1/27 and hope to do the same thing this week. This will be a good deal if it works.


Nov 14, 2000
I own both a DC and PS2 and let me tell you.
PS2 = lot of hype and Bad games. Let see, me and my friends chill out at my house
on saturday night. and we only play dreamcast. MVC2 and Capcom VS SNK.
Havent seen a game worth getting for the PS2 so far, so its just collecting dust.
bah what a waste of me and my roommates $300's
do you know that a lot of companies are having a hard time programming for PS2
because it is very difficult to program for?
XBOX with its support libraries for programmers will blow PS2 out of the water.
You know what the problem is, people who own the PS2 can't admit that it sucks. I admin it sucks. Let see i had it for close to 3 months now and i may have used it for like 10 hours total. jeez what a BUY!. and no i am not a loyal DC/NINTENDO/NOR A PS2 FAN. I go where they make the best games. and right now of all the systems DC's got it the best. in terms of games. not sure what the future holds.


Senior member
Jul 14, 2000
the dreamcast will amaze you at what it could do for a tiny little machine. ill play a new game and sometimes just sit in awe, like in shenmue or nba and nfl 2k1.


Jan 11, 2001
bump. (Only for those who bought your dreamcast between Jan 21-27 from BB B&amp;M.) Go back with you receipt. They will credit you $50, and this does not effect the gift card rebate. So you will get you Dreamcast for $99 and still get the $50 gift card. I did it last night and it took 30 seconds.



Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999
I bought mine with the replacement plan ($9.99) Just in case anything goes wrong with it theyll replace it no questions... or if its not available theyll credit you towards another system....woohoo

Oh. And frys has Crazy Taxi for $14.99. That is an awesome time killer. But does anyone know of a better controller? The DC controller seems to be made for people with tiny hands (japanese market).


Senior member
Jan 29, 2001
I got a question and it might sound dumb: How are they gonna replace it if they don't make it no more? If they do credit you, they credit you in full purchase price or value after depreciation?


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2000
has anyone confirmed yet if these new DC's are compatable with the utopia boot disk? I was thinking about picking another one up and just wanted to make sure. All i've heard was rumors on the subject though.

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